5077 Uppsatser om Cognitive Hearing Science - Sida 13 av 339
"Folk kan ju påstå vad fan som helst" : En studie om elevers källkritiska förmåga och skolbibliotekets roll
Purpose: This thesis aims to study how students in upper secondary school evaluate sources in their everyday school work and how the role of the school library and librarian officiate in this context.Methodology: A web questionnaire was conducted and 155 students from different schools, with or without school library and school librarian, participated. We coded and aggregated the questionnaires according to the strategies that are used when evaluating sources, identified by Francke, Sundin and Limberg. Cognitive authority, a theory by Patrick Wilson, was also a part of our analysis. Conclusions: The study shows that students use different strategies, separately or combined, as a way to evaluate sources. The teacher is regarded as a cognitive authority and is the main influence concerning source evaluation. It also shows that the role of school libraries and school librarians, in this context, seem to be non-existent.
Attityder gentemot yrkesverksamma med hörselnedsättning
Bakgrund: Attityder gentemot funktionsnedsättning grundar sig historiskt sett i samhällets förändring och kunskap. Attitydbegreppet utgår i examensarbetet från Theory of planned behavior, där bakomliggande faktorer leder handling. En hörselnedsättning är en dold oftast kronisk funktionsnedsättning. Svensk lagstiftning reglerar rättigheter och skyldigheter i arbetslivet för inblandade aktörer. Personen med hörselnedsättning bearbetar sin situation i tre skeenden i en livsomställningsprocess.Syfte: Genom integrativ litteraturstudie kartlägga attityder personer med hörselnedsättning möter i arbetslivet och personens eget förhållande till sin hörselnedsättning.Metod: Innehållsanalys av 13 skandinaviska undersökningar, där hörselnedsättning ingår.
Behovet av stöd för elever med hörselnedsättning : En enkätstudie utifrån vilka behov elever med hörselnedsättning som går integrerat i den ordinarie grundskolan har.
Syftet med studien var att undersöka behovet av stöd hos högstadieelever med hörselnedsättning som går integrerat i den ordinarie grundskolan. Jag har använt mig utav en kvantitativ enkätmetod samt en kvalitativ intervjumetod, där jag har genomfört tre telefonintervjuer innan utformningen av enkäten påbörjades. Resultatet av studien grundar sig på 18 enkätsvar, av 54 utskickade, samt tre telefonintervjuer med personer som har en hörselnedsättning och tidigare har gått integrerat i den ordinarie grundskolan. Resultatet visar att eleverna har ansträngande skoldagar till följd av att det krävs full koncentration för att höra vad klasskamraterna säger. För att de ska ha en chans att följa med i samtalen i klassrummen krävs en bra ljudmiljö, det är fyra elever som har uppgett att de inte kan följa med i samtalen.
Bokförins- och redovisningsrådgivning som självgranskningshot i samband med revision i Aktiebolag
Ingen sammanfattning krävdes i denna uppsats..
ACTA : Utvärdering av tabell över kognitiva krav (CDT)
För att utvärdera en metod för tillämpad kognitiv uppgiftsanalys, ACTA (Applied Cognitive Task Analysis), har anställda på Saab AB genomfört ACTA genom att intervjua flygförare. ACTA består av tre intervjutekniker och skapades av Klein Associates Inc. ACTA är en metod som kan användas i tillämpade sammanhang för att ta fram aspekter av experters beslutsfattande. Denna rapport redovisar en utvärdering av CDT (Cognitive Demands Table), vilket är tabeller över kognitiva krav sammanställda av datamängden insamlad i intervjuerna. Utvärderingens syfte var att avgöra huruvida praktiker kan sammanställa en CDT med högt innehåll av kognitiva poster.
Akademiska söktjänster: En jämförande studie av Google Scholar, MEDLINE och Web of Science
The purpose of this paper is to compare the three search engines Web of Science, Google Scholar and MEDLINE in regards of recovery efficiency and the overlap of relevant documents when it comes to information searching for academic purposes. Furthermore, it raises the question whether freely available search engines and licensed search engines are interchangeable with each other. The empirical data in this study were collected through searches conducted in the three search engines Web of Science, Google Scholar and MEDLINE. Twenty search queries were used and the first twenty retrieved documents for each query were examined for relevance using previously designed criteria. The documents were scored by a binary relevancy scale and thereafter a precision value for each search engine was calculated.
Hearing is believing
Today most studies regarding marketing are made on traditional marketing channels, answering questions like which jingle is best or which TV-channel a company should focus their marketing budget on. There is also the science regarding the best way of marketing on Social Networking sites or how to get as many 'likes' as possible, and so forth. However research has also been made in the field of in-store marketing and how a retailers or brand owners can affect customers in "the moment of truth". Until now most of these studies discuss how to get the attention of the customer in the store since both time as well as level of commitment in general is scarce when a customer is in a grocery store doing the necessary weekly- or complementary-shopping. It seems like most of them make the very same conclusion; catching the attention of a customer is vital to sell them your product.
En utredning av det Systemvetenskapliga programmet : En studie om kontakten program och näringsliv i Umeå har och vad de anser om systemvetare och certifiering.
Certifications is common for IT in relation to individual program languages or program applications. Certifications for educations that endures several years is not as common to see. In this paper the situation for the Systems Science programme is researched, by investigating how the programme looks around in Sweden. Also by using interviews, show how companies and people responsible for the programme in Umeå, think the contact is between them and how the knowledge of the Systems Science students are from the view of the companies that employ them. In the end the conclusions show that there are differences in the Systems Science programme, and that the companies have quite a similar view of what the Systems Science students are good and not so good at.
Internetetik på bibliotek
The aim of this issue is to study how Swedish public libraries deal with the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of information in connection with public use of the Internet. The authors intention has been to find out whether the public use of the Internet has caused ethical problems for library workers and how the libraries solve situations when they consider their principles violated by library users. The authors study the debate on the issue in a couple of Swedish library magazines published during the late 1990s and they also give a few examples from the USA during the same period. They study the ethical principles and directives for schools published by the Swedish Board of Education as they claim that many of the public library users are students who bring along their ethical conceptions and thereby affect the ethical climate of the libraries. In their study the authors refer to ethical rules given to librarians by their trade union DIK and to the conclusions drawn from the hearing Good Ethics on the Net held by the Swedish IT Commission in 1998.
Ideon Forskningspark : yttre arbetsmiljö i ett industriellt landskap
Ideon Science Park was built on the edge of Lund city in mid-80ies. The Science Park was surrounded by open farm land and Lunds Faculty of engineering(LTH). The architecture, the facades of the buildings, were placed to face the faculty.
The Science Park has since then grown, and the actual front of the building is no longer faced towards LTH. The people working at Ideon are met by the backside, the meeting with Ideon is primarerly a meeting with fields of parkinglots.
The initiative to this thesis was taken by Ikano Fastigheter AB, one of two real estate owners of Ideon Science park. Their aim is to make the area easier to orientate, they want it to be more internally connected and with a stronger identity.
The thesis is mainly dealing with two questions conserning Ideon Science center.
Performance of laying hens in a cognitive bias task : effect of time since change of environment
In the debate on laying hen welfare, and specifically housing conditions, the main focushas been on physiological and behavioural measures. What is lacking is knowledge of howthe hen experiences the situation ? her state of mind.This study is an attempt to gain insight into the private mental states of former batteryhens. It uses a cognitive bias method based on spatial judgement, i.e. judgement of aambiguous stimulus placed spatially in between a reinforced and an unreinforced stimulus.This method has previously shown differences in judgement by animals in enriched versuspoor housing.
y måste bero av x ? gymnasieelevers förståelse av det matematiska begreppet funktion
Objective: The aim of the study is to describe pupils' understanding of the mathematical concept of function. How do pupils define the concept of function? What images of the concept of function evoke when they solve tasks, which involve identifying and constructing functions?Theory: A student's thinking about a mathematical concept depends on more than just the formal definition of the concept; therefore Tall and Vinner introduce the term concept image to describe the role cognitive structures play when students learn about concepts. The cognitive structure includes all mental images, associated properties and processes that an individual associates with a given concept. According to Sfard, an individual's understanding of mathematical concepts may have different character: an operational conception, where a concept is conceived as a process and a structural conception, where the given concept is conceived as an object, that is, as a whole.Method: 16 pupils at the Science Program at two different upper secondary schools inSweden answered a questionnaire on the mathematical concept of function.
Lyssna, Tala, Tänka. Övningsteknik ? en huvudfråga?
This thesis is about practising on a different level to get an insight to what techniques might work for me as a double bass player. It is about discovering how to use your brain into playing at your best level. I practised both talking and singing to myself and read a lot about thinking and hearing not only the music but every note before playing. The thesis idea came from not having a technique that worked for me while practising alone. I wondered why it is such a difference between what we do at the lessons and what I do when practising by myself..
Skolmognad utifrån förskollärares perspektiv
Preschool belongs to Lpo-94. School readiness can interprets in different kind of aspects, then you can not found any goals to reach in Lpo- 94 for the pre-school, which preschool teachers can relay to. There are comprehensive goals for the nine-year school in Lpo- 94, about which knowledge the student should have for the fifth grade. Purpose of the studie is to examine preschool teachers understanding of the phenomenon school readiness. Qualitative interviews by preschool teachers in south and middle of Sweden has been carried out and a hermeneutic analyse has been used for a deeper understanding of pre-school teachers interprets of school readiness.
Science fiction-litteratur ? Hur gör folkbiblioteken i praktiken? En studie av fyra bibliotek.
This essay aims to examine how science fiction literature is supported and made available for readers at four public libraries. Each library has its own opinion of what a public library?s role in society is, and that affects how literature acquisition and media exposure is done at that particular library. To explore this, the author uses a modified version of Elzinga and Andersson?s theory of traditionalism, pragmatism and emancipationism.