

1686 Uppsatser om Client participation - Sida 32 av 113

Didaktiska effekter av begreppskonstruktion i ämnet Samhällskunskap : Hur två läroböcker framställer hållbar utveckling i relation till demokrati

The purpose of this essay is to explore how social media affect the political orientation and commitment of youths. Three scientific questions highlight the purpose from different angles. The didactic perspective is discussed in the initial and closing discussion, and is analyzed in the corresponding chapter. Two methods are involved in the study; one survey and one interview with a focus group. The survey had a total of 98 respondents from four different classes, all in the first grade of upper secondary school.

Förutsättningar inför detaljplanearbetet - Hur påverkar detta processen?

The purpouse of this study is to find out how and if a Content Managment System (CMS) can benefit from applied User Experience Design (UX). A work project has been executed where a client wanted the students to create a user friendly CMS for adding content to a global hotel review site. A prototype of a CMS was created based on literature studies about UX and CMS. The prototype of the user friendly CMS was then tested through user tests and interviews with key users. After input from the key users the prototype was changed until the users were satisfied with it..

Att skriva sig till läsning- mer än bara ord : En kvalitativ studie på en mångkulturell skola, om läs- och skrivutveckling med datorer

The aim of the study is to see how teachers and students work in a multicultural school according to a method which teaches students to write before reading with the aid of computers. A further aim to investigate is how pupils with Swedish as a second language develop their linguistic skills using the method.To participate in modern society requires a lot from the individual. To function in a society that is constantly changing requires a good knowledge of the use of language in order to participate as a democratic citizen. It is therefore important that all students develop good linguistic knowledge regardless of their first language.The study is based on interviews with four teachers, operating in a multicultural school. Besides the interviews observations were made of the teachers and students in their daily work with computers.The results of the study showed that the method is language stimulating and develops the second language of the learners.

Olika motiv till samma ämne?! : En studie om motivation till deltagande i Idrott och hälsa A bland gymnasieelever på studie- och yrkesförberedande program.

Aim and question at issue: The aim of this study is to compare the motivation to participate in the course Idrott och hälsa A between students studying vocational and further education preparatory programs at upper secondary school.What level of motivation do the students of the two programs have towards participation in the course Idrott och hälsa A.What kind of motivational factors are important for students in the two programs concerning participation in the course Idrott och hälsa A According to the students of the two programs, what type of motivational factors would increase the motivation to participate in the course Idrott och hälsa A. Method: A quantitative study has been carried out using a questionnaire. Thirteen randomly chosen upper secondary school classes were included in the county of Stockholm, 7 of them in the vocational program and 6 of them in the further education preparatory program. The questionnaire was filled out by 278 students, 120 in the vocational program and 158 in the higher education preparatory program. The response frequency for the study was 92 %.Results: The results of this study show that the majority (77%) of all students in the population are highly motivated to participate in the course Idrott och hälsa A.

Att bygga kundrelationer med hjälp av communities

The advancements in digital technology and its availability contribute to the transfer of companycentricproduct development and value creation to networks or communities. It also changes the basisfor creation of customer relationships as described in previous research on Customer relationshipmanagement (CRM). The purpose of this case study was to gain an understanding of how companieslike our case study object Memoto who developed a physical product which gets added-value fromdigital product-related services looks upon product-centered communities as a way of buildingcustomer relationships. How Memoto looks upon incentives for participation in product-centeredcommunities was also examined.Our research indicated that firms in the start-up phase (which Memoto was when this study wasconducted) initially want to have more control over the process of innovation and hence have directcontact with end-customers. The reason for this is because they see a need to define the basis forfurther innovation work.

Generella nätverksarkitekturer för spelemulatorer

Många gamla spel som spelades på gamla konsoler och datorer kördes på sammamaskin med två eller flera spelare anslutna med egna individuella kontroller. Idag ärinternet väl utspritt och många spel erbjuder multiplayer-spel via internet. Detta varförstås inte möjligt på de gamla konsolerna och datorerna, men med hjälp av deemulatorer som finns för många gamla plattformar idag kan man skapa möjlighetenatt spela över internet i de gamla spelen genom att skicka varje knapptryckning enspelare utför mellan spelarnas datorer och på det sättet emulera det existerandeflerspelarläget i spelet.Kaillera-protokollet, som är baserat Client-server-arkitekturen, är ett protokolldesignat för att spela gamla spel genom emulatorer över nätverk. Det harimplementerats i ett antal populära emulatorer med hjälp av ett tredjepartsbibliotekmed samma namn. Kaillera fungerar genom att synkronisera spelarnas input for eachbild som visas i spelet.

Från information till interaktion : En studie om hur en visualiserad digital patientjournal kan påverka patientkonsultationen.

Swedish healthcare are in need of radical changes to meet the requirements from both the government and the patients to create organisational working methods that better support the patients through their healthcare processes. Digitalization of patient data has been going on for decades in order to increase participation and understanding among patients in their care processes. However, availability of information does not ensure understanding. Therefore, resources should be devoted to create conditions to enable participation. The purpose of this study is to explore how visualization of patient data in the patient?s journal can affect the consultation in the encounter between the doctor and the patient.

Skogsvårdsentreprenörers uppfattning om SÖDRA som uppdragsgivare

Södra in Oskarström has the ambition to become the best client for silviculture contractors and another aim is that the contractors should feel a strong sense of community with Södra. Several factors play an important role in order for these ambitions to be realized. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the contractors feel about their business relationship with Södra. The study was conducted during the spring of 2015 through a questionnaire which was sent to all ten silviculture contractors working with Södra in Oskarström. Overall, it seemed like the contractors were satisfied with the collaboration.

Förändring inom Polisen ? : en fallstudie ur ett medarbetarperspektiv

Background: The Swedish Police authorities have accomplished several changes the last years. We have studied one of these changes, the co-ordination of two supporting functions, economy and staffadministration at the Police authorities in Östergötland, Jönköping, Södermanland and SKL (Swedish crime technical laboratory). The initiative to this change was taken in 2002 and in 2003 a decision was made to create a joint servicecenter.Purpose: The purpose of this rapport is, in a collaborator perspective, to study the employees´ experiences of the change process.Method: The empirical material was collected throw interviews with the employees who have taken part in the change process. Even the leader of the project has been interviewed.Results: We have distinguished five central aspects in the change process. These are information/communication and understanding, the project leader, teamwork, timeaspect/reflexion and the leadership.

Utveckling av beslutsstöd för kreditvärdighet

The aim is to develop a new decision-making model for credit-loans. The model will be specific for credit applicants of the OKQ8 bank, becauseit is based on data of earlier applicants of credit from the client (the bank). The final model is, in effect, functional enough to use informationabout a new applicant as input, and predict the outcome to either the good risk group or the bad risk group based on the applicant?s properties.The prediction may then lay the foundation for the decision to grant or deny credit loan.Because of the skewed distribution in the response variable, different sampling techniques are evaluated. These include oversampling with SMOTE, random undersampling and pure oversampling in the form of scalar weighting of the minority class.

Utgör deltagardemokrati ett hot eller komplement till den representativa demokratin? : En kvalitativ jämförande fallstudie av boenderådet i Hovsjö och ungdomsrådet i Västra-Skogås inom ramen för storstadssatsningen

The aim of this study is to investigate wether the participatory democracy is a threat or a complement to the representative democracy. To achieve my purpose I will focus on two different lokal councils, the civil council in Hovsjö and the youth council in Västra Skogås, which have been objects of the urban policy in 1998. The theoretical framework on which this study is based consists of the participation democratic theory, representative democratic theory and implementation theory. By problemizing these theoretical frameworks in comparison with eachother I will mapp how these two lokal councils were implemented. The research question is: In what way was the civil council and the youth council a complement or threat to the representative democracy? In which way was it difficult to implement them?The method used for this purpose is a qualitative comparative case study.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att informera närstående till kritiskt sjuka patienter : - En intervjustudie

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to explore nurses' experiences of informing relatives to critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).MethodThe study was descriptive with a qualitative approach. Nine nurses were interviewed. The study took place in a university hospital in the midst of Sweden. An interview guide was used, designed in consensus with the study questions. Data was analyzed via qualitative content analysis.FindingsMeeting and preparing relatives at the arrival at the ICU seemed valuable and led to safety and participation among relatives.

Förstudie: Internt moln : En fallstudie för effektivare IT-administration

This is a report of a prestudy commissioned by a medium-sized Swedish company before an imminent major change in IT systems. The change aims to provide a simplified IT administration within the company through a cloud-based approach.The preliminary study provides an interpretation of the concept of cloud computing. It also covers a review of different models to use in order to achieve an internal cloud. Suggestions on how to proceed with the change process are also provided, and which models might be appropriate for the specific company..

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande på akutmottagning : En litteraturöversikt

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how patients with acute illness experience their given care in the emergency department. Method: A literature review of ten studies where differences and similarities were analyzed. These studies had been published between the years of 2000 and 2011. Results: The analysis showed a lack of sufficient care concerning patients? subjective experiences.

Från input till output: En kvalitativ studie om hur resultatkrav inom biståndet påverkar svenska civilsamhällesorganisationer och mottagarens möjlighet till participation

This bachelor thesis is based on the current discourse within the aid policy, whichhighlights and focuses on measurability and reporting of results within the development cooperation.The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish CSOs Diakonia and Plan Sverige, bothoperating many of its activities through which Sida are directing Swedish aid, are influenced by theresults agenda in it?s work, and to investigate which impact this has on participation of the recipient.The research is based on information collected through examination of relevant text such asdocuments from the organisations, agencies and from debate articles and inquires. Together with datacollected through informant interviews with informants from the organizations this information hasbeen analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The study show that the demands occurringwithin the development cooperation mainly generates quantitative, short term results in order tomaintain legitimacy as an organization. The focus has changed from a traditionally high reliance onthe organizations activities to instead focus on which results the organizations can present as a resultof its work.

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