591 Uppsatser om Collective intelligence - Sida 33 av 40
Att täcka en obekant yta med Spanning Tree Covering, Topologisk Täckande Algoritm, Trilobite
Det har blivit mer och mer vanligt med ny, datoriserad teknik i hemmen. Fler
människor har ett allt stressigare liv och inte längre samma tid att ta hand om
det egna hemmet. Behovet av en hjälpande hand med hushållsarbete har blivit
allt större. Tänk själv att komma hem från jobbet eller skolan och så har
golvet blivit skinande rent utan att Ni knappt har behövt göra någonting! Det
finns idag flera olika robotar på marknaden för detta ändamål. En av dessa är
den autonoma dammsugaren, som är det vi inriktat vår uppsats på.
I betraktarens ögon : En kvalitativ studie om kollektivets betydelse för hedersrelaterat våld utifrån hedersvåldsutsatta unga kvinnors subjektiva skildringar
Föreliggande studie syftar till att, med fokus på den kollektiva arenan, ge en fördjupad kunskap om hedersrelaterat våld genom unga kvinnors subjektiva, kvalitativa skildringar, vilka präglats av kollektivistiska hederskulturer. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med unga kvinnor vilka blivit föremål för hedersrelaterat våld och således har en insikt i den kollektiva arenan. Resultatet visar att ryktesspridning används medvetet av kollektivmedlemmar likt ett maktmedel och rykten florerande inom kollektivet har resulterat i direkta hedersvåldshandlingar riktade mot respondenterna. Vidare visar resultatet på att de unga kvinnorna porträtterar kollektivet som en mekanism vilken straffar normavvikande och potentiellt normavvikande individer. Rädslan för att uppfattas som oppositionell delas av många i kollektivet, däribland de som utfärdat hedersvåldshandlingar mot respondenterna och således tycks offerskapet i det kollektiva hedersrelaterade sammanhanget vara bilateralt i den bemärkelsen att de förtryckande och hedersvåldshandlande individerna även de är förtryckta.
Jewellery in the logic dreams - på jakt efter drömkänslan i konsten
Nina Johansson starts her essay by making some examples of dreams to show the diversity of the ?dream world?. She speaks of how all humans dream, that it ties us together. She wants to translate the ?feeling of dreams? into wearable objects, and to be able to do that, she must try and describe what that feeling consists of.
Omstruktureringars betydelse för organisatoriska lärprocesser : Ett kunskapsperspektiv på att dela en verksamhet och köpa verksamhetsnära it-tjäsnter
The thesis aims to understand how learning processes are affected when an organization split into two separate organizations. The study is designed as a single case, covering a new government agency?s takeover of a core activity from another agency and the use of a purchase-provider split between the agencies, providing the new agency with IT-services. The findings revealed a difference in productive system and knowledge types between core- and IT-activities. The core activity was found to be dominated by explicit knowledge while the IT-activity seemed to be dominated by a mix of explicit and tacit knowledge.
Den förvrängda invandraren : En kvalitativ studie om hur publiken tolkar och genomskådar invandrarrepresentationer i svenska medier
The aim of this study was to seek knowledge about how the media audience interprets media representations of immigrants as well as the construction of ?us? and ?them? that is created from the media report.We implemented two focus group interviews, one containing only ethnical Swedes and one holding a variety of people with different ethnical backgrounds. The focus groups got to read nine news articles from different Swedish news papers selected by us, based upon previous research. These articles got to serve as the basis of the discussion.To supplement the focus groups, which got to represent the media audience, we also interviewed two different persons we choose to call informants, whom are both immigrants and are or have been politically active and often appear in local media.The interviews were our empirical material which was used for analysis. The method we used was qualitative analysis of meaning and was based upon a hermeneutic starting point, meaning that all humans are interpreting beings.
Individuell lönesättning : Rätt väg för jämställda löner?
Today there is still irrelevant pay differential in society. In Sweden in 2010, the average pay differential was 15,4 percent between the sexes. Only 0,8 percent better than EU:s average.In Sweden the individual salaries increasingly have begun to characterize the Swedish labor market. Based on this, the aim of this study is to highlight the issue of equal pay between men and women from the perspective of individual salary. This would also been doing with a background in the regulatory environment of equal pay.When it comes to equality between women and men it is the area of labor law in EU who is the most developed and in Sweden this is the area who is most affected by EU law.
Flyktingpolitiska diskurser: en kritisk diskursanalys av två debatter
The central goal of this study was to compare statements of the minister of migration in power in 1994 with those of the minister of migration in 2006. The statements reflect two peaks of refugee immigration in connection to the war in former Yugoslavia and the present war in Iraq. The study analyses the statements in a critical discourse analysis framework. More specifically the aim was to find out if there were any discursive differences in these statements and how they might manifest themselves in society. The material was composed of 12 texts, 6 for each period originating from Swedish newspapers and from the ministers' public speeches.
Undervisningsvillkor i praktiken : lärarnas syn på villkoren för undervisning anpassad till alla barns individuella behov och förutsättningar
The purpose of this study is to reach an understandingfrom the teachers' perspective of their possibilities to successfully teach ina way that fulfills every child's individual needs in a classroom, according tothe idea of a school for everyone. This study also aims for an understanding ofhow the inclusion of children with special needs in the classroom effect the otherpupils. The main questions asked are:How do teachers think that the conditions of teaching adaptedto all pupils look like in practice?What are the factual conditions that affect the terms forinclusive education according to the teachers?The empirical data were obtained through qualitativesemi-structured interviews with six teachers in primary school, stage 1-3. The materialwas processed using an inductive thematic analysis.
Rysk Operationskonst : Utveckling efter kriget mellan Ryssland och Georgien 2008
The war between Georgia and Russia awakened the world pretty brutally when a small country like Georgia tried to restore order in South Ossetia. The war between the two countries took place over five days in August 2008. This paper discusses the Russian operational art and its development after the war. The starting point is to test the traditional and classic Russian theory of operational art. The aim is to describe and discuss the Russian operational experience and any developments and trends in the Russian Federation's armed forces. The purpose of describing the theory behind the operational art is to create an independent analysis model. The essay?s analysis is based entirely from qualitative research with the collection of qualitative data in the form of texts and documents with a holistic perspective. Initially, the theory chapter is created from an inductive approach to identify, define and describe the operational concept and principles, creating a theoretical model of explanation. The developed analytical model is based on the Russian theory of operational art and takes off from a deductive approach to the collected empirical data. The results of the performed analysis results are interpreted and the product of this presented in the operational conclusions. Russia had a strategic ability to win the war by means of strategic resources related to tempo, simplicity and shock effect on the Georgian troops. Russia carries out a variety of reforms and the outcome of the war demonstrates the importance of Russia having a strategic capacity to make use of one in the type of conflict that Georgia represents. This success shows that the strategic capabilities are initially a success factor, while the deficiencies in the operational and tactical levels cannot be accepted in the long run, but must be developed.
Framgångsfaktorer för implementering av Business Intelligence
SammanfattningI denna studie presenteras tidigare forskning som beskriver datorspelande som fenomen. Bland annat beskriver tidigare forskning hur utspritt datorspelande är, vem som spelar samt vilka konsekvenser det kan få. Dessutom framkommer olika riskfaktorer för datorspelsberoende. Detta kan vara bland annat kön, social utsatthet och psykisk hälsa. Det är också utifrån den tidigare forskningen som en kunskapslucka identifierades.
Upplevelse av fotfunktion : efter konservativt behandlad hälseneruptur
Background: Previously research shows that people treated conservatively can have reduced foot function after Achilles tendon rupture. However, there are few qualitative studies in the subject, so this essay is written to provide a deeper understanding of how these people feel about their foot function one to two years after the injury.Purpose: Investigate how people perceive their foot function after conservative treatment one to two year after Achilles tendon rupture and if they have an avoidance behavior in their everyday lives.Method: Four people who suffered from Achilles tendon rupture participated in this qualitative study. The study was conducted with semi-structured interviews, which in turn were processed using qualitative content analysis.Results: The perceived foot function is today varied in terms of mobility, strength and pain according to the participants. They feel difference in their everyday life in comparison with before the injury. It appears that participants have avoidance behavior when it comes to the situation of injury.
Grannskapstorg som fenomen - med fallstudien Axel Dahlströms torg
In the 1940s the Swedish town planning was inspired by the English city development with the concepts of neighbourhood and community planning. In order to promote democratic development and solidarity the ideal would be to create community centers with full service. Community centers are part of the building of the suburbs during the postwar period. The buildings in Sweden from 1940 - and -50s were built with the intentions to be good homes for all regardless of income, class and status. Collective solutions to individual problems were characteristic of the Swedish policy during this time.
Skolans betydelse för vårt sociala kapital
ABSTRACTSince Robert D. Putnam first wrote about the causes behind the regional differences in economic and political development in Italy, the theory of social capital has truly flourished in the fields of social science. This days you constantly hear politicians and scholars stressing the important role of the quality of the social fabric to a society?s wellbeing. There all looking at ways to construct policies and institutions that help the spread of social capital.
Just idag är jag stark : En anarkistisk och intersektionell studie av läktarkultur och politiskt identitetsskapande
This thesis explores the relationship between the Swedish autonomous left and the terrace culture of European football. It has its geographic starting point in Stockholm, Sweden and follows the three larges tStockholm football clubs, AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby, and its supporters. The author has followed the football club Hammarby from the terrace for the entire 2011 football season, and has interviewed six political activists who visit, or used to visit, the terrace. The research context this study is incorporated into centres around the history of, and relationship between, the terrace cultures of AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby. Previous research has also focused on the radical potential of Ultras terrace culture (which is derived from Italian supporter culture) and the terrace culture from an intersectional perspective.
Medborgardialog i Rasbobygden : En fallstudie i Uppsala kommun
ABSTRACTCitizendialogue in the District of RasboA Case Study in the Municipality of UppsalaAuthor: Camilla ÖstlundSupervisor: Stig MontinThe essay is written inside the scope of Örebro Universitys evaluation of the new organisation in the municipality of Uppsala.The purpose of this essay is to study the citizendialogue in the district of Rasbo. This will be done partly by an examination of how the participants themselvesperceive citizendialogue. Their descriptions are put in relation to deliberative democracy and its critics amongst other. Partly by study how those involved have choosen to put it into practice. The opponents of the reorganization chose to start a non-profit association, Rasbo in co-operation, to carry on local mobilization and it will be compared with other similar groups.