

4367 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 7 av 292

Vägledning inom arbetsförmedlingen

The purpose of this study was to examine guidance activities in an employment office and to explain the significance these activities have for the job seekers' way towards an occupation. The method used was literature studies and qualitative interviews with respondents in three categories: a manager, two workingmediators and three job seekers, all at the same employment service office. The results that emerged was that there are different kinds of guidance in the employment service, both in the narrow sense and broad sense. The different categories of respondents describe and define the guidance activities in different ways and have different descriptions of how these activities can help job seekers into employment. The conclusions drawn where that the manager sees everything on the employment service as guidance, workingmediators differ in their roles as advisers and counselors.

Arbetsprestation, samarbete och sammanhållning i påfrestande arbetsmiljöer: en fallstudie inom beroendevård

Stress is commonly found in society today. This paper aims to examine how work performance, cooperation and team spirit are maintained in demanding work environments. By studying two departments in a public hospital that practises addiction care, our findings suggest the following: If the experienced stress is mainly connected to challenge stressors, it has a positive effect on work performance. By organising work through mechanistic and organic structure, the handling of qualitative and quantitative stress is facilitated. As a consequence, first and foremost cooperation can be maintained, but also work performance and team spirit.

Samhörighet och struktur - en studie av invandrargruppens politiska mobilisering

This essay deals with the paradox of why the immigrants in Sweden, despite their considerable size of 12 % of the population and common interest and living opportunities, haven?t mobilized politically in any significant way. The aim with this essay is to reach a theoretical understanding of why this paradox exist. By the use of a critical case and a theoretical model, based on theories of collective action, the conclusion of this essay is that, despite the fact that the immigrants have a common interest and an organizational structure, the immigrants in Sweden has not mobilized politically in any significant way. The main reason for this is that they have a weak common identity and they don?t have the structural opportunities to act..

Lek hos Stinkpadda (Bufo callamita): jämförelse av restaurerade och ickerestaurerade hällkar

The natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) is one of three species of toads living in Sweden. During the last decades declines in population numbers have been detected and are thought to be primarily due to loss of habitat, overgrown breeding ponds and competition from common toad (Bufo bufo) and common frog (Rana temporaria). In 2012 20 ponds in the location of Glommeskallen in Smögen were restored by clearing the ponds from overgrowth. The aim of this study was to investigate if natterjack toads used the restored ponds and if the restoration had made an impact on the natterjack population on the location. Presence of common toad and common frog was recorded, as was the presence of eggs and larvae of any of the three species.

Dammet, vår minsta gemensamma nämnare : En känsla av tillhörighet

Dust, our smallest common denominator                                                                                                                                                                 Charlotta Lindvall ABSTRACT  I find it fascinating to know that we are all made of the same material as the stars and that everything is connected to each other and in a constant movement and transformation, a recycle of material. We are all made of stardust. In fact all life is sprung out of dust.In my essay I investigate the dust and ask the question if there are any traces in the dust. I look at the history of the dust and how it has affected us and our world through the decades. What does this small and airy but oh so unappreciated dust tell us? Why do we want to get rid of it? Is it possible to find a sense of belonging in the big context by investigating the dust and its origin and could I transform such a low material as dust into something magic that makes people reflect on our origin and belonging and how everything is connected? In my work I use dust as a material and in the essay I compare my work with other artists who have worked with dust as a material.Dust is everywhere because its source is from everything.

IBS-patienters upplevelse av låg FODMAP-kosten

IBS patients experiences of eating the low FODMAP-dietIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, functional gastrointestinal tract disorder. The disease is benign but may cause much suffering for the individual. The treatments available are used to relieve symptoms. One nutrition therapy is to exclude fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharide and polyols, so callde FODMAPS, from the diet. This diet is proven successful and even significantly better than the standard nutrition advice for IBS.

Vare sig Kurd eller Svensk : En tredje identitet i ett mångkulturellt och transnationellt Sverige

The essay presents a qualitative study, which intends to investigate how the identityconstruction of the second generation of young people with Kurdish origin has been formedconsidering the complexity of living between two or more different cultures as well theinfluence of family norms and values. The theoretical basis lies inthe identity construction and ethnic identity in which we have tried toexpress and illustrate this complexity. Previous research we have assumed includes affiliation,and a third identity, where we have used a number of researchers studies to elucidatethis topic. In order to facilitate the study, ten in-depth interviews with Kurdish youths aged18-25 years have been applied. The common factor for these respondents is that they all cameto Sweden at a young age.

Vare sig Kurd eller Svensk : En tredje identitet i ett mångkulturellt och transnationelltSverigePerihan

AbstractThe essay presents a qualitative study, which intends to investigate how the identityconstruction of the second generation of young people with Kurdish origin has been formedconsidering the complexity of living between two or more different cultures as well theinfluence of family norms and values. The theoretical basis lies inthe identity construction and ethnic identity in which we have tried toexpress and illustrate this complexity. Previous research we have assumed includes affiliation,and a third identity, where we have used a number of researchers studies to elucidatethis topic. In order to facilitate the study, ten in-depth interviews with Kurdish youths aged18-25 years have been applied. The common factor for these respondents is that they all cameto Sweden at a young age.

Komplikationer vid behandling med cochleaimplantat

Cochlear implant has become a common treatment for people with severe hearing loss. As the field of cochlear implants is developing rapidly a larger group of patients will be implanted. Therefore, it can be of interest to identify which complications are most frequently occurring. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify and present the most common complications in cochlear implant treatment and to identify surgical issues that have to be addressed during implantation. Method: A review of retrospective case studies regarding complications has been made.

Kakträd och krokofanter : en sinnesstimulerande skolgård på Värmdö Särskola

My final essay is a design proposal for a schoolyard that pertains to the senses. The proposal consists of an illustration plan and this paper. The design proposal takes start in sense stimulation to create a varied environment. The title leads to the concept ?surprisingly predictable?.

För ung för att dö : En litteraturöversikt baserad på yngre patienters tankar om hur de hanterar att leva med cancer

Background: Approximately one in three Swedish people will receive a cancer diagnosis. Cancer primarily affects the elderly but also young people suffer. Young people are in a period of life that could put a strain of the ordinary when they are faced with choices and new challenges. The basic sense of security in everyday life is not so obvious and many suffer from, for example, stress and the feeling of being inadequate in relation to the requirements. It is relevant that the nurses can put themselves into what it is like to be young and afflicted with cancer, with the pressures of life itself and what the disease represents.

Perspektiv på lärplattformar : Hur tekniksyn påverkar användandet av lärplattformar på universitetet

Information technology inflicts upon us in our everyday life. It is a natural part of our work and of our spare time. The education system is not excluded from this development, IT is becoming an important part of education at all levels. In university, learning platforms is one of these new ways of using IT in education. Learning platforms becomes a valuable tool for teachers and students.

Det räcker inte att laga bron över livsfloden, man måste även lära barnen att simma! : En kvalitativ studie för att få en djupare förståelse om socialarbetare upplever att barn som deltar i Trappan-insatsen får en känsla av sammanhang?

The aim of this qualitative study was to get a deeper understanding of social workers experience that children who participate in the Trappan-insatsen get a sense of coherence. To achieve an empirical material social workers who perform Trappan-samtal have been interviewed. The study shows that it is important that children get help and support to talk about the trauma they experienced. The support of the narrative, however, differ depending on the child's age, it is important to have a flexible approach as a Trappan-user. It appears that it is essential that parents give their consent to the children so they can talk about the violence.

Digitala verktyg i mellanstadiets musikundervisning : En kvalitativ undersökning av vilken uppfattning fyra musiklärare har om digitala verktyg för ljud- och musikskapande

The purpose of the essay is to draw attention to my approach in relation to a boy I choose to call Emil, and how I can increase my understanding of his behavior. I explore conceivable reasons for why he breaks down so often, especially when other children are given attention. Is he simply unusually egoistic, and to a large degree only able to see to his own interests, or am I overlooking the real reasons for his actions.In order to explain the reasons for Emil?s apparent frustration in sensitive situations, I explore the significance of attachment theory. I argue about possible effects of Emil?s parents? way of describing and guiding him, as well as how I, and my colleagues, risk fulfilling and amplifying negative expectations.As the prime reason for his repeated sense of unhappiness seems linked to a lack of empathy, I explore different ways of understanding this, as well as how I might contribute to fostering compassion.

Fri rörlighet för varor på den inre marknaden och principen om ömsesidigt erkännande

The aim of this thesis is to identify some of the obstacles to trade, that occurs on the common market, and to analyse the errors that still occurs in the national authorities application of the principle of mutual recognition. Is the principle of mutual recognition sufficient for the creation of a common market, or is there a need for additional measures to cope with the obstacles to trade that still exists on the common market? The problems related to the incorrect procedures of the national authorities and the fact that undertakings prefer to bring their products in to line with the rules of every single member state must be solved, if the principle of mutual recognition is to become trustworthy. On some areas, harmonisation ought to be chosen above the principle of mutual recognition, but in other cases an increased administrative collaboration, mandatory training for the national authorities or information campaigns intended mainly for undertakings could be the answer. The possibility to help undertakings to sue member states for damages should also be investigated.

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