

4383 Uppsatser om Climate impact assessment - Sida 30 av 293

A study of in-store atmospherics impact on young consumers in fashion houses

Abstract Title: A study of in-store atmospherics impact on young consumers in fashion houses Date of the Seminar: June 4th 2008 Course: BUSM08. Master thesis in International Marketing & Brand Management Authors: Md. Abu Baker Siddique Masum Milan Filipovic Supervisor: Ulf Elg Keywords: In-store atmosphere, young generation, fashion houses. Thesis purpose: This thesis will find out the influences of the in-store environment in the fashion houses and it will be applicable for this sector. This research will provide information to develop a better in-store environment in fashion houses to attract more young people.

Påståendedoktrinens innebörd och tillämpning i skiljemannarätten : Kompetensfördelningen mellan skiljemän och allmän domstol

A valid arbitration agreement constitutes a bar to court proceedings as well as a prerequisite for arbitral proceedings. In NJA 2008 p. 406 and NJA 2012 p. 183, the Swedish Supreme Court applied the so-called doctrine of assertion with respect to the issue of whether a dispute should be settled by arbitration or litigation. Prior to these judgments, it was uncertain if the doctrine of assertion was applicable regarding this issue.

Interaktiv skulptur : hur samtidskonst skapar aktivitet i offentlig miljö

Gastric ulcer is a common disease among pigs in the whole world where an intensiveproduction occurs. It is mainly the upper region, the nonglandular region of the stomach thatis affected. Gastric ulceration is a disease with several risk factors. The factor that seems tohave the largest impact on the development of gastric ulceration is a small particle size of thefeed. The reported prevalence of gastric ulceration differs from 5 to 100 % and it is a largeherd-to-herd variation.

Hur långt kan man gå? : En kvalitativ studie om fyra pedagogers syn på elevinflytandes omfattning och förutsättningar

Student influence is a well debated subject and all Swedish teachers should let the students influence their education. According to research the student influence is generally low and something that varies from school to school. The school policy documents do not clarify how much impact the students get to have on their education and the impact is therefore something that every individual teacher decides. These individual differences are the reason of this study.This is a qualitative study about four teachers work and thoughts focusing on the subject of school democracy and student influence in the school environment. The study is based on qualitative interviews in order to highlight four different teacher?s thoughts.

Delirium - Kan användandet av bedömningsinstrumentet CAM-ICU hjälpa sjuksköterskan att upptäcka delirium hos intensivvårdspatienten?

Delirium är ett vanligt tillstånd på intensivvårdsavdelningen (IVA) och forskning visar attpatienter som drabbas av delirium har högre mortalitet, längre vårdtider på sjukhus och sänktlivskvalitet lång tid efter vårdtiden. Det finns olika former av delirium: hyperaktivt,hypoaktivt och blandformer. Den vanligaste formen, hypoaktivt delirium, är lätt att feltolkasom översedering eller depression. Att använda sig av bedömningsinstrument kan göra attdelirium upptäcks tidigare och att patienten snabbare får adekvat vård, vilket kan lindraförloppet. Det har utvecklats olika instrument för att bedöma om patienterna har delirium.Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om användandet av CAM-ICU (ConfusionAssessment Method for Intensive Care Unit - ett bedömningsinstrument av delirium) är ettanvändbart mätinstrument för sjuksköterskan att upptäcka delirium hos patienter som vårdaspå IVA.

Energikloka hus i Järinge - energiteknisk uppföljning

Energy-wise houses in Järinge - technical follow-up The company JM built energy-efficient houses in Tensta in Stockholm. They have built a total of 16 houses divided into two parts of A-houses and B-houses. The buildings are an attempt by JM to minimize energy-use of the buildings without affecting the comfort and living standards. The project aims to examine the data for the 16 houses on the basis of data and produce a report showing how the buildings worked through a technical perspective. JM approximates that the purchased energy will not be higher than 95 kWh/m2 per year.

Impact Bias och Empathy Gaps : - en studie om skillnader mellan känslor och preferenser.

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att försöka reda i litteraturen kring två välkända begrepp inom Affective Forecasting nämligen Impact Bias, som innebär att människor har en tendens att överskatta i vilken utsträckning de kommer att uppleva en viss känsla i en framtida situation än vad som senare visar sig vara fallet, och Empathy Gaps, som innebär att människor har en tendens att underskatta i vilken grad känslotillstånd kommer att påverka deras preferenser i en framtida situation samt pröva dessa begrepp i en och samma enkätundersökning. Etthundra sextiotvå studenter, slumpvist uppdelade i två grupper, Känslogrupp och Preferensgrupp, deltog frivilligt i undersökningen. Enkätundersökningen var en mixad design med grupp (känsla kontra preferens) som mellangruppsfaktor och förtest kontra eftertest som inomgruppsfaktor. I studien visade samtliga gruppers resultat i linje med Impact Bias teorin, dvs. att deltagarna i både Känslogrupp och Preferensgrupp skattade lägre i eftertest (actual) än pretest (forecasting).

Behov och riktlinjer : En kvalitativ studie om biståndsbedömning av äldres hemtjänstinsatser

The purpose of this study was to look into the work of care organizers for elderly care, in three municipalities in southern Sweden, and how they use the law and local guidelines to evaluate the need for home care. The intention was to determine if presence of relatives makes a difference in the needs assessment and if the care organizers practice harmonize with the guidelines. To do this, we did a qualitative study alongside with analyzing each of the local guidelines. By interviewing five care organizers, we were able to see their side of elderly care and how they combine the law and local guidelines in their daily work with elderly care. Our main themes are, in short, the law and local guidelines, the view of care organizing and needs and also closeness to relatives.

Identifiering av infektion i sår, en litteraturstudie

Regardless of what discipline nurses work in, wound care is one of the tasks. Caring for wounds involves early detection of signs of infection, in order to avoid complication. Wound infection extends suffering for the patient and causes unnecessary costs for society. The aim was to describe how nurses can identify infection in wounds. Method: The design of the study was a literature review, where13 scientific articles were examined and analyzed.

Grovfoder för dikor

This literature review examines different forages which are well suited for suckle cow production in Sweden today. They should also be possible to cultivate in Sweden under the current circumstances. Crops suitable for grazing in Swedish climate but not used in Sweden today, but which may be relevant for Swedish conditions are also mentioned. In Sweden today, mainly grass silage, straw and hay are used as forage, but also wholecrop silage is used to some extent. However, concentrates are not used to a greater extent, since it contains too much energy.

Livscykelbaserad miljövärdering av en ny kontorsbyggnad : En jämförande studie mellan två analysmetoder

This Master?s Thesis aims to illustrate in what ways the two Swedish environmental assessment tools, the Environmental Load Profile and EcoEffect differ and if performed valuations gives different results and environmental goals.The built urban environment causes about half the environmental loading in Sweden. The society?s ambition towards sustainable development has resulted in demands reducing the environmental load. One way to accomplish this change is with the assistance of tools for environmental assessment of the built environment.

Fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial för förskolebarn : Vilka ord kan ingå?

The present project is a first step towards a new Swedish assessment tool to examine phonological ability in preschool-aged children. The work consisted of developing a word list with words that was considered to reveal a child?s phonological ability and to try out the word list on pre-school children. The reason was to make sure that the words existed in the vocabulary of the children in the chosen ages. A word list consisting of 109 words, which convey relevant phonological information, was created.

Förnybar energi ur ett kvinnligt och manligt perspektiv : En attitydundersökning med avseende på att kartlägga hur synen på fönybar energi påverkas av om individen är kvinna eller man

Abstract The extraction and usage of energy give rise to immense environmental problems which helps to accelerate climate change. Energy is an important resource for the community and there are a variety of different types of energy sources available, that are either classified as renewable or non-renewable energy sources. The usage of renewable energy sources cause less environmental impact than the usage of non-renewable energy, which in turn means that the energy?s strain on the environment is strongly affected by the type of energy source used.The aim of the study is to describe to what extent attitudes towards renewable energy are affected by whether the individual is male or female, by examining the hypothesis regarding how women have a closer connection to nature and to a larger extent shows on an pro-environmentally friendly behavior than men, and if it also can be detected on issues related to renewable energy and thus imply that women have a friendlier approach towards renewable energy than men. A number of ecofeminist believe that women have a stronger bond with the nature through her embodiment as a woman and by her maternal role, which according to previous research also leads to the fact that women shows on a more extensive environmental behavior.Through a qualitative research method in the form of semi-structured interviews has three female and three male respondents been asked questions with regards to the environment, individual responsibility and energy.

Värdet av att arbeta med Assessment Center - en kvalitativ studie om hur verksamma organisationer upplever Assessment Center

I följande studie kommer rekryterings- och utvecklingsmetoden Assessment Center (AC) attstuderas. Syftet med studien är att utifrån verksamma organisationers erfarenhet av AC skapa en ökad förståelse för; metodens innebörd, vilka argument som ligger till grund förorganisationers användande av metoden samt dess värde för organisationer. Studien är avkvalitativ karaktär och fokus fästs vid tolkning och förståelse av AC baserat pårespondenternas subjektiva uppfattningar och upplevelser. Studiens teoretiska referensrambehandlar; Human Resource Management, rekrytering, personalekonomi, Talent Management och Assessment Center. Empiri har samlats från sex verksamma organisationer, varav fem organisationer vilka arbetar med AC samt en organisation som har påvisat ett eventuellt intresse av att utveckla ett AC.

Internalisation of emissions costs from Swedish aviation

This thesis examines the emissions costs of Swedish aviation and their degree of internalisation under current economic instruments. The results show that the degree of internalisation spans from practically zero for a long-haul flight to 6 per cent for a typical domestic flight, where the climate cost, including high-altitude impact, makes up the main part of the cost. To inform evaluation of the consequences of this underinternalisation, or attempts to correct for it using price instruments, the price and income elasticities of international leisure air travel from Sweden are estimated using household expenditure data and two different price measures. The resulting elasticities are very high ? 2.03 or 2.04 for the income elasticity and -2.53 or -1.88 for the price elasticity ? and should be interpreted cautiously due to data limitations, especially for the price elasticities.

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