

1680 Uppsatser om Clinical training placement - Sida 6 av 112

"Det är kränkande men jag behöver göra det" : En kvalitativ studie om personals syn på missbrukares integritet och autonomi vid LVM

The purpose of this study was to examine in which way personnel who work with LVM approach their client?s integrity, autonomy and their participation in decision making. We used a semistructured interview when we interviewed three social workers, one placement secretary and four care personnel who work at institutions for LVM. In the theoretical approach of this study we used the total institutions and the user influence by clients. The study has shown that personnel?s considerations to their client?s integrity, autonomy and participation in decisions are a convoluted problem.

Skadeförebyggande träning inom elitdamfotbollen : Tränarnas fokus på att förebygga en främre korsbandsskada

This quality study was carried out with seven semi-structured interviews and five of them were with elite women´s football coaches. What has been studied is how elite women?s football coaches are working with injury prevention training to their knees for the women?s football players. An anterior cruciate ligament injury in elite women?s football is both common and serious knee injury.

Fysiologiska kvaliteter hos manliga tävlingscyklister och effekten av högintensiv intervallträning

Abstract Road cycling is well established and has always been described as a highly endurance sport. To be able to compete in such a demanding sport the physiology of the athletes needs to be greatly developed. This review will focus on high intensity interval training and its impact on the physiological characteristics of competitive road cyclists. The main difference between different levels of competitive road cyclists seems to be the capacity to maintain a high sub maximal power output over a long period of time in order to succeed. High intensity interval training, from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, leads to improved VO2peak, aerobic peak power and time trial performance.

Organisering av arbetsträning : En kvalitativ studie om handledares syn på arbetsträningens organisering och arbetet med socialt utanförskap

This study is about job training for people with psycho-social problems without income. The purpose with this sort of job training is to bring these people back to the regular labor market as well as the experience of having a job. In the labor market situation in Sweden today there?s no guarantee that the individual will return to the labor market after having undergone job training. The aim of this study is to understand how supervisors at job training activities experience that the organizations of the activities and resources affect their work.

IT-baserat utbildningssystem för dialyspersonal : en användarcentrerad förstudie

The dialysis ward at Karolinska University Hospital is a highly pressurized work environment filled with critical treatment situations where patient?s lives can be constantly in danger. Staff have to deal with a myriad of alarms and error codes in response to their patients varying ailments. The workforce at the dialysis ward lack controlled environment training, sufficient to address all of the potential treatment scenarios, with no risk of jeopardizing the patient?s condition.The purpose of this essay is to design and test the efficacy of using an IT based device for dialysis education at Karolinska University Hospital.The main topics this essay intends to address are:? Identification of user scenarios and training fields.? Prioritization of key training areas.? Utilization of IT in effective staff training.? Design of a conceptual prototype.The process focuses on the user and their needs.

Handledarens stödjande arbete i APL-uppgifterna för åk 1 : Med fokus på elevens lärande

The aim of this essay is to examine the supervisor?s view on the structure and content of the tasks given to students during their vocational training. The investigation could be of help for teachers when devising new vocational training tasks. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with five supervisors, all of whom work at preschools. The supervisors were asked to grade all the vocational training tasks on a scale from one (easy) to five (difficult).

Utomhusgym, några fördelar? : En studie om affekter vid styrketräning inomhus respektive utomhus

PurposeThe aim of the study was to examine the affects perceived by young people aged 18-19 years old after resistance training outdoors versus resistance training indoor. The aim of the study was also to examine if the rate of perceived exertion was affected by whether the resistance training took place outdoors or indoors. What immediate affects are perceived in conjunction with resistance training outdoors and indoors in people aged 18-19 years?What immediate affects are perceived after resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent resistance training indoor in people aged 18-19 years?What perceived exertion level can be seen in conjunction with resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent resistance training indoors in people aged 18-19 years?How does exercise habit correlate with affects and exertion in conjunction with resistance training? Method22 pupils in a secondary school conducted two resistance training sessions, one outdoors and one indoor. A questionnaire about their mood and exercise habits was answered before and immediately after the training session. Rate of perceived exertion rate was also included in the questionnaire the participants received after the workout.

The effect of training on spontaneous blink rate in dogs

The spontaneous blink rate is found to be a non-invasive but functional, reliable and useful way to monitor central dopaminergic activity. Dopamine is associated with a range of functions such as reward, motivation and learning. It plays an important role in goal-directed behavior and in maintaining a behavior once a task is learned. As far as the author knows, there are today no publications that discuss the topic regarding the possible link between training and spontaneous blink rate in dogs. Therefore, eight privately owned dogs were included in this study to determine if there was a significant difference in the spontaneous blink rate before and after the process of learning a task.

Att träna tillsammans i grupp vid hjärt- och kärlsjukdom: patienternas upplevelser utifrån ICF:s komponenter

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the Western world. For persons who have had a myocardial infarction the following rehabilitation and the group training, which is a part of this, are very important. The cardiac rehabilitation is designed to limit the physiological and psychological effects of cardiovascular disease. Purpose: This study aimed to examine how patients with cardiovascular disease experienced group training in relation to the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health, ICF. Method: A qualitative interview study was performed according to Malterud, inspired by the Grounded Theory method.

Lärare och informationssökning. En undersökning av lärares utsagor kring sin informationssökningskontext

The purpose of this thesis is to reach a deeper understanding of the context of teachers? information seeking. Research in the role of the library in a learning perspective is in demand. To reach our aim we investigate what teachers say about their experiences of the user training during their studies and what effect it had on their information seeking as teachers. We interviewed four teachers and analyzed the transcripts of their sayings about their experiences of their information seeking during their education and a teaching profession.

Nivåanpassad intensivträning av läsförståelsestrategier : En interventionsstudie i åk 2

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether intensive teaching of reading strategies at an individual level can affect reading comprehension for students in second grade. A quantitative method with quasi-experimental design is used. All students in the experimental class trained on reading comprehension strategies at their particular level five times each. Before and after training a reading comprehension test was made. The reference class did the same test.

Sjuksköterskors informationssökning i yrkesvardagen: barriärer och lösningar. Intervjustudie ur ett användarperspektiv med vidareutbildade sjuksköterskor.

This thesis investigates clinical nurses? information seekingand information use through semi-structured interviews withsix nurse practitioners, nurses with further education.Previous research shows that nurses have problemsimplementing evidence-searching at the clinic because oforganization, stress and heritage of an old practice that doesnot incorporate the academic education.The theoretical framework consists of T.D. Wilson?sinformation seeking behavior model and R.H. Orr?s model ofinformation needs.

En rankings efterskalv : Om Transparency International och svensk korruption

What impact and effects are created by the placement of an international ranking? Could it be that a top rank is detrimental to an entire country's efforts to fight corruption?This bachelor thesis in political science is about Swedish corruption. In essence, so questioning the Transparency International's indexed rankings that placed Sweden in third place. Issues concern since if the third placement has created nonchalance and a careless mentality in Swedish government and in particular in the municipal operations. Research results show that Transparency International's rankings have low validity and low reliability and that the government is not acting sufficiently to prevent and fight corruption.

Lokalisationen av osteochondrosförändringar hos svenska halvblodshästar :

The aetiology of osteochondrosis (OC) is known to be complex and multifactorial. The occurrence of bone fragments in joints and their connection to osteochondral disease are no exception. In the hock and stifle joint of the horse this type of lesion has generally been considered to be of osteochondral origin, while the process behind these fragments in the fetlock joint has been up for discussion. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and the localisation of OC in Swedish warmblooded horses. In order to do so all radiographs of stifle, hock and fetlock joints performed on Swedish warmblooded horses during the period of 1992-1999 at Regiondjursjukhuset in Helsingborg were examined and the material was divided into two groups.

Effekter av muskeluppbyggande träning på muskelstyrka och funktionsnivå hos personer med Multipel Skleros: en litteraturstudie

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of our most common neurological diseases. The development of the disease often make the affected persons live with it for a long time. There are two types of the disease, the first is a progressive type and the other is relapsing remitting. Strengthening exercises isn?t commonly used as a treatment method although muscle weakness and fatigue are common symptoms.

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