

1680 Uppsatser om Clinical training placement - Sida 35 av 112

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med barn som har neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder. : "Det är som en berg- och dalbana, det går upp och ner hela tiden"

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how former foster children experienced foster care which have been filled with maltreatment and neglect and how this has influenced their adult life when it comes to health, education and relationships. We also wanted to study how the former foster children coped with their placement. Furthermore we wanted to study whether there has been any turningpoints during their growth. Finally we wanted to describe how the former foster children experienced the authorities control. To make the purpose of this study complete we chose to use qualitative interviews with six former foster children as our research method.

Informationskompetens i det svenska och bayerska gymnasiet : En jämförande analys av det svenska och det bayerska gymnasiets läro- och ämnesplaner

This study is a comparative study of the occurrence and function of information literacy in the curricula of the Swedish and Bavarian Gymnasium and investigates the occurrence of the term ?information literacy? and shows through what other linguistic means the notion of information literacy is expressed in the curricula. The study also wishes to analyze how the notion of information literacy manifests itself in the different school systems. Relevant textual passages of both curricula are compared to each other through the theoretic lens of Bruce?s phenomenographic model of information literacy.

 En jämförelsestudie av koldioxidsläpp för en byggnad med trä- respektive betongstomme ur ett livscykelperspektiv

The goal with this examination thesis is to investigate the difference in carbon dioxide emissions between a building with a wooden versus concrete carcassing from a life cycle perspective. The huge amounts of carbon dioxide released into air from human activities must be reduced to prevent serious consequences. A way to limit this issue is through performing a comparative study where the result shows which of two products with the same function has the lowest emission of carbon dioxide, whereof the product with the lowest carbon dioxide pollution can be chosen.To be able to perform a study like this an object has been chosen and studies about life cycle analyses have been done. The rental square meter, the thermal conductivity value, the energy requirements and the placement of the building has been set equal in both framework types. There were solely dissimilarities of the two buildings taken into account when this comparison study was performed.The result of the study is that a building constructed with a wooden carcassing has the lowest amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

Effects of koccidiae- and nematode infections in first-year grazing calves :

Twenty-four calves, which had not grazed previously, were divided into four groups. They were subsequently inoculated orally with either E. alabamensis oocysts, O.ostertagi/C. oncophora larvae, or both. One group remained uninfected and was used as a control.

Pojkkrisen : En studie om pojkkrisens existens utifrån pojkars egna erfarenheter

The Picture book - text and image in interaction. A study of Tove Jansson's picturebook: The Book About Moomin, Mymble and Little MyThis study examines Tove Jansson's picture book The Book About Moomin, Mymbleand Little My, to show relationships between text and image in the narration of thestory. This is done through an analysis based on Ulla Rhedins dissertation The picturebook - towards a theory where the conclusion is that the picture book as book mediumcan be divided in three different picture concepts. The various concepts are; the epicpicture book, the expanding text as well as the genuine picture book. This study hasperformed a text and image analysis showing that the image colors, the differentspreads, landscape scenes and characters' placement, et cetera play a role in placingthe picture book in its concept.Tove Jansson used more than text and image to work out the story of theMoomintroll, Mymble and Little My, there are holes in the picture book that have animportant role, which the analysis will show.

Hisskärna av skalväggar i höga byggnader : Ett alternativ till den platsgjutna kärnan

A common way to stabilize high rise buildings is to use an elevator core built of concrete. Today, we use to build these elevator cores of in-situ concrete. Precast concrete twin wall (double wall) is a semi-finished product that has become more common in recent years. This diploma work studies how the twin wall works out as structural elements in an elevator core. The work also shows some possible ways of designing twin walls and highlights some important parts of the design that will be vital to the stability of the building.    The result shows that it is important to think through where the element joints should be placed.

Hereditär nefrit hos bullterrier i Sverige :

Bull terrier hereditary nephritis is caused by a mutation that leads to an inadequate synthesis of collagen type IV, which is an important component in the basement membranes. The inheritance of the mutation is autosomal dominant in bull terriers and progression to renal failure takes variable time, from several months to ten years. Proteinuria is the first clinical sign of the disease and the diagnosis is confirmed by transmission electron microscopy of renal tissue where typical ultrastructural changes in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), thickening and multilaminar splitting are found. This study was performed in order to find out the occurrence of hereditary nephritis in bull terriers in Sweden through examination of urine samples and renal tissue and comparisons with how the disease is described in the literature. Urine samples from 76 Swedish bull terriers were collected and examined for proteinuria.

Högskoleadjunkters uppfattningar om den kliniska utbildningen i sjuksköterskeprogrammet : Att vara högskoleadjunkt i G. Henrik von Wrights värld av handling

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva och analysera högskoleadjunkters uppfattningar om den kliniska utbildningen i dagens sjuksköterskeprogram. Som metod valdes intervjuer med tio högskoleadjunkter från fyra högskolor i Mellansverige. Framkomna data analyserades kvalitativt, utifrån von Wrights handlingsteoretiska perspektiv med de fyra determinanterna vilja, plikt, förmåga och möjligheter. Vårt resultat visade att högskoleadjunkternas vilja kunde urskiljas i fem underkategorier som gestaltade sig som vilja att: finnas till för de studerande, påverka utbildningens struktur, göra pedagogiska val, utveckla handledningen, och en vilja att handla beträffande den egna yrkesrollen. De plikter högskoleadjunkterna uppfattade i sin yrkesroll handlade om såväl deras egna inre plikter och förväntningar på sig själva, som förväntningar från de studerande, kollegor och skolledning.

Kombinationsträning : Maximal styrka och aerob förmåga

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med denna studie var att undersöka utveckling av styrka och aerob förmåga vid kombinationsträning med olika intensitet och volym i den aeroba träningen. Studiens frågeställningar var: (1) Utvecklas maximal styrka olika då styrketräning kombineras med antingen högintensiv aerob träning i intervallform eller aerob medelintensiv kontinuerlig träning? (2) Vilket av dessa två kombinationsprogram är effektivast för att öka maximal syreupptagningsförmåga (VO2max), laktattröskeln, maximalt blodlaktat och tid till utmattning? MetodEn kvantitativ träningsstudie genomfördes med 18 manliga försökspersoner (fp) som under en sex veckors period fick bedriva styrketräning och aerob träning kombinerat i ett och samma träningsprogram. Fp delades in i två olika grupper om vardera nio personer där den aeroba träningen skiljde grupperna åt. Under den sex veckor långa träningsperioden fick båda grupperna utföra ett vetenskapligt förankrat styrketräningsprogram med knäböj som övning tre gånger i veckan i syfte att utveckla maximal styrka.

Huvudhalscancer och livskvalitet : Patientens skattning av livskvalitet innan och efter strålbehandling

Introduction: Each year 1200-1300 patients are diagnosed with head neck cancer. Treatment that involves radiotherapy can cause severe side effects for example trismus that affects quality of life.Purpose: To study health-related quality of life in patients who have undergone radiation treatment for head and neck cancer and participated in a intervention group who received training intended to prevent trismus or in a control group who received standard treatment.Method: This is a prospective study in which data is collected from 66 patients participating in a randomized study aiming to evaluate a training program to prevent trismus. Thirty three participated in the intervention group and thirty three in the control group. Both patient groups assessed health related quality of life (HRQOL) with EORTC QLQ C30 and QLQ-H&N35, at start and end of the radiation treatment, and at 3 and 6-months after completing radiation treatment.Results: There is no difference between the intervention and control groups regarding symptoms, functional status and global health, except for intake of nutritional supplements.  For both groups almost all scales measuring HRQOL deteriorated under the radiation treatment. However, 3 and 6 months after end of radiotherapy HRQOL had improved and had returned to the baseline values.

Webbaserat resultat och uppföljningsprogram för idrottsförening

Students at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University have on behalf of the swimming organization ?Nässjö Sim och Livräddningssällskap? conducted research on how to monitor and evaluate swimmers and swimming groups in a simple and efficient manner with a focus on usability and user friendliness. Since no system existed that could meet these requirements, the client had a desire to tailor and develop such a system. The purpose of this work was to develop a system that would work as a tool to be used by coaches and swimmers alike and allow them to eventually follow the development of swimmers and swimming groups. The organization also wanted to have the ability to create tests and exams, both for land and water training, register these in the system and in a structured way know which swimmers took and passed these.For this thesis, the following questions functioned as a framework for progress.UsabilityHow to design a usable system and what is required?SystemWhat type of system is best suited to meet the client's requirements and preferences?Competition resultsHow can one retrieve all the competition results for swimmers of Nässjö SLS?DatabaseWhat type of database is best suited to easily share data with an external existing database?Usability has been the main focus throughout the project.

Analytisk dimensionering av räddningstjänst : fördjupad analys av insatsförmåga och täckningsgrad inom Räddningstjänsten Syd

In order to reduce the number of casualties and injured from accidents the rescue service must become more efficient and flexible. It is noted that far more people is injured and killed in traffic accidents than from fires. During the daytime the number of accidents in about three times higher than during the night, even so today the number of fire fighters on duty is the same day and night.Two computer models for simulation of different locations of the rescue services are used to determine the best options for placement of the rescue services. A cost-benefit analysis is also used to determine if today's fire stations are efficient for the society from an economical point of view.The results of the different models are that the fire station in Lund is misplaced. The number of ladders in Malmö can be reduced.

Underutnyttjande av vårdens informationssystem : Informationslogistik och samordnad vårdplanering

Förväntad effekt av vårdens elektroniska IT-system är ökad patientsäkerhet, vårdkvalitet och tillgänglighet. Ett första villkor för att kunna uppnå detta är att IT-systemet används. I denna studie granskas ett underutnyttjat IT-system, använt för informationsöverföring mellan olika huvudmän vid samordnad vård- och omsorgsplanering.Granskningen baseras på teorier om hur individers intention och vilja till att använda ett IT-system initieras eller upprätthålls genom omgivningens påverkan.Resultatet visar att IT-användare i den patientnära vården (mikrosystemet) saknar adekvat tekniskt, organisatoriskt (mesosystemet) och ledningsstöd (makrosystemet), vilket kan förklara underutnyttjandet..

Cytologiska bedömningens påverkan på analysen av bronkoalveolärt lavage (BAL) samt förhållandet mellan andelen mastceller och proinflammatoriska cytokinmediatorer i BAL hos häst :

Inflammatory airway disease (IAD) is a respiratory disorder that most commonly affects young horses performing at a high level. The clinical signs are often mild but the disorder can cause a marked decrease in performance to a point where the horse has to be taken of training and competing. The aetiology underlying IAD is not yet fully understood. One current theory is that a type I-hypersensitivity reaction due to allergens in the environment is the cause in some horses. The most reliable diagnostic method is a bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) since it reflects the inflammatory status in the most distal parts of the lungs, which are affected in IAD.

Skapandet av morgondagens lärare : En komparativ analys av två lärarutbildningars introduktionskurser

This study intends to analyze and compare the core litterature outlined in two specially selected teacher training establishments. The purpose of the investigation is to examine what specific perspectives they focus upon and the competences they require for teachers of tomorrow.The result shows that there are certain differences in perspective when varying the point of focus, but there are also common elements inte the core litterature between the two establishments. This analysis will provide a base for discussion on how the differences may be a result of the environment where the colleges of higher learning are situated and also on the individual needs in the surrounding area when they were first established..

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