

3628 Uppsatser om Coercive care - Sida 43 av 242

Den nationella värdegrunden : en kritisk granskning av implementeringen av äldreomsorgens värdegrund i en kommun

The aim of the study was to investigate how a community motivates and ensures the implementation of its values and how this document affected personnel of meaning, vision and daily operations. The study was based on semi-structured interviews, in which nine respondents were interviewed in a city in southern Sweden. Interviews dealt with three different themes, all concerned organization or set of values. The analysis was based partly on how organizations and institutions build up and maintain their legitimacy. The analysis was also explained by the new institutional theory and its concepts isomorphism.

Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av Boussignac CPAP inom prehospital vård

Objective: To investigate the experiences of ambulance nurses when using Boussignac CPAPcompared to their previous model, and their suggestions for possible improvements in the use of CPAP in the care of patients with pulmonary oedema. Method: A qualitative study with a descriptive and exploratory approach. Data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews with ambulance nurses, seven men and three women. The analysis was conducted using Lundman and Graneheim?s content analysis.

Hårvårdsverksamheter ur ett miljö- och hälsoskyddsperspektiv : Kartläggning av frisörer i Danderyd och Vaxholm och utarbetande av checklista för inspektioner

Hair care is a hygienic treatment and is supervised by the Local Environment and Public Health Committee in the municipality. According to the Swedish Environmental Code, hairdressers as all practitioners are required to take measurements to protect the environment and public health. In hygienic treatments hazards may arise from inadequate hygiene practice which spread infection. Hazards may also arise from the use of hair care products such as permanent wave solutions, bleaches and hair dyes. Some hair dye components are known to cause contact allergy, mostly in hair dressers who are exposed professionally but also in some cases in consumers.

Uppföljning av familjehemsplaceringar: inte bara brandkårsutryckningar

The purpose of this essay was to examine how professional social workers work with follow up foster home placements. The study was based on qualitative interviews with ten professional social workers from different municipalities in Skåne in an attempt to answer the following questions:* What routines exist for the follow-up work with foster care?* What factors have an impact on how the follow-up is formed in the particular case?* How can the follow-up affect outcomes of the placement?* In what way could the work with follow-up foster home placements develop?The theories we chose to analyze our material from was the ecology of human development formed by Urie Bronfenbrenner and the theory of civil courage formed by Lennart Lundquist. The interviews were semi-structural which gave the respondents a chance to talk in a free way about the questions we presented.The result of the study showed that there is a difference in the way social workers form the follow-up work of foster care. The greatest difference is in whom the social workers include in their follow-up.

Smarta Kort : En del av en intelligent IT-lösning i hälso- och sjukvården?

Background: IT-security is included in the concept of information security, which considers all the security of handling information within an organisation. Good IT-security is about finding the right level of measurement, however, it is hard to implemement new IT-solutions in an organisation, particularly within the health care field, where sensitive information are handled daily. Lately the Swedish government, together with county- and city council, understand the importance of IT and health care. Carelink, an organisation of interest, is working actively for the presumption of benefit by using IT within the health care field. During spring 2006 the Swedish government introduced a national IT-strategy.

Individanpassad omvårdnad : ett steg mot optimal stationärvård för hund och katt

When nursing human patients during hospitalization, the nurse is the one responsible. The nursing is controlled by different models of nursing and careplans, shaped by every patient?s individual needs. This is to guarantee the quality of the care. The veterinary nurse is not ultimately responsible for patient care.

Samverkan eller motverkan? En studie om myndighetssamverkans konsekvenser för rättssäkerheten och barnperspektivet

Children that are taken care of for institutional care by the social services are unprivileged as a group. When society takes over the parenting role, it forces local governments and other accountable authorities to guarantee these children satisfactory support and good care according to each child's needs. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and discuss problems with implementation in policy processes when authorities incorporate. From the normative standpoint of legal security and the United Nations Children's Convention, this thesis investigates the consequences of interaction between two Swedish supervisory authorities for the social services: Socialstyrelsen and länsstyrelserna. To fulfill the aim I will investigate the approach taken by the authorities and the work division between Socialstyrelsen and länsstyrelserna.

Främjande av egenvård för patienter med typ 2-diabetes inom primärvården - diabetessjuksköterskans upplevelser

ABSTRACTBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. Early intervention in form of medication, advice on self-management and lifestyle changes is necessary to avoid complications. Few Swedish studies are made on the diabetes nurse?s views on promotion of self- management.Purpose: To examine the diabetes specialist nurse?s experience of promoting self-management to patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care.  Method: A qualitative explorative study where eight diabetes nurses were interviewed. The interview guide consisted of semistructed questions concerning the promotion of self-management.Results: The diabetes nurse?s role in promoting patient self-management is significant, if resources are available in the form of adequate time for the patient and good team work.

Kvinnliga romers upplevelser av vårdpersonals bemötande inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim: The aim of this study is to examine roma women´s experiences of health professionals? attitudes towards them in Swedish health care. Method: Exploratory qualitative study with individual interviews was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight women of Roma origin. Data were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis.

Validering av Alberta Context Tool (ACT) för bruk inom svensk kommunal äldrevård : Ett verktyg för implementering av evidensbaserad vård

The aim of this study was to conduct an instrument test of the Canadian questionnaire Alberta Context Tool (ACT) version Long-Term care for Swedish conditions. ACT is designed in order to measure the context in the care environment and different behaviours related to the changes in clinical practice. In total, 159 Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Registered Nurses (RNs) within municipality care of the elderly were included in the survey. The test included the instrument's reliability and face validity.The reliability test was implemented through calculation of Cronbach´s Alpha, and showed internal consistency for five of the scales of the ACT-instrument with Cronbach´s Alpha values ranging between 0,728 and 0,873. However, three dimensions got lower values (0,558 - 0,683).The analysis was carried out with content analysis and carried out for LPNs and RNs in separate groups.

Användarcentrerad design för att förbättra rapporter i kvalitetsregister

In modern health care, the quality registry is anexcellent tool to monitor everyday work. Collected data forms a foundation, presented as online reports, from which local work efforts to refine care quality can be performed. All reports are coded manually by specially trained developers. This is a tedious process and hence becomes a bottleneck in the strive for improvement.This thesis evaluates whether an extended way of dealing with reports can fit into the existing work situation, with main focus on the idea of creating custom reports directly within a quality registry. It provides a set of conclusions regarding today's usage of reports as well as the users' general and specific needs within the area.

Vad ska vi dricka idag?

Background The usage of Nutrition supplement in the elderly care is commonly occurring and plays an important role in the intake of nutrition for the elderly. The usage of nutrition supplement is to reduce malnutrition within elderly care. For the elderly it is crucial to keep a healthy diet and to never lose weight. The loss of weight can be very dangerous it could even be fatal for the aged and should therefore be avoided. To have a diet that is rich in energy such as enriched meals prevents the elderly from receiving a shortage of calories since the diet is rich in fat, protein and thus also rich in energy.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede enligt Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) : En litteraturöversikt

Syfte: Att redogöra för sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede enligt Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP). Metod: Litteraturstudien baseras på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. De vetenskapliga artiklarna söktes i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och World of Science. Inklusionskriterier var att artiklarna skulle vara primärkällor, vara skrivna på svenska eller engelska samt publicerade mellan år 2003-2013. Ytterligare inklusionskriterier var att sjuksköterskorna skulle ha erfarenhet av LCP, samt att de vetenskapliga artiklarna erhöll medel eller hög poäng vid granskningen och var godkänd av en etisk kommitté.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta med känguruvård inom svensk neonatalvård

Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta med känguruvård inom svensk neonatalvård. Tidigare forskning är sparsamt beskriven och inga studier är publicerade som rör svensk omvårdnad utifrån denna metod. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sju sjuksköterskor genomfördes på en neonatalavdelning i södra Sverige. Textmaterialet analyserades, efter att ha skrivits ut ordagrant, enligt en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen resulterade i tre huvudkategorier; att befrämja anknytning, att uppleva inspiration och att uppleva begränsning.


Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur patienter upplever sitt venösa bensår och dess omvårdnadsåtgärder. Litteraturstudien grundades på metod av Forsberg & Wengström (2003). Tio vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar inkluderades i litteraturstudien. Resultatet visade på att patienters upplevelser av venösa bensår hade en negativ inverkan på livet. Hos patienterna fanns en ständig oro och rädsla för eventuella komplikationer, yttre våld mot såret samt känslor av hopplöshet gällande sårläkningen.

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