7201 Uppsatser om Comfort theory - Sida 6 av 481
Pudelns kärna : Vad det innebär att "göra en pudel" ur ett kommunikativt perspektiv
In this essay I want to investigate how the poodle strategy affects a person?s credibility when he or she uses it. The poodle strategy is a strategy, which someone uses when he or she is scrutinized by the media. It?s primary purpose is to suppress further media coverage but it is also a strategy for defending oneself and hence rescuing one?s reputation either as a private person or as an official.The essay?s research questions are:How has the strategy been applied for defensive purposes and what are the results?To which extent can the Stasis theory and Benoit?s theory on Apologia be connected to the strategy?Does the strategy affect the user?s credibility?To answer these questions four cases from the political sphere in Sweden where persons have been said to have ?done a poodle? have been analyzed.
Könsförvirring : En narrativ studie av normbrytande genus i barndomen
This essay deals with non-normative gender expressions during childhood. I?m using narrative theory and methods to analyze autobiographical narratives. My questions are:What strategies does the non-normative person use to deal with his otherness?Using the methodological analysis tool ?turning point?, where are the turning points in the narratives? Are their any common turning points in the various narratives?Where is the responsibility placed in the narratives for that someone does not fit in by the adults/ staff at the school/kindergarten- on the non-normative person or at the surroundings?The experiences are interpreted through theories and concepts from queer theory and gender theory.
Att vara arbetssökande : Motivation och känslomässiga upplevelser hos arbetssökande individer samt upplevelser utav kontakten med arbetsförmedlaren
Research shows that unemployed´s motivation to seek work affects their health and social life. Employment officer?s motivational work should be based on strengthening the individual's confidence in their abilities. Five motivational theories underpinning the study is Cognitive Theory, Self-determination theory, Expectancy Value Theory, need theory and Goal Theory. The purpose of this study was to investigate individuals' job motivation, and emotional experiences, also in relation to contact with the employment officer.
Förstå musikens tecken : Multimodala, semiotiska resurser i musikteori
This study is made in order to see how music teachers pedagogic design their teaching from a semiotic design theoretical perspective. A survey was done in a study to see how the music college students experienced their music theory teaching. This was followed by an observation of two different music theory teachers teaching music theory and with subsequent interviews. One teacher taught music theory at a swedish non-compulsory School of Arts, Kulturskola, and the other music teacher taught at an independent adult education college. The study's questionnaire, observation and interview revealed patterns of teaching, probably largely due to the teaching tradition.
Investigating the bond between research dogs and a familiar person and validation of the Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP)
In the dog-human relationship humans are the ones who provide the dog with safety and comfort. Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP), which was originally developed in humans to study the relationship between mothers and infants, has been modified to investigate the emotional bond research dogs have to a familiar person. Twelve research dogs were tested to investigate whether the dogs performed any behaviours indicating a secure-base effect, such as more exploration and play in the presence of a familiar person and proximity-seeking behaviours when this person is or has been absent. In the ASSP the dog enters a room with a familiar person, is introduced to a stranger, is left alone for a short period of time and experiences moments of separation and reunion. A second variation of the ASSP was added where the familiar person was replaced by another, to the dog, unfamiliar person.
Boken ? ett stöd i livets slutskede
This is a study of the importance of culture for persons who are in their terminal stage of life. The purpose of my study is to find out if culture, particularly literature, can be a comfort for persons who are about to die. The study is based on interviews with people who are working in the palliative team at Norra Älvsborgs Länssjukhus (NÄL) in Trollhättan. It is also based on study of literature. It is literature about hospital library, culture in hospital treatment, palliative care, bibliotherapy and ?own stories? from dying persons.
Dimensioneringen av revisionens budget
This study represents the different factors that may have an influence on the budgetproposal in the local government for the revision. The revision in the local government is an important part of councillors and public insight into the different activities. The budget for revision decides how much of the activities runned by the local government can be observed by the elected representative accountant. The aim of the study is to see how the following variable affect the dimension of the budget appointed for revision. We have used Institutional theory, theory that contains the role-play between guardians and advocates and Agent theory with help of accountability.The dissertation is written in Swedish..
Tv-spel som resurs för religionskunskap : En undersökning om tv-spel som resurs inom dygdetik
This paper examines the possibilities of using video games as a tool for education of virtue ethics. By comparing learning aspects in Marc Prensky?s theory Digital Game-Based Learning and Aristotelian virtue ethics, this paper tries to look for similarities in how each theory looks at learning. Prensky?s theory is about how one can use video games in education, which is why it is used here.
Vattenapeteorin: Paradigmskifte eller pseudovetenskap?
The Aquatic Ape theory was first formulated by Alister Hardy in year 1960. All from the beginning the theory has been criticized, ridiculed, ignored and a source to strong feelings in the anthropological community. The purpose of this essay is to investigate why the Aquatic Ape theory is so controversial and why it is understood so differently by scientists. After interviews with Swedish scientists and the general community, and after reading of anthropological books, I have tried to show that the aquatic ape-coldness depends on it challenging nature against the anthropological paradigm, which describes human beings as strong, hunting creatures who can live in any environment. The Aquatic Ape theory - on the other hand - picks out one of all these environments and says: "here has our evolution occurred: we have been aquatic apes".
Att vara arbetssökande - Motivation och känslomässiga upplevelser hos arbetssökande individer samt upplevelser utav kontakten med arbetsförmedlaren
Research shows that unemployed´s motivation to seek work affects their health
and social life. Employment officer?s motivational work should be based on
strengthening the individual's confidence in their abilities. Five motivational
theories underpinning the study is Cognitive Theory, Self-determination theory,
Expectancy Value Theory, need theory and Goal Theory. The purpose of this study
was to investigate individuals' job motivation, and emotional experiences, also
in relation to contact with the employment officer.
Could you tell us your story?
The purpose of this study has been to examine how elderly people in today?s society look upon themselves and experience their own aging. We have inquired answers to the following main questions: What main events during the life course are emphasized in the elderly?s stories about their lives, and in what way has it affected their experience of growing old? In what way have social relationships, interests and the experience of health changed during the life course? How do the elderly experience their own aging, and what emotions are expressed in the speech surrounding their life course?
The results of the study have been analyzed and interpreted with the help of the life course theory, Erikson?s psychosocial development theory and the continuity theory. The results show that elderly people of today don?t feel their age.
Guds bekräftande blick : en undersökning av anknytning i kristen själavårdslitteratur
This paper is based on Bowlby's attachment theory in the exploration of Christian pastoral care literature. Kirkpatrick and Granqvist account for the majority of previous research on the subject, however, not related to counselling or counselling literature. The selected pastoral literature, which is three books by each author: Liselotte J Andersson and Margareta Melin provide several possible associations with attachment theory. In the process, nonetheless, more literature has been studied than those reported here. This paper aims to investigate whether a relationship with God is given as an attachment relationship of the selected pastoral literature.
Granskning av hållbarhetsredovisning : hur påverkas revisorns bedömningar av de standarder och riktlinjer som används i granskningsprocessen?
Diskussionerna om ?granskning? av miljö- och hållbarhetsredovisningar har i Sverige funnits sedan mitten av 1990-talet. Specialistrevisorn Lars-Olle Larsson menar att efterfrågan ökar angående bestyrkta hållbarhetsredovisningar. Detta på grund av de ökade kraven från organisationer som Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Förenta Nationerna (FN) och Amnesty International. Med andra ord har uppmärksamheten riktas mot såväl företagens samhällsansvar som den enskilda revisorn och revisorsprofessionen.Det finns en pågående forskningsdebatt som grundar sig på struktur kontra bedömning i revisionsprocessen.
Om jag säger Rinkeby, vad tänker du då?
The objective of this research was to study how two newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Expressen are creating an image of the Stockholm suburb Rinkeby. The method used to do the study was qualitative content analysis. Ten articles were chosen, five off either newspaper and were found on the internet homepages of the newspapers on 15 November of 2013 and 27 January of 2014. Several theories were used in the study. Agenda setting theory, a media theory that explains the power of media, Figuration theory developed by Norbert Elias that deals with power struggles between different groups in society.
Insamlingsorganisationer - vad förklarar omfattningen av redovisningsprinciper?
The natural disasters of recent time have caused the people of Sweden to donate very large amounts of money to different fundraising organizations. With this in mind, we found it interesting to examine the extent of disclosure in the annual reports of the Swedish fundraising organizations. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify which factors that influences the extent of disclosure of accounting principles in the annual reports of Swedish fundraising organizations. To fulfill this purpose we conducted a content analysis of 149 annual reports from Swedish fundraising organizations. To help us explain the levels of disclosure we applied stakeholder theory, institutional theory and legitimacy theory.