

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 9 av 86

Metodik för utmattningsberäkning av svets i vibrationsmiljö

In this work, a method was developed and evaluated for calculating the life of welds under the influence of fatigue loads from a vibration environment. Typically, a shaker table is used for testing a component against vibration loads. The shaker table creates a vibration environment that is defined in the frequency domain by a power spectrum.Similarly, a virtual vibration table can be used to calculate the same type of load environment, which can then be used to calculate the expected lifetime. The benefit of this method is that it can be used in design, as well as in simulation of tests before physical verification tests are carried out.Today there are methods for calculating fatigue life of non-welded base material, but since many components contain welded joints, there is a need to apply this method to those types as well. To achieve this, the thesis combines two different areas, which together provide a method for fatigue assessment of welds using a virtual shaker table.The methodology is carried out by modeling the component, and its welded joints, in a finite element program.

Utvärdering av VAV i nybyggt kontorshus

VAV (Variable Air Volume) system has been studied in a newly constructed office-building. The goal for the study has been to evaluate how the ventilations system work in practice, if adjustments can be made to achieve an more energy efficient system and to evaluate if other alternative ventilation systems is to be preferred in the further.The degree project has been executed at Helenius Engineering Firm who is working with the environment, media systems, HVAC and energy in buildings. The building that has been studied is owned and operated by Akademiska hus.Literature studies, visits at site, inventory, review of system documentation, energy analyses, interviews, key figures, LCC, sand energy- and indoor climate simulations has been made to study the building. Where appropriate some tools from Six Sigma have also been used.How to achieve an energy efficient system and a pleasant indoor climate is studied with human health and well-being as base for the indoor climate requirements. Technical support systems such as ventilation systems have to be designed so that an acceptable indoor climate can be achieved.

Skiljer sig riskuppfattning och riskhantering mellan kvinnliga och manliga privata skogsägare? : en enkätundersökning bland privata skogsägare i Sverige

As a forest owner you always have to consider hazards and uncertainty when planning your forestry actions. The aim with this report is to test my hypothesis that there is an overall difference between men and women when it comes to perception, estimation and management of hazards/risks in forestry. I will look into if there are differences in how men and women estimate risks in production forestry from an economical point of view. The aim is also to look into if there are differences between male and female private forest owners, in how they perceive and manage hazards in connection with a possible climate change. To fulfil this aim, an inquiry survey was undertaken in three different areas of Sweden, two areas in the south and one in the north. But in this report I have evaluated the three areas as a whole.

Hur fungerar logistiken i produktionen på ett byggföretag?

The Work has been performed to, and in cooperation with Vetlanda Energi och teknik AB.District heating for commercial purpose started in the USA in 1877. Today the network has grown into big and complex systems, which demand maintenance and service to keep up the security of the delivery. When a district heating network expand, it becomes difficult to perform reliable calculations. For this purposes there are a few suppliers who design and deliver systems for documentation and calculation of district heating networks.Vetlanda Energi och Teknik AB is in the position where they must get a system for documentation and calculation for district heating, and therefore they need a basis to get a system. The target is to write a requirement specification that will follow the basis.The Swedish market has been inventoried, and suitable systems have been selected.

Osäkerheter vid brandteknisk dimensionering av ventilationssystem

This masters thesis deals with smoke spread via ventilation systems. One aim of the thesis is to investigate and explain the differences in efforts to prevent smoke spread via ventilation systems in different countries. A second aim of this thesis is to investigate how frequently occurring smoke spread via ventilation systems in Swedish buildings are. A third aim is to investigate how uncertainties in input variables to smoke spread calculations will affect the result of calculation. To be able to do this the most important input variables are identified and analysed.

Konsekvenser för äggproducenter efter förändring i djurskyddslagen avseende inhysning av värphöns :

The avowed aim in this project was to see how the Swedish egg production is today. My first question was if the Swedish egg producers egg production turn a profit. I have done five after calculation at five different egg producers with different systems from case to case. The difference has been the living system, the fodder and the egg price. They made a report in Uppsala, Sweden (Hoffman & Andersson, 1996), where the look forward to a Swedish cage ban and made calculations after that coming ban. After that they lift the Swedish ban of cages and the egg producers could invest in new cages who called the decorated cage.

Den svenska regeringens förvirrade klimatarbete

The aim of this study is to clarify the Swedish government?s purpose of participating in theEuropean Union Emission Trading Scheme. Taking as its departure point state-centricinternational political economy this study presents three plausible hypotheses on what thepurpose might be. Either it is to promote consumers interests, or to promote the Swedishnational climate goal ?Reduced impact on climate?, or to promote the profit of Swedishcompanies.

Dokumentationssystem för fjärrvärmenät

The Work has been performed to, and in cooperation with Vetlanda Energi och teknik AB.District heating for commercial purpose started in the USA in 1877. Today the network has grown into big and complex systems, which demand maintenance and service to keep up the security of the delivery. When a district heating network expand, it becomes difficult to perform reliable calculations. For this purposes there are a few suppliers who design and deliver systems for documentation and calculation of district heating networks.Vetlanda Energi och Teknik AB is in the position where they must get a system for documentation and calculation for district heating, and therefore they need a basis to get a system. The target is to write a requirement specification that will follow the basis.The Swedish market has been inventoried, and suitable systems have been selected.

Biobränsle från det jämtländska jordbruket : en studie om lantbrukarnas alternativkostnader vid odling av rörflen

The use of fossil fuels such as coal and gas are a contributor to the global warming. The climate change is a worldwide problem with far reaching consequences that is believed to be very expensive. The United Nations has been introducing a framework convention on climate change. One component of the convention is the Kyoto protocol. The protocol is obligating the developed countries to decrease their emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2 percent during the time period 2008-2012.

Naturgas i Australien år 2020 : Framtida konsumtion, export, import och produktion samt konsumtion under inverkan av ett klimatavtal

Australia is one of the largest producers and consumers of fossil fuels in the world. In a society where the effects of fossil fuels on global warming are constantly discussed, the nation?s production and consumption are subject to debate. Problems arise when negative aspects of consumption, such as emissions of greenhouse gases, are put in relation to an increased need of energy and economic growth. However, it is important to distinguish between different types of fossil fuels when it comes to their individual impact on the environment and to analyze the possibilities to increase the more environmental friendly ones.

EU:s normativa makt inom miljöområdet : En fallstudie om EU:s roll i det globala klimatarbetet

Over the past twenty years, the cooperation within the European Union (EU) has strengthened and expanded with both more number of Member States and stronger influence on international politics. The unique character of the Union and its ability to enforce peace and humanitarian intervention has attracted attention in political science. This prominent position of the Union is perceived by many scholars who often hold this derived from the Union's influence in international relations. Various terms have been used to define the powers of the Union. The British researcher Ian Manners states that the unique identity of the Union in the international arena is formed by its normative power.  An important policy area within the Union is the environmental cooperation.

Om samspel och gruppklimat i arbetsgruppen : En kvalitativ studie om samspelets och gruppklimatets betydelse för arbetsgruppens gemensamma psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The purpose of this paper is to identify significant factors of influence for the co-existence and team climate within working groups, and to examine their impact on the psychosocial work environment within a group. Team climate and interaction affect every individual in a group. The manager, however, is the one formally accountable for the psychosocial climate in a working group, which is the reason why this study uses the management perspective.As an introduction to the empiric study, an overview of the existing literature within the field was made. A qualitative method is used and the empiric data is based on semi-structured interviews. The study comprises six interviews with department managers within the Social Services in the City Council of Stockholm.


Detta är en studie om klimatpåverkan i samband med anläggandet av järnvägsbroar i syfte att ta fram nyckeltal (moment, material, mängder) för att effektivt kunna reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser. Till grund för studien har vi arbetat med Trafikverkets verktyg klimatkalkyl 2.0. Det har granskats utifrån användarvänlighet och riktighet i indata och emissionsomräkningsfaktorer. Det för att se till skillnaden mellan modellen och ett unikt anläggningsprojekt, var skiljer sig Trafikverkets typvärden mot de projektspecifika förutsättningarna samt vilka blir dess konsekvenser?Studien har kommit fram till att utan viss försiktighet vid arbete i klimatkalkyl 2.0 finns risk för inkorrekta resultat.

Förskolor med passivhusteknik : En utredning av passiva förskolor

As a result of directives from EU, with the ambition to reach environmetal goals, The German organisation Passivhaus Institut has defined a passive house. A passive house is a building that is very energy efficient and makes a small impact on the environment. The energy from the inhabitants as well as the appliances & fixtures in the building should equal the energy that is required to heat the building. A Swedish version of the passive house definition has been defined, taking into account the climate conditions and the difference in building regulations.This thesis is a request from Skanska on how it can improve and develop an ongoing passive house project, involving an infant school. The intention of this thesis is to identify difficulties & display potential development areas for infant schools.The method of research conducted is as follows: interviews of clients, ventilation consultant, consultant for heating system and an energy calculation consultant, an inspection of the infant shcool in process, investigation of completed infant schools and a study of relevant literature.From this research it was found that it is difficult for infant schools to pass the criteria for passive houses. The conclusion of this thesis provide several guidelines on how to improve the outcome of existing projects & the steps needed to be taken for future development in this area..

Modellering av supra och englaciala vattenkroppar detekterade i markradar data från Grönland

Earth science is a dynamic system science that explores the structures and processes of the earth. Knowledge about the earth is important for citizens since the science is a vital part in the sustainable development of the society. Without good basic knowledge the citizens don?t have the possibility to anticipate in the questions and decision-making that concerns e.g. anthropogenic climate change. In the Swedish school system earth science is not an independent subject until academically studies at the University?s.

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