

11371 Uppsatser om Communication process - Sida 31 av 759

Six Sigma i transaktionella processer: en fallstudie vid
SKF Communication Support Centre

För att bredda användandet av Six Sigma i sin koncern har SKF introducerat Transactional Six Sigma, med avsikt att systematisera förbättringsarbetet i dess transaktionella processer, en typ av process som ofta fungerar ineffektivt. Denna studie har utförts på SKF, med syfte att bidra till ökad kunskap gällande skillnader mellan genomförandet av Six Sigma-projekt inom transaktionella processer jämfört med tillverknings-processer. Definitionen av en transaktionell process är: En horisontell sekvens av aktiviteter som transformerar en input till en output utan att fysiskt förändra eller skapa en vara, i syfte att tillfredsställa behov hos kunder eller andra intressenter. Som del av denna studie har ett Six Sigma-projekt utförts vid SKF Communication Support Centre, koncernens producent av marknadsföringsmaterial, med syfte att förbättra den färgmässiga kvaliteten på avdelningens tryckta material, det vill säga förmågan att återskapa önskad färg. För att nå projektets syfte har arbetssätt och output standardiserats.

PR OCH POLITIK : ? PR konsulternas roll i svensk politik

AbstractTitle: PR and Politics- the role of the PR consults in Swedish politics (PR och Politik ?PR konsulternas roll i svensk politik)Number of pages: 34Author: Andia GhafouriTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: HT 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To study the PR functions role in Swedish politics and what role it plays for the democracy.Material/Method: Interviews with PR peopleMain results: That the PR people have the right kind of network and the knowledge about how to influence political decisions and the public opinion. Their methods could be criticized from a democratic point of view since they are professionals and their ability to bring up issues in to the public agenda is stronger than ordinary peoples? ability, which could be discussed if it is fair in a democratic society, that people who get paid have more power to change than those who don?t.Keywords: Public Relations, Communication, Politics, Democracy, Information, Networks.

Konflikt mellan ansvarssubjekt vid preventivt och reparativt ansvar för miljöskador

This thesis has aimed to study steering process and institutionalization in the context of educational policy work. This has been conducted by using empirical material from the political decision-making process that preceded the implementation of a new national program on how principals should be educated and certified. By using an aggregated theoretical point of view containing new institutionalism and traditional Swedish curriculum theory, the process was analyzed from different perspectives. The results depict a process that contained several actors who tried to shape the principal education program differently. From the theoretical perspectives, the decision-making process could be understood as an act of both self-interest as well as trust in their own beliefs and cultural values.

Hållbarhetscertifiering av stadsdelar : En jämförelse mellan existerande certifieringssystem

This bachelor thesis describes the process of developing a two wheeled robot with activebalancing. The robot is designed to go straight ahead until it reaches a finish line. Then it shallstop to stand still balancing. The workload in the group has been divided according to theprevious individual projects, which are attached. The design of the robot is inspired by theconcept of the Segway.

Hur kommunicerar fackförbundet Unionen med sina medlemmar? : Påverkas kommunikationen av det minskade antalet lokala klubbar?

The purpose of this study is to investigate differences of how the Swedishemployees union ?Unionen? communicates with its members, on one hand thosewho are members of local union clubs and on the other non-club members. Thenumber of non-club members has increased due to labour market changes implyingthat workplaces have been fragmented and hence affect the possibility to form localunion clubs.The questions posed in the study are: How does Unionen communicate with itsmembers? How does the communication differ between club members and non-clubmembers? What are the preferences of Unionen´s members as far as communicationwith the central organization? What kind of information do the members seek andhow do they find it? What values does Unionen represent? Are there differencesbetween the messages that Unionen is sends out and how members and non-clubmembers, respectively, perceive them?A case study method has been used applying both quantitative and qualitativeanalyses. Quantitative methods have been used in illustrating the number ofdiscussion subjects at Unionen´s website, the members needs for receivingcommunication and channel usage while qualitative methodologies have been usedin interviews with Unionen´s members, club chairmen and union representatives aswell as semiotic picture analyses and analyses based on methods of Uses andgratifications theory.One conclusion of the study is that two significant differences of communicationhave been found between members and non-club members.

Fritidspedagogers ochgrundskollärares föräldrakontakt : Likheter eller skillnader i den verbala kommunikationen

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there are any similarities or differences between leisure-time pedagogs and primary school teachers' verbal communication with parents. Questions we ask ourselves is how the verbal contact looks like today, the desire for how it should be and the importance of verbal communication has.We chose to make a qualitative questionnaire study in the form of open questions to three leisure-time pedagogs, three primary school teachers and eleven parents were asked to answer.The results show that leisure-time pedagogs, primary school teachers and parents believe that verbal communication is important and significant. They believe that it is working well today, whether is via face to face, telephone or email. The verbal communication should be honest and straight between all parties. Parents believe it is important to know leisure-time pedagogs who take care of their children, in order to create a sense of security among parents.

Prestationsmätning av Kreativt Arbete : en kulturstudie

Authors: Maria Bergholtz, Alexander WestessonTutor: Daniel EricssonTitle: Performance Measurement of Creative work ? a culture study at PS CommunicationKeywords: Key Performance Indicators, Organizational Culture, Macro-culture, Subculture,Micro-culture, Art, Business, Creativity, PS CommunicationIn the paper?s introductory chapter, the chosen problem area regarding art and business willbe presented. The paper?s studied empirical case will also be introduced here. This then leadsto the reports chosen research questions:How do the company management and the companies? creative personnel approach differ inthe discussion regarding performance measurement on PS Communication?-What causes these differences?What impact does the corporate culture have in the discussion about performancemeasurement of PS Communication?-Is the corporate culture weak or strong?The purpose of this paper is to resolve the stand still in the discussion regarding performancemanagement by creating an understanding of different people active in the organization?sapproach to performance measurement.

Hur väljs spelfilm? Urvals- och inköpsprocessen hos Bibliotekstjänst samt urvalsprocessen hos svenska folkbibliotek

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the process of selecting films at Bibliotekstjänst and at Swedish public libraries. The tools that have been used for analysing and interpreting the results from the interviews and the questionnaire are theory-based models describing the selection process concerning film and Carl Gustav Johannsen?s quality definitions. The result of the investigation shows that Bibliotekstjänst doesn?t really work with any quality definitions in their selection process.

Karlstads kommuns medborgardialog på Facebook

The possibility and the right to be able to communicate with municipalities or other state companies and politicians are natural for the Swedish citizens. However, they may be unaware that this Communication process is called citizen dialogue.Today there are so many ways to communicate; one-way communication is not possible in the same way as before. It is above all social media such as Facebook, which has opened the gates one could only dream of.  Via a medium such as Facebook creates a strong citizen dialogue in which the municipality and citizens communicate openly and ask questions and give response.The purpose of this study is to find out how Karlstad?s municipality uses, and maintains, citizen dialogue on Facebook. What are the guidelines and how do the municipality use these? In this paper a qualitative expert interview and a qualitative content analysis has been used to answer the purpose of the essay.

Timing Grey: En självbalanserande robot med ultraljud och egenutvecklad hastighetsmätare

This bachelor thesis describes the process of developing a two wheeled robot with activebalancing. The robot is designed to go straight ahead until it reaches a finish line. Then it shallstop to stand still balancing. The workload in the group has been divided according to theprevious individual projects, which are attached. The design of the robot is inspired by theconcept of the Segway.

Det moderna biblioteket: Om biblioteks marknadsföring i sociala medier

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how libraries market themselves in social media and why they do it. I have studied a certain public library?s process of introducing social media into its marketing mix, the preparations for this process and the effects of these marketing methods.The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on relationship marketing, a theory which focuses on relationships, networks and interaction. My main method has been semi-structured interviews with a librarian at the relevant library, with the manager of the library and with the head of the municipality?s department of communication.The results of my studies show that marketing on social media is a positive and important thing for libraries.

Perspektiv på kompetensutveckling i praktiken: en intervjustudie av HR-arbete i ett globalt företag.

During the last decade working with competence has emerged as a more strategically important area. Today the human resources in a company are considered a competitive advance and the HR-units play a significant role when it comes to HR-management. Different motives for investing in strategies that promote competence development and learning also exist. The purpose of this paper was to examine how the process of competence development was managed at a large global company. The empirical material consisted of four persons who were interviewed and the analysis of the material was inspired by grounded theory.From the analysis four major themes or core factors emerged as central to the interviewed persons' understanding of the competence development process; solid preparatory work in relation to competence development, communication, awareness of responsibilities and finally the taking action and evaluation of the action.

Samspel i ensemble : En musikpedagogisk studie om gymnasieungdomars interagerande i ensembleundervisning

The purpose of the study is to observe how the participants of the study interacted musically through verbal, non-verbal and musically resonant expressions. Verbal communication was expressed in discussion of the music's tempo and to clarify for ensemble participants from where they we?re going to play and sing. Non-verbal communication could be used to gesticulate an instrument or a melody. For example, the movement of a hand could symbolize notes on a musical stave to indicate the notes placements.

BeAKKta - ett kommunikationshjälpmedel som möter behoven av djupare kommunikation hos personer med autism

A vulnerable group in society is people with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) or autism. This group seems to increase, mainly due to genetic factors but also environmental problems. Medical research has accelerated in the U.S. and Europe. The biggest problem for people with disabilities is the inability to communicate, both verbally and socially.

TAKK - en möjlig resurs för barns kommunicerande? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med pedagoger

The purpose of this essay was to determine whether signs as alternative and augmentative communication is one possible resource for children?s language development. Based on my research questions How educators perceive the importance of SAAC as possible resources to enhance children's communication?, For which children is SAAC used? and How does educators perceive child?s best in communicative interactions? have I interviewed six educators in two different kinds of municipalities with different kind of positions.In my background I lift the importance of communication for the human being, what happens to the children who doesn?t get stimulated to their language and child?s best. My literature has shown that children need to have an incentive to acquire a language and that SAAC is mainly created for children with special needs.

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