

63 Uppsatser om Collision - Sida 3 av 5

Bakåtvänd eller framåtvänd bilbarnstol för dem mellan ett och fem år.

This paper aims to analyze how child restraint systems (CRS) in cars should be positioned to protect children at the ages 1 to 5. The study is preformed in co-operation with the Swedish insurance company Folksam. Data from Folksam´s database on car crashes in the years 1999-2004 is being used in this study. Every child in the ages 1 to 5 was searched for in the database, which resulted in 184 observations. To perform the analysis, categorical data analysis is suitable.

A risk analysis of moose close to roads

For many decades the increase in traffic volume, expansion of highways and infrastructure has lead to an increase of wildlife vehicle Collisions which are unfortunately very common in many countries today. They cause great deal of material damage and even kill humans or wildlife. Measures in the form of warning signs, under- and overpasses and fencing have been implemented for a long time with the help of observation by hunters and Collisions sites. However this study focuses on the moose?s perspective and the variables that, both spatially and temporally, could have an effect on why and when moose are close to certain types of roads.

En guide till det goda livet? Om gymnasieungdomars syn på religion och religiösa människor

The aim of this essay is to investigate the attitudes towards religion and religious people held by a group of Swedish high school students. The main questions are; what causes these attitudes andhow do they shape the students? encounter with religion and religious people and in what way could religious education help the students problematize these attitudes?The method used is a quantitative method using a questionnaire, with a Likert scale, posing different questions about religion as such, world religion and religious people. The theoretical basis, in order to discuss the result of the questionnaire, is a gender theory and the theory of social psychology.The result of the study confirms earlier studies of youths both in Sweden and Western Europe. The result shows that there is a certain degree of negative attitudes towards religion, most of all againstIslam.

HFDs hantering av regelkollision mellan intern rätt och skatteavtal : En analys av RÅ 2010 ref. 112

The OMX-case entailed considerable uncertainty about the relationship between tax treaties and Swedish domestic law. Previous approaches to handle rule conflict between them was put out of action for the first time when an internal rule took precedence over tax treaties. The Greece-case came a few years later where there were hopes that it would be decided in plenary session to return to the view that prevailed before the OMX-case, which did not happen. Instead the Supreme Administrative Court ruled that the tax treaties shall in principle be given preference, but that in exceptional situations tax treaties can be infringed to an internal rule's benefit, so called tax treaty override. Such procedure is acceptable if the legislature gives "clear expression" of the intention of a certain type of income is to be taxed in Sweden, or that a particular new rule applies regardless of the provisions in tax treaties.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the supreme administrative courts management of rule Collision between domestic law and tax treaties in the Greece-case.

Juridiska processer som marknadsföringsinstrument: En fallstudie kring utformningen av massmedial kommunikation i två EG-rättsprocesser

In public relations and marketing, lawsuits traditionally connote crisis. The purpose of this study is to explore the design and critical considerations concerning risks and opportunities when companies voluntarily initiate lawsuits with the partial aim to get publicity in the mass media. In the following paper, the communicative aspects of two such Swedish cases in the European Court of Justice are studied?a large corporation challenging the Swedish monopoly on gambling and a small company challenging the government on their restrictions for individuals to import alcoholic beverages. The case studies have been conducted through interviews, analysis of legal acts and press articles.


Under de senaste åren har en ny trend inom spelindustrin uppstått då en stor del av spelen har gåtttillbaka till de tvådimensionella miljöerna som var vanligare i tv-spelens barndom, detta tack vareatt mobiltelefoner och deras spel har tagit allt större plats på marknaden och de är oftatvådimensionella på grund av sin begränsade hårdvara. De tvådimensionella spelen har enligttradition inte haft någon dynamisk ljussättning, utan de har bestått utav färdig grafik medförutbestämda intensiteter vilket gör att spelen kan se platta ut.Men inom andra områden av spelindustrin, framförallt tredimensionella spel, har utvecklingen avdynamiska ljussättningsmetoder kommit långt. Problemet med dessa metoder är att de kräverobjektens normaler, vilka normalt inte finns tillgängligt i tvådimensionella bilder.Idag är mobiltelefonerna kraftfulla och klarar av mycket tyngre beräkningar än vad de gjorde förbara några år sedan. Därför undersökte vi möjligheten att implementera dynamisk ljussättning i etttvådimensionellt spel på androidbaserade mobiltelefoner. För att genomföra detta krävdes också attvi undersökte metoder för att generera normaler för tvådimensionell grafik.För att ett fullständigt spel skulle kunna skapas så implementerades också saker somkollisionshantering, artificiell intelligens och procedurell generering av banor..

Navigering, sensorfusion och styrning för autonom markfarkost

The aim of the Master?s Thesis work is to study and develop algorithms for autonomous travel of a UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle). A vehicle for the mounting of sensors has been constructed in order to perform the work. Since the UGV is to be used outdoor in urban areas, GPS can be used. To improve precision and robustness, inertial navigation is used in addition to GPS, since GPS reception is likely to be diminished in such areas.

Yttrandefrihet kontra lojalitetsplikt : Vilken princip väger tyngst när det kommer till kritiska uttalanden om arbetsgivaren via sociala medier

In this paper, the legal situation regarding freedom of expression versus the duty of loyalty is investigated, this in a context where an employee makes critical statements about his employer through social media.The duty of loyalty is a part of all employment relationships and it follows implicit from the contract regardless of whether it is specified in it or not. This duty means that an employee is required to put the employer's interests before his own and avoid all situations that end up in Collision of the duties. The employee may no t either act in such a way that is intended to harm the employer. This means that the employee must be even off duty careful not to appear disloyal to the employer. This may lead to that a status update on Facebook, even when made on the employee's free time, can be regarded as disloyal conduct, with the dismissal or disciplinary action as a result.Case law states that the point of departure regarding criticizing the employer must be that the employee has an extensive such a possibility to that, without that being considered as disloyal conduct.

Unga lagöverträdare - Samhällets kompromiss? : En studie av socialtjänstens yttranden

AbstractIn Sweden all persons under the age of 18 are considered children. The age when it is possible to be held responsible for a criminal act, and therefor convicted in court, is 15. Society?s and, perhaps first and foremost, the authority?s attitude towards juvenile crime is that they should not be equal adults in the process within criminal law. Because children are considered essential for the society of tomorrow, it is important to pay extra attention to crimes committed by juveniles.

Informationskällor vid kreditbedömning-skillnad mellan kvinnor och mäns informationsinsamling vid kreditbedömning-

Med fler än en miljon omkomna i trafikolyckor världen över varje år är trafiksäkerhet ett ständigt aktuellt område. Studier på deprimerade patienter har visat att negativ sinnesstämning medför försämrad körförmåga. Dessa effekter är i hög grad outforskade och det är därför viktigt att undersöka om de förekommer även vid en mildare grad av nedstämdhet, så kallad dysfori, vilket i så fall skulle innebära att negativ sinnesstämning i likhet med trötthet och alkoholpåverkan utgör en allvarlig trafikfara. För att bättre förstå hur sinnesstämning påverkar körförmåga är det dock också relevant att undersöka om dysfori kan bidra till riskkompensation, det fenomen som inträffar när människor kompenserar för säkerhetsförändringar genom ett förändrat riskbeteende. I denna uppsats beskrivs en del av en körsimulatorstudie kring dysfori och bilkörning, där syftet var att undersöka om dysfori kan vara en orsak till riskkompensation.

Konflikter på gång och cykelbana. : Ett skadepreventivt perspektiv.

Att vistas på gång- och cykelbanor kan vara en situation som upplevs som otrygg av de oskyddade trafikanterna som delar på detta utrymme. Samexistens och hänsyn till medtrafikanter är av vikt för att minska konflikter och skador som uppstår i denna miljö.En anledning till konflikter mellan fotgängare och cyklister är den höga hastigheten som cyklister kan färdas i. Denna hastighet skapar otrygghet bland fotgängare samt hos de cyklister som färdas i ett långsammare tempo. Otryggheten, beteende hos de båda trafikantgrupperna samt hastigheten leder i vissa fall till konflikter med kollisioner och personskador som följd. Att separera gång- och cykeltrafiken minskar till viss del konflikterna mellan dessa två grupper, men konflikten mellan cyklister som färdas fort och de cyklister som färdas långsamt kvarstår samt att otryggheten till viss del kvarstår hos fotgängarna, speciellt i de fall separeringen enbart skett med färgmarkering.

Principen mot rättsmissbruk inom det svenska mervärdesskatteområdet: är det hållbart?

The VAT Directive (2006/112/EC) does not regulate Member States? opportunities to intervene against tax evasion. The European Court of Justice has clarified the situation in case C-255/02 Halifax. This case establish that the universal principle against the abuse of rights applies to VAT, which means that Member States have the opportunity to redefine transactions not involving a breach of law but nevertheless goes past what the legislature envisaged at the introduction of the provision.A debate has risen as to whether the principle against the abuse of rights is equally ap-plicable in Swedish domestic law on VAT. The administrative court of appeal in Go-thenburg, Case No.

Utformning av sidoområden med hänsyn till vägens livscykelkostnad

Single vehicle accidents are one of the most common types of accidents that occur on the Swedish road network. Depending on the design of the road, the presence of a crash barrier and embankment on the roadside, the outcome of a roadside Collision can lead to serious injuries and even deaths.The aim of this project is to investigate the possibility of improving road safety by designing the optimal roadside area based on the results of a life cycle cost analysis (LCC).The questions that have been answered during the duration of this project are:1) Describe the current technical solutions for roadside area design and the various barrier types used in Sweden.2) Complete an existing mathematical model that has been developed by Hawzheen Karim, for calculating life-cycle costs for various roadside areas.3) Calculate and compare the life cycle costs for the side area with a barrier and without a barrier.By performing an analysis of the documentation on the current guidelines and rules for shaping the roadside, was it possible to describe the current technical solutions for the formation the roadside as well as the current roadside barriers in use today. A mathematical model for calculating the life cycle costs of different barrier types had already been developed by Hawzheen Karim. This model was supplemented so that it could calculate life-cycle costs of the roadside region with and without a barrier. After the model was completed, an analysis was performed to obtain life-cycle costs of a roadside with and without a barrier.The result showed that there is a clear relationship between the slope inclination, fill height, and the rate at which the costs rise.

Talet och tystnaden : en studie av samhällsstrukturer och begär i Sarah Kanes "Phaedra's Love"

This essay is an introduction to the intentions and purposes of the british play writer Sarah Kane (1971-1999). Her own voice is presented both via quotations linked to her work and by an explanation of her connections to the surrealist poet and actor Antonin Artaud. The main focus is on Kane?s second play, Phaedra?s Love, first performed in 1996. The play is analyzed in co-relation to La volonté de savoir, the first volume in Michel Foucault?s trilogy Histoire de la sexualité.

Generalklausulen i 57 § Första stycket, punkt 4 Jordabalken och dess tillämpning med utgångspunkt i NJA 2011 s 27

Title: From inspectors to guides: how citizen journalism and participatory cultureaffect the professional identity of Swedish journalists (Swedish title: Från granskaretill guide: om medborgarjournalistikens och deltagarkulturens påverkan på svenskajournalisters professionella identitet).Number of pages: 44 (48 including enclosures).Authors: Towe Bengtsson and Matilda Källén.Tutor: Amelie Hössjer.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall 2011.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics andMedia, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The goal of this paper was to answer how citizen journalism andparticipatory journalism as well as an increasing range of information today haveaffected the professional identity and professional lives of journalists. In addition tothis, study how journalists today respond to these changes.Material/Method: The study is based on Deuze?s theories about journalistic ideals,Jenkins? theories about convergence culture, and on theories about professionalizationand de-professionalization based on Nygren, Wiik and Torstendahl?s theories. Thestudy is based on eight interviews with professional journalists, four employedjournalists and four freelance journalists. The results are analysed based on a broadtheoretical framework.Main results: The results of this survey show that the role of the professionaljournalist is extremely complex, with a strong ideological basis that fundamentallyinfluences the journalist's view of the profession and of him- or herself.

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