4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 16 av 292
Hälsosamt förhållningssätt mot stress: En kvalitativ studie om att vara enhetschef inom LSS i Kalmar kommun
Stress is part of everyday life and in the working conditions of the social services in Sweden. Thus each and every person has resources and strategies to cope with those stressors that construct the assumption of stress. The aim of this study was to understand how persons in leading positions of the LSS of Social Services in Kalmar experience and cope with stressors in their leadership and organization and to investigate what factors during working and non-working hours promote health. Influenced by the theoretical approach of Aaron Antonovsky´s Sense of Coherence seven qualitative interviews were conducted with persons in leading positions. They were asked about stressors, coping strategies, resources and health promoting factors that help to cope with stressors.
Riskupplevelser hos trafikanter : sett ur ett förarperspektiv
The primary aim of the current study was to gain increased knowledge about drivers' risk experiences. The study was based on questionnaires answered by 30 private drivers and 30 bus drivers, with 50% men and 50% woman in each group. The study revealed no differences, either between men and women drivers with regard to their experience of risk, or between the groups of private and bus drivers. Gambling is common within the private drivers group. Mistakes are common in all groups.
Kvinnors preventivmedelsanvändning under olika faser av det reproduktiva livet
Introduction: Studies have shown that women are not always satisfied with the effects of contraception and that contraceptive advice is perceived as non-specific. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate what contraceptive women have chosen to use in the different phases of their reproductive lives, and what they felt had influenced their choice. Method: A retrospective cross-sectional comparative study with a quantitative approach. A survey with fixed and multiple-choice options was sent to five hundred 45-year old women. Result: The study shows that various birth controls are different in the normal reproductive life.
H.P. Lovecraft : Narratologisk analys av atmosfär och fasor
Even though the American author H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) has been praised as one of the most influential writers of horror literature in the 20th century, his style of writing has occasionally been criticized. Lovecraft was using a writing style based on strict scientific language, where the human condition and existence are irrelevant in the narrative. This includes less focus on character development and more on the importance of atmosphere and environments. I am presenting narratological analyzes of what is often considered to be three of Lovecraft?s ?greatest works?: ?The Call of Cthulhu?, At the Mountains of Madness, and ?The Shadow over Innsmouth.? These analyzes are used to highlight Lovecraft?s science-oriented language and narratological techniques, with the focus of studying what methods Lovecraft was using to give his works and his readers a sense of dread, hopelessness, and an alien atmosphere.
?Svarta, Vita, Grå? En studie om särskilda barns vardag
This is a case study influenced by Grounded Theory and Symbolic Interactionism. Its focus is on a small group of pupils isolated both geographically and socially from the ordinary school. The composition is written from the children?s perspective. Observations and interviews have made it possible to study both the interaction between the children and also the adults, how the children are described by the adults working with them and what expectations they have on the children.In the light of earlier research, our case study can be seen as an example how the school is dealing with the children?s problems.
Den suicidala livsvärlden : texter om självmord på Internet
Suicidology deals a lot with taking into consideration significant symptoms, risk factors and establishing causal relationships which inevitably are very important for suicide prevention. But do we understand the suicide attempters better thereby? The aim with the study is to elucidate the meaning of the lived suicidal experience that is expressed by participants on an Internet forum. Ten participants' texts which concerned own suicidality were chosen out from this Internet forum and were analyzed and interpreted on the basis of a phenomenological hermeneutical method inspired by Ricoeur (1976). The result established twelve themes that with the aid of Heidegger (1993) and Derrida (1978, 1991) led to that the following conclusions could be drawn about the meaning of the suicidal lifeworld: suicidal concern and care in itself reduces the sense of identity, practical suicidal doing in itself reduces the world, sense of identity is more affected by the future than the present and the past, the death is escaped from through a calculating determination to have the death at one's disposal, inability to turn away from the death increases oscillating between states of emotions, the surrounding world's requirement to avoiding death becomes to a compulsion to isolate one self; and finally: to both feel anxiety in front of one self's own death and dread when escaping from it..
Att vara i Vara kommun : En studie om kommunens identitet, profil och image
Abstract The aim of this paper is to investigate whether Vara municipality has a continuous picture of their identity, profile and image. Globalization has contributed to the increasingly growing of place marketing. Therefore, the study goes on to using the concepts of identity, profile and image to find out if Vara Municipality communicates similar throughout the whole organization and find out their all through core values. Globalisation will be an interpretive framework for the work that describes why the place marketing is becoming more pressing. The sense of place will be a central part of this study as it is the feelings and images of different places that will be described by the municipality together with the identity, profile and image.
Ryssland och det civila samhället - ett teorikritiskt analysförsök
Based on an analytical overview of post-Communist civil society development in Russia, the present thesis attempts a critical discussion of general civil society theory from the perspective of its relevance for the case study in question. The text consists of three closely interconnected, mutually reinforcing parts. In the first part, major issues of current civil society research are being thematically presented and discussed. The second part concerns itself with the case study as such. It is divided into two parts, one dealing with the relations between state and civil society in Russia, the other with civil society and the individual.
Konsten åt folket : en översikt över villkoren för konstnärlig utövning i det forna DDR samt över verksamheten i Rostocks konsthall under 1980-talet
This thesis explores the conditions of painting artists in the former GDR. The conclusion after studying rather many artists excepted paintings is, that they had a very personal style within the figuration, considering the official prescription of Social realism. The main objective for the study is common motives and changes over time. It showed a development against greater freedom in expression. A closer analyse of one painter´s work (Susanne Kandt-Horn) and of the exhibitions in Rostock Art Museum during the 80´s illustrates the circumstances under which the artists lived..
När Sanningar Möts. Unga i interreligiös dialog
This study centres on the question of how interfaith dialogue can function as a meeting place for young people from different social and cultural backgrounds. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five young participants in an interfaith project taking place in Sweden in 2013 and 2014. For reading the material through a lens of late modern religiosity, Heelas and Woodheads thesis of a spiritual revolution was used. To be able to conclude whether the religiousness of the participants functions as a social resource, Hammack and Cohlers term narrative engagement is used. Lastly Knitters models of theologies of religions was used in the analysis of how the participants reads and understands their own and the others faiths.The study shows that the participants meet in the common aim of defining a religious identity in a late modern and pluralistic society.
Mortalitet hos Newfoundland : med fokus på dilaterad kardiomyopati
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the second most common heart disease in dogs. Since the disease is seen more frequently in certain breeds, among them Newfoundland dogs, a genetic factor is suspected. This study was partly undertaken to investigate whether there is a significant sex predilection regarding DCM. Moreover, the difference in mean age of death between male dogs and females with DCM was investigated, as well as males and females dying from DCM compared to dying from other reasons (i.e. without DCM).
Museernas roll i samhället : En intervjustudie av Stockholms stadsmuseum, Länsmuseet Gävleborg och Världskulturmuseet
This is a two year master's thesis in the field of museum and cultural heritage studies. The purpose of the thesis is to examine different opinions among museum employees about the role of museums. The thesis also aims to find out to what extent and in what way these opinions are influenced by the museum's own policy documents, the national cultural policy and the academic field of museum studies. I have conducted qualitative research interviews with six employees from three different cultural history museums. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on Laruajane Smith's term authorized heritage discourse.
Förorten i ungdomslitteraturen: en studie av hur förortssamhället gestaltas i sex samtida ungdomsromaner
The society of suburbs is frequently discussed in media, which often focus on the problems related to these areas. The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine how Swedish contemporary youth literature may contribute to create, strengthen and articulate social representations of the society of suburbs. The analysis is based upon six youth novels published during 2003 to 2007. The theoretical framework consists of two parts and is based on Anthony Giddens? theories about late modern society in which the youth novels in our study take place, and those living conditions that this society creates.
Ekosemiotik i Torgny Lindgrens estetik : Platsen, orden, impotensen och modernitetens makt, i Merabs skönhet.
The purpose of this study is to examine political crimes in and women?s political activity in 18th century Sweden. The cases of political crimes which has been used range from 1700- 1789 and they form an outline of the patterns of political crime in this century. These cases contain different types of political crimes, but most common ar defamation of the royal family, defamatory writings, rumor-spreading and treason. To study women?s political activity, seven cases ranging from 1749 to 1758 have been more closely studied.
Ungdomars informationssökning på Internet : Vad ungdomar tycker om sina egna kompetenser och erfarenheter
The study aims to investigate student?s attitudes and experiences of information retrieval on the Internet, as tools for learning. I have been interested of their own views about their own knowledge and experience in the subject, information seeking on the Internet. The focus is on what they perceive as problematic, what skills they consider they have and what needs they have in terms of teaching. Data were collected via questionnaires.