815 Uppsatser om Cognitive flexibility - Sida 7 av 55
Källkritik, kognitiv auktoritet och domänanalys: Värdering av trovärdighet
The object of this explorative theoretical study is to compare similarities in three perspectives for evaluation of credibility. The perspectives are the historical method source-criticism, cognitive authority and domain analysis. These perspectives, regarded as intellectual tools for critical thinking in a process of information seeking, by asking questions about credibility related to the social and theoretical context of the intellectual background, can give support in articulating which documents that gives a specific and essential answer to a question. In this sense credibility is seen as a qualitative aspect of relevance. Patrick Wilson argues that we can attain some critical independence towards cognitive authorities and the literature by investigating the social and theoretical topography of a field.
ACTA : Utvärdering av tabell över kognitiva krav (CDT)
För att utvärdera en metod för tillämpad kognitiv uppgiftsanalys, ACTA (Applied Cognitive Task Analysis), har anställda på Saab AB genomfört ACTA genom att intervjua flygförare. ACTA består av tre intervjutekniker och skapades av Klein Associates Inc. ACTA är en metod som kan användas i tillämpade sammanhang för att ta fram aspekter av experters beslutsfattande. Denna rapport redovisar en utvärdering av CDT (Cognitive Demands Table), vilket är tabeller över kognitiva krav sammanställda av datamängden insamlad i intervjuerna. Utvärderingens syfte var att avgöra huruvida praktiker kan sammanställa en CDT med högt innehåll av kognitiva poster.
Performance of laying hens in a cognitive bias task : effect of time since change of environment
In the debate on laying hen welfare, and specifically housing conditions, the main focushas been on physiological and behavioural measures. What is lacking is knowledge of howthe hen experiences the situation ? her state of mind.This study is an attempt to gain insight into the private mental states of former batteryhens. It uses a cognitive bias method based on spatial judgement, i.e. judgement of aambiguous stimulus placed spatially in between a reinforced and an unreinforced stimulus.This method has previously shown differences in judgement by animals in enriched versuspoor housing.
Skolmognad utifrån förskollärares perspektiv
Preschool belongs to Lpo-94. School readiness can interprets in different kind of aspects, then you can not found any goals to reach in Lpo- 94 for the pre-school, which preschool teachers can relay to. There are comprehensive goals for the nine-year school in Lpo- 94, about which knowledge the student should have for the fifth grade. Purpose of the studie is to examine preschool teachers understanding of the phenomenon school readiness. Qualitative interviews by preschool teachers in south and middle of Sweden has been carried out and a hermeneutic analyse has been used for a deeper understanding of pre-school teachers interprets of school readiness.
Mode bakom kulisserna: - Praktik och förutsättningar för snabbhet och flexibilitet i inköp
Purpose: To explore the purchasing function, mainly the supplier selection activities, in the fast fashion apparel industry. The purpose is 1) to explore the criteria associated with supplier selection for fashion products, and 2) to analyze the purchasing activities in order to find characteristics and trends which are considered to be strategic for the buying company. Method: The empirics consist of qualitative interviews with employees with responsibility for the companies' purchasing activities, as well as information gathered from articles, annual reports, and company websites. Result: The study indicates that qualitative criterias have increased in importance, and have become an important part of supplier selection for fashion goods. A number of characteristics where identified as important for purchasing fashion goods, which can affect choice of supplier; examples are increased collaboration, increased re-buys and increased use of logistics services.
?Såna är dom!? : En socialpsykologisk studie om skillnader mellan unga killars och tjejers stereotypa tänkande och fördomar.
The way man divides his thoughts and sorts them into different boxes, is a cognitive activity which works alike for every person. We split peoplesexterior attributes and characteristic qualities into stereotypes or prejudicemind patterns and treat them along those.This study examines through a qualitative method what twelve respondents (six women and six men) between the ages 16-21, think about ?intense? conceptions, which may show stereotype or prejudice ways of thinking. There spondents have been chosen regardless ethnic or economic background andare all enrolled in an upper secondary school located centrally in a Swedish big city.The purpose is to find out if there are any differences between how some young men and some young women spontaneously think in stereotypical orprejudice patterns. The result is interpreted on the basis of the social cognitive perspective and from out of theories about how people create schemes andprototypes to separate individuals and groups from each other.This study suggests that men more easily express their stereotypes and prejudice, while women more often seem to be careful with their stereotypes and prejudice, and end up redefining them.
Kvinnors psykosociala arbetsmiljö & hälsa : - En arbetsplatsanalys av en organisation inom företagshälsovården
The following study explores the relation between psychosocial work environment and individual health. The purpose is to examine how female employees in the occupational health sector experience their own psychosocial work environment, focusing on different influencing factors in both the workplace and their private life regarding the employees own health. The study applies a hermeneutic approach in which qualitative interviews constitute the empirical data. Previous research on this particular subject has focused on the following themes: the combination of work-family life, demand/control model and flexibility in the workplace in relation to health and stress. The theoretical framework used in this study integrates relevant concepts, specifically SOC, poor leadership and flexibility.
?Jag tänker inte sitta hemma och sticka? ? En studie av sex nyblivna pensionärers informationsbehov och biblioteksvanor.
This study is about information needs and library habits among newly retired people. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the affective and cognitive needs that come with retirement. In what way do the information needs of this group change due to retirement? In order to answer this question we make use of two theoretical models; Role theory and Wilson?s model of information needs. When it comes to library habits, we use Andersson and Skot-Hansens model to examine how newly retired people use the library now and how they could use it on basis of their needs in their new role.
En bild säger mer än tusen ord : En läroboksundersökning med ett genusteoretiskt och postkolonialistiskt perspektiv
This essay examines the theme of blindness in the Gospel of Mark. The two main questions asked are: 1) ?What is Mark?s view on blindness?? and 2) ?How does the Gospel of Mark?s view on blindness inform the current discourse of disability studies and how can we interpret Mark?s view on blindness today?? By the methods of metaphor analysis and character analysis, four passages of the Gospel are studied (Mark 4:10-12; 8:14-21; 22-26; 10:46-52). The analysis concludes that blindness is depicted by the author of the Gospel as a disability which also consist of a lack of cognitive ability and a hopeless state that is in need of healing. The depiction of blindness in Mark originates out of the authors use of blindness as a metaphor for lack of cognitive ability (Mk 4:12; 8:18) and the lack of characterization of the blind man at Bethsaida (8:22-23). This view on blindness is, in comparison to a modern view, difficult, as it marginalizes persons with blindness as inconsiderate and not fully human.
Protokoll, praktik och kontroll : En studie av beslutsprocessen i en offentlig upphandling av företagshälsovård
I Sverige genomförs varje år offentliga upphandlingar till ett värde av ca 500 miljarder kronor. Alla offentligt finansierade verksamheter måste följa lagen om offentlig upphandling och den formella upphandlingsprocess som lagen specificerar. Lagen är allmänt formulerad och anvisar en process där fokus ligger på förarbete och matematisk utvärdering.Cognitive Systems Engineering har vuxit fram utifrån insikten att effektiva processer kontinuerligt behöver använda såväl feedback och feedforward för att uppnå sina mål. Typiska tillämpningar är dynamiska, tätt kopplade processer där dessa behov är tydliga, men CSE som ramverk är generellt definierat och bör gälla även för en beslutsprocess på organisationsnivå. En CSE-analys har potential att förtydliga funktionella faktorer som tillåter upphandlare att genomföra effektiva och ändamålsenliga upphandlingar.I syftet att testa ovanstående hypotes genomfördes en fallstudie av Linköpings Universitets upphandling av företagshälsovård 2008.
Skolmognad utifrån förskollärares perspektiv
Preschool belongs to Lpo-94. School readiness can interprets in different kind
of aspects, then you can not found any goals to reach in Lpo- 94 for the
pre-school, which preschool teachers can relay to. There are comprehensive
goals for the nine-year school in Lpo- 94, about which knowledge the student
should have for the fifth grade.
Purpose of the studie is to examine preschool teachers understanding of the
phenomenon school readiness. Qualitative interviews by preschool teachers in
south and middle of Sweden has been carried out and a hermeneutic analyse has
been used for a deeper understanding of pre-school teachers interprets of
school readiness.
På ungdomars uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers tankar om och erfarenheter av möten med ungdomar
The aim of this study was to investigate how counselors who work at youth clinics relate to the question of the integrity of adolescents who are under 18 years old in relation to the parents rights to information. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with eight counselors from youth clinics in the StockholmCounty. We have analyzed our empirical material by categorizing the statements from the counselors and by using two different theories. The first one is a consequential ethics theory and the second one is a cognitive theory. These two theories have helped us to understand the thoughts and actions of the counselors.
Framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar om studier och yrken : En fallstudie om gymnasieungdomars kulturella kapital
Uppsatsen är en fallstudie om vad 18 ungdomar, som läser det sista året på det samhällsvetenskapliga programmet, har för framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar vad gäller studier och yrken de kommande tio åren. Studien avser att undersöka om det kulturella kapitalet påverkar ungdomarnas syn på framtiden vad gäller studier och yrken samt om det kulturella kapitalet påverkar vilka yrken som innesluts i ungdomarnas kognitiva karta. Eleverna har fått besvara enkätfrågor samt skriva två mindre uppsatsuppgifter. Undersökningen analyserar ungdomarnas skildringar kring deras framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus kulturella kapitalbegrepp samt Linda S Gottfredsons kognitiva karta över yrken. Resultatet visar en tendens att ungdomar med akademikerföräldrar har en kognitiv karta med mer prestigefyllda yrken inneslutna än vad de andra eleverna har.
Arbetslöshet ? Hot eller utmaning? : Betydelsen av den primära tolkningen och tron på den egna förmågan i bemästring av arbetslöshet
Forskning kring arbetslöshet har ofta fokuserat på bemästringsstrategier (eng. coping strategies), men flera studier har även pekat på betydelsen av tron på den egna förmågan (eng. self-efficacy) och den kognitiva tolkningen (eng. cognitive appraisal) för valet av bemästringsstrategi. Genom att mäta individens tro på den egna förmågan, den kognitiva tolkningen och bemästringsstrategier syftar denna undersökning till att identifiera de faktorer som sannolikt leder till försämrad generell mental hälsa och längre tids arbetslöshet.
Bilden i bilderboken
In this thesis I investigate aesthetic preference for picture books among children aged 3?6 as well as criteria for preference among parents. Through my design project: illustration of a picture book, I aim to put my research on preference in the context of illustration and design. By using the design project as an applied method for research I have sought to answer how one as an illustrator can apply knowledge regarding preferences of the target groups when illustrating for picture books. I have primarily based my research within the field of cognitive developmental psychology, with primary focus on stage theory, and the field of literature.