4383 Uppsatser om Climate impact assessment - Sida 62 av 293
Olika områden olika förutsättningar : En jämförande studie av föreningslivet mellan Danderyds kommun och stadsdelen Spånga-Tensta
This study aims to investigate associations in two areas in Stockholm County with diverse socio-economic conditions. The study intends to examine the impact these differences have on what role the bureaucrats and politicians in the two areas think that the associations should have. Bureaucrats are those who design guidelines for associations and that is why they have an important role in the conditions of the associations. A comparison between the two areas has been made to see if the requirement in the guidelines for the areas are different according to where the members live. The two areas that have been used to compare the guidelines of associations are Danderyd municipal and the district Spånga-Tensta.
Datoriseringen i samhället : Äldres upplevelser
As technology have continued to develop over the latest decades and become more advanced the pressure on the general citizens understanding of technology becomes a essential part to live in our society today. The transition have affected our society in great ways and have made a great impact on different groups, one of them being the elderly population in our society. The purpose of this study is to examine how the fast technological development in the latest decades have affected the elderly in our society. This from their perspective by gathering empirical data through semi-structured interviews with elderly people involved in the Agnes-project, a research project focused on improving the general quality of life for older people and increase their knowledge about technology. The study has shown that after the older peoples time involved in the Agnes-project their quality of life had improved in different areas. Areas such as increased cognitive activity, increased interest in new technology and an improvement in their communication with friends and family.
Inga miljövinster med ekologisk produktion? : Lägesrapport över den svenska jordbruksdebatten
Organic agriculture is financially promoted in Sweden by special environmental support and as consumers we are all encouraged to buy organic food. At the same time scholars at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences claim that organic farming does not provide any environmental benefits. The main criticism is that organic farming has lower yields than conventional, which means that more land is needed to produce the same amount of food as in conventional farming, leading to deforestation and loss of biodiversity. As for climate change, the critics claim that the significantly higher productivity in conventional crop production compared to organic, releases surplus land, which could be used for bio-fuel production and thereby replace the fossil fuels. The critics also claim that organic farming causes higher nutrient leaching than conventional.
Golvskyltens oanade effekter - En studie om golvskyltens outforskade effekter
Floor signs in stores have become a more common phenomenon during past years. The problem is that the knowledge about these signs is limited and the actual effects are unknown. This lack of knowledge can have a negative impact on store performance and marketing efforts. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of floor signs on consumer attitude and behaviour. The study was conducted in two grocery stores, where the movement pattern of 39 501 customers was recorded over a four week period.
Enstudie om lågtempererat värmesystem i vägg : -Fokus på inomhusklimatet och energianvändning
Today the human being see energy as a matter of course but the resources that is used for extract energy is today not enough for the world demand. Of all the energy that is used in Sweden today approximately 40 % goes to the building stock. This number will most likely increase if not necessary actions will be made on the already existing building stock since new houses constantly are built which will be added up on the already existing energy supply. This takes cause of action on the already existing building stocks, to fulfill the demands of the future use of energy that has been set by the authority. At the same time the thermal conditions cannot be influenced by the necessary changes that must be made.
Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för barns koncentration i förskolan : En studie om betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för barns koncentrationsförmåga vid samlingar i förskolan
The purpose of this investigation was to investigate how being outdoors and participating in physical activities affect the concentration in a collection situation among children.The methods I chose were observation of two groups of children two times each and interviews with four educators.The results showed that the concentration in the collected situation depends on past activity, where it has taken place and that the environment has an impact. If the previous activity been more active and physical the subsequent collected situation is calmer and the children more concentrate. The facts that the children have been outside in an inspiring environment that encourage playing and movement also have a position impact on the child´s ability to concentrate. The collected situation is an important moment in the preschool day when the kids need to congregate and get a chance for social interaction and a sense of togetherness with all the children and teachers. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between movement, physical activity and an increased concentration.
Att skapa en motkultur : En religionspsykologisk undersökning av Livets Ord som religiös minoritet i en sekulär kulturell kontext
In this textual analysis I have examined the book Att följa Jesus by Ulf Ekman and information from Word of Life's official website. The aim of this study is to see how a religious leader is shaping the identity of the groups members after a certain pattern that differs from the surrounding, secular society. The research focus of this essay includes several aspects: how a culture is formed in a religious minority in contrast to the prevailing cultural context; how the material can be explained by Paul Pruyser?s theory on the psychological worlds; how what Ulf Ekman writes about distinguishing themselves from the environment differs from how other religious minority groups distinguish their identity; and, how the psychological world, expected behavior, and context of Word of Life can be structured by Valerie DeMarinis? model of assessment. I have placed Word of Life in a realistic illusionistic world developed from Paul Pruyser?s theory of psychological worlds.
Föräldrars upplevelse av Terapeutisk neuropsykiatrisk utredning
Inledning: Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur en metod för neuropsykiatriska utredningar upplevdes av de föräldrar som deltagit i den. Utredningsmetoden kallas TA-C, eng. Therapeutic Assessment with Child. I den sätts särskilt värde till delaktighet och den terapeutiska potentialen.Frågeställningar: 1: Vad var föräldrarnas anledning att söka utredning? Hur beskrev föräldrar sig delaktiga i den neuropsykiatriska utredningen av deras barn? Hur var utredningen till hjälp att förstå sitt barn?Metod: Kvalitativ metod, semistrukturerad intervju, 10 föräldrar som genomgått en form av neuropsykiatrisk utredning för deras barn.Resultat: Resultatet visar att föräldrarna har upplevt betydande delaktighet och förståelse för sitt barn, och kopplar ofta ihop begreppen, som att de har en ömsesidig påverkan.
"Impact can come in many guises" : en kvalitativ studie om forskares erfarenheter av parallellpublicering
Self-archiving as a way to provide open access to research publications is gaining ground in the area of scholarly publishing. An increasing number of research funders and universities are mandating open access for output associated with their research, which calls for evaluation of the effects of the phenomenon.This two years master?s thesis aims to investigate researchers? experiences of self-archiving. A qualitative web survey was conducted and answered by 41 researchers from several different countries, and a vast majority of the respondents concur with the principle of open access. Although self-archiving shows not to be a guarantee of increased impact for the single researcher, the study shows that might be the case.
Entrepreneurs subjective well-being and job satisfaction: does personality matter?
Previous research has suggested that there is a strong and positive relationship between being an entrepreneur and possessing a high degree of subjective well-being as well as job satisfaction. The big five personality traits have also been argued to be significantly related to both subjective well-being and job satisfaction. Little is however known if personality affects entrepreneurs and regular employees differently. In this paper the impact of personality traits on the cognitive part of subjective well-being as well as job satisfaction are investigated separately among entrepreneurs and regular employees. This is done through OLS-regressions using a Swedish nationally representative survey Employment, Material Resources, and Political Preferences (EMRAPP), where entrepreneurs were oversampled in order to be able to compare entrepreneurs (N = 2483) and regular employees (N = 2642).
Examen igen?
This paper will discuss the proposed reintroducing of a final degree in upper secondary school. In a public government inquiry that was released in March 2008 a proposal about reintroducing a final degree in upper secondary school was presented. A final degree has not been a part of the upper secondary school science 1968. Why was the system with a final degree abounded and why do the government want to reintroduce it?Research in pedagogy has through the years presented numbers of theories about assessment.
Kläder i målningar och verklighet : en studie av dräktframställningen i Pehr Hilleströms genremålningar
The artist Pehr Hilleström has been credited as the founder of the Swedish genre painting. In the second half of the 18th century he began painting everyday subjects of the different social stratums. Today his paintings are noted for their way of showing us the culture of the time since the photograph still had still not been introduced. Hilleström was a court painter for King Gustav III who wanted him to depict the Swedish people and their different costumes. The king thought the costumes were of great significance for their psychological impact on people and therefore used them as a way to unite the nation psychologically, both by the genre paintings and also by making a national costume. The costumes were used as a symbol of an unbroken tradition and national heritage.
Lähäckar för minskad vinderosion och andra ekosystemtjänster
Människans näringar och kulturer har orsakat landskapsförändringar som på många håll i världen lett till flera ekologiska konsekvenser som erosion liksom övergödning av vattendrag och hav. Skogsbruk såväl som jordbruk har därutöver resulterat i stora utarmningar av den
biologiska mångfalden på jorden. Sedan en tid har jordbrukets negativa konsekvenser fått alltmer uppmärksamhet inom bland annat politik, forskning och näringsliv, varav somliga människor aktivt försökt stoppa det negativa händelseförloppet som manifesterat många av
världens odlingslandskap. Diskussioner som innefattar ekosystemet och dess så kallade tjänster för människans såväl som andra organismers överlevnad och välbefinnande erhåller därutöver mer och mer fokus i strävan mot miljövänligare alternativ för storskalig odling. I
sökandet efter mer ekologiskt sunda odlingssystem har intresset igen väckts för agroforestrysystem, som kombinerar vedartade växter med vanligt förekommande grödor.
Etableringen av lähäckar på respektive intill odlingarealer i Skåne kan bidra med flertalet ekosysystemtjänster vilka bevisats stoppa ex.
Besökshundens påverkan på arbetssituationen inom den särskilda omsorgen
This essay is about dogs that visit is used, whitin care of elderly. The dogs found caretakers once a week and one hour at a time. The focus has been placed on the dogs that go to the municipality's special accommodation and the research was done in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. The focus of the narrowing of the work was done to the work situation for care staff to assess the impact of the visits the dogs presence. It was distributed questionnaires answered by care staff in which it concluded their visit to the dog's presence felt and how it impacted the situation.
Relativ deprivation och brottslighet i folkhemmets Sverige 2002-2012
There is a known link between relative deprivation and street crime among market liberal countries. Although some research has been done with cross-national data, there is none to suggest that the observed link is as valid in a country well known for its extended welfare and generous social expenditure like Sweden. The following study uses longitudinal data to see if this recognized link between relative deprivation and street crime also stands in a country with almost a century long tradition of striving for social-, economic- and cultural equality. Even though Sweden, over the last decade, has been subjected to a series of deregulations due to policy changes at national level, and with a following rise in inequality, it is still considered to be one of the most equal countries in the west. It is therefore not unlikely that the high degree of social security will reduce the negative impact of relative deprivation on social relations among its citizens, perhaps enough so that the correlation will be significantly weakened.