

815 Uppsatser om Cognitive flexibility - Sida 36 av 55

SELv : Sambandsemulator Luftvärn

Emulering och simulering omfattar ett brett spektrum av varierande tekniker på olika nivåer, som involverar både mjuk-, och hårdvaruparadigm. Denna rapport är utformad utifrån ett arkitekturellt perspektiv och ämnar att återge en kortfattad studie av ämnen relaterade till design av en generell referensarkitektur för emulatorer.Särskilt fokus har lagts på sammansättningen av de olika komponenter som vanligtvis utgör en emulator, och dessa ställs sedan i jämförelse med den arkitektur, skapad av Von-Neumann, som idag används i den moderna datorn.Målet är att identifiera de mest lämpade arkitekturella strategierna för att kunna uppnå kvalitetskrav som flexibilitet, generalitet och funktionell lämplighet. Vid skapandet av en prototyp görs en avvägning mellan olika tekniker, vilket resulterar i en hybrid mellan tidskritiska och händelsedrivna paradigm. Vidare jämförs befintliga arkitekturer där modularitet mellan komponenter visar sig vara en återkommande egenskap inom samtliga designer.Det viktigaste resultatet vi kom fram till är att en tillståndsmaskin ofta har en betydande roll inom händelsedrivna system. För den prototyp som designats resulterade detta i en tillståndsmaskin med svagt kopplade deltillstånd som tillsammans leder till aktivering av olika huvudtillstånd, något som går i linje med icke-Von Neumann-alternativ..

Kognitiv auktoritet och Wikipedia ? En analys av gymnasieelevers källkritiska granskning av Wikipedia

The main purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how high school students evaluate the quality of the information available on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. By doing quantitative research based on questionnaires we expected to find that the means for judging that students use in this situation are most frequently based on a text?s intrinsic qualities in the point of view of its content. It was also our presupposition that 18 and 19 year old high school graduates have received some education in information research and authoritative sources on the Internet.

"Det är så himla viktigt kring yrkesidentitet" : En narrativ studie av berättelser om folkbibliotekarien

This Master's thesis aims to investigate librarians' identity construction through the study of their narratives about themselves and their lives. We want to understand in what way the education in Library- and Information science contributes to shape the students professional identity and how these identities then continue to be transformed when they enter their professional lives. We assert that this construction of identity takes place through socialisation. We start with the reference work because we think this is a central part of librarians' tasks. Our theoretical starting point is constructionism, we mean that professional identity is a social construction that continuously is formed and transformed.We interviewed six former students at Library- and Information science at Lund University.

Tillämpning av UML : Hur och varför

In the end of the 80´s the area of system development moved into a new era. As a consequence many new methods and development models emerged which in many cases resulted in problems when choosing system development models and methods. As a result of these problems the today standardized modeling language UML (Unified Modeling Language) was created. UML is tailored to support many different types of projects. This is possible because of UML?s capacity to be adjusted and adapted to a specific company environment.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how and why companies use UML and what experiences and opinions those who use UML have of using UML in practice.

Funktionaliteten i skogsmaskiners GIS-system

Holmen Skog is currently using a GPS-program called TraktInfo, originally developed within the company. They are now planning to switch to a new GPSprogram or allowing the contractors to buy other programs available from the logging equipment manufacturers. To be able to offer this flexibility, Holmen Skog needs to obtain information about the features offered by the different manufacturers in their specific programs, and also when the manufacturers are planning to start selling programs adapted to the new standard called StanFord2010. According to the study, the manufacturers are hesitant to StanFord2010 and there has also been a lack of clear signals from the customers and clients about what kind of different new features to include in the programs. The feature most frequently used by forest machine operators today is the option to keep record of the harvester?s path by creating a ?log plot?. This feature was not used to its full potential however, since only one out of eight of the forwarders included in the study had computers that were compatible with the harvester?s computer.

?Det finns alltid mer att söka? ? En fenomenografisk studie av regionpolitikers uppfattningar av informationssökning

The main purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the information seeking of lay politicians, part-time politicians and professional politicians in connection with the possible upcoming fusion of the two administrative regions, Västra Götaland and Värmland. The focus of this study has been to study how politicians use and evaluate information and sources of information, and to investigate if there are any differences in how different categories of politicians seek information. Seven politicians were interviewed using semi-structured questions, and a phenomenographic approach was used to analyze the data. In Sweden there are few available studies of how politician seek information, but some international studies have focused on information needs, information sources, selection and evaluation of information. I have used previous research, and data from respondents to compile and analyze my results in three descriptive categories.

Barns föreställningar om gud : En undersökning av årskurs 1 och årskurs 3 ?elever

The purpose of this essay is to examine different conceptions of God children express in speech and image. The essay also concern how children's images of God are shaped in a secular and pluralistic society, such as Sweden. The children included in the investigation are in first and third grade in middle-sized Swedish town's primary school. In the essay, two methods are used, which is picture analysis and qualitative interviews. The material consists of 47 children's drawings and a smaller selection of interviews with the child's drawing as a starting point.

Vara eller icke vara : Studie- och yrkesvägledningsverksamhet, ur ett elev och professionsperspektiv

Studie- och yrkesvägledningenhar de senaste åren varit utsatt för politisk debatt. Många experter, forskare och politiker har uttalat kritik kring verksamheten, framförallt för att granskningar visat att engagemanget kring området varit bristfälligt på skolorna. Utredningar har gjorts, projektarbeten har satts igång och rekommendationer har getts ut, allt för att öka måluppfyllelsen enligt områdets styrdokument. Syftet med studien är att granska problematiken från skolans eget perspektiv, genom att dokumentera röster från skolans insida. Elever, lärare och studie- och yrkesvägledare har genom enkäter fått uttala sig om sina personliga erfarenheter, uppfattningar och preferenser angående verksamhetsområdet.

Klicka hem din middag : En fallstudie om e-handelns värdeskapande för traditionella livsmedelsbutiker

The purpose of this study was to explore how interpersonal relationship can be affected by groing up in a New Religoius Movement such as Jehovah?s Withnesses and how it has affected them both in their youth and today. The aim was also to explore if there were people in the respondents' environment that was significant to them during their childhood and which support our respondents have received if they were in need of it.We have not found any previous research on children's social relationships within the Jehovah's Witnesses. We therefore believe that this study is of high relevance to both society and also for all the professionals who come into contact with these children. To discover a child in need, knowledge about how their social environment looks like is crucial.

Det kommer en dag, när vi alla biter försiktigt i brödet. En studie av motivet tänder i svensk arbetarlitteratur utifrån ett intersektionellt och litteraturdidaktiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this text is to show how social class is (re)produced and created in the short stories?Draksådd? byMaria Sandel and Ivar Lo Johanssons ?Nya tänder? from Statarna I and to point out ways that the short storiesmay be useful from an Educational Perspective. Maria Sandel was the first (recognized) female author to writein the genre of Working-Class Literature in Sweden and Ivar Lo-Johansson is a recognized authorship who ismost famous for his novels portraying Statarna. The analysis focuses on how the teeth motif is portrayed in theshort stories. My analysis proves how the teeth motif is important in portraying the construction of class.

De kan, de vill, de vet - Barns tankar om utbildning, yrken och framtid

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka skolbarns tankar kring framtid, utbildning och yrken. Följande frågeställningar har formulerats: vilken beredskap har barn att diskutera frågor om utbildning, framtid och yrken? Vad är det som gör att barn tänker som de gör kring utbildning, framtid och yrken? Jag har använt mig av kvalitativ metod och genomfört sex intervjuer med elever på en F-6 skola och tre intervjuer med lärare. Tidigare forskning visar att det inom detta område finns sparsamt med undersökningar och att det även är svårt att hitta karriärteorier som specifikt handlar om hur barn resonerar och utvecklas. För att analysera det empiriska materialet har Supers teori om life span, life space, Gottfredsons teori om begränsningar och kompromisser och Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) använts.

Planering av väginvesteringar :

The problems around and the planning of wood flow is some of the most complex issues in the forest-sector. The experience and overview of the single employees is crucial for the possibility of correct tactical and economical decision-making. The increasing demand of savings and shorter reaction-times with greater flexibility in the wood-supply-chain, makes solutions and aids for improved effectiveness in the work and processes according to wood-flow urgent. Holmen Skog is starting to develop a new forest-road-management-system. The system will facilitate the work according to construction, improvements and updating the standard of roads.

Lenagården HVB : En utvärdering av behandlingen via kvalitativa intervjuer

Syftet med studien var att utvärdera vad tidigare klienter på Lenagården HVB, ett behandlingshem för vuxna med psykiska problem, upplevde som värdefullt, respektive vad de upplevde som negativt eller saknade i sin behandling. Utvärderingsfrågorna utgick från Lenagårdens programteori samt aspekter som tidigare forskning kring institutionsbehandling pekat ut som viktiga för framgångsrik behandling. Data samlades in via kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra tidigare klienter. Systemteorin har använts som utgångspunkt för resultaatanalysen.Utvärderingen visar bland annat att gott bemötande i termer av vänlighet och respekt samt personalens kompetens ansågs vara värdefulla faktorer i behandlingen. Själva terapin och behandlingsmetoden ansågs av samtliga intervjupersoner vara givande.

Folkbibliotekens webbplatsers grafiska användargränssnitt Kvalitativa intervjuer med webbansvariga

The web sites of Swedish public libraries display a high level of heterogeneity when it comes to design and graphical user interface. The thesis is based on the opinion that the visuals of a public library web site have implications for the user as well as for the library. The design of the graphical user interface influences the attention of the user and his/her ability to absorb information. Furthermore, there is a connection between the visuals and the users opinion about the credibility of the content of the web site, as well as of the organisation itself. The research question is: Which factors may have an impact on the design of the graphical user interfaces of a public library web site? The purpose is to create an understanding for these factors and emphasize them.

Balans i arbetet, balans i livet : En kvantitativ studie om arbetslivets inverkan på privatlivet

This study focuses on work related factors which have an effect on the balance between peoples work and private/social life. Commonly discussed in the daily debate is the so called ?livspusslet?, the time puzzle. The question is: How do you balance the demands from work, family and society? A lot of peoples health and family relations suffers from a stressful situation at work.It?s not hard to figure out that the possible factors which could have an effect on the balance between peoples work and private/social life are many.

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