

6824 Uppsatser om Commercial vs. public service - Sida 23 av 455

Ledarskap och ideologisk implementering

Abstract: A public service sector in constant reformation is a common phenomenon in Sweden. This also includes the municipal care organisations. A central role in those reformations has the public middle chief who often is the one to implemented reforms to the organiza-tion's staff.This study is examining the role of the public middle manager in care organisations dur-ing the implementation of common ideologies value foundation in a present organisa-tion's reform. The study tries to elucidate in which way the public middle managers in municipal care organisations experience their roles, which expectations the management of the organisation has on their roles and how a present organisation changes inflict on the contents of the role. If the middle manager in a municipal care organisation feels like normative for the personal group is another aspect.There are four concepts used as theoretic framework in the study, organization, imple-mentation and public middle managers in a general aspect and the middle manager in a municipal care organisation in a specific aspect.

En attraktiv kollektivtrafik : Enkla metoder för ett ökat resande

The purpose of this paper is to find out if there are any simple solutions to attract an increased use of public transportation in a smaller town in Sweden. Simple solutions are measures that can be taken within the current budget, and which do not require large investments and extensive political decisions. In order to search for possible solutions I needed to find out which factors and attitudes that determine why people choose public transportation and peoples? traveling habit. I have made a survey study of satisfaction and attitudes among the consumers of a public transportation company in Växjö; Länstrafken Kronoberg.

En strategisk planeringsmodell: Att införa medborgarkontor i ett folkbibliotek med hjälp av strategisk planering

This Masters thesis is concerned with the complex planning process of setting up a citizen bureau in a public library. The aim is to find out how citizen bureaux are designed and to suggest a simplified model of strategic planning. The planning process is studied from a business perspective in the library context, and this perspective is also used to study citizen bureaux and their written plans elsewhere. A combination of qualitative methods are used: observations, focus group discussions and interviews. Observations in the public library showed a great need for an environmental analysis as well as structure to the planning process.

Möten i kulturmiljöer : En studie av publika insatser i samband med arkeologiska utgrävningar

This essay is focused on the questions of and responsibility for where, when, how and why communication and meetings through archaeology should take place. I have critically studied Swedish public archaeology through three diverse archaeological excava­tions, one took place in the end of the 1980s, and two others in 2012.I have asked for under what circum­stances and with which goals the public efforts become possible. I have inter­viewed leaders for the archaeological excavations and/or the public efforts and questi­o­ned how and why they reached out to the public. I also searched for results and effects in order to problematize and value the public activities.Through interpretation of the resear­ched material it becomes clear that economic issues as well as archaeo­logists interests and engagements are of vital importance for public archaeology. Co-operation in the local community and archaeological documentation is crucial for the deve­lopment of archaeology and its role in society.Keywords: Public archaeology, Community archaeology, Heritage, Communication, Manage­ment, Historic environment education, Time Travel, Living history.

Effekterna av att signalera hög annonskostnad för ett välgörenhetsföretag - ett undantag från tidigare forskning om signalteori

In today's fast-paced, intense and complex media environment, it is hard for non-profit charity organizations to reach out and get their messages heard.In this study we examine whether the theories of advertising signaling also applies for charities. Past studies of the signaling theories indicates that higher perceived advertising expense leads to more positive effects on purchase behavior and brand perceptions. However, we believe that this does not apply for a charity organization. We argue that since charitable organizations have a fundamentally different mission than commercial companies, they will need different ways to signal quality and credibility, and therefore the common signal-theories will not hold for these organizations.To test our hypotheses, we conducted two surveys where the respondents saw one of five versions of the same ad for a well-known Swedish charity organization, or one of two ads for a commercial corporation. The ads had been manipulated to simulate different levels of perceived cost.Our results shows that perceived ad cost only affects attitude towards the ad if a charity was the sender, whereas perceived ad cost affects intentions, attitudes and credibility if a commercial corporation was the sender.

Äga rum: Offentliga rum betraktade i ett politiskt perspektiv, fallet Pristina

In order to fully grasp the phenomena 'City' we must understand its political structure as an integrated part of its physical structure and vice versa. This thesis focuses on one crucial element of the City, the public space, and discusses it in relation to the public realm, or sphere, of the City. The aim is to see if it is possible to conceive public space as a spatial dimension of power, and if so, how to analyse this. With the help of the theoretical tool of two ideal types of the configuration of public space, "The city as civic public life" and "The city as authoritarian control" an empirical study is carried out on the case of Prishtina, capital of Kosovo.Conclusions made are that function and use of a city's public spaces can be understood in relation to changes in the political climate of the society. Furthermore, a void in the asset of concepts offered by the ideal types is found ? and therefore also need for new concepts to describe and understand a public space undergoing a dynamic transformation, as being a part of a city in political transition..

En knuten näve i silkeshandske - Kan statliga informationskampanjer stärka samhället och medborgaren?

Public opinion can be shaped as well as transformed in a number of ways. Government authorities occasionally make use of public information campaigns to educate and steer the public. In this thesis the balance between public and private, the individual and the society is analysed in terms of dimensions of individualism and communitarianism. These dissimilar theories on how the society ought to be constructed can be used when analysing many different policy areas, however, they also pinpoint the controversies seen in the public debate regarding Swedish information policy. Based on this analysis an empirical study identifies what kind of knowledge the state wants the citizens to possess and public information campaigns can be problematic.

En liten insats med stor betydelse

A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON THE EXPERIENCE OF ESCORT SERVICE UNDER THE ACT (SFS 1993:387) SUPPORT AND SERVICE FOR THE DISABLED The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of escort service under the Act (SFS 1993:387) concerning Support and Service for the disabled (LSS) for self-determination, participation and equality of living conditions. In the results of this study appears that the escort service fulfills its role in breaking the isolation of persons with disabilities. It gives a picture of the escort service is much more than to break the isolation of people with disabilities. The aspects that emerges is that escort service gives persons with disabilities the opportunity to develop their independence, increase their self-esteem and broaden their frames of reference through increased participation in community life. All users report that they experience autonomy in the choice and order of activities within their grant initiatives.

utomhuspedagogik : en studie om förskollärares kunskap om och inställning till utomhuspedagogik samt hur detta omsätts i praktiken

The difference between the public sector and the private sector in Sweden was once very small. These sectors have been united as well for the people, the organizations as for the finances. During the 1960´s and 1970´s the public sector in Sweden was expanding and after the 1980´s the people started talking more about an expanding private sector instead. The year of 2007 Hökarängen Hemtjänst Ekonomisk Förening submitted a tender to Äldreförvaltningen about a purchase of the home- help service in Hökarängen and they accept there tender.Exposing public organization for competition can be a good way to make sure that most value for the money is created and that it generates the most cost- effective organizations. The motivation factor is used to describewhat makes people perform more than what is expected of them.The purpose of this study is to describe and explain similarities and differences in working- motivation between those how are members of Hökarängen Hemtjänst Ekonomisk Förening and those how are not.

Nedläggning av folkbibliotek : Är ideellt idealt?

This study examines the closure of public libraries, and the nonprofit organizations takeover of them as a phenomenon. The aim is to understand why the nonprofit takeover is common and what the takeover symbolizes and if the discourse in media invokes the views on libraries and the profession.Interviews were made with librarians, politicians and representatives of a nonprofit organization to study different sides of the phenomenon. Other empirical data were found in local and national newspapers and media-channels. I discovered that public libraries are highly valued by both politicians and the community. The study also showed that a library in a community makes people feel valued.

Ramavtalets civilrättsliga verkan. Frågor om avtalstrohet och osund strategisk anbudsgivning

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the nature of framework agreements in public procurement in Sweden. The main question is whether a contracting authority is obligated to place orders under a framework agreement when purchasing a product or service that is covered in that agreement and to what extent a contractor is obligated to accept such orders. If the answer to that first question is that an obligation does exist the next question to arise is what kind of consequences to expect when either party fails to meet that obligation. Of great importance is whether a contracting authority that hasn?t used an existing framework agreement is liable to pay damages to the contractor who according to the agreement had a right to deliver.

Kommunala webbplatser för alla eller några? : Kvalitativa intervjuer med webbansvariga i tio sydsvenska kommuner

There is a need for examining the accessibility of public web sites and for several reasons. First, public organizations possess considerable amounts information of interest to its citizens and which ought to be easily accessible. Secondly, international and national guidelines for web publishing support the different types of requirements experienced by web users and, in particular, with regard to accessibility for people with disabilities. The thesis examines the design of public web sites from two different aspects. Web sites can be built up and structured from the management view of the public organization, or, they can be constructed with a view to user needs and requirements.

Folkbiblioteksverksamhet på webben: En kvalitativ studie av svenska folkbibliotekswebbplatser

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate and increase the understanding of Swedish Public Library Websites and to determinate which activity they mediate. To analyse the Public Library Websites Andersson and Skot-Hansen?s model of roles for the Public Library has been used. This model in¬cludes four roles for the library: the library as a cultural centre, a knowledge centre, as an information centre and as a social centre.

Framtiden för snabbladdning och marknadsaktörerna inom eMobilitys syn på laddinfrastruktur

The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.

Synt och sånt : Datorbaserat musikskapande på folkbibliotek, en studie i förutsättningar och praktik

Recent papers and bills from the Swedish Government deal with the possibilities  of giving all Swedish citizens the possibility of their own creative actlvities in the cultural sector. This work is about where such actlvities shall be placed in order to make them obtainable  for all. As an example of creative work this work takes computer-based music-making. At the public library in Odense, Denmark there is a weil functioning sound workshop where the public gets the opportunity of making music with some assistance from the staff. This work shows  that also in Sweden  the public libraries are the most suitable  institutions  for placing studies for computer-based music-making  for the public depending  on the public libraries'  traditions in adult education.

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