134 Uppsatser om Coast Artillery - Sida 4 av 9
Strömmar av vatten och politik - en studie om policyprocesser och anpassning.
One of the distinguishing features of successful societies is the ability to adapt to change, bothsocial but also natural changes like climate change. Climate change is a complex, dynamic,non-linear process with a great deal of uncertainty concerning the time perspective, risks andconsequences. A combination of factors like climate change, geographical vulnerability, adensely populated and highly built up coast line along with factors like deficient handling ofsurface runoff and a large usage of ground water leads to an increasingly vulnerable society. Italso puts a greater pressure on the society to have preventive measures in place.The number of actors working with preparing society to the expected impacts of climatechange and variability is increasing. However more than half of Sweden?s municipalities donot consider changing climatic conditions when planning, and many times even allow theconstruction of new living areas in known climatically vulnerable areas.
Proveniensbestämning av vikingatida hornmaterial : En studie utifrån stabila isotoper
The main aim was to investigate the provenance of Viking age antler material findings of moose and red deer from Sigtuna and from three sites on the island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. This was done by analysis of the stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur. Thre were never any living population of these mammals on Gotland during the Viking age.?34S-values of sulphur from this study was compared with earlier research and by studying maps of the Swedish bedrock. The ?34S-values were more like the ?34S-value for bedrock other than European granite.
Den medeltida stadshamnen : Om strandområdets topografi och funktion i tre Öresundsstäder
This essay focuses on the function and development of city harbors during the middle ages in the Scanian part of Öresund. The purpose of the survey is to take a closer look at topography, development and activities on the shores in three coastal cities along the west coast of Scania. The cities that has been part of the survey are: Skanör ? Falsterbo, Malmoe and Landskrona, three cities that follows each other chronologically and that show both similarities and differences in appearance, function and urbanization.The cities of Skanör ? Falsterbo and Malmoe were important market places for the medieval Scania market with the herring fishery in focus. The cities? birth has to be looked upon in relation to these activities.
Beståndsutveckling i stormskadade granbestånd
The storm Gudrun in 2005 led to massive windthow damage in forests in southern Sweden.
Since then there has been a growing interest in factors influencing wind damage in above all
Norway spruce (Picea Abies) stands. Although many other interesting areas still need to be
examined. In 2005 there where a lot of stands that suffered different degrees of damage, a lot of
these stands weren?t cut, but instead left to grow. The future development of these stands is
uncertain and the guidelines are unclear.
DEHP - från mjukgörare till hormonstörande
Eutrophication is a major problem in the Baltic Sea, as a result of increased loading of nitrogen and phosphorus. In the coastal parts of Östergötland the soil largely consists of clay and contains high levels of phosphorus bound to clay particles. Erosion of the soil in agricultural areas makes the water turbid and transports phosphorus to the Baltic Sea. The aim of this project was to examine the relationship between phosphorus and turbidity in the coastal streams of Östergötland. The aim was also to evaluate the possibility to use turbidity as a surrogate measure for phosphorus.
Produktion av dricksvatten och förnybar el i Bläsinge fiskehamn
The fishing port of Bläsinge is located on the east coast of Öland, Sweden?s second largest island. Today the port has a limited supply of freshwater. The economic association of the fishing port wants to expand their business, so that they will also include tourist services. To do this the harbor will need a more independant source of freshwater, with a higher quality than the present well.
Sitkagranens potentiella merproduktion jämfört med vanlig gran i Hallands län
Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) is not considered to be a native species to Swedish forests. It´s origin is the pacific coast of Northern America, an area that is dominated by a coastal climate which makes it likely to believe that it would be well suited for growing in the south-west of Sweden.
This study aims to investigate the gain in production that can be reached by growing sitka spruce instead of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the county of Halland. A regression model based on data from forest experiments was produced to explain the gain in production. This model was based on elevation and annual precipitation.
The model was then used to create a map layer in arcGIS that shows the gain of volume in comparison to Norway spruce in percent. An analysis was carried out to find what share of the forestland in Halland county that fell into four different classes of production gain.
Turbiditet som ersättningsmått för totalfosforhalt i kustmynnande vattendrag i Östergötland
Eutrophication is a major problem in the Baltic Sea, as a result of increased loading of nitrogen and phosphorus. In the coastal parts of Östergötland the soil largely consists of clay and contains high levels of phosphorus bound to clay particles. Erosion of the soil in agricultural areas makes the water turbid and transports phosphorus to the Baltic Sea. The aim of this project was to examine the relationship between phosphorus and turbidity in the coastal streams of Östergötland. The aim was also to evaluate the possibility to use turbidity as a surrogate measure for phosphorus.
Rostfritt stål till stora vattentankar utomhus : En jämförelse mellan austenitiska och rostfria stål
The austenitic stainless steel 316L has been compared to duplex stainless steels to be able to highlight a choice of material for manufacturing of spare tanks used for cooling water at nuclear power stations on the Swedish west coast. In this report 316L and the duplex stainless steels 2205, 2304 and LDX 2404 have been compared according to corrosion resistance, strength, manufacturing aspects and prices. The steels arranged by increasing corrosion resistance: 316L < 2304 < LDX 2404 < 2205. The steels arranged by increasing strength (considering the thickness of the plates needed for construction): 316L < 2304 < LDX 2404 and 2205. The steels arranged by increasing price/tank: 2304 < LDX 2404 < 2205 < 316L.
Dynamisk modellering av kärnreaktor
The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a tool for modelling and simulating the nuclear plant Ringhals 3. The model should be used to improve the knowledge on the dynamics of the plant. Ringhals 3 is being upgraded to produce more power and a tool for analyzing the new operating conditions is needed.The work in this thesis has consisted of improving and developing an existing model of Ringhals 3 made with the modelling tool Dymola. The model has been validated by comparing the results of a simulated house load transient with data from the actual plant. Validation shows good agreement with data from the real plant.
Räddningstjänst : Definition, ansvar och samverkan
The purpose of this legal dogmatic Bachelor Thesis is to define the legal definition of ?a rescue service? and illustrate the division of responsibilities between national authorities and the municipalities with regards to the execution of emergency response operations.?A rescue service? means the emergency response actions that national and municipal authorities are legally obliged to provide to prevent or minimise injury to people and damage to property or the environment when emergencies occur or seem imminent. In the following cases a national authority is responsible for providing the requisite rescue service:1. Search and rescue (air) ? the Swedish Civil Aviation Authority is the responsible authority;2.
Momentfördelning i pelardäck av armerad betong
The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a tool for modelling and simulating the nuclear plant Ringhals 3. The model should be used to improve the knowledge on the dynamics of the plant. Ringhals 3 is being upgraded to produce more power and a tool for analyzing the new operating conditions is needed.The work in this thesis has consisted of improving and developing an existing model of Ringhals 3 made with the modelling tool Dymola. The model has been validated by comparing the results of a simulated house load transient with data from the actual plant. Validation shows good agreement with data from the real plant.
Kvalitetsarbete i samband med byggande av betongkonstruktioner
The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a tool for modelling and simulating the nuclear plant Ringhals 3. The model should be used to improve the knowledge on the dynamics of the plant. Ringhals 3 is being upgraded to produce more power and a tool for analyzing the new operating conditions is needed.The work in this thesis has consisted of improving and developing an existing model of Ringhals 3 made with the modelling tool Dymola. The model has been validated by comparing the results of a simulated house load transient with data from the actual plant. Validation shows good agreement with data from the real plant.
Hälsostatus hos abborre (Perca fluviatilis) i Gumpfjärden, Bottenhavet :
Perch (Perca fluviatilis) is a very popular fish in Sweden and it is common in Swedish waters. In some areas along the Swedish coast the perch population has decreased. It is therefore important to get a view at the health status of perch. During April, July and August of 2008, a total of 346 perches were caught in the Gump Bay in the Botnian Sea. The fish were mainly caught by net but also by rod.
Statlig sjöfart för maritim säkerhet : och hur ser Försvarsmaktens roll ut?
Den statliga sjöfarten idag är ett område med många inblandade myndigheter och en oklar uppgiftsfördelning. Det är även svårt att se hur väl organiseringen av den statliga sjöfarten är uppbyggd för att klara en kris eller ett krig. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur effektiv den statliga sjöfarten är vid en kris, hur väl kraven för maritim säkerhet uppfylls och hur försvarsmaktens roll i den statliga sjöfartenI formen av en fallstudie med en teoretiskt deduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ textanalys appliceras Graham Allisons organisationsteori och teori om maritim säkerhet på den statliga sjöfarten. Empirin är i form av förordningar, instruktioner och reglerbrev som är ställda på respektive myndighet.Undersökningen visar att dagens organisering av den statliga sjöfarten inte är optimal för att verka vid en kris och kraven för maritim säkerhet uppfylls, men förbättringspunkter föreligger. En slutsats är att en närmare samverkan mellan myndigheterna skulle lösa många av de problem som idag existerar.