

870 Uppsatser om Commercial speech - Sida 57 av 58

Gremmeniella abietina-epidemin 2001 : har skogen återhämtat sig?

The fungus Gremmeniella abietina causes damage to conifers that can lead to tree death. In 1999 and 2001 the pathogen caused severe attacks in Sweden, where about 500 000 ha of pine forest were affected. Trees of all ages were attacked, but mainly forests between 30-60 years that were ready for their first commercial thinning. After recommendations from the forest agency, sanitary fellings were made to trees that had more needle loss than 85%, a total of about 50 000 ha. Economic losses have been estimated to more than one billion SEK.

Nutrient efficiency in Swedish dairy cows fed total mixed rations or partial mixed rations

The relatively poor economy in European dairy farming might be improved from efficient feeding systems and dietary management. Increasing herd sizes and transition to loose housing systems in Sweden, increases the possibilities for other feeding systems than separate feeding that is the traditional feeding system in Sweden. Other possible feeding systems are partial mixed ration (PMR) and total mixed ration (TMR), where the TMR system sometimes is associated with overfeeding and thereby increased environmental impact and high feed cost. Diets providing nutrients above or below animal requirements are considered as unbalanced, which in turn are associated with reductions in health, fertility and milk production. On the other hand, a balanced feed ration improves feed efficiency, nitrogen utilization and profitability.

Chemical and sensory analyses of juice, cider and vinegar produced from different apple cultivars

The interest for locally produced food is increasing due to consumer concern about the environment, distrust of industrial foods and a demand for high quality products. Apple is the predominant fruit crop in Sweden, and by processing apples into cider and vinegar, these products could significantly contribute to the development of the market of local foods.In this study different yeast types and different bacterial cultures were evaluated for their suitability in cider and vinegar production from cloudy apple juice. Ten apple cultivars (Aroma, Baldwin, Belle de Boskoop, Bramley, Cortland, Gravensteiner, Ingrid-Marie, Jonathan, Rubinola and Spartan) were also evaluated for their suitability for production of juice, cider and vinegar. Chemical analyses including total soluble solids, titratable acidity and total phenols were performed on the products along with sensorial evaluation by taste panels.The yeast strains were shown to have an effect on fermentation rate and the resulting content of total phenols in ciders fermented from cloudy apple juice. Dry commercial starter strains gave a higher appreciated cider compared to cider that was spontaneously fermented, and the ale yeast Safale S-04 was concluded to be the most suited for fermentation of cloudy apple juice.For vinegar production, the bacterial culture had an effect on TSS, but not on any other chemical or taste characteristics.

Rörelsemönster och golvrenhet på två olika slags spaltgolv i lösdrift för mjölkkor :

About 80 % of all Swedish dairy cows are kept in tie-stalls, but loose housing is increasing, probably because it is more profitable for the farmer. The design of the floors is of cruicial importance to the cows well-being. Traditionally, the most common type of floor in the alleys of a cubicle system still is a slatted manure-draining floor made of concrete. The typical Swedish design has 125-mm slats and 40-mm slots, maximally. With too wide slots, there is an increased risk of injuries to the claws when the cow makes a hasty move.

Barns berättande och återberättande : En jämförande studie mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga barn i Sverige

I dagens globaliserade samhälle blir det allt vanligare att barn växer upp med fler än ettspråk i sin omgivning. Det kräver en ökad kunskap om flerspråkighet och vad somsärskiljer flerspråkiga barn från enspråkiga barn. Då de mätinstrument som idaganvänds i Sverige för att utröna om ett barn har en språkstörning endast är utformade förenspråkiga barn riskerar flerspråkiga barn att över- eller underdiagnostiseras. För attråda bot på den problematik som uppkommit i samband med diagnostisering avflerspråkiga barn och språkstörning har ett europeiskt forskningsnätverk bildats, kallatCOST Action IS0804. Syftet med nätverket är att kartlägga SLI (specific languageimpairment) hos flerspråkiga barn genom att koordinera forskning inom lingvistisk ochkognitiv förmåga över ett stort antal länder.

En andra chans ? en överblick av secondhandkläders marknad

In our globalized society massconsumption is widespread. However there is a trend showingthat people are starting to re-use clothes instead of buying newly produced garments. Reasonsfor buying secondhand clothing are many. During the 1950s people strived to look likeeveryone else but in the 1960s this changed. Subcultures grew stronger.

Pop, identitet och genus i Kamratposten och Julia

AbstractIn this essay I am examining the representation of popmusic with particular focus on gender and identity in two youth magazines called Kamratposten and Julia. Using the method of Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analysis I have studied ten interviews with popmusicians from each magazine based on the theorys of representations, discourses within popularmusic and queer theory. The intention with this study was to examine how popularmusic is represented in youth magazines. If the magazines were reproducing femininity and masculinity in the interviews with the musicians, and in the representation of popmusic in the magazines. And also if there were any differences and similarities between the magazines regarding the representation of popmusicians.The analysis lead to the conclusions that how popmusic is represented in the magazines depends on what the magazines wan´t to represent on the basis of their target groups and ideologies.

Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix

Sammanfattning Abstract Titel: Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix Title: The Company Karlskrona Musikfest´s efforts to reach maximum attendance ? An analysis of the New Years review DNA 2003/04 and their promotion mix. Författare/Authors: Carina Assarsson & Ing-Marie Åkesson-Blomberg Handledare/Supervisor: Tom Michel Institution: Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Department: Department of Business Administration, Blekinge Institute of Technology Kurs: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits. Syfte: Studien undersöker hur Karlskrona Musikfest har marknadsfört Nyårsrevyn och om den valda promotionmixen var bra. Undersökningen svarar även på frågan om vilken ålderskategori som främst tilltalas av Nyårsrevyn.

Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix

Sammanfattning Abstract Titel: Strävan för företaget Karlskrona Musikfest att uppnå maximal publiktillströmning ? En analys av Nyårsrevyn DNA 2003/04 och dess promotionmix Title: The Company Karlskrona Musikfest´s efforts to reach maximum attendance ? An analysis of the New Years review DNA 2003/04 and their promotion mix. Författare/Authors: Carina Assarsson & Ing-Marie Åkesson-Blomberg Handledare/Supervisor: Tom Michel Institution: Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Department: Department of Business Administration, Blekinge Institute of Technology Kurs: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits. Syfte: Studien undersöker hur Karlskrona Musikfest har marknadsfört Nyårsrevyn och om den valda promotionmixen var bra. Undersökningen svarar även på frågan om vilken ålderskategori som främst tilltalas av Nyårsrevyn. Slutligen så ger den en bättre förståelse för liknande evenemangs promotionmixer. Purpose: The study examines how the New Years review in Karlskrona markets their show and if their promotionmix has been successful. The study also answers the question of which age group the review interests.

Environmental variables determining the occurrence of Cladonia parasitica and Hertelidea botryosa, two boreal lichens confined to wood

Biodiversity is essential for human well-being and it is defined as the genetic variation within species and the variety of species and ecosystems. Biodiversity provides several ecosystem services which are necessary for human beings but there are different threats towards the biodiversity. The biodiversity linked to the forest in Sweden are threatened, about 50 % of the red-listed species in Sweden are associated with forests. This is linked to the commercial exploitation of the boreal forest in Sweden which started 200 years ago. The forestry the last 50 years, with clear-cuts, have contributed to a fragmented forest landscape.

Kolliderande standardavtal : En analys av svensk och tysk avtalsrätt beträffandev kolliderande standardavtal

AbstractThe use of standard agreements can hardly be overestimated in the society of today. The amount of standard agreements should barely decrease. One of the standard agreement?s main purposes, to make the concluding of the contract more effective, strongly agrees with the companies will to accomplish fast concluding of agreements using as small resources as possible A dispute that can arise in these contexts is that dissimilar standard agreements collide. Between nations this is called Battle of Forms.

Effekt av ras och säsong på nötkreaturs avbetningsgrad av konkurrenskraftiga betesmarksväxter :

Grasslands which have been actively managed for a long time and which in modern times have not been subject to cultivation such as fertilization are called semi-natural grasslands. These rare and species-rich areas hold an ecological, biological and historical value and if the management stops these areas will likely diminish. More effective agricultural systems and a declining number of grazing animals have in Sweden, among other countries, made semi-natural grasslands less valuable as foraging areas. Shrubs and fast growing plants rapidly colonize abandoned semi-natural grasslands, threatening biodiversity. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of breed and season on diet composition, with special reference to four competitive species found in wet areas ? in cattle grazing heterogeneous semi-natural grasslands ? and thereby contribute to improved management of these areas.

Vägen till välmåendet

Denna uppsats handlade om att genom en textanalys studera hur två hälsotidskrifter, Hälsa och Må Bra, framställde ämnet kost och hälsa. Hälsoupplysningen började under 1700-talet, med skrifter och utvecklades därefter till ett allt större forum i takt med samhällsutvecklingen. I dagsläget kunde jag identifiera flertalet sätt där hälsoupplysning förekom som tex. via TV, internet, massmedia, reklamannonser, apotek, hälsokostaffärer, dagstidningar, tidskrifter, etc. Av detta urval valde jag att genom en textanalys, samt genom att hämta inspiration av några analysredskap, som metaforer, intertextualitet samt modalitet, studera hur tidskrifterna genom sina artiklar valde att framställa kost och hälsa.

Svensk livsmedelsexport : hur upplever svenska livsmedelföretag exportmarknaden?

The food industry is an important part of the Swedish economy, It is the fourth largest industry in Sweden in terms of number of employees and production value. Due to the increasing globalization, the Swedish food industry faces new conditions and challenges. Through the Swedish membership in the European Union in 1995 a whole new era of competition began for the Swedish agriculture and food industry. Markets that previously were closed now opened. In retrospect, it should be noted that the Swedish food industry managed well.

Räcker det med en röjning i tallbestånd i norra Sverige?

Röjning är en skötselåtgärd som påverkar det framtida beståndets utveckling och skördeutfall. Olika och delvis motstridiga mål måste beaktas vid röjningstillfället. I praktiken blir många bestånd röjda mer än en gång. En orsak till upprepad röjning är att det kan uppstå behov av förnyad lövröjning när stubbskott har vuxit ifatt barrträden. Röjningens utförande kan också påverka nästa skötselåtgärd, dvs.

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