

1686 Uppsatser om Client participation - Sida 19 av 113

Behandling av dubbeldiagnos: finns en gemensam målsättning med behandlingen?

Clients with dual diagnosis have difficulties to recover and have a tendancy to fall between two stools. Among other things this is due to the fact that caregivers have different approaches, values and focus. The purpose of this study is to compare how clients, therapists and socialworkers look upon the aim of the treatment, its form, residential care, the conception of goalfulfillment and participation. In our study we have applied the theories of Aaron Antonovsky, Howard Becker and Erving Goffman. The paper consists mainly of qualitative interviews with clients, therapists and socialworkers.

Perioperativ överrapportering-En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: A patient undergoing surgery will meet many caregivers in different settings pre-, intra- and postoperative in the surgical pathway. Lack of communication is a common digression and the handoff is such an occasion. The purpose is to describe current knowledge about the patients´ right to safe care perioperative. The study is a systematic review (pilot). Result: The handoff was informal, unstructured and inconsistent.

Formgivning av magasin i ett redaktionellt utvecklingsarbete

Tidningskompaniet, a publishing agency in Göteborg, has during the spring of 2003 developed a customermagazine for Göteborgsvarvet, a Half Marathon Race in Göteborg. If realized the magazine shallbe distributed to former participants of the race twice a year and will be financed by adverts.As part of the editorial concept, development of a graphic profile will be made for the magazine. Thisdegree project will result in the production of a »dummy« magazine to be presented to the client and tobe used by the advertisement sales people in their work.The magazine, named »Varvet«, will convey the message that anyone can run Göteborgsvarvet. Theintention is to give the magazine a »youthful and sporty« image.The work in this degree project has comprised designing the magazine in co-operation with an editorialconcept developer and a project leader at Tidningskompaniet, and also the production of 18 magazinepages including prepress work. The magazine has been made into a strictly sectionized product,with a mix of short and long articles with lighter material and strict how-to-do-it guides.

Medborgerligt deltagande, demokratisk kvalité? - En fallstudie av Lomma kommuns medborgarpanel

It seems like Swedish municipalities are dominated by beliefs that all citizen participation is good for the development of local democracy. A critic of this certainty is rising among Swedish scholars of political science. However, a critic with an ambition of such generalization is harsh. Different democratic projects contents different qualities and thereby diverse problems in the democratic process. If these democratic problems within the process can be recognized, a deeper understanding can be found and in the prolongation a strengthening of the democracy.This essay examines the democratic process of Lomma municipality's democratic project of citizen participation.

Slack på mellanchefsnivå : Ger budgetstramhet och budgetdelaktighet önskade effekter på slack?

The function of budgetary controls is to control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary control function is used to measure and control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.

Framtagning av ett förlängningsbart bord

This report covers the product development of a new type of extendable table for the company Karl Andersson och Söner. The company wants to expand their product collection with a new product. Karl Andersson och Söner is a well-known family company that has been located in Huskvarna since 1898, and they are producing furniture for private- and the public environment.The aim with this project is that the product should lead to increased sales, as well as expand their collection to appeal a wider audience. The work is permeated by two issues, to achieve as good results as possible. The issues will bring up how to make a table better, in terms of the competitor?s options, and how to apply a design process to develop a table that meets the markets needs and requirements.The design process of the work consists of strategically picked parts from three separate design processes.

"Smartphonen är som en egen liten hjärna". En kvalitativ studie om specialpedagogers syn på smartphonens användbarhet som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel för elever i behov av särskilt stöd i gymnasieskolan

Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether and how nine teachers of special education for older students, primarily at Upper secondary school, consider the smartphone an appropriate pedagogical means of assistance to improve participation and to support students with special education needs within and outside the school environment. Theory: The theoretical framework for the study is the sociocultural perspective on learning. The sociocultural perspective is related to the relational perspective and sociocultural learning theory involves learning and participation in school. It views the human being as socially active within a certain historical and cultural context which actively influences the way we act, how we learn and develop through interaction with others in the social, everyday practice. The latter is of vital importance here.

?Den frivillige soldaten.? : Manlighetsideal och legitimitet bland svenska frivilliga soldater samt det omgivande samhället under finska inbördeskriget 1918

This paper examines how the ideal of manhood is portrayed and constructed and how the participation of Swedish soldier volunteers are motivated and legitimatized. The purpose of this examination is to gain understanding and knowledge about the Swedish soldiers in the Swedish brigade, how they legitimatize and motivate their participation and how the ideal of manhood is portrayed and constructed. The study is based on material from the war archive in Stockholm. The empirical material is composed by letters and propaganda material. In the analysis of the empirical study, there have been two theories used which are Eric Hobsbawms historical method and theory about invented traditions and Peter Aronssons historical method and theory about ?historiebruk? and legitimacy.

SPUTNIK -En kvantitativ studie om anhörigas uppfattning av verksamheten Sputnik

ABSTRACTThe aim for this study is to examine how relatives to children who participated/participate in Youth and family team Sputnik-group, oriented towards support groups for children of substance abusing parents, perceive the work done by the organization. On the basis of this aim three questions were formulated: do the relatives perceive a change in the communication with the child as an effect of the child?s participation in Sputnik?s activities, do the relatives perceive a change in their relationship with the child as an effect of the child?s participation in Sputnik?s activities, do the relatives think that their awareness of substance abuse have changed following the child?s participation in Sputnik?s activities. Previous research, Mead?s perspective, the concept of ?groups? and support groups for children, were used to interpret the results.

"Man nöjer sig med att prata med föräldrarna" : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens bedömningsprocess efter inkommen 14 kap. 1 § SoL anmälan.

The aim of this study was to reach a deeper understanding of the process that occurs within the social services after receiving a notification according to Chapter 14, section 1, The Social Services Act. More specifically the focus of this study was to illustrate how social secretaries reason about children?s participation in the process, as well as to examine whether the legislative change, Chapter 11, section 1 a, The Social Services Act, has affected the process in any way. The study?s results reflect interviews with five social secretaries who are active in four different municipalities in southern Sweden.

Informativiteten kring finansiella instrument : En studie om hur informativt företag framställer sina instrument i årsredovisningen

The function of budgetary controls is to control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary control function is used to measure and control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.

Underifrånperspektiv - en analys av utvärderingen av demokrati och delaktighetsmålet i storstadssatsningen i Malmö

The Swedish metropolitan politics have had the bottom-up perspective as a major principle to evolve the democratic participation in segregated areas. My objective was to investigate if a bottom-up perspective has been used as a method of evaluation in a sample of 10 evaluation reports made about democratic participation in Malmö.The key questions were; In the evaluations:- How was the bottom-up perspective and related concepts defined?- What criterias and theories were used?- What values surfaced?- What methods were used?- Has a critical approach been used?The method used is analysis using the theories of Critical Social Method by Alvesson & Deetz, Values in evaluation by House & Howe and Choices of perspective by Eliasson.None of the analysed evaluations have used participatorial methods. As participation is defined mainly statistically, the criterias are usually quantitative measurements, though the evaluators agree that democracy is a matter of quality. There is a common lack of theoretical basis of analysis and methodology description.

Medborgarmedverkan i planerings- och designprocessen :

The theme of this thesis is citizen participation in the planning- and design process. It turns to everyone that studies landscape architecture or work as landscape architects and I hope that it can function as a ground for discussions as well as a source for inspiration. Rågsved is a suburb south of Stockholm. Just outside the centre of this suburb, a small industrial area called Snösätra, is located. In a few years time the leaseholds for the small industries will expire and the key question is: What will happen then? This is my general concern and it was the main cause for me to start this particular work. How do you attend to a place that appears like blank sheet of paper? To an empty page that can be filled with an infinite number of different formulations.

Samspelet mellan revisorn och klienten : En beskrivning av revisorns oberoende utifrån analysmodellen, förväntningsgap och kommunikation

Auditing has long existed and it was in 1899 that the first Swedish organization for accountants SRS, Swedish Audit Society, was created and in 1923 that FAR, Association of Chartered Accountants, was formed. It was after the Kreuger crash in the 1930s that authorized auditors had their breakthrough. After the crash the accounting profession has endured fierce criticism when the audit was flawed and it was during this period that authorized auditors became more widespread, the concept was developed independently and the importance of auditor independence became evident.We have in our paper therefore chosen to focus on auditor independence and to make that it requires the independence to relate to something. Therefore we have chosen to focus on the interaction between the auditor and the client. To explain what independence means we have used the analysis model, the expectation gap and communication, and explain what the audit entails and what tasks the auditor has.

Webbaserat resultat och uppföljningsprogram för idrottsförening

Students at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University have on behalf of the swimming organization ?Nässjö Sim och Livräddningssällskap? conducted research on how to monitor and evaluate swimmers and swimming groups in a simple and efficient manner with a focus on usability and user friendliness. Since no system existed that could meet these requirements, the client had a desire to tailor and develop such a system. The purpose of this work was to develop a system that would work as a tool to be used by coaches and swimmers alike and allow them to eventually follow the development of swimmers and swimming groups. The organization also wanted to have the ability to create tests and exams, both for land and water training, register these in the system and in a structured way know which swimmers took and passed these.For this thesis, the following questions functioned as a framework for progress.UsabilityHow to design a usable system and what is required?SystemWhat type of system is best suited to meet the client's requirements and preferences?Competition resultsHow can one retrieve all the competition results for swimmers of Nässjö SLS?DatabaseWhat type of database is best suited to easily share data with an external existing database?Usability has been the main focus throughout the project.

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