

1922 Uppsatser om Commodity industry - Sida 38 av 129

Kapitalstrukturpåverkande faktorers inverkan på skuldsättningsgraden : - En branschjämförelse

Capital structure is without doubt one of the most frequently studied and controversial areas of modern financial theory, and will certainly continue to receive considerable attention from researchers worldwide. There is still no universal explanation of how an optimal capital structure would be designed for maximum appreciation, despite the development of several theories focusing on the subject. Equity and debt are the two main financing options that in combination explain the business's capital structure. The results of several research studies conducted in the subject has many times pointed out that there are specific factors that are directly related to the company's capital structure, and that there are clear sectoral differences in corporate debt. A study of the capital structure is considered important and interesting to implement due to the reasons above and the purpose of this study is to analyze and try to explain the similarities and differences between different industries in terms of how growth, profitability and size affect the debt level.

Sorterar skotaren bort det timmer som skördaren har tillrett? :

The efficiency of the harvesters work is more often reviewed, than the work of the forwarders. In a local Stora Enso office the differences between the harvesters reported volume of timber, and the actual volume delivered to the industry had been noticed. Therefore, the decision was made to do a review on the forwarders work. The review was conducted together with a worker from Vmf Qbera, who is working daily with wood measurement, in order to get a valid evaluation of the logs. Eight sites were included in the survey, and on each site 50 logs were marked. Approximately one third of the marked logs were pulpwood, and the remaining logs marked were timber.

PR i det dolda : en studie om Redaktionell PR

The fashion industry is a line of business which is characterised by tough competition. Often the consumer target groups exposed to advertisements identify them as attempts by the fashion industry to persuade them. When this happens, the consumer disregards the information due to selective attention. Faced with these conditions, companies need to find new, creative ways to market their product lines. This essay is about Public Relations, in particular Public Relations that appear in editorial spaces.

En jämförelse av energiåtgång och emissioner för olika persontransportslösningar i Stockholm stad

This master thesis sets out to compare the different public transport modes in Stockholm city.Both energy consumption and air pollution are compared. The chosen transport methods are car,bus and metro.Traditionally the rail industry has had environmental arguments as a strong competitiveadvantage when it comes to passenger transportation. However, in recent years the automotiveindustry has been getting more positive media attention regarding environmental issues, forexample Roger Kemp?s statement that the car is the most environmental friendly passengertransportation mode in the UK. This study will show the environmental advantages of railwaytraffic in cities.The energy sources of the world are not endless and the use of the different sources affects theenvironment in different ways.


Construction accounts for about 35 percent of the total Swedish energy consumption and most of the energy is used by the large housing stock from the so-called ?Million program?. In the national action plan the government has put forward in energy efficiency. It is mentioned that existing buildings account for more than 90 percent of what is expected to be the housing stock within the coming 50 years. In order to meet environmental objectives its required that the existing stock be reviewed for energy efficiency. The goverment is now initiating a national framework with a budget of SEK 300 million Swedish crowns per year for five years, starting in 2010 to achieve the goal on energy efficient buildings. Energy efficiency of buildings in both new construction and above all within the existing stock are addressed.

Åkerinäringens inställning till biodiesel : en marknadsundersökning

In Sweden, there an increasing need for transport and this leads directly to fuel demand of the transport sector is expected to increase. Both politicians and industry believes that renewable fuels are a realistic and significant method to reduce the transport sector's environmental impact. This study aims to document the Swedish haulage contractor?s attitude to biodiesel. Also to document the strengths and weaknesses of biodiesel, based on opinions from the ultimate consumers.

Konferera i solen? : En studie kring konsumentval inom konferensbranschen

In today's society, consumers get in touch with hundreds of advertising messages a day from companies. It is up to the consumer to choose the messages they want to listen to and ignore the ones they want. Today, there is an advertising saturation and this has implications for both producers and consumer. Companies must be innovative and come with fresh ideas to get us consumers to pay attention to their particular message.  It is through the marketing that companies have an opportunity to spread their message.

Krav och arkitektur för CAD/PLM-support : Med en utvärdering av fem ärendehanteringssystem

Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete inom Industriell Produktion vid KTH, utfört vid Avalon PLM AB. Syftet har varit att grundligt utreda vad som krävs för att sätta upp en "first line"-support för användare till Siemens Industry Softwares produktportfölj. Målet med examensarbetet var att ta fram en kravspecifikation för det system som ska hantera kundernas supportärenden, samt hitta och utvärdera ett befintligt system som lever upp till kraven. Vidare togs också en support- och ärendehanteringsprocess fram, vilken beskriver hur ärenden ska skötas.Inledande frågeställningar för examensarbetet var frågor som; Hur hanteras ett ärende? Hur många ärenden kommer supporten hantera per dag? Hur kan supportingenjören få hjälp om ärendena är för avancerade? Är kundsupport bara en kostnad för företaget eller vilka bieffekter kan det medföra?En litteraturstudie gjordes för att få grundläggande förståelse för olika typer av supportkällor, CRM, kunskapsförmedling, syftet med kundsupport och supportingenjörens roll.

Det antropocentriskt styrda Sverige : En undersökning om riksdagspartiernas miljöideologiska närings-, miljö- och jordbrukspolitik under mandatperioden 2002-2006

This essay examines the environmental ideological direction of the Swedish parliamentary parties through the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture during the governmental time from 2002 to 2006.The environmental ideologies explained is anthropocentrism, ecocentrism and biocentrism. Based on the ideas of these three ideologies main points the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture, also matching the search words environment and energy, was compared and analysed.What has emerged is that all parliamentary parties express a desire to create an energy production and producing guide lines which are stringent environmentally and matches the safety requirements. Although the approach to environmental and safety standards differ significantly between them. Basically all Swedish parliamentary parties are more or less anthropocentric in its arguments, which in short terms means that they estimate natures and animals value through their usability for humans or based on their contribution to human feelings of wellbeing.The Centre Party and the Green Party shows hints of weak ecocentrism because in many cases they put animal intrinsic value high, but the human value higher. Moderates are predominantly anthropocentric but they also express some hint of biocentrism in one statement concerning research in order to reduce and rebuild environmentally destroyed areas.

"Jag bygger ett hus så han inte fryser" : 1-3 åringars byggprocess

Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete inom Industriell Produktion vid KTH, utfört vid Avalon PLM AB. Syftet har varit att grundligt utreda vad som krävs för att sätta upp en "first line"-support för användare till Siemens Industry Softwares produktportfölj. Målet med examensarbetet var att ta fram en kravspecifikation för det system som ska hantera kundernas supportärenden, samt hitta och utvärdera ett befintligt system som lever upp till kraven. Vidare togs också en support- och ärendehanteringsprocess fram, vilken beskriver hur ärenden ska skötas.Inledande frågeställningar för examensarbetet var frågor som; Hur hanteras ett ärende? Hur många ärenden kommer supporten hantera per dag? Hur kan supportingenjören få hjälp om ärendena är för avancerade? Är kundsupport bara en kostnad för företaget eller vilka bieffekter kan det medföra?En litteraturstudie gjordes för att få grundläggande förståelse för olika typer av supportkällor, CRM, kunskapsförmedling, syftet med kundsupport och supportingenjörens roll.

Politiska visioner och regionala krafters inverkan på kulturarv : En studie om hur Kalmar läns kulturarv används och värderas i det postindustriella samhället

This is a qualitative essay that has its starting point in the deindustrialized community in the county of Kalmar. At the time deindustrialization started, the globalization and the technical development took form, this resulted in increasing traveling in the world. The communities that had lost their industries had to find new ways of surviving. The politicians used the increasing travelling and tourism and saw a new industry in the tourism, therefore they made cultural heritage visible. Main focus lies in the will from politicians to visualize cultural heritage for economic gain and the administration of cultural heritage that in essence had to accept a new use of the cultural heritage.

Trafikverket : Kritiska faktorer i projekt inom avdelningen Nationella Projekt

This study has been made on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration to study the work of the department National Projects. The Swedish construction industry has for many years been characterized by low productivity. By being the largest purchaser of contracts in the industry the Swedish Transport Administration has a unique opportunity to influence the productivity. In order to improve in productivity The Swedish Transport Administration is adopting a new role in which they will order more turnkey projects. In our study, we will focus on how one department within the Swedish Transport Administration, National Projects, can perform successful turnkey projects.To clarify how the department National Projects can perform successful projects, this study identifies critical factors for projects and their links to different phases of the project.

Lammproduktionens ekonomiska påverkan av MTR :

The Swedish consumption of lamb a increasing, and today we yearly eat a kilo of lamb per person each year. As a consequence the Swedish degree of self production according to lamb is steadily decreasing, and is today about 39 %.Today Swedish Meats is now cooperating with the Swedish lamb breeders organisation to raise that percentage. At the same time the European Union presents a new agricultural reform, the MTR (Mid Term Review). The shape of this new reform is not yet fully known, but the general policy has been more or less outlined. The new reform is split into three propositions: the farm model, the regional model and the mixed model.

Korsförlamning : etiologier, diagnostik och terapi.

This report is a literature review that aims to describe marketing contexts for mango production in Kenya. The institutional conditions in the country are not well developed for marketing purposes, which causes many difficulties and problems for the society. In Kenya most mango producers are poor small-scale farmers with limited resources. Mango is a perishable commodity and to keep its value and quality it is essential to have the opportunity to sell the mangos in the right time. Inefficient and undeveloped infrastructure and marketing systems hinders the mangos to reach the market in time though, which causes large losses of produce.The Kenyan mango production has increased during the last decade but due to market losses for the producer, the small-scale farmers? profits have not improved.

Uppfattningar om trender inom charterbranschen : - vart är utvecklingen på väg?

Aim: By studying the evolution of the market for package holidays over time we hope to get an understanding of the trends that have characterized the market. By doing so, we can get an idea of where the market is moving towards the future. This knowledge is essential for market participants to establish appropriate strategies that follow market trends.Method: We have used qualitative interviews with people involved in the charter industry.Result & Conclusions: The market is characterized by an increase in Internet orientation, where the travel directory and the physical travel agents are becoming less important. The understanding of climate impacts of travel has increased. More people of the third-generation buy package travels and countries in North Africa and Asia are growing in popularity.We believe the market in the coming years will be characterized by lower prices and lower quality.

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