

5077 Uppsatser om Cognitive Hearing Science - Sida 8 av 339

Gymnasieelever och fostran av demokratiska medborgare : En enkätstudie av elevgruppers nivåer av moraliska och kognitiva utveckling.

This study is grounded in an interest in the Swedish Upper Secondary Schools? role as an educator of democratic citizens, with a specific interest in the moral and cognitive development of Upper Secondary School students. Development in these two areas is treated as results of citizenship education.The purpose of the study is to examine moral and cognitive development of students in Upper Secondary School to see if there are any structural differences to be found between the Upper Secondary School programs that are vocationally oriented and the programs that are preparing for further studies on higher levels ? since these differences have been both theoretically and empirically implied. The study is based on an enhanced version of Lawrence Kohlberg?s stages of moral development (with teachers? evaluations of students? capacity as a reference point of the students? actual level of moral development) as well as on Kieran Egan?s theory of development through the use of cognitive tools (as seen in five different ?shapes of understanding?).

IKT användning och digital kompetens : En studie om sju lärares IKT användning i historieundervisningen.

ICT and digital artifacts is an important resource in the society, especially in schools. That is why we have chosen to study if and how teachers uses ICT and other digital technology in their education in the history subject. We think that both subjects are important because history is a subject that has to do with the past, the present and the future.We made qualitative interviews with seven teachers from three different schools. We have analyzed if the teachers sees ICT as a burden or a resource in their education and also in which extend they have digital literacy. We have chosen to discuss different authors view on ICT in the education and digital literacy.

Från NV till NO

This paper deals with how science teachers in the Swedish secondary school choose the content in the education they give to the pupils. What are the reasons for their choices and what do they think of the purpose of science in secondary school? Through interviewing science teachers the investigation shows that there are three different views of how to choose content in the science education: one focuses on the processes of science itself, one integrates the socio-cultural aspects and one emphasizes the interests of the pupils.

Synnerliga skäl för fortsatt förvar : En analys av förslaget i SOU 2011:17 om att ersätta synnerliga skäl med proportionalitetsprincipen

This paper deals primarily with the developmental potential and use of court -based mediation in Swedish law, and its relation to court-based conciliation and the judicial procedure as means to end a conflict.  In Chapter 42, Section 17 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a judge, before the parties have their main hearing, can act as a mediator between the parties to settle the dispute. The judge should, according to the law, always try to make the parties come to an agreement before the main hearing. This obligation can be fulfilled either through the use of court-based conciliation, or court based mediation. Mediation as such is rarely used in Sweden, and one of the goals of this essay is to try to provide a tentative answer to why that might be the case.  The second goal is to try to find a consistent, yet flexible notion, of the concept of ?jurisdiction?, and to provide an explanation for the relation between mediation as an alternative method for dispute resolution and the judicial procedure.                                                                                                                                            .

Prosodisk förmåga hos svenska grundskolebarn med cochleaimplantat

Prosody can be characterized as the rhythm and the melody of speech. Prosodic features convey emotions, thoughts and geographic origins of each individual. Spoken language without prosody would be monotonous, without variations in loudness and rate. Children with cochlear implants perceive speech in a different way than children with normal hearing. Consequently the speech produced by a child with cochlear implants may sound different.The purpose of this study was to examine prosodic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants and to compare them with the prosodic skills in Swedish children with normal hearing.

En studie om lärarstudenters informationssökning

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to contribute to anincreased understanding of student teacher?s informationseeking for their studies. The role of cognitive authorities andapproaches to the critical evaluation of sources are taken intoaccount as well as what student experiences of informationseeking imply for their future profession. The study takes asociocultural perspective and the empirical material is based oninterviews with six student teachers at the end of theireducation. The interviews have been analysed with a departurepoint in the research questions to the following themes; seekingand finding information, critical evaluation of sources and,analysing and using information.The major findings concern the teacher students? emphasis onthe importance of the critical evaluation of sources and theirscepticism towards Internet use, both for their own studies aswell as for their future pupils.

Bland mumier och mosslik - en jämförande studie av populärarkeologi och fackarkeologi

In my paper I have compared popular science and neutral science regarding language and construction. My task was to find out if there are differences between the language of popular science and that of scientific science. The purpose of my paper is to answer four questions1.How do the authors present the bogbodies and the mummies in the two categories?2.What does the popular science imagine that you want to read about?3.Is there a difference between the target groups of the two categories?4. Does the presentation of the subject have consequenses when it comes to contents and readers?I have studied how often the authors use drawings, photos, diagrams, maps, and if the titles of the chapters can tell you something about the nature of books.

Grupprehabilitering i audiologisk verksamhet

The purpose with this study was to systematically examine scientific studies of audiologic group rehabilitation. The definition of audiological rehabilitation was explored, different variables that influence the result and how the outcome measures should be done and its relationship with the goals of audiologic rehabilitation. The method used was a literature study. Pubmed and Cinahl were used for the search of literature. Some articles were searched from scientific studies reference lists and also advice from the supervisor.The result from the different studies shows that the effect of rehabilitation varies as there are many aspects that have an affect on the outcome measure.

Naturvetenskap och Bilderböcker : Naturvetenskaplig Begreppsbildning och Grundläggande Naturvetenskapliga Matoder

Preschool has a long tradition of using picture books, both as entertainment and as a resource for educational activities. In science there are two main application areas. The first one is science concepts and the second is to teach basic science process skills. These skills, observing, communicating, inferring, classifying, measuring and predicting reflects the methods used by scientists. Picture books potential to put science concepts and activities that promote the use of science process skills in a meaningful context, recommends using picture books for this purpose.

En studie i att tillämpa Computational Thinking på grafteori

Computational thinking was brought to the forefront in 2006 by Jeannette Wing. Computational thinking is a problem solving method that uses computer science techniques.The thesis is analyzing computational thinking and how it could be applied to graph theory. Characteristics and main fields from computational thinking is being analysed. This analysis is applied to graph theory to see the potential in developing a proposal for how an exercise can look for an introductory course in discrete data types. Only basic knowledge of graphs is required to perform the exercise.

Självskattningsskalor och länkning till ICF : En litteraturstudie

WHO:s klassifikation av funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa antogs 2001. ICF är framtaget för att skapa ett gemensamt språk genom olika ICF koder som anses vara användbara både kliniskt och inom forskningen. Genom att länka mätinstrument som redan används, exempelvis självskattningsskalor, till ICF underlättas kommunikation och jämförelser av olika resultat internationellt.Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka vilken ämnesspecifik självskattningsskala inom hörselområdet som använts mest inom forskningen mellan åren 2000-2009 och länka den till ICF.Vi använde oss av en systematisk litteratur-studie i form av en totalundersökning för att hitta den mest använda självskattningsskalan inom forskningen. Vid länkningen av den mest använda självskattningsskalan till ICF utförde vi en kvalitativ latent innehållsanalys och länkade självskattningsskalans påståenden systematiskt med hjälp av ICF linking rules.Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) var den mest använda självskattningsskalan inom forskningen mellan år 2000-2009. Länkningsresultatet visade att APHAB utifrån ett ICF perspektiv mäter komponenterna aktivitet och delaktighet, kroppsfunktion och omgivningsfaktorer.Det fortsatta arbetet med utveckling av ett Core Sets for Hearing Loss kommer underlätta användningen både kliniskt och inom forskningen.

Inneklimatutreding av Fanan 27

Computational thinking was brought to the forefront in 2006 by Jeannette Wing. Computational thinking is a problem solving method that uses computer science techniques.The thesis is analyzing computational thinking and how it could be applied to graph theory. Characteristics and main fields from computational thinking is being analysed. This analysis is applied to graph theory to see the potential in developing a proposal for how an exercise can look for an introductory course in discrete data types. Only basic knowledge of graphs is required to perform the exercise.

Går det att säkerställa ljudmiljön i en träningslokal? - en studie om ljudnivåövervakare på träningslokaler i Göteborg

In Sweden, exercise takes a great part in people?s lives. Health and a good conditioned body go hand in hand. Many Swedes exercise in groups, with aerobics or a similar form of workout at a training facility. A regular workout lasts for about an hour and is accompanied by music.

Elever med hörselskada i hörande klass - en intervjustudie med skolsköterskor

Föreliggande studie syftar till att belysa skolsköterskors upplevelser av att stödja elever med hörselnedsättning som inkluderas i hörande klass i egenskap av skolsköterska och sin roll i Elevhälsan. Där av genomfördes intervjuer (n=8) med skolsköterskor verksamma i Kronobergs län vilka analyserades enligt metoden för kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet identifierades i två kategorier Att identifiera elevens behov och Att samverka kring elevens behov med fem tillhörande subkategorier. Konklusionen var att skolsköterskor behöver information från andra samt att hörselscreening, utredningar och förebyggande arbete är viktiga verktyg för att finna och kunna stödja elever med hörselnedsättning. Skolsköterskor anser att kunskap och samverkan både i Elevhälsan och mellan kommun och landsting påverkar eleven i skolan..

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