

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 39 av 86

Värmeisoleringsberäkningar av flerbostadshus : byggda 1996-2005

År 1987 trädde en ny byggnadslag i kraft, Plan- och bygglagen(PBL). I och med den nya lagen minskade kommunens och byggnadsnämndens kontroll av projekteringshandlingar och besiktningar ute på arbetsplatsen. Efter lagändringen beror den slutgiltiga kvaliteten på en byggnad i större utsträckning på byggherrens och entreprenörernas egenkontroll. P.g.a. olika intressekonflikter inom kommunen, och att det kan förekomma starka kopplingar mellan byggherre och entreprenör, är det inte alltid självklart att kommunens tillsyn vid nybyggnation gällande till exempel egenskapskrav på energihushållning och värmeisolering utförs tillfredsställande.Med ovanstående i åtanke undersökte vi fyra flerbostadshus, två i Värnamo kommun samt två i Kristianstad.

Radomoptimering för luftburna störsändarkapslar

These studies are done in behalf of Saab AB AVITRONICS in Järfälla in the form of a thesis atthe Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.The task was to examine the parameters that plays a role in the construction of modern radomesoperating in broadband applications.This was interesting for Saab to get an indication of which way they should go at the newdevelopment of radomes for the next generation of equipment for electronic warfare.After a thorough analysis of the influencing parameters, a optimization application was made toget a automated way to get a radome design by specifying data on the radome size, airloads,materials, etc.This is to minimise the time of the laborious work that radome development.inply.This was solved by letting ANSYS calculate the strength of the radome structure and MATLABcalculate electromagnetic data and cost models of different sizes and materials.All these parameters woven together with the optimization tool modeFrontier picks data from therespective program and perform an optimization algorithm and then iterate a step and sends thisdata to calculation programs for the new input data. In the end, we have received a convergedpoint with our optimal solution.For the presumptions and limitations for which applied for this thesis, the result was prettyintuitive. That is to say that the smaller radome - the less materal is needed and lowermanufacturing costs results in the cheapest solution possible. The reality is not so simple. Whereyou have to take more of the electrical details such as the effect on the transmitter as a majorfactor..

Tredje generationens flugfiskerulle

This Master Thesis describes how a concept for a new fly fishing reel has been developed. Thethesis has been an interwork with Loop Tackle Design, which is a leading company in the flyfishing industry with their high-quality products. Loop designs and develops all types of flyfishing equipment like fly fishing reels, rods, lines and clothes.The purpose of this thesis is to generate a concept for a new type of fly fishing reel. The new flyfishing reel shall be innovative and reduce the number of components in fly fishing equipment.The solution for this is to create a fly fishing reel that is collapsible and can be used for all typesof fly fishing.The thesis started with a history of fly fishing and the equipments that have been used for flyfishing in the past and what is used today, in order to get an idea how fly fishing haveprogressed. A frame of reference was then compiled to get an idea of the forces and surroundingsa fly fishing reel will be exposed to.

Matningssystem för pellets

In today's society, the availability of energy plays an integral part in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, the price of energy in Sweden has increased in recent decades. A large part of our energy consumption goes to heating modules for houses, where heating methods that depend on energy sources such as electricity, district heating, fuel oil, gas and biofuels are the most common ones. During the winter period, the increase in energy costs becomes significantly evident, especially for small property owners. This increase in energy cost is most noticeable for home owners with electric heating.This thesis is written at the Halmstad University, in cooperation with a company, which makes parts of this thesis confidential.

Allanblackia stuhlmannii ? a tree under current domestication: what are the soil requirements?

Allanblackia is a genus of trees that grows in the rainforests of West, Central and Eastern Africa. Its big fruits contain seeds very rich in oil which has been used by local communities for cooking and making soaps. The native stands are threatened by overexploitation and the demand for the oil is much greater than the supply. Domestication programs, aiming at introducing the trees to small holder agroforestry systems, have been started for some of the species. The main aim of this study was to investigate the soil requirements of Allanblackia stuhlmannii in terms of chemical and physical parameters, as revealed by the soil conditions in native stands. Another aim was to see if these varied along an altitudinal transect.

Microstrip Solutions for Innovative Microwave Feed Systems

This report is introduced with a presentation of fundamental electromagnetic theories, which have helped a lot in the achievement of methods for calculation and design of microstrip transmission lines and circulators. The used software for the work is also based on these theories. General considerations when designing microstrip solutions, such as different types of transmission lines and circulators, are then presented. Especially the design steps for microstrip lines, which have been used in this project, are described. Discontinuities, like bends of microstrip lines, are treated and simulated.

Kostnadsallokering genom ABC-kalkylering – en empirisk studie av OMX

As IT service departments in organisations are becoming more complex and customised, the indirect costs are increasing in relation to the total costs. The difficulty of fully estimating and identifying the spread of the cost in the IT service department is increasing. As a result, firms tend to budget the business unit as a total cost rather than as a spread of defined costs. In order to deal with this challenge an ABC calculation will be applied. The Time Driven ABC model will be conducted in OMX´s Servicedesk unit within the IT services.

Att vårda en närstående i hemmet vidlivets slut : En livsberikande erfarenhet?

Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), as a consequence of atherosclerosis in the arteria of the limbs, affects one of ten Swedes older than 65. PAD can develop slowly and silently, and involves an increased risk for cardiac infarction and stroke. Measurement of the patient´s ankle blood pressure and calculation of the ankle-brachial index is an evidence-based method to discover PAD. Objective: To investigate how district nurses and general practitioners perceive this method of examination and experience possible obstacles to why it is not more commonly applied at primary health care centres. Method: Data collected by semi-structured interviews have been processed by qualitative content analysis with a manifest onset.

HUR KAN VI REDUCERA DEN INTERNA ÖVERGÖDNINGEN SAMT REGLERA ALGBLOMNINGAR FRÅN ATT NÅ EGENTLIGAÖSTERSJÖNS KUSTZON ?? : En vision om att återfå en balans i Östersjön genom att skörda algöverskott och använda biomassan som en framtida råvara.

The Baltic Sea is one of the world?s most polluted seas. Increased discharge of nutrients due to greater populations of people, together with a slow water exchange, creates great stress on the sea. Too much nutrients leads to increased growth of algae and causes problem in the ecosystem. Even if we reduce nutrient discharge the problem still exist in the ocean. When algae dies and sinks, more nutritional substances is produced called "internal eutrophication". This phenomenon will grow in the future due to a warmer climate and the problem is spreading towards the coastal zone, which is an important site for fish recreation. By removing the abundance of algae, the nutritional and toxic substances are reduced and the algae biomass can be a future resource for biofuel production..

Alternativ till fortsatt elektrisk generering i Olidan

In this thesis a possible cost effective runner change of some of the units in the hydroelectric power station Olidan is investigated. The possibility to drive a unit at the same efficiency point through a change of the turbine shaft speed and the rate of discharge is tested. Furthermore the theories behind model testing, determination of efficiency increase from model to prototype and efficiency measurements shall be discussed and analyzed with Olidan as a starting point.A predicted curve has been built on information from model tests and field measurements on the existing runners and runner data from the test of the new model. The predicted curve shows the difference in efficiency between an existing runner and a modern one. It is the difference in efficiency that is used in the calculations that are to show whether changing to a pair of new runners will be cost effective or not.

Föräldrasamarbete i förskolan

Syftet med en integrerad projekteringsprocess är att information tidigt skall tas fram och att projektörer skall kunna arbeta parallellt, exempelvis genom en gemensam BIM-modell. Revit och IDA Indoor climate an energy, även kallat IDA ICE, har i denna rapport visat sig vara två mycket effektiva verktyg som tillåter att information både kan tas fram, i form av energianalyser, men även kommuniceras digitalt med hjälp av så kallade IFC-exporter. Då projektörer får möjlighet att jobba i en gemensam modell kan de arbeta parallellt vilket innebär att information kan tillföras både tidigare och snabbare i projekteringsprocessen. I Revit kan arkitekten enkelt skapa olika utformningsförslag och jämföra dessa med avseende på energianvändning. Analyser från denna studie har visat att energisimuleringar i Revit kan användas för att utforska olika utformningsalternativ och därmed finna optimeringsmöjligheter med avseende på energi och inomhusmiljö.

  Uppföljning av nyckeltal för större bro- och betongtunnelentreprenader :   Nyckeltal tänkta att användas för att kvalitetssäkra anbudsarbete

Uppdragsgivare för detta examensarbete är Skanska Sverige AB Region Stora Projekt, som arbetar med stora bro- och anläggningsprojekt. Störst behov ligger i att få ökad kunskap om de Allmännai projekten. Arbetet med anbudskalkyler innebär att förutse projektkostnader och kostnaderna Allmänna kostnader utgör en betydande del av projektets totalkostnad och är svårkalkylerade. Generellt uttryckt utgör denna post de byggkostnader som används gemensamt i projektet. Nyckeltal komprimerar information i syfte att göra den mer lättillgänglig för användaren.Syftet med denna rapport är att få fram nyckeltal tänkta att i första hand användas till att kvalitetssäkra kommande anbudsarbeten.Det material och data som rapporten baseras på är intern information om referensprojekten och slutrapporter.För två av resurserna kan nyckeltal presenteras, samma gäller för en tredje baserat på att referensprojekten har liknande utförande.

Småföretagsfördelar vid tillväxt

Growth of small businesses is vital to the Swedish economy, and many entrepreneurs want their enterprises to grow. However, the business climate of today is more changing than ever, and attributes becoming increasingly important for companies in order to deal with this are flexibility, speed, and adaptability: characteristics normally attributed to small enterprises. As a larger organization often is associated with more rigidity as a consequence of a higher degree of formalization, entrepreneurs are hesitant to seize growth opportunities, as they fear it will have negative impact on the aforementioned competitive advantages their enterprise possesses as a small business. This simple case study of a growing small enterprise investigates the effects of organizational growth on a small business' organizational structure and through its above mentioned advantages. The study finds that avoiding formalization while growing damages the competitiveness of the firm, and concludes that a degree of formalization is a necessity to maintain the flexibility, speed and adaptability in a growing small business..

Innovate or Evaporate : -En kvalitativ studie av idéhantering på IKEA AB

The thesis focus on how organizations can improve the ability of absorbing coworkers ideas in purpose of gaining long term competitive advantage through innovations. The study was conducted at IKEA AB where a campaign to collect coworkers ideas was a big success given the quantity of ideas collected. This fact allows a comparative analysis of idea management in the shape of campaigns and in comparison, idea management in the everyday line-organization.The analysis show that fundamental factors for innovative environments such as organizational climate, culture and leadership perceives auspiciously by the respondents. However, lack of infrastructure such as systems and processes hinders coworkers ambitions to contribute with ideas.An important issue in idea management is the treatment of incentives for innovation. Results of the study show that the ?soft? incentives ?feedback, encouragement and attention have a higher impact in coworkers willingness to the contribution of ideas than for instance monetary rewards..

Vilka faktorer påverkar komposition och val av växter? : olika aktörers sätt att arbeta

The tomato is an important crop worldwide, and in recent years it has received great attention due to its rich content of carotenoids, which in studies indicate to have health benefiting properties. Many studies have been done in this area of research and in how to optimize the carotenoid content in tomatoes and tomato products. The objectives of this essay were to summarize present data in this field. The results were as follows:There are nine different carotenoids identified in tomatoes. Lycopene and ?-carotene are the ones that have been given the greatest attention.

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