

94 Uppsatser om Clay - Sida 6 av 7

Kartläggning av föroreningars förekomst och spridning i Gräsötippen enligt MIFO

It is estimated that 22 000 contaminated areas exist in Sweden today. In order to classify the risk of contaminant migration from these areas and to prioritize which of these contaminated areas should first be treated, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designed a method, for the investigation of contaminated areas (MIFO). One of these contaminated areas is the landfill Gräsötippen outside Köping. The landfill has been used by both Yara AB and the Köping municipality between the years 1945 and 1975, and both industrial and household waste have been deposited there. The aim of this report is to survey which contaminants that can be found in the soil and water in the landfill Gräsötippen and to evaluate the migration of these contaminants.

Fröodling av Raj- och rörsvingel i Sverige

Festulolium (Festulolium) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) has not been grown inSweden over a longer period. So far there is no greater area cultivated, but the area isincreasing. Festulolium and tall fescue are expected to eventually replace meadowfescue in many leyseed mixtures to dairy cows in southern and central Sweden. Tallfescue has in recent years become popular again. Festulolium is a hybrid betweenryegrass and fescue.

Små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland - Generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt spårens inverkan på bottenfaunan :

Modern forestry requires a high degree of machine traffic for clear felling and scarification operations. The machines most frequently used are big and the traffic often results in tracks on the forest ground. There are many small streams running through a forest, in connection to logging operations, machines might cross these frequently. These crossings could result in the erosion of fine particulate inorganic matter, which ends up in the stream. The aim of this thesis was to give a general description of small forest streams of order-one in the county of Värmland and to determine the frequency of machine tracks in small streams.

Towards sustainable rye cultivation : soil carbon and yield modelling for crop rotations with rye

Using the Introductory Carbon Balance Model, ICBM, five different crop rotations with rye 1. Rye-Ley-Ley-Rye-Beans-Rye 2. Rye-Rye-Rapeseed-Rapeseed 3. Rye-Ley-Ley-Rye-Potatoes-Rye 4. Rye-Rye-Potatoes-Wheat 5. Rye-Rye-Potatoes-Beans-Wheat-Rye-Potatoes-Rapeseed were tested theoretically in four different cultivation scenarios ? Straw left on the field, biogas digestate added as fertilizer. Labelled ?+straw+BD?. ? Straw left on the field, only synthetic fertilizer. Labelled ?+straw-BD?. ? Straw harvested, biogas digestate added as fertilizer.

Fröplacering vid hög såhastighet - Väderstad Rapid jämfört med Amazone Cirrus

In today's agriculture efficiency and the capacity of tools and machinery are crucial. In this work we investigate whether it is possible to enhance the capacity of sowing by increasing the work speed of seeders, how seed technology affects seed placement, and if there is any difference between two different brands of seeders and their sow techniques. The seeders we have chosen to compare are Väderstad Rapid drill and Amazon Cirrus drill. The tillage capacity of the seeders and their traction power needs were examined as well.Väderstad Rapid and Amazon Cirrus were tested in a randomized block design with four replicates at three different speeds, 8 km/h, 12 km/h and 15 km/h. The seed placement at the different speeds was examined by dividing the seedbed into four different zones from its surface to its bottom.

Är Lerbodaälven verkligen en problemälv? : undersökning av fosforhalter

Lerbodaälven is a river in the municipality of Kil which, due to high phosphorus content is not meeting the requirements for good ecological status according to the Water Framework Directive. The purpose of this report is to investigate the causes for the high content of phosphorus that has been measured in Lerbodaälven between 1995-2010. Four questions will be answered in this report. 1. Does the sewage treatment work affect the phosphorus level in Lerbodaälven? The result from the time series analysis shows that the sewage treatment works have a small impact on the phosphorus level in Lerbodaälven.

Försök med olika såmaskiner vid konventionell sådd och direktsådd

In this thesis, two studies with different drills were included. In one of the studies two drills were compared: Väderstad Rapid and Väderstad Spirit. In the other study various drills for direct drilling were compared. The study with Rapid and Spirit was placed in two locations with different autumn tillage; one on ploughed land in Uppsala and one on cultivated land in Västerås, both with relatively high Clay content. Rapid drills have a single disc coulter, while the Spirit drills have a double disc coulter. Various aspects were compared such as aggregate distribution, seed placement, emergence, crop yield and economic outcome.

Småskalig säsongslagring av solenergi för uppvärmning av bostäder : Simulering av lagerutformning och konsekvensen av adderade uppvärmningsbehov motsvarande en pool och ett atrium

The sun is a huge energy source with great potential of providing energy to the heating of homes and other buildings in an environmentally sustainable manner. In order to provide buildings with energy from the sun it is necessary to transfer the energy supply over time to when the demand arises. By storing the heat in a seasonal storage, solar energy from the summer can be used in the winter when the demand for heating is greatest.Today's existing plants are mainly in Europe and particularly in Germany. These facilities are designed to supply heat demands greater than 400 MWh and covers about 40-50 % of this need which consists of energy for space heating and domestic hot water. How much of the heat demand that is covered, the solar fraction, is partly due to losses from the storage which in turn is connected to the surface area of the storage.

GIS och statistik vid dräneringsområdesvis kväveläckagebeskrivning i Halland

The last decades have shown increased nitrogen leeching from soil to water recipients. This is inSweden mainly due to over-manuring of agriculture land, effectivization of drainage systems and thedeclining extent of wetlands. The accumulated amount of nitrogen in water doesn?t only make itunsuitable for use by humans and cattle, but also decreases the biological diversity as well as negativelyaffect tourism and fish industry. In the most severe cases shallow maritime grounds can be completelydepleted of oxygen due to decomposition of the increased amount algae and plankton growth.This study have the aim to describe and quantify the nitrogen leeching from the Genevad drainagebasin, located in southern Halland, Sweden.

Lerlagers tätande förmåga och inverkan på transporten av klorerade lösningsmedel i förorenade områden.

Detta examensarbete syftade till att undersöka om lera kan förhindra en spridning av klorerade lösningsmedel ned till grundvattnet samt vid vilka hydrogeologiska förhållanden som lera har störst potential att vara tätande. Det övergripande målet med arbetet var dock att bidra till att tydliggöra definitionen av och förbättra kunskapsläget om tätande jordlager på Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU).Sju förorenade områden där klorerade lösningsmedel påvisats i jord och/eller grundvatten valdes ut till en jämförande fallstudie. Samtliga områden var belägna inom 750 m från något av SGUs lokalkarterade grundvattenmagasin och lera överlagrade helt eller delvis grundvattenmagasinet på platsen. Resultatdata i form av jord- och grundvattenprov från tidigare undersökningar av områdena lagrades in i databaser på SGU. Spridningen av klorerade lösningsmedel på varje område analyserades sedan genom att titta på var i området olika koncentrationer uppmätts och hur koncentrationerna förändrats med djupet.

Stureholm - en herrgårdsträdgårds historia, utveckling och framtida skötselmål :

Stureholm Manor and garden is a relatively young farming unit on Clay soil in the north western part of Skåne, a province in Southern Sweden. Since the middle of the 19th century the landscape has been actively cultivated and has been transformed from oak forrest into farmingland of high efficiency. The industrial era during the 19th and 20th centuries meant new posssibilites for cultivation of these Clay soils. With equipment like steam ploughs and the possibility to obtain fertilizers, the harvest increased considerably. This increased prosperity provided estate Stureholm with a beatuiful corps de logi, a manor. The trends prevailing in Europe around the turn of the century 1800-1900 against the growing industrialism, was turned into a artisan movement known as Arts and Craft. The Swedish followers idealized our Swedish history and they took the turn of a national romantic movement that later turned into neoclassicism.

Påverkan på Valboåsen från verksamheter inom Svedens industriområde samt närliggande områden : hot mot grundvattnets kvalitet och kvantitet?

The aim of this work was to find out what potential contaminants from roads, residential area and businesses within Svedens industrial area that can affect groundwater quality and quantity. Data collection was from SGU, VISS, internal material from Gävleborg county Administrative Board and Gävle municipality archive. GIS software ArcGIS was used to create the map images in the work. The studied area is located approximately ten kilometers west of Gävle city and consists of the esker Valboåsen, which is a glacifluvial deposit that in its central parts consist of coarse material that is overlaid by sand, Clay and silt. North of esker Valboåsen there are the river Gavleån which has an inflow to the groundwater in the esker. This inflow represents the largest part of the groundwater recharge.

Vattensänkningar : en analys av orsaker och effekter

There are records of lowering of the water level in a lot of the Swedish lakes from the middleof the 1700th century. The aim was gaining more areable land to meet the needs of more foodto support the expanding population. In areas with top soil which contents of Clay or loam asin the southwest of Scania in southern Sweden this was proven to be a successful wayexpanding the total outcome of the harvest.The studied area in the northeast of Scania, though, consists of morain with a lot of mires -much less nutritious conditions. When the water level is lowered the atmosphere gets accessto the peat. The dissolving of the organic matter that has been suppressed by the lack ofoxygene below water level continues.

Do 25 years old skid tracks restrict growth and survival? : a study on growth conditions for the planted regeneration in a rainforest rehabilitation project

The rainforests of the world are important not only to the countries in which they grow but to the world as a whole. They influence oxygen and water circulation as well as carbon sequestration which in turn affect global radiation and global warming. The forest also have great value and in Malaysia as in many other tropical countries large volumes are harvested which leaves great areas of degraded forest with little growth and biological diversity. Due to their low financial value these forests are often transformed and used for other purposes than forestry such as oil palm plantations. The trees are often transported out of the forest using large bulldozers. They are heavy which causes compaction of the forest floor and during transport the top soil layers are moved to improve mobility.

Vattendraget på Kåbo golfbana : en kartläggning som ett steg i golfklubbens miljöarbete

This degree project studied surface waters on Kåbo Golf Course in Uppsala, Sweden, with the aim of determining the status of the water and how it is affected by the activities of the golf club, and to obtain suggestions of measures to create better conditions for the water environment on and around the golf course. The project forms part of the environmental protection work of Kåbo Golf Club, which is working towards achieving environmental certification from the Swedish Golf Association (SGF). The study is based on literature studies and quantitative and qualitative field studies of water on the golf course, with the focus on environmental factors identified as being important for the golf industry and on strategic environmental goals developed by SGF. The number of open water bodies in the Swedish landscape has substantially declined during the past 200 years, so it is important to save those that remain. This study showed that the surface water at Kåbo Golf Course is an important element in the surroundings since the area contains few wetlands, which can be a habitat for large numbers of species. The stream and ponds on Kåbo Golf Course also have the important function of serving as water hazards in the game and adding difficulty and variety to the course. Since Kåbo Golf Club wants its surface waters to look aesthetically appealing, extensive algal growth and drying up of ponds during parts of the year are regarded as problems.

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