

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 13 av 86

Tubular polyethylene biogas digesters : development and testing of a biogas technology in Malawi to reduce deforestation and support climate change mitigation and adaptation

The aim of the study was to install a biogas system consisting of three tubular polyethylene biogas digesters at a rural household in Malawi and to evaluate the constructed biogas system with regards to relevant system parameters. The purpose was to evaluate if the technology is a possible solution to reduce deforestation and support Malawi in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The study was carried out in the southern part of Malawi in cooperation with the University of Malawi. Locally available materials were used to construct and install the system. Three different feed materials, cow, goat and a mix of cow and goat manure, were used in order to determine which one was best suited to utilise as a digester substrate. After the installation, measurements of temperature, pH, biogas production, biogas composition and system functionality were made. The results of the study show that a biogas system with tubular polyethylene biogas digesters can be successfully installed at a rural household and that the most suitable feed material is a mix of cow and goat manure.

Faktorer som bidrar till att göra en arbetsplats hälsofrämjande : En intervjuundersökning på ett försäkringskassekontor.

Today we spend a lot of time at our place of work. Changes in the Swedish labour market have caused illness for many people. This has contributed to that many people have been reported sick. The purpose with this study was to investigate and deskribe factors the staff, at a social insurance office, identify as important for health at a place of work. Ten employees at the social insurance office took part in the study.

Att optimera samhället inför klimatförändringar : Sårbarhet och anpassning på dagordningen

This thesis examines the ways in which adaptation and vulnerability are framed in national and sectorial policy-documents dealing with expected societal impacts of climate change. By using theories of discourse and ideology, the analysis aims to find and understand important ideas and presuppositions that are explicitly or implicitly expressed in these documents in order to make possible and tangible the institutional production of policy within the potentially far-reaching problematique of climate change adaptation and vulnerability. The analysis shows that there are two main perspectives through which vulnerability and adaptation are framed; one focusing limits to societal robustness; and one contesting the institutional capacity to implement adaptations. The author understands these framings as complementarily optimizing preconceived social and economic relations, something that might, in fact, reduce the response capacity of people..

Opportunities for improved environmental sustainability of a wine producer in South Africa : natural resource management and climate change adaptation and mitigation

South Africa has been among the top ten wine producing countries for at least 20 years. Even though the land under grapevines is decreasing globally it is still increasing in Africa. The awareness of environment has strengthen the last years and South African producers experience a high demand of environmentally friendly produced wine, especially from the European market. This demand was the driving force behind the development of the world unique sustainability certification, Integrated Production of Wine (IPW), which is inscribed in the South African legislation. What makes this certification unique is that consumers can trace their product all the way back to the farming practices owing to the identity number specified on the IPW Integrity & Sustainability seal on certified products.

Nivådiagnos med sensorfusion : Utveckling av koncept för nivåmätning i lutande tankar 

Today?s system to measure the volume in a tank consists of a vertically placed sensor. When a vehicle is tilted the level of the fluid might change and if the volume is calculated based only on the information from the sensor it could result in a incorrect value.This thesis exams a new method to calculate the volume in tanks by using sensor fusion to crosscheck the i formation from the level sensors when the vehicle is tilted. The information is then used to see if it is possible to identify the grade of tilt by the change of fluid level. If the grade of tilt can be measured then the volume can be calculated in a more accurate way.

Hållbarhetscertifiering av stadsdelar : En studie av BREEAM Communities praktiska tillämpning i svensk stadsbyggnad

In this diploma work the approach of determining the required amount of reinforcement in slabs exposed to pure tension is processed, on behalf of Ramböll Uppsala. It is a well-known problem in the industry that there are uncertainties in the determining of the amount of crack reinforcement, especially for structures exposed to pure tension. Cracking caused during the time of dehydration in concrete slabs is the most common defect according to statistics made by CBI[1], which provides numbers as high as 35 % of all the defects caused on slabs are generated by cracks. Comparisons between Sweden's former national standard BBK 04, Building Regulations for concrete structures due to restrained forces of shrinkage, and the current European standard Eurocode 2 are carried out through theoretical studies and concludes with several examples of calculations. Rigorous calculations of both standards, BBK 04 and Eurocode 2 with application of the national annex in Sweden and Denmark are performed.

Inneklimatet på ett kontor : Undersökning av inneklimatet vån. G4 stadshuset samt kontor på Ånghammargatan

This report describes an investigation of the indoor climate in two different workspaces. Since we a big part of our lives are staying indoors in artificial environments, and more particularly in our workplaces, we think it would be interesting to do this investigation. The technical solutions for air treatment systems began with simple natural systems without fans and where the thermal rise of the air applied. In modern time is technical air treating systems used to take care of the fresh air supply. This type of units can supply filtered air with the right temperature to the building. Well-functioning ventilation is essential to bring clean fresh air to the room and effectively remove impurities without sound- or draught problems. The indoor climate is relevant for the output capacity.

Passivhus ur en brukares perspektiv

 Ett passivhus är ett hus som i stort sett enbart värms upp av människorna och elapparaterna som finns i huset. Särskilda krav för att få kalla huset för passivhus måste uppfyllas.Vi har gjort en enkätundersökning på tre olika passivhusprojekt för att utreda vad de boende tycker om inomhusklimatet. De utvalda projekten finns i Värnamo, Frillesås och Glumslöv. Enkätsvaren visar att de boende i Frillesås är mycket nöjda, medan mer än 50 % av dem som bor i Glumslöv tycker att det är för varmt på sommaren och för kallt på vintern. För att utreda om de olika konstruktionerna har någon inverkan på inomhusklimatet har beräkningar och simuleringar i datorprogrammen VIP+ och IDA gjorts.

Utfackningsvägg av lättbetongblock i passivhus

AbstractThis report intends through a case study to investigate if lightweight concrete isappropriate as main material in the outer wall of a seven storey residential building.A technical design is carried out in accordance with the definitions and requirementsfor passive houses, given by FEBY?s1 ?Demand specification for passive houses?.A literature review is also carried out for a comparison between regular bolt wall andlight weight concrete wall, with a focus on the safety of moisture.The lightweight concrete block used in the report is as a celblock produced by thecompany H+H Sweden AB.The methods used have resulted in compliance with requirements andrecommendations from authorities. Calculations of energy, noise and moisture riskassessment has been carried out.The work has resulted in the conclusion that the lightweight concrete itself is notable to isolate in the extent necessary to obtain chosen U-value of 0,1 W/m2 ° C,without getting to thick. Therefore additional insulation is needed. There are fewrelevant reference objects built with only light weight concrete.

Energiberäkningar för passivhus

AbstractClimate and environmental issues are of paramount importance. Researchers agreethat we must all contribute to a reduction of gases that contribute to climatechange. Energy consumption must decrease within all sectors and the promotionof renewable sources of energy must be introduced.Each sector should aspire to decrease its energy consumption. Energyconsumption is strongly linked to waste gases that contribute to climate change.Passive houses are a part of the construction industry's methods to attain energyconservation.Passive houses are derived from low energy houses and super insulated houses. Apassive house is intended to obtain heat from the inhabitants and through theiractivities.

Kvantifiering av osäkerheter i lyftkraftsmodellen

With today´s power uprates in BWR reactors the bundle lift force has become aproblem. The lift force is calculated using a best estimate approach and the resultfrom the calculation should pass the existing lift force margin. Lift force margin isdefined so that the lift force may not exceed 80 % of the fuel weight. The margin issupposed to cover all the uncertainties that exist in the lift force calculations.However, no uncertainty analysis has been conducted to quantify the uncertainties.In this report the uncertainties in the lift force model have been quantified. Each inputparameter to the lift force model which has been assumed to have an uncertainty isassigned a probability distribution.

Knista kyrkog?rd: ett rekonstruktionsf?rslag f?r den v?stra kyrkog?rden

This study focuses on a reconstruction proposal of a small part of a rural churchyard that has lost a big part of its history, in form of its conformation and plant material. The chosen part of the cemetery was established in 1938, and this proposal is an interpretation of the architect?s original plan, the workers wishes and my own observations and experiences of the place. In this proposal I have tried to balance the plants composition to create an environment that can benefit the biological diversity, that fits the locations habitat and today?s maintenance.

Kartläggning av material flödesflaskhals i ICA butik.

In the spring of 2014 Sweco Systems AB were commissioned to design a ventilation system for a newly built preschool in Linköping. Terms from the client was that it cost efficiency would cope with the energy demands that are placed on the building. The unit chosen was a cross-flow heat exchanger, and this work is to compare it with two other heat exchangers to see if a more energy and cost efficient could have been chosen. The heat exchangers that was chosen for the comparison was a rotating- and a counterflow heat exchanger. Simulations have been made to the different heat exchangers by the manufacturers.

Upplevd trafiksäkerhet med mittbarriär

AbstractThis report intends through a case study to investigate if lightweight concrete isappropriate as main material in the outer wall of a seven storey residential building.A technical design is carried out in accordance with the definitions and requirementsfor passive houses, given by FEBY?s1 ?Demand specification for passive houses?.A literature review is also carried out for a comparison between regular bolt wall andlight weight concrete wall, with a focus on the safety of moisture.The lightweight concrete block used in the report is as a celblock produced by thecompany H+H Sweden AB.The methods used have resulted in compliance with requirements andrecommendations from authorities. Calculations of energy, noise and moisture riskassessment has been carried out.The work has resulted in the conclusion that the lightweight concrete itself is notable to isolate in the extent necessary to obtain chosen U-value of 0,1 W/m2 ° C,without getting to thick. Therefore additional insulation is needed. There are fewrelevant reference objects built with only light weight concrete.

Investeringsbedömning av energieffektiva småhus i trä

The purpose of this essay is to describe how Boverkets Byggregler has affected the cost ofnewly built houses from 2003 to 2012, to Boverkets Vision 2025. The purpose is also to findagent-principal relations in the construction sector.When investing in an energy efficient house the operating costs are reduced compared to aconventional house. But due to the lower operating costs, the investment cost rises. In thisstudy, we find out if it is economically viable to invest in an energy efficient house comparedto a conventional house from the customer's perspective.The study's approach has been qualitatively where we in collaboration with Derome Hus hadaccess to three conventional reference houses and a passive house and data that was necessaryto conduct viability assessments on houses. We conducted five interviews with people fromDeromekoncernen and Varbergs kommun.The calculation methods we have used in this study are present value method, annuity methodand a sensitivity analysis.

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