

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 25 av 86

Gaspotentialen i en deponi, idag och i en framtid :

Deposited waste material degrades within a short period in anaerobic environments. The methane gas that is formed provides a harmful contribute to the greenhouse effect, 23 times larger impact than carbon dioxide. It is therefore desirable to minimize the emissions of methane gas from landfills. This may be achieved by drain the landfill of gas. In this thesis the amount of produced methane gas at the landfill at Örebro has been calculated. Estimations have also been made of the amount of methane gas that might be produced in the landfill in the future.

CFD simulering av en fyrtakts Otto motorcykel motor

This thesis deals with the numerical 3D simulation of a four stroke, spark-ignited, internalcombustion engine, which is mounted on a high performance motorcycle. The work, carried outin collaboration with Politecnico di Milano and MV Agusta, focuses on the simulation of theintake, compression and expansion stroke, including combustion simulation, using an opensource CFD code.Simulation of internal combustion engines offers a great challenge in the field of CFD research.Moving boundaries of the solution domain, caused by the motion of the piston and valves, leadsto deformation of the computational grid, with decreasing quality of the solution as result. Basedon this, a previously developed mesh motion strategy was employed where a number of meshesare used to cover the whole simulation cycle. Within each mesh interval the internal cell pointsof the mesh are moved to account for the boundary motion of the piston and valves. This strategywas previously applied to simplified geometries as well as real engine geometries.

Förnybara bränslen är lösningen, vad är problemet? En maktanalys av den svenska dagordningen för förnybara bränslen

The aim of the thesis is to examine how central collective actors in the Swedish subsystem of renewable fuels use their positions of power and influence to their own specific interests and needs. In particular the thesis looks at the problems of climate change and oil scarcity and how renewable fuels are described as a potential solution. Using agenda setting theory and Steven Lukes three dimensions of power as a framework, five actors are examined and analysed. The study has been done in two parts. In the first part policy documents are analysed concerning the actors general stance towards renewable fuels, and how this is communicated to the media, politicians and public.

Regeringens miljösatsningar och deras förhållande till en hållbar livsstil hos det svenska folket : En studie av biståndssatsningars påverkan på hållbar livsstil i givarlandet

Swedish government aid is divided into three main themes: democracy and human rights, the environment and climate, and gender equality and women's role in development. These three themes in aid are considered by the government to be vital in order to fight poverty and create fair and sustainable development. This study will examine two of the four focus areas designated under the theme of "environment and climate". The study observes the relationship between projects in energy and water and how it promotes a sustainable lifestyle. A survey on environmental habits will be conducted.

Markavvattningsföretagens geografi och konsekvenser i Trosaåns avrinningsområde

Agricultural drainage is widely used to manage the amount of water in the ground in order to improve conditions for cultivation. However the effects of drainage companies on water regimes are considerable leading to runoff changes such as altered stream flows, peak flows and water levels. In a greater extent this could imply an increased risk for floods along affected watercourses. This study analyzes the extension of agricultural drainage within the drainage basin of Trosaån in Sweden by ArcGIS mapping. In a statistical analysis, historical variation in streamflow in relation to mean precipitation and mean temperature are investigated for the study area.

Irrigation scheduling for efficient water use in dry climates

In this report the importance of irrigation scheduling in dry climate is shown, how it can save water and energy; how this method can improve crop yield by supplying the right amount of water at the right time. It is shown how irrigation scheduling and irri-gation technology together increase the irrigation efficiency..

Perceptions of domestic solar systems : a study on non-adopter views of a new technology

The world is currently facing a huge severe challenge in handling the issue of climate change. One of the ways to lower the green house gas emissions, which is seen as one of the main contributor to the climate crisis, is to use renewable technologies such as for example photovoltaic (PV) systems. PV-systems are also suitable for so called micro production, small scale energy production facilities, since it can be placed on practically any rooftop with the right solar conditions. In Sweden the usage of PV-systems has not yet gotten any wider spreading, even though the solar radiation conditions are very similar to countries that produce a lot of solar energy, as for example Germany. The aim of this paper is to describe non-adopter perceptions of PV-systems. The study holds a qualitative approach using deep interviews for data collection.

Isolerande balkonginfästningar : Thermally-insulated balconies

In this work a study has been performed to show the different kinds of insulated balcony connections exists on the market. In the work there is also a short description of thermal bridges concerning balconies. A description of older solutions for balcony connections is given as well as a calculation of the difference in energy costs for a insulated balcony connection compared to the standard connection. The work includes a short description of the different products. After that there is a short information about their insulation properties, durability, acoustic performance, assembly, computer programme and a short analyses for each product..

Utvärdering av en väggkonstruktion utan PE-folie : Med en undersökning av hårdvaxolja som diffusions-/konvektionsspärr

District heating covers around 80 % of the heating demand in apartment buildings and 10 % in single-family homes in Sweden. In the year 2010 the total input of energy to the Swedish district heating grids was about 70 TWh, which corresponds to 11 % of the total energy input to the whole energy system in the country. Through the combined production of heat and power the CHP-plants often reaches an efficiency of 90 % from energy in the fuel to produced heat and power. In order to keep the efficiency high it is important for the owners of the plant to have good knowledge about the plants performance at different operation points. Strängnäs Energi AB initiated this diploma work together with FVB Sverige ab in order to come up with a program for short term planning of the production of heat and power at the company´s CHP-plant.The work consists of three main parts.

Sverige 2112 : Ett narrativ om hur arkitekturen kan utvecklas om världen går igenom stora förändringar på grund av klimatförändringarna. En linjär och vertikal stad.

Om världen till följd av klimatförändringarna blir mycket varmare kommer förutsättningarna för hur vi planerar städer, infrastruktur och jordbruk helt att vändas upp och ner. De delar av världen som idag står för världens livsmedelsproduktion kommer vid bara några graders förändring bli obrukbara som betes och odlingsmark. Dessa förändringar kan komma att starta konflikter, och stora flyktingströmmar som tillsammans med förändrade klimatzoner helt kommer att rita om världskartan. i Skandinavien är det då troligt att vi behöver bygga samhällen och städer för miljontals nya immigranter, och detta samtidigt som vi befinner oss mitt i den mest fruktbara jordbruksmarken i världen. Om hundra år måste vi dessutom, oavsett detta, dubbla livsmedelsproduktionen globalt sett.Vårt samhälle blir allt mer rörligt och infrastrukturen utvecklas i allt snabbare takt.

Det var en gång en idé... : Ledningens roll för stimulation till kreativitet och tillvaratagande av anställdas idéer

Att studera hur företagsledningen i skandinaviska upplevelseorganisationer drar nytta av anställdas kreativa förmåga, genom att stimulera till ett kreativt arbetsklimat och tillvarata de anställdas idéer..

Värmeförluster vid utvändigt placerade ventilationssystem

To be able to handle tomorrows need for limited energy consumption we need to reduce our use of energy. The building sector stands for around 40 % of all energy consumption in the society. The government has put up a goal to reduce the energy consumption in our buildings with 20 % by year 2020 and 50 % by year 2050 compared with year 1995. To be able to do reach that goal we need a more energy efficient building stock.The main part of the energy used in our buildings is used for space heating. By installing ventilation systems with heat recovery on the exhaust air it is possible to use the heat-energy in the exhaust air to warm up the incoming air.

Påverkan från den förväntade klimatförändringen på tillväxten i norra Sveriges skogar : En litteraturanalys

This is a literature review of how the climate change affects the forest growth innorthern Sweden. The temperature will rise about 5 °C with the largest increase in thewinter season (December - February) and the CO2level in the atmosphere is expected tobe doubled. Precipitation patterns will change and increase with 25-35 % and theprecipitation will be in form of rain rather than snow. Today the forests in northernSweden are entirely dominated by coniferous stands. This may shift with the climatechange and results in a larger number of deciduous trees, preferably birch will becomestronger and grow better and faster.

Konflikter på jobbet : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefens dialog med medarbetarna i konfliktsituationer

The aim of this study was to get knowledge of the communicationprocess between the branch head and the co-worker in communal geriatric care. To narrow it down we focused on how the branch head experience the communicationprocess in conflictsituations between co-workers and what she or he usually do to resolve the conflict. We made qualitative interviews with ten of the branch heads in communal geriatric care, in four communes. The questions we had in mind throughout the study was based on four keywords (communication, leadership, conflict and conflict management) of which we created a narrative story from every interviewing person to get hold of the experience and knowledge behind their interviews. In our analysis as theoretical perspectives we used system theory, communication theory, attribution theory and the philosophy of Dialogue by Martin Buber.

Vill du vara med?: En studie av Piteåpanelen och dess inverkan på Piteå kommuns miljöpolitik

The representative democracy has become weakened during the last decades. At the same time the United Nations declared at the Rio de Janeiro meeting in 1992 that environmental problems can best be solved by involvement of all concerned citizens in decision-making. The main purpose of this study has been to examine if citizens panels is a possible way to involve citizens in environmental decision-making and what the outcomes can be. Furthermore the study has investigated what the participation has contributed to environmental politics and how representative the results have been. This has been carried out by investigating the Piteåpanel in the municipality of Piteå by conducting interviews.The result of the study shows that the involvement of the citizens in the decision-making influenced the environmental politics of the municipality.

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