808 Uppsatser om Cognitive dysfunction syndrome - Sida 12 av 54
En bild säger mer än tusen ord : En läroboksundersökning med ett genusteoretiskt och postkolonialistiskt perspektiv
This essay examines the theme of blindness in the Gospel of Mark. The two main questions asked are: 1) ?What is Mark?s view on blindness?? and 2) ?How does the Gospel of Mark?s view on blindness inform the current discourse of disability studies and how can we interpret Mark?s view on blindness today?? By the methods of metaphor analysis and character analysis, four passages of the Gospel are studied (Mark 4:10-12; 8:14-21; 22-26; 10:46-52). The analysis concludes that blindness is depicted by the author of the Gospel as a disability which also consist of a lack of cognitive ability and a hopeless state that is in need of healing. The depiction of blindness in Mark originates out of the authors use of blindness as a metaphor for lack of cognitive ability (Mk 4:12; 8:18) and the lack of characterization of the blind man at Bethsaida (8:22-23). This view on blindness is, in comparison to a modern view, difficult, as it marginalizes persons with blindness as inconsiderate and not fully human.
Protokoll, praktik och kontroll : En studie av beslutsprocessen i en offentlig upphandling av företagshälsovård
I Sverige genomförs varje år offentliga upphandlingar till ett värde av ca 500 miljarder kronor. Alla offentligt finansierade verksamheter måste följa lagen om offentlig upphandling och den formella upphandlingsprocess som lagen specificerar. Lagen är allmänt formulerad och anvisar en process där fokus ligger på förarbete och matematisk utvärdering.Cognitive Systems Engineering har vuxit fram utifrån insikten att effektiva processer kontinuerligt behöver använda såväl feedback och feedforward för att uppnå sina mål. Typiska tillämpningar är dynamiska, tätt kopplade processer där dessa behov är tydliga, men CSE som ramverk är generellt definierat och bör gälla även för en beslutsprocess på organisationsnivå. En CSE-analys har potential att förtydliga funktionella faktorer som tillåter upphandlare att genomföra effektiva och ändamålsenliga upphandlingar.I syftet att testa ovanstående hypotes genomfördes en fallstudie av Linköpings Universitets upphandling av företagshälsovård 2008.
Skolmognad utifrån förskollärares perspektiv
Preschool belongs to Lpo-94. School readiness can interprets in different kind
of aspects, then you can not found any goals to reach in Lpo- 94 for the
pre-school, which preschool teachers can relay to. There are comprehensive
goals for the nine-year school in Lpo- 94, about which knowledge the student
should have for the fifth grade.
Purpose of the studie is to examine preschool teachers understanding of the
phenomenon school readiness. Qualitative interviews by preschool teachers in
south and middle of Sweden has been carried out and a hermeneutic analyse has
been used for a deeper understanding of pre-school teachers interprets of
school readiness.
På ungdomars uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers tankar om och erfarenheter av möten med ungdomar
The aim of this study was to investigate how counselors who work at youth clinics relate to the question of the integrity of adolescents who are under 18 years old in relation to the parents rights to information. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with eight counselors from youth clinics in the StockholmCounty. We have analyzed our empirical material by categorizing the statements from the counselors and by using two different theories. The first one is a consequential ethics theory and the second one is a cognitive theory. These two theories have helped us to understand the thoughts and actions of the counselors.
Framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar om studier och yrken : En fallstudie om gymnasieungdomars kulturella kapital
Uppsatsen är en fallstudie om vad 18 ungdomar, som läser det sista året på det samhällsvetenskapliga programmet, har för framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar vad gäller studier och yrken de kommande tio åren. Studien avser att undersöka om det kulturella kapitalet påverkar ungdomarnas syn på framtiden vad gäller studier och yrken samt om det kulturella kapitalet påverkar vilka yrken som innesluts i ungdomarnas kognitiva karta. Eleverna har fått besvara enkätfrågor samt skriva två mindre uppsatsuppgifter. Undersökningen analyserar ungdomarnas skildringar kring deras framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus kulturella kapitalbegrepp samt Linda S Gottfredsons kognitiva karta över yrken. Resultatet visar en tendens att ungdomar med akademikerföräldrar har en kognitiv karta med mer prestigefyllda yrken inneslutna än vad de andra eleverna har.
Arbetslöshet ? Hot eller utmaning? : Betydelsen av den primära tolkningen och tron på den egna förmågan i bemästring av arbetslöshet
Forskning kring arbetslöshet har ofta fokuserat på bemästringsstrategier (eng. coping strategies), men flera studier har även pekat på betydelsen av tron på den egna förmågan (eng. self-efficacy) och den kognitiva tolkningen (eng. cognitive appraisal) för valet av bemästringsstrategi. Genom att mäta individens tro på den egna förmågan, den kognitiva tolkningen och bemästringsstrategier syftar denna undersökning till att identifiera de faktorer som sannolikt leder till försämrad generell mental hälsa och längre tids arbetslöshet.
Bilden i bilderboken
In this thesis I investigate aesthetic preference for picture books among children aged 3?6 as well as criteria for preference among parents. Through my design project: illustration of a picture book, I aim to put my research on preference in the context of illustration and design. By using the design project as an applied method for research I have sought to answer how one as an illustrator can apply knowledge regarding preferences of the target groups when illustrating for picture books. I have primarily based my research within the field of cognitive developmental psychology, with primary focus on stage theory, and the field of literature.
Att leva med Aspergers syndrom : en kvalitativ studie om hur personer med Aspergers syndrom upplevt skolgången
Studien är gjord i form av en kvalitativ studie där syftet är att genom berättelser från personer med Aspergers syndrom förstå vilken betydelse just detta funktionshinder kan ha för skolgången. Studien bygger på livsberättelser från en kille och en tjej som beskriver sin syn på sitt funktionshinder samt vilka svårigheter och möjligheter de har stött på under skolåren. I studien redovisas även relevant litteratur om Aspergers syndrom och olika metoder samt strategier läraren kan använda sig av i undervisningen. Dessa metoder och strategier kan bilda en grund för strukturering och planering av skoldagen och skolmiljön så att eleverna får det stöd deras funktionshinder kräver och sina behov mötta. Resultatet visar att tydlighet och struktur är viktiga delar för personer med Aspergers syndrom.
Lyssna! : Sex vuxna individers upplevelser av att berätta om de sexuella övergrepp de har utsatts för i sin barndom.
The aim of this qualitative study was to examine six individuals' experiences to talk about the sexual abuse that occurred in their childhood. We interviewed five women and one man, using a phenomenological approach during the work process. The theories emerged as we analyzed our results and appeared to be communication, cognitive theory, validation, trauma theory and taboo. The results showed that the respondents, whom disclosed the abuse as children, were most likely to get a negative response from both formal and informal support systems. While as adults they were confirmed to a greater extent and therefore achieved a better physical and mental wellbeing.
Björnkram eller björntjänst? Möjligheter för personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder att känna och uttrycka inflytande i insatser med avsikt att bidra till deras delaktighet i samhället.
In Sweden there are laws and recommendations from The National Board of Health and Welfare about the importance of a user's involvement in and possibility of influencing services directed at them. Even with such good intentions the same board reports that it is hard to know if people experience that they do. The purpose of my study was to examine how professionals can use their knowledge to help users increase their sense of influence in services that they use. My focus has been on adults with neuropsychiatric disabilities within the autistic spectra, such as Asperger syndrome, and on the professionals working with them. The specific problem among people with neuropsychiatric disabilities is a lack of social skills.
Utvärdering av GnRH-stimulering som en metod att avgöra om en honkatt med okänd historik är kastrerad :
This study has been made to evaluate if there is a significant difference between non-estral intact versus ovariohysterectomized queens in their production of estradiol after exogenous gonadotrophin-releasing hormone stimulation. The purpose is to find a tool, which can help to diagnose if a free-roaming queen is already ovariohysterectomized or not. There are also other situations where this tool could be useful, for example to diagnose the ovarian remnant syndrome. Previous studies in bitches have shown that GnRH-stimulation is an excellent tool to diagnose the presence of ovaries in the bitch.
Eleven ovariohysterectomized and eleven intact queens have been included in this study where we have analyzed plasma estradiol and progesterone concentrations before and after a single intramuscular injection of the GnRH agonist buserelin (Receptal?).
Sambandet mellan IBS och FODMAPs
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionABSTRACTTitle: The connection between IBS and FODMAPsAuthor: Helena Hautamäki and Rebecka BertilssonSupervisor: Sofia KlingbergExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2013-04-10Background: IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder, and is acommon disorder in the western population. The predominant symptoms are diarrhoea,abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and excessive flatus. Today there are no evidence basedrecommendations concerning dietary factors for patients diagnosed with IBS, but recently certainfactors in the diet that seems to trigger the symptoms have been identified. These factors areshort-chain carbohydrates, Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, andPolyols (FODMAPS), which are not completely absorbed in the lumen.Objective: The purpose of this systematic review article is to examine whether there are anyevidence that a diet low in FODMAPs may induce improvement of symptoms in patientsdiagnosed with IBS.Search strategy: The literature search was performed in the databases PubMed, Scopus,Summon and Google Scholar. The keywords were ?Irritable bowel syndrome + FODMAPs?,?Irritable bowel syndrome + diet? and ?FODMAP and diet?.Selection criteria: The inclusion criteria were patients diagnosed with IBS between the ages 18and 69.
När årstiden styr humöret : En artikelserie om vinterdepression
Varje år bidrar mörkret till att nästan varannan person i norra Europa mår sämre. Det slår oftast till i november och varar tills det blir ljusare i mars. Vissa är känsligare för mörkret än andra och drabbas av Seasonal Affective Syndrome, SAD. Orsaker och behandlingsmetoder till SAD tas upp i den här artikelserien om vinterdepression..
Utveckling av kognitiva färdigheter och läsförmåga hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning i ett ettårsperspektiv
The capacity to process and to remember information is a basic condition for language ability and for coming reading ability. Reading ability is strongly connected to phonological awareness, receptive vocabulary knowledge and working memory capacity. In what way hearing impairment in children affects development of cognitive skills and later on reading ability is an area that has attracted minor attention for research.The aim with this study was to investigate changes in cognitive skills and reading ability in children with mild or moderate hearing impairment after one year of progress and furthermore if any connections between any increases of the abilities were to be found. Comparisons were made with results from age adequate normal hearing children. Moreover prosodic ability on word-level was tested this year.
Markus syn på blindhet : Analys av en metafor, dess funktion och dysfunktion
This essay examines the theme of blindness in the Gospel of Mark. The two main questions asked are: 1) ?What is Mark?s view on blindness?? and 2) ?How does the Gospel of Mark?s view on blindness inform the current discourse of disability studies and how can we interpret Mark?s view on blindness today?? By the methods of metaphor analysis and character analysis, four passages of the Gospel are studied (Mark 4:10-12; 8:14-21; 22-26; 10:46-52). The analysis concludes that blindness is depicted by the author of the Gospel as a disability which also consist of a lack of cognitive ability and a hopeless state that is in need of healing. The depiction of blindness in Mark originates out of the authors use of blindness as a metaphor for lack of cognitive ability (Mk 4:12; 8:18) and the lack of characterization of the blind man at Bethsaida (8:22-23). This view on blindness is, in comparison to a modern view, difficult, as it marginalizes persons with blindness as inconsiderate and not fully human.