4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 59 av 292
Yngre barns möte med matematik
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to find out what mathematical content primary school children encounter in their free options at school.Through observation, the study defines mathematical areas that primary school students encounter in their free options at school. We want the study to show the reader the mathematics that students continuously meet without associating it with regular mathematics as taught in school.A number of mathematical areas have been defined in the analysis of the observations. These areas have subsequently been discussed more thoroughly. Finally, the areas have been arranged in a grid system to clarify the results.In our study, we have discovered that mathematics exists in all the observed situations the students participated in.We believe that observation as a method can give teachers a tool for helping students associate practical actions during their free options with the more theoretical aspects of formal teaching of mathematics. We discuss this further in the study..
Informationsöverflödets dystopi : En intertextuell diskursanalys från Future Shock till The Shallows
Today it is common to state that we are living in an information overloaded society. But there are many different definitions of what can be said to constitute Information Overload and there is a lack of substantial research on the subject. Conclusions in the available literature on Information Overload are often drawn on anecdotal evidence and carries a dramatized picture of the causes and effects of the phenomenon.With the tools of discursive analysis this two years master?s thesis explores how the phenomenon Information Overload is portrayed in six popular science books that deals with the subject: Alvin Toffler (1970) Future Shock, Orrin Klapp (1986) Overload and Boredom, Richard Wurman (1989) Information Anixety, Andrew Keen (2007) The cult of the amateur, Maggie Jackson (2008), Distracted and Nicholas Carr (2010) The Shallows. The result of the analysis shows that there is a common discourse of how the subject of Information Overload is represented, which stretches in and between the books intertextually.
Övertänjd urinblåsa- redan före operation? En observationsstudie
Introduction: Urinary retention is a common postoperative complication associated with bladder distension. Permanent damage to the bladder affects the patient?s quality of life and may lead to a lifelong inability to empty the bladder and needs of self-catheterization with the risk of urinary tract infection. Bladder distension was classified as the fourth largest health care related injury in Sweden in 2013. Bladder distension may occur before the operation starts and is more common among orthopedic patients.
Det värsta har hänt- mitt barn har drabbats av cancer : En litteraturbaserad studie om föräldrars upplevelser under sjukdomstiden
Background:About 250 000 children develops cancer every year. Most of them has a parent and a family who also is getting affected. During this time the parents go through a crisis and the nurse had a central role to help them through the hard time. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate parent´s experiences of living with a child with a cancer diagnose during the illness. Method: A literature -based study, qualitative content analysis of 14 qualitative articles.
Framtagande av formskal till luftberedningsenhet
SMC Pneumatics is a world leading company in pneumatics. In Sweden, they have about one third of the pneumatic market. The company has noticed that their air preparation series not always have the appearance that the costumers are looking for. Their competitors have on their similar products put more effort in making them more attractive. To solve this problem it has in this project been developed a concept for aForm Shell.
Strålbehandling på hund och katt :
Jönköping Small Animal Hospital is today the only clinic in Sweden to offer radiation therapy as a treatment of tumours.
The body contains of billions of cells that all have to obey the regulations that are established. If a cell is exposed to a harmful substance, for example a chemical, it can be transformed into a tumourcell. Normally the body has a good defence but the tumourcell can survive and start to divide unrestrained. A tumour is starting to develop.
Följdinvandring och medborgarskap : en statistisk analys
During the last years around 100 000 immigrants have arrived to Sweden, people with different reasons and different goals for settling down in Sweden. The reason for immigrating to Sweden that will be dealt with in this thesis is following immigration, i.e. when someone moves here because they have relatives living in the country.The reason why it is interesting to study following immigration is that it is an affecting factor for how many that will immigrate to Sweden the following years and may then be used to make a forecast, based on how many first time immigrants there are. To be able to investigate the following immigration analyses are made with time series, logistic regression and Poisson regression. An ARIMA-model has been used to estimate the number of following immigrants in the future.The other part of this thesis will inquire the matter how inclined immigrants are to become Swedish citizens, whether they even apply for citizenship and also how long time it takes from the time when they fulfil the conditions for Swedish citizenship until they apply.
Åtta invandrares syn på vilka faktorer som har bidragit till deras känsla av välbefinnande
The subject of this study is factors that contribute to immigrants wellbeing in their new country. Our purpose was to describe and examine different factors that according to eight immigrants have contributed to their wellbeing in Sweden. Our main question was: Which factors have, according to our respondents, contributed to their wellbeing in Sweden.To achieve this, we have conducted qualitative interviews with eight different individuals. We also collected current documents and research related to the subject matter. We chose three different theoretical perspectives: Antonovsky´s Sense of coherence, Maslow´s Hierarchy of needs and Mischel´s CAPS-theory (cognitive-affective personality system) as models for the explanation of our analysis.The result of our survey was that we could detach six different categories which the respondents expressed had contributed to their wellbeing.
Bemästra, bistå eller både och? : En kritisk studie av Provincial Reconstruction Teams roll och agerande i Afghanistan
The specific task of this thesis is to illustrate the complexity of a cooperation between civilian and military entities by examining Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) and their role as an actor among others in the field in a war-torn Afghanistan.By using counterinsurgency strategy as an analytical framework it has been possible to examine the civilian and military contexts closer. Underlying structures concerning the norms and interpretation of reality of the PRTs has been partly revealed. Studies of the PRTs as one significant bearers of "the comprehensive approach", which includes a holistic approach regarding the use of civilian and military capabilities, new conclusions can be drawn on whether a general civil-military approach can be a part of the solution for current and future conflicts. Based on the counterinsurgency strategy, the author has identified three themes as bearing and thus appears through the thesis as a foundation. These are Coordination, Development and Security.
Riskens förändring för svenska aktier och obligationer: 1919-2003
Purpose The purpose of our study was to investigate the changing nature of volatility during the last 80 years. Like in an American study, we tried to find some trends in the risk of stocks and bonds that would have an impact on the balance of a portfolio of stocks and bonds. At the same time we investigated the influence of inflation on the choice of portfolio. Methods We have used standard statistic tools and formulas to obtain our results. In most cases it was a matter of calculating average and standard deviation.
Hydrofob interaktion : en resurs för att reducera antibiotikaanvändningen
It is important to know what is normal in the wound healing process in order to determine what happens when a wound does not heal as expected. If the amount of bacteria in the wound gets too large the body will not be able to defend itself and it becomes an infection. Colonization and infection are common elements in wound management and it is often the veterinary nurse role to deal with wounds in a proper manner. Antibiotics are drugs that either kill or inhibit the multiplication of bacteria or fungi, and have been in veterinary medicine for approximately 60 years. Very few new antibiotics are introduced and increased resistance is a major problem that requires everyone to take responsibility to reduce the use of it.
Hästtjejer : formationer av genus och klass i stallet
The purpose of this essay is to examine formations of gender and class of so called horse girls in a riding school located in Stockholm, Sweden. The essay is based on interviews with six girls in the ages between fifthteen and eighteen. Through the theoretical framework of Judith Butler and Beverley Skeggs, I examine how the girls negotiate the boundaries and probabilities within doing gender in an upper and middleclass associated area. As a result of its female domination, the stable functions as a place where the girls can dislocate themselves from otherwise normative feminine practises. This is possible since the premises of the stable are constructed in the light of the heterosexual matrix, where the girls organise themselves within the heterosexual girl collective.
Ramverk för Enterprise Architecture på SL
The concept of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has become increasingly common within enterprises today and aims to describe an enterprise?s structure in a standardized way. Implementing EA within an enterprise is a way to describe the how various domains affect each other and by defining uniform procedures and guidelines, particularly in the link between IT-activities and business activities, you can streamline you enterprise. An effective EA is a huge asset for an enterprise since it enables the full usage of the business potential of the IT-domain. However a malfunctioning EA can lead to an enormous drain of valuable organizational resources.
"HBTQ-ungdom, den hårda skolan"
The aim of our study was to examine Swedish crime reporters? approach to the social medium Flashback. Our main focus was the crime reporters? use of the medium Flashback, and attitude towards their own use of media ethics in relation to the medium Flashback.Flashback as a medium is not obliged to any media ethics and lacks a legally accountable publisher. In the search for information about committed crimes people tends to visit Flashback for the information that the traditional media cannot offer.
Tillgänglighet i femtiotalshus : En fallstudie i tillgänglighetsbrister med åtgärdsförslag
This is a report about accessibility. For this project the accessibility of a building in the city of Halmstad was evaluated. It´s a three storey building with five apartments on each floor divided by two stairwells. These five apartments have since been divided into three different types of apartments. Each type of apartment has been assessed separately.