

4367 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 51 av 292

LIDAR-analys av flygsanddyner i Västerbottens inland : Har dynmorfologi bildad under tidigare interstadialer bevarats i landskapet?

The aim of this study was to map the prevalence of aeolian sand dunes in Västerbotten, northern Sweden to find dunes formed during earlier deglaciation phases, which was then preserved in cold-based conditions during the youngest stadial of the Weichselian glaciation. These preserved dunes were expected to be covered by a layer of till and have a rather faint morphology compared to dunes formed during the Holocene. Consequently, high resolution LIDAR-derived images from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet) was used to detect the dunes throughout an area covering most of Västerbotten, above the highest coastline and below the mountain range. The analysis resulted in several new findings of aeolian dunes compared to the findings in the quaternary soil map created by the Geological Survey of Sweden. Despite the fact some of the dunes at the LIDAR-derived image had a strange faint appearance, it was quickly evident during the fieldwork that the aeolian sand was not covered by till on any of the dunes visited.

Triangeldrama: Samarbetet mellan bibliotekspersonal, högskolerepresentanter och arkitekter i planeringen av högskolebibliotek.

This study investigates the planning process of a university library building. The study s major concern is the cooperation of the main participants in this process: librarians, architects and representatives of university colleges and universities. First the authors present the readers with an overview of the litterature concerning this subject. Then follows a presentation of the three case studies. The authors have interviewed representatives of the three different occupational groups at three different library-building projects: Malmö University, Halmstad University College and the department of social- and behavioural studies at Lund University.

Konjunkturens påverkan på sponsringsintäkterna : Sponsring

The aim of this study has been to create an understanding for the situation of an often forgotten group in foster care, the carers? own children. Our main focus has been the experience this group has of foster care, their experience of participation in caring for the foster children and their possible need of support and help. Our chosen method has been qualitative interviews with six adult children of foster carers, two men and four women. The theory used in this study has been Sense of Coherence.Our interviewees gave mainly a positive description of being part of a foster family even though they could give examples of difficult situation and of loss.

Standardisering VS anpassning- En fallstudie om Electrolux

The study focuses on the use of poetry in language teaching in the lower grades in the Swedish school. Poetry has a reputation of being an art form with such specific rules and structures that children and teachers think that it is something that they do not have the ability to work with.  The purpose of this study is to get an understanding of how poetry is used in educating children. My research is based on the following questions. To which extent is poetry being used in schools and how is it being used?Can you as a teacher see any effects on childrens language development by using poetry?As a part of my study I have met with and interviewed four different people, who in one way or another is involved in teaching children. Two working teachers in the lower grades, one pedagogical resource and one artist that work with teachers in reaching different goals through the help of aesthetic processes.

Fildelare-en social bandit i vår tid

We examined why file sharing is such a widespread phenomenon and what drives the persons that using file sharing, and what consequences it has on their consuming and ownership. We reached our goal by interviewing ten people who download files, using a qualitative method. We present the internet community where sharing files, copyright and the IPRED law are important ingredients for how the new generation consumer?s patterns look like. Today you can travel all over the world with a push on a button in just a few seconds.

Kommunen som avtalspart

This essay inquires with the local authority´s rights versus obligations towards its members in agreement situations, where according to civil law compete with the according to public law.These situations become more and more common, since the public is often integrated in today´s trade and industery. Within this analyses there are statements made by HD about what is the applicable judgement concerning this complex area. HD´s different views and opinions have partly been critizesed by the auther..

Könsskillnader i motiv för att dricka alkohol- en studie av studenter på en högskola i mellersta Sverige

The purpose of this study is to investigate the motives underlying the consumption of alcohol among college students and if the motives differ between genders. The study is based on the following questions: What are the motives underlying alcohol consumption among students? Do these motives differ between men and women? Is there any connection between the motives for alcohol consumption and consumption? The study is a quantitative, empirical comparison study and the data presented is mainly descriptive. The study group consists of students from a university in central Sweden. After an exclusion of five students a total of 81 students participated in the survey, of which 55 were female and 26 were male.

?Det är inte förrän man gör någonting av det som det har en betydelse och kan användas? : Lärares realiserande av kursplanens grammatikmål

This paper set out to investigate how teachers of Swedish in Sweden implement the grammar objectives of the curriculum in their teaching, through interviewing six teachers. It has been important to compare their methods to modern research of grammar teaching and teaching in general. They have been asked a series of questions to answer whether or not they use grammar terminology as mediating tools, if they intergrate dialogue among students in grammar teaching and to what extent the teachers? knowledge of and attitude towards grammar influence their teaching methods. The results show that grammar is used as mediating tools primarily when it comes to feedback on pupils? texts, though not to a great extent; dialogue between pupils is rare when it comes to grammar teaching; and the teachers? grammar knowledge and attitude affect the teaching methods, primarily in the sense that seeing value in grammar knowledge increases the teacher?s desire to develop new methods for grammar teaching..

Elefantens könsorgan, reproduktion och embryoutveckling

Hydropericardium or pericardial effusion (PE) is the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac and is often secondary to pericardial diseases or diseases related to the heart. It is unusual with clinically relevant pericardial diseases in cats but pericardial effusion is the most common one. Since PE causes serious symptoms and may lead to death it is important with a quick diagnosis and treatment. PE can be acute and cause cardiac tamponade, which gives severe clinical signs. Cardiac tamponade needs to be treated immediately or else the cat will die from cardiogenic chock. More common is chronic PE where the fluid accumulates during a longer period of time and the pericardial sac stretches.

Några vanliga ogräs : en litteraturstudie av arternas biologi samt förebyggande och direkta kontrollåtgärder

The Swedish Board of Agriculture initiated this undergraduate thesis. There is a database on their homepage that includes chemical treatments for different weed species. There is also space for preventive and mechanical control methods. This is an undergraduate thesis that reviews these control methods for the most important weeds in Sweden. The species reviewed are: Creeping perennials: Common Couch Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex Nevski Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Perennial Sow-thistle Sonchus arvensis L. Field Horsetail Equisetum arvense L. Colt's-foot Tussilago farfara L. Stationary perennials: Dock Rumex L. Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris L. Dandelion Taraxacum F.

Giganters Kamp - en undersökning av konfliktlösning och förhandling i handelskonflikter

This paper is an attempt to distinguish the specifics of the conflict resolution process and the negotiations during trade conflicts. First of all, this kind of conflict almost always contains some kind of protectionism which doesn?t make sense economically. Imposing trade-barriers decrease the overall welfare of your own nation and the only winner is the protected sector. These policies can be introduced since the political pressure from threatened industries is usually much stronger than the pressure from the consumers who will bear the burden of protectionism.

Progesteronrelaterad diabetes mellitus hos älghund :

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a relatively common endocrine disease in dogs and is more common in certain breeds than others, e.g. Nordic spitz breeds. Within the Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound population, female dogs are almost exclusively affected. The hypothesis in this study is that Swedish- and Norwegian Elkhounds develop DM during the progesterone phase of estrous (diestrous or pregnancy). Medical records from 51 female dogs of the breeds Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound were studied.

Kan faktorerna KASAM, flow samt prestationsbehov predicera arbetstillfredsställelse?

Tidigare studier har visat att faktorerna KASAM, flow samt prestationsbehov har betydelse för hög upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse. I denna studie undersöks om dessa faktorer även är aktuella under svenska förhållanden. En enkätundersökning genomfördes på 137 anställda på tre olika företag för att mäta om de tre faktorerna kan predicera arbetstillfredsställelse. Resultatet visade att KASAM, och särskilt komponenten meningsfullhet, var en stark prediktor av arbets-tillfredsställelse. Även flow, och särskilt dimensionen inomboende arbetsmotivation, hade ett signifikant prediktionsvärde medan det visade sig att prestationsbehov inte predicerade arbetstillfredsställelse.

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : En kvantitativ studie inom Luftfartsverket

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Services). The aim was to study what characterizes an employer of choice and further to examine how well the employees at Luftfartsverket feel that their employer lives up to this image. A quantitative method was applied in the form of a selfdeveloped questionnaire. It was answered by a random sample of employees at Luftfartsverket.The results showed that salary, good leadership, good relations to colleagues and a sense of participation were important factors to be an employer of choice. In the organization at hand good colleagues were the most fulfilled factor whereas good leadership were the least fulfilled factor.

Sample cradle prevents pre-analytic error on platelet counts but is not essential for hemoglobin measurement and prothrombin time

Introduction: It is recommended to place all the vacuum tubes directly on a sample cradle after vein puncture to prevent analytic error. This recommendation is not always easy to follow because the samples are taken by different professionals under different situations.  The three most common analyses, platelets count, haemoglobin and prothrombin time were tested.  Therefore, it was interesting to compare results from the three most common analyses with or without sample cradle, to evaluate the influence of this step on the result. Methods: Three analyses were preformed, using blood from 50 different persons. Each person gave two vacuum tubes, each contained 4.5mL of venous blood for the study.

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