

1922 Uppsatser om Commodity industry - Sida 40 av 129

Informell motivation och dess betydelse : En studie inom tillverkningsindustrin

Many times it can be the simple things that affect the attitude of work and which have an importance on the organization's effectiveness. These are not always apparent but can have a large importance for the motivation and the attitude of work. Large number of companies uses wage and other financial rewards system but is there any form of informal factors that have an importance for the coworkers and that affects motivation. What factors that affect the motivation within the industry are interesting to examine and specifically the factors that are not apparent, in other words informal factors that increases the motivation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and describe which informal motivator factors co-workers/employees in a production department think are meaningful.

(H)elt om marsch!

The focus of this essay is on a political party that was founded in Sweden in 1904. Today, we known it as Moderata Samlingspartiet. Historically, this party has transitioned through multiple phases which have included a change of name and also a change of substance in the area of trade policy. The party that was cheering globalisation at the 2006 congress had its roots in protectionism and had been founded as a strict protectionist organisation. The question raised here is what has caused this dramatic change in the trade politic?In addressing this important question, I have used both organization and party strategy theories to identify the main underlying reasons.

Landsbygdsturism och dess förutsättningar : en jämförandestudie kring vilka resurser som krävs för ett framgångsrikt entreprenörskap

Many jobs in rural areas have historically been linked to the agricultural sector. The restructuring that has been implemented in agriculture has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of jobs in rural areas. A consequence of this is that many people have moved to cities to earn a living. To maintain a living countryside in Sweden, it is therefore essential to create alternative livehoods in rural areas. An industry that can have a major impact in the future is rural tourism.

En ny modell för att stärka kommunikation och samverkan mellan universitet och näringsliv

As a result of today`s competitive situation, the demand on the rapid development of research has increased. Both universities and companies are realizing the importance of a functioning and well-developed cooperation. A close collaboration and communication between universities and the business community has in many studies been shown to be very important for business development and knowledge transfer. The purose was to examine how communication and collaboration between universities and industry can be developed and strenghthen on the basis of innovative thinking. In order to initially identify the perceived problems the authors studied how communication and cooperation manifests itslelf today between the two parties, what does not work and how the existing tools for communication and collaboration look like today.

Eftermarknadens möjligheter : En studie av Swecon AB:s tjänsteutbud

ProblemThe manufacturing industry is a mature industry where the profit margins are small and the competition is hard. This makes it hard for both manufacturers and resellers to gain market shares and reach reasonable profit margins only by selling products. Therefore Swecon who is reseller for Volvo Construction Equipment tries to find alternative methods and ways to increase their profit. An alternative source of income could be to develop the range of services that are connected to the ground products.PurposeThe purpose of the thesis is to examine how Swecon in southern Sweden can improve their offers of existing services connected to the ground product and investigate the demand of new such services.MethodThis study is based on a qualitative study of five of Swecons local offices and five of Swecons customers. The empirical framework is mostly based on personal interviews but in some cases information was retrieved by using phone interviews.

Arbetsmiljöplanens väg från administration till produktion : Så kommuniceras och efterföljs arbetsmiljöarbetet i byggbranschen

The construction industry is one of theindustrieswithmostinjuredinSweden. There is reason to believe that there are deficienciesinhow the work environment iscommunicatedbetweendifferent parties. Interest in theworkenvironment has increasedin recent years,whichmakes problems and shortcomingsin this subject highlighted to a greater extent. There are severalways to workwithwork related health on the building sites. The Work Environment Plan isa tool that earlyin the planning of the project call attention to the risks and as far as possible prevents them. The purpose of this report is to improve how the workenvironmentreaches the production and how it is applied in everyday work.

Lågprislivsmedelsbutikernas existens i svensk varudaglighandel : Fallstudier av Netto och Lidl

The Swedish oligopoly system that prevailed within the provision-industry has during the latest years subsided. The competition on the market has increased when new participants were given the opportunity to enter the Swedish market. Today the provision-industry is characterized by different foreign participants. Among these new participants one can find Lidl and Netto, who have entered the market enable to provide the Swedish people with an inexpensive range of products. In pace with the growing rivalry the benefits favor the consumers whom are being given several options to choose between.

Vem bryr sig? ? en studie av Corporate Social Responsibility som konkurrensmedel

The competitive situation for businesses has experienced drastical changes as an effectof globalization and changes in consumer demands. Product related competitive advantages arerisking to quickly become presumptions for competition. The demand for increased innovationpace, along with the intense price competition, has led to buisnesses trying to find new ways todifferentiate themselves and Corporate Social Responsibility has became one way of doing so.The bad working conditions associated with the textile industry have rised a debate about thebusinesses? Corporate Social Responsibility. The future is heading towards more and morecompanies choosing to take their social responsibility, many of those experiencing this to be anadvandage in the relation with the consumers.

Kina- och Rysslandsfonder : En jämförande studie i nedgång och uppgång av den svenska börsen

Purpose: Aims of this paper is to evaluate a comparative study between China and Russia funds in respect of the risks and returns. We also want to examine what has affected the funds in their respective domestic stock market.                                                            Method: The study is based on qualitative methodology to complement the quantitative survey by first gathering of secondary data from Morningstar, and fund manager´s stories on fund and banking companies' websites.  Primary data is conducted by the interview with fund manager. The sample consists of all land funds for China and Russia has found more than 10 years on the stock market.Results and Conclusion: The survey shows that China funds will generate better in decline than Russia Funds in both return and risk-adjusted Sharpe ratio. Because the China funds had better risk diversification and its holdings spread across different industry area while Russia funds is more directed towards oil and gas industry.

Svenskhet inom livsmedelsexport : Hur svenska livsmedelsföretag använder sig av sitt svenska ursprung vid marknadsföring internationellt

Aim: Nation Branding has become an important phenomenon during the last couple of years. The concept talks about how to promote a product by using the features of a nation to gain profit. Among the years many countries has established a strong Nation Brand abroad. In the long run many companies have chosen to use these benefits in an efficient way by promoting their own country brand, especially in their internationalization process. The aim of this study is to see what factors that influence companies in the Swedish food industry while using the fact that they are Swedish when they enter foreign markets. Method: Data was collected through interviews with export managers and sales managers at 6 Swedish companies exporting products within the food industry.

Uppförandekoder inom livsmedelsindustrin : en fallstudie

The world has changed its understanding of environmental issues dramatically and more people are showing awareness of social and environmental problems. Various stakeholders have increasingly begun to show an interest in how companies are taking responsibility for their actions. This has led to an improved activity amongst organizations to make their production consequences positive. They work with Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR). In order to communicate their responsibilities, many companies work with CSR and ethical guidelines.

Bärare av mat : Arbetsfördelning och könsskillnader i restaurangbranschen utifrån ett genusperspektiv

The distribution of work related tasks depending on gender leads to different appraisal depending on which gender is performing a task. This aim of this research is to study how gender differences influence task allocation within the restaurant industry. The study is inspired by a discourse analysis perspective complemented by constructivist and critical pragmatic theory. Interviews were conducted in two focus groups with seven participants in total. The analysis is divided into four sections which answer six discourse analytical questions using the interview material.

Småskalig livsmedelsförsörjning av mjölk :

During the last year?s Swedish agriculture have had difficult times, with decreasing prices and at the same time increasing production costs, which has led to bad profitability and faith in the future. The dairies in Sweden have also had a rough time and there have been large rationalizations during the years. In the beginning of the 20th century there were almost 1700 diaries in the Swedish countryside. There has been a large technical development during the 20th century resulting in a decrease in diaries to only 46 in the whole country today. They are owned by 15 diary companies, of which 7 large and dominate on the market and the rest are small-scale companies. With this development the confidence and feeling for the diary companies also has decreased.

En experimentell studie av vulkaniseringstidens och vulkaniseringshastighetens påverkan av värmeväxlarpackningar

A two-factor design of experiments done on GGAB for the identification of two selected factors influence on the length of the scattering of heat exchanger gaskets. The work consists of four parts: study, choice of survey method, the performance of investigation and analysis of the results. Chosen factors on the study are considered to be the most effecting of the length distribution of seals during the production of GGAB. The study is the first of its kind both in GGAB and in the rubber industry and has an experimental nature..

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