

1922 Uppsatser om Commodity industry - Sida 51 av 129

En framgångsrik linjeutvidgning

The purpose of this thesis is to highlight the work with line extensions by companies in the media industry. To obtain this purpose a case study was performed to learn about Norrbottens Media?s actions regarding their new launch of the magazine Extra. Information was gathered through an interview and media observations and was analyzed and compared to previous studies on the subject. Results of this case study show that the main reasons for the company?s line extension were new trends on the market and that the company had unexploited recourses to make use of.

Bostadsspekulantens köpbeslut : En kvantitativ studie över bostadsspekulantens beslutspåverkan

Bakgrunden för denna studie är problematiken kring beslutsfattande. Tidigare forskning visar att en individ dagligen fattar en mängd medvetna och omedvetna beslut. Dessa beslut faller sig olika utefter vilka erfarenheter, preferenser och känslor individen har och hur detta påverkar individen vid köp av dyra sällanköpsvaror. Syftet med studien är att identifiera faktorer och personlighetstyper som influerar köparens beslut gällande dyra sällanköpsvaror..

Metod för användning av Geografiska Informations System vid långsiktig vägplanering : en studie genomförd på Sveaskogs marker i Norrbotten

The forest industry is one of the most important industry branches in Sweden. Since the demand of high precision wood deliveries has increased, the demand on a well constructed forest road net also has increased. A good road net gives the wood-supplier competition advantages and also increases its service level towards its customers, lumber-mills and pulp-mills. In some parts of Norrbotten, the road net is still insufficient and not yet built out enough, and that is why it is important to know how to act and where to improve the road net in these areas. The purpose of this thesis was to create a work-model for long term road planning in areas with no road net or a not yet complete road net. The model has been created in an ArcGis environment, where a long chain of tools has been tied together with the program ?Model builder?.

Skogssådd med tall och gran : effekter av fröegenskaper och skärm/hygge på plantbildning, överlevnad och tillväxt de två första åren efter sådd

Over the past few years the Swedish forestry industry has become increasing interested in direct seeding. Although, in practice, this interest has been restricted to pine seed, the knowledge and techniques that have been developed for pine seeding can readily be transferred to spruce. Direct seeding is a method that is of interest to the forestry industry since it can lead to lower regeneration costs, denser stands and better root development than the more conventional planting method. This study evaluated experiments that focused on direct seeding of spruce in the northern Sweden. Skogforsk set-up the experiments in Gideå and Sävar in 2003.

Utvärdering av larmsystem för lageroptimering under trendvariation

Very often the interesting variables are explained by several underlying variables and in statistical analyses it is common to study the relationship between variables and groups of variables. Because of this multivariate analysis is commonly used in both science and industry. There are two problem with both univariate and multivariate analyses. One is when the variables are correlated. The other is when the number variables of exceeds the number of observations which makes the matrices algebra used in the analysis impossible to execute.

Råvarumarknaden Vs Aktiemarknaden : En studie av råvaror och råvarumarknadens prestationer samt reaktioner i relation till aktiemarknaden

Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera råvaruprisets samt aktiemarknadens prestationer i form av procentuell avkastning under olika konjunkturlägen från år 1969 och fram till 2009. Samt att studera råvarumarknadens reaktion vid börsfall. Marknaderna ställs dessutom i relation till varandra. Detta görs genom tre delsyften: Hur presterar råvaror i relation till aktiemarknaden i hög- respektive lågkonjunktur? Ökar råvarupriset och aktiemarknaden i samma konjunkturlägen? Hur har råvarumarknaden till skillnad från aktiemarknaden reagerat vid större börsfall?Metod: Undersökningen är kvantitativ, deduktiv samt utgår från primärdata ansamlad via vedertagna källor och databaser.

Digitala kommunikationer mellan VIDA och deras leverantörer

The Swedish forest industry has put a lot of resources in the development of digital communications in hopes of improving collaboration with suppliers. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether VIDA would benefit from using digital communication with suppliers. The survey was conducted as a questionnaire study among the company?s staff and its suppliers. The result indicated needs and interests to use digital communications in both groups. Young suppliers and suppliers on a distance showed the most interest in using digital communication. In terms of using these digital communications, the staffs and suppliers were most interested in information regarding transaction and forestmanagement plans.

Effektivisering av marina containerflöden : en fallstudie på Bertling

Logistics is an important concept in the organizational context in which the planning of flows, services and products are treated. Logistics handles supplier management, supply of materials, production and distribution. The distribution of goods can be managed with different types of transportation depending on price and time aspects. The lowest transport cost for larger amount of goods is by maritime shipping. A common carrier used in transportation of goods is a standardized ISO- container.

Bolagskodens påverkan på intern och extern revisor

In the recent years auditing scandals all around the world, deficient internal control has attracted a lot of attention. This has contributed to further requirements on insight and internal control. Those scandals have seriously damaged the auditor?s profession and contributed to a reduced trust among the public. Therefore an extensive work to recover and stringed the trust was started all around the world.

Evaluation of the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and a proposal on how to establish an enhanced animal welfare assurance program for the Swedish Trotting Association

According to the basic values of the Swedish Trotting Association the horse and its welfare should always be held in highest consideration. One part of the animal welfare work in the organization is to ensure good horse management practices by controlling all active trainers through the local licensing committees situated at the Swedish racetracks. The Swedish Board of Agriculture stated that high quality animal welfare assurance programs used by the industry organizations can be used in the risk assessment of the official animal welfare control to make the official control work more effective and the ambition of the Swedish Trotting Association is to establish an animal welfare assurance program which may be approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Racehorses are exposed to welfare hazards both in their management as well as during training and racing and factors like handling, training, feedstuff, stable environment, medication and the possibility to express natural behavior all affect the welfare of the horses. The aim of the project is to investigate and evaluate the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and to give advice on how to improve the industry?s animal welfare control.

Utvärdering av miljöbonus IP-lantbruk :

The Dairy business is changing a lot because of some scandals in the agricultural area for example the BSE crises in Great Britain. Because of the scandals the food industry and the farm association have created a certifying system; IP-Sigill Swedish standard system. We contacted Skånemejerier as they have been successful in the certifying area. They asked us if we wanted to do a study in the certifying area of dairy farmers. At Skånemejerier they gave us most of the literature in the area about certifying. The result of the study, is that we have taken up the most common remark?s. The most frequent remark is journal over routines in management of dairy cows on daily basis. Another remark of the study is that the frequency of the remarks decreases with greater production..

The Tenant Way. Fastighetsbolags strategiska arbetssätt avseende kommersiella hyresgäster

Fastighetsbranschen står inför en förändring. Forskning tyder på att fastighetsbolag kommer att gå mer och mer mot att bli mer traditionella tjänsteföretag och att pengar inom branschen kommer att tjänas genom att vara en så duktig förvaltare som möjligt i avseende till fastighetsdrift och hyresgästförvaltning. Denna kandidatuppsats fokuserar därför på att undersöka hur fastighetsbolag kan utveckla sina tjänster mot sina hyresgäster samt vilka faktorer som kommer vara avgörande i framtiden för att bli ett framgångsrikt fastighetsbolag.SyfteProjektets syfte är att göra en undersökning över hur fastighetsbranschen troligtvist kommer att förändra sitt strategiska arbete mot sina hyresgäster och vilka faktorer som då kommer att karaktärisera ett framgångsrikt fastighetsbolag.Frågeställningar? Vad kommer att vara viktiga framgångsfaktorer hos ett fastighetsbolag i framtiden?? På vilket sätt bör fastighetsbolag kontakta hyresgäster och hur ska de samla och dela information om sina hyresgäster för att kunna förutspå deras framtida behov?? Finns det några särskilda krav på fastighetsbolagets organisation för att tillgodose hyresgästernas behov på bästa sätt?MetodUndersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär och baseras på intervjuer med representanter från olika fastighetsbolag och representanter från kommersiella hyresgäster. Sammanlagt har 14 intervjuer genomförts.

Känsla kontra information i fotokommunikation

Photography has a big role in information sharing today. Especially in the hotel industry where it is the closest thing a customer can get to the product that is being sold. This study intends to find out how you can make use of rhetorical models and techniques of photography to enhance the communication skills of photos of hotel rooms. The main focus was to understand the difference between informative and emotional photographs and what consumers themselves focus on when choosing a hotel, and also how to use the collected information to create a larger buying interest through hotel photography. Using previous research work and quantitative data collection method, we have concluded that the informational and emotional photography methods have obvious differences but also many similarities, and are most effective used together and that the hotel consumer is more aware of the images influence then we assumed..

Banbrytande formgivning i Sveriges textilindustri En studie om Astrid Sampes m?nsterproduktion

The main focus of this study are the textile prints created by Astrid Sampe (1909-2002). Her fabrics can tell us more about her than a biography ever could. They can reveal how we experience patterns, why we are attracted to them and how our preferences can evolve over time. This study examines four different patterns, and the thesis aims to define Sampe and her textile prints using three different theories and a formal aesthetic analysis. Modernistic and postmodernism theories are relevant when explaining the period where the fabrics were created and how Sampe's ideas were conceived during her lifetime.

En jämförelse mellan några multivariata data-analysmetoder

Very often the interesting variables are explained by several underlying variables and in statistical analyses it is common to study the relationship between variables and groups of variables. Because of this multivariate analysis is commonly used in both science and industry. There are two problem with both univariate and multivariate analyses. One is when the variables are correlated. The other is when the number variables of exceeds the number of observations which makes the matrices algebra used in the analysis impossible to execute.

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