

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 31 av 86


The Swedish government have a goal that wind turbines shall produce 30 TWh by the year 2020, compared to about 3,5 TWh produced in Sweden during 2010. To minimize the disturbance that wind turbines create the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has stated a guideline value that noise from wind turbines at nearby residents shouldn?t exceed 40 dBA, at 8 m/s wind speed. With advanced calculation models, like Nord 2000, the emitted sound from future wind turbines can be calculated at an early stage to optimize the power production without exceeding the 40 dBA. When the turbines have been built there is a need to verify that they really are within the guideline.

Äktenskapet och det förändrade samhället : en kvalitativ studie om den förändrade giftermålsfrekvensen under 1900-talet

In the past, the meaning of marriage has been an agreement between two people to live together and have children in a legitimate manner. The marriage was not just to form a couple; it was also to merge two families together. From the early 1900s until today the allegation of marriage and its influence got a significant change compared to early societies which have aroused my interest to perform this into a research paper. My study is focused on marriage and social changes during the 1900s. Thoughts that arise now is that why there was a remarkable change in the marriage rate during the 1900s and whether there were any social changes had to do something with it.

El Niño Southern Oscillation och dess atmosfäriska fjärrpåverkan.

This paper is a literature study aiming to describe scientists newest theories andknowledge concerning the El Niño and Southern Oscillation. Firstly I have described the?normal? conditions with rising and sinking air in Hadley- and Walker-cells in theequatorial Pacific and from there moved on to explaining the reversed circulation patternsand higher sea surface temperatures (SST) leading to rising air and anomalousprecipitation in eastern Pacific constituting the El Niño phenomenon. My outermostinterest regarding El Niño has been the associated teleconnections, especially in nontropicalareas. I have described the El Niño effect on the Indian summer monsoon, ontropical cyclones and on storms and precipitation on higher latitudes.

Radioräckviddsberäkningar för flygande plattformar

There exist several known methods for calculation of radio coverage for ground-based systems. As far as we know there are no equivalent methods for the case of flying platforms when the altitudes and speeds are significantly different to those of ground-based systems. This thesis describes the theoretical concepts behind calculations of radio coverage for flying platforms. An investigation is made to sort out what is important and possible to employ in a model for simulations. A method is described and implemented in a program for evaluation of flying radio systems.

Energideklaration och energiförbrukning för småhus och flerbostadshus

Energy is today a very common topic, not only in Sweden but in the whole Europe. In EU they have given out a directive 2002/91/EG about buildings energy use and throw this they have forced their members to show how much energy their buildings use. In Sweden has the gouvernment established a law (SFS 2006:985) about energy declaration for buildings which demands that the building owner needs to show how much their buildings energy consumption are. Important to know is that this law doesn´t applies for industrial buildings.The report will show what the new law about energy declaration for buildings and appurtenant directions will mean for Riksbyggen. Also energy calculations will be done to be able to compare Riksbyggen buildings with the new law and directions.

Kan ett förändrat klimat öka risken för borrelios i Sverige?

Borrelios är den vanligaste vektorburna infektionssjukdomen i Europa och orsakas av bakteriekomplexet Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Bakterien har en livscykel som involverar olika reservoarer och den överförs mellan dessa med hjälp av fästingar. Bakterien förekommer främst i fästingens mag-tarmkanal men kan också sprida sig systemiskt vilket kan påverka smittöverföringen. Fästingens utbredning i Sverige har ökat sedan början av 1990-talet, vilket tycks bero på ett varmare klimat i kombination med ökad tillgång till värddjur. Den här litteraturstudien syftar till att undersöka sambanden mellan ett varmare klimat och förekomsten av borrelios i Sverige. Klimatet har stor påverkan på fästingen och den har visat sig känslig för uttorkning och kräver en hög relativ luftfuktighet för att överleva.

Energieffektivitet och kvalitet på inomhusluft i radon förorenade bostadshus

To build a sustainable future should we first understand that; every aspect of our daily lives can affect the environment. It?s important that we take responsibility for understanding how we impact the environment and change our actions accordingly. The worlds total energy consumption equivalent to 80 million MWh / year. This corresponds to about 220 million MWh / day.Energy consumption is one of the main reasons for increased greenhouse gases when the reduction of this consumption has a great demand worldwide.In order to prevent the energy that consumed the buildings must be energy efficient but there is a conflict between radon ventilation and energy conservation in a building, given that ventilation can consume as much energy (currently 29-59% of energy-efficient houses use), especially in a cold climate as in Norway.

Kulturens Bokhylla

?A culture center should be visually welcoming as well as attract a diverse range of visitors with different backgrounds.? This was the client?s request for a new cultural center in Nairobi. The location is in the heart of Nairobi?s industrial area, near several existing buildings that are already in use by the culture organization known as Go Down. I have chosen to keep most of the existing buildings and to use my new building as a complement for the desired program.


The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.

Det konstnärliga egot som altruism

My thesis is an attempt to clarify the purpose and workings of art in relation to the artist, his/her fellows and society. Can art be considered as a uniting force? If so, where does its unifying quality lie? How does art connect with the individual, the community and society? My interpretation of the political climate regarding the arts has resulted in an exploration of the question: What role does art have in society today?The artistic ego as an altruism ? within the title of this thesis lies an absolute paradox ? a paradox that through this paper is tested, reviewed and demonstrated as a way of describing art and its workings. The thesis is problematized and studied from several angles: Through the inner artistic process, both reflective and empirical, and through philosophical studies..

Translokation av större vattensalamander : -bevarandestrategi eller riskåtgärd?

This study evaluates the retention of nitrogen and phosphorus in four newly constructed wetlands in the municipality of Falkenberg, Sweden. The four wetlands have been selected because they have been specifically constructed with the aim to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus in farming areas. The process of selecting the specific wetlands has been done in collaboration with the county administration in Halland. Through field studies in collaboration with the landowners where the wetlands are sited, the areas that provide the wetlands with water were determined. The size of these drainage areas were determined in a GIS computer program. The type of land use within the drainage areas was also determined.

Höga hus med deformerbara fundament på pålar : Pålkrafters avvikelse visavi klassisk teori samt förskjutningar beroende av vindlast

When forces in foundation piles are calculated according to classic theory, thefoundation are assumed to be infinitely rigid which means that the foundation will notbend. High buildings need their whole width to be stable and use the ground floorwall as a foundation. But when, for example windows are needed in the ground floorwall, the stiffness of the foundation decreases which change the forces in the piles. Inthis report the difference of pile forces versus classic theory has been analyzed, and ifpile forces can be calculated as in classic theory. Further on, the effects of the wallmovement were analysed and how the buildings crack safety would be affected by themovement at the ground floor.

Beräkningsmall för vindlast enligt Eurokod baserad på väggar och olika taktyper

Detta examensarbete har genomförts på begäran av byggnadstekniska byrån i Uppsala. Företaget behöver en ny beräkningsmall med vindlastberäkning för väggar och olika taktyper enligt Eurokod.I dagsläget använder företaget en beräkningsmall som är baserad på gamla normer enligt BKR. Dessa normer kan dock inte användas längre enligt nya bestämmelser inom branschen. Enligt de nya bestämmelserna bör dessa vindlastberäkningar genomföras med hänsyn till Eurokod i framtiden.För att kunna beräkna vindlasten enligt Eurokod och effektivisera beräkningsgången har man utvecklat en beräkningsmall baserad på Eurokod. Alla nödvändiga parameterar enligt standarder har använts i beräkningsmallen och användaren tillåts genomföra en snabb och enkel inmatning av projektmått för att på ett automatiserat sätt genomföra belastningsanalysen.

Riskpremien, vad ska man tro? : En studie med facit i hand

The market risk premium is one of the most important parameters in finance. Its value and the ways to calculate a risk premium for the market is a widely debated subject. This thesis examines numerous ways of calculating a risk premium for the Swedish market with regard to how good an estimation they make of a real risk premium. Estimations based on historical periods ranging from 20 to 85 years is calculated as well as a premium based on forward-looking estimates. The real risk premium is solved out for a selection of companies and an index with the help of CAPM.

Flexibilitet från försörjningskedjan : En fallstudie på ett globalt tillverkningsföretag

Man?s impact on the environment is something that increasingly becomes topical in today?s society. Because of this, several companies have started to take interest in the effects they?re responsible for, not least considering their image. Emissions of carbon dioxide generated from goods traffic are accountable for a large part of the total emissions of greenhouse gases in the world.

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