4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 47 av 292
Avlivning av häst : en enkätstudie
Today there are various methods to use when euthanizing horses. Earlier the use of free or captive bullet was the most common method, but in recent decades this has changed and chemical euthanasia is now considered the most common method. The chemical euthanasia has in Sweden been dominated by the use of barbiturates. Somulose® entered the market in the beginning of the 90?s as an alternative to previous chemical euthanasia.
Granskning av riktlinjer vid Sveriges förlossningskliniker gällande sfinkterskada i samband med förlossning : Innehållsanalys med en kombination av en deduktiv och induktiv ansats
Background: Sphincter injury is serious complication in connection to vaginal childbirth. Desire to avoid vaginal birth again is seen in women who previously suffered from a sphincter injury.Objective: To identify and evaluate obstetric guidelines in Sweden regarding sphincter injury in relation to childbirthMethod: Content analysis with a combination of a deductive and inductive approach.Results: The most frequently occurring risk factors and prevention with help of perineal protection were described in the guidelines. The physician made diagnosis and repaired the sphincter injury at the theatre. Complications such as coital pain and anal incontinence were described in the guidelines. Paracetamol and diclofenac was most common analgesic regimen given for pain.
Ingen allvarlig kreditåtstramning i Sverige - en granskning av Riksbankens analys
During the recent financial crisis there has been an intense debate regarding small enterprise?s possibilities to borrow money. Statements from interest groups and results from surveys among Swedish non-financial companies indicate that their situation has worsened. Credit worthy enterprises that under normal circumstances would not have any problems getting financing are now facing financial difficulties. In contrast, an economic report from the Bank of Sweden concludes that Sweden does not suffer from a severe credit rationing due to the financial crisis.
Institutionella barriärer : en studie om korruption i Indien utifrån svenska företags perspektiv
The globalization today has led to increased global competition. As companies seek out foreign markets in order to internationalize their operations, it is common that they encounter many cultural problems. Bribery and corruption is a common problem in international trade. Corruption is strongly linked to the national culture which means that corruption is accepted in differing degrees within different nations. This can be a problem when companies establish their operations in foreign markets.The purpose of this essay is to examine and analyze how companies act in a corrupt market without participating in corrupt activities.The authors have performed both a qualitative and a quantitative study.
Utbildningssimulator av funktioner i spa?rfordon : Ha?rdvarusimulator med felso?kning pa? do?rrsystem
This report is a description of a developed educational simulator over rail vehicles and its components. The simulator is a hardware-based prototype over a door system on rail vehi- cles. System specialists and technicians will use the prototype. The Simulator should give the user a technical demonstration on how components work in a door system. The proto- type consists of motor, switch, relay and sensor.
Samverkan över professionsgränser i ett kommunalt projekt : En studie om hur uppdelning i professioner påverkar kommuners samverkansformer
This essay aims to investigate the affects of interaction between different professions ina municipal project. In the project, professional representatives from the social servicesand schools have collaborated with staff in preschool/school and exchanged knowledgeto improve the work around children with antisocial behavior. It is in this essaysambition to create an understanding of how professional practitioners, with a monopolyon certain knowledge, influences the possibilities and limitations of cooperation in amunicipal project. This is examined through six qualitative interviews with members ofan municipal project. By using theories about professionalization, social closure,alliance strategy and social control it is possible to understand how division intoprofessions creates opportunities and limitations of interaction exchange incollaborative projects.
They see it? it´s real : Hur fem kenyanska life skills lärare resonerar kring hiv- och aidsundervisning
The purpose of this degree project is to clarify how five Kenyan Life Skills teachers discuss about hiv and aids education. Furthermore, to reveal whether the validity claims in their verbal communication refers to facts, morality or personal experiences. This, I will study by examine the teachers knowledge of, and attitudes towards, the disease. The teaching methods they are using and the basis of their validity claims. I have chosen to use semi-structured interviews as method and the theoretical framework is based on Jürgen Habermas theory of universal pragmatics.My result shows that there is a dilemma about whether the respondents knowledge is sufficient or insufficient.
Ö?kad tillga?nglighet mo?jliggo?r kvarboende : -En analys av tillgänglighetsrenoveringar
The number of elderly in Sweden is increasing due to improved living conditions and better medical care. It is important that society adapts to the increase and begins to work preventively to reduce the costs of the increase. An important aspect is the elderly accommodation, the cost of health care in specific accommodation is almost twice as high as those for ordinary housing. Therefore, it is important that we availability adapt dwelling to allow older people to live in ordinary housing for as long as they wish, instead of moving to assisted living before they need it. If we can fulfil the elder?s needs with home care instead, society can save a lot of money.In this report, three different forms of housing has undergone accessibility increases and been inventoried and analysed.
En jämförelse avseende beståndsgående-och stickvägsgående gallringsmaskiner
The purpose of this report is to investigate and compare the difference between stand-thinning machines and strip-road thinning machines, and how they affect the stand on behalf of future growth, theoretical economic result, wind impact, snow pressure and density of stand.
The investigation is regarding the first commercial thinning of pine stands, after pre-commercial thinning that was well conducted.
The investigation area was located near Katrineholm, Sweden. The measurements that were measured were strength of thinning and amounts of wind throws, snow-breaks and hauling damages.
The results that emerged, was that thinning with strip-road machines had a significantly higher strength of thinning over all, as compared with the stand- thinning machines (45 percent versus 30 percent).
Comparisons between wind-throws, snow-breaks and hauling damages of the stand could not establish any significant differences between the two methods that were investigated.
Conclusions, over all, were that if forest owners want to have more timber volume left for second thinning and final cut of the stand, the forest owners should choose the method with stand-thinning machines. From the point of view of gentle treatment of the stand and ground damages the choice should be the same.
However, the method with strip-road thinning machines is the most common and accessible method in Sweden. Most likely it is the most economical way to manage the stand for forest owners in present time.
If the method with stand-thinning machines is becoming more common in Sweden, it is suggested for forest owners to consider the stand-thinning method as a candidate for treatment due to economic aspects..
Strokediagnostisering på akutrummet : Är standardiserade scheman användbara i strokediagnostiseringen samt anamnesupptagandet?
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.
Finska dialekter i Sverige : En kvantitativ undersökning om sverigefinska skolans elevers syn på finska dialekter och tvåspråkighet
The purpose of this study was to investigate the view of Finnish dialects and identity of first, second and third generation of Sweden Finns students in 7th, 8th and 9th graders, in two Sweden Finn schools. The questions at issue for the essay were: How do Swedes of Finnish extraction think of the Finnish dialects? Is there a correlation between identifying as Finnish and knowledge and usage of the Finnish dialects, as opposed to Finns living in Finland? To which extent do the Finnish students have knowledge regarding the Finnish dialects? To answer the questions a quantitative method was used and a questionnaire was answered by over 100 students. The results of the study showed that the Finnish dialects did not exert any influence on the students? life nor their sense of identity.
Att göra en livsstilsförändring : Från kriminell till icke kriminell
The aim of this study was to investigate factors that ex-criminals believe have been of importance to them when they decided to leave a lifestyle of criminality behind. The study was based on eight semi-structured interviews with informants who had committed various forms of crime. Common to all informants is that they are now members in the Swedish association KRIS (In English: CRIS, Criminals Return Into Society), living a life without crime. The stories of the informants have been analyzed on the theoretical basis of social ties, the exit process, role loss, motivation and the life course perspective. Our study showed that the informants have been affected and motivated by various life events that could be identified and pin-pointed during the interviews.
Nyhetens behag: En textanalytisk studie av litteratur som bygger på nyhetshändelser
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine literature on current media events. We see a close relationship between this literature and the media society where we relate Manuel Castells theory of the network society. In this thesis we have chosen books which give different views on three major media events in Sweden: 1 the assassination of Anna Lindh, the former Swedish Minister for foreign Affairs; 2 the Knutby murder and; 3 the Tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia. These books combine fact and fiction in their writing which in media science is called faction. This form of writing has similarities to genres like new journalism and documentarism and can be problematic for the reader in terms of genre expectations because of the mix of fact and fiction.
Aortic Body Tumors in Dogs
The purpose of this essay was to review the literature and describe the patophysiology, diagnosis, microscopic and macroscopic appearance of aortic body tumors in dogs. The tumors originate from the chemoreceptor organs situated at the base of the heart. The chemoreceptor organs are neuroendocrine cells responsible for surveillance of changes in e.g. the blood pH. Aortic body tumors are rare and represent 7 % of the total cases of primary cardiac tumors in canines.
Att leva med amyotrofisk lateralskleros : människors upplevelser i samband med en terminal sjukdom
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.