

3888 Uppsatser om Classification society - Sida 64 av 260

Den strävsamma bonden och andra berättelser. En diskursiv studie av ska?nska hembygdsfo?reningars historiebruk.

The subject for this thesis is to examine the portrayal of the local farmer in four different museums in Scania. The purpose is to examine these two questions: 1. Which narrative and museal strategies are used in the portrayal of the local farmer by the local history societies? 2. How do the actors of the local societies relate to the living conditions and hierarchies of the rural society of Scania? The source material consists of guided tours and text material from the museums. The theoretical fields consists of history culture, use of history, historical narrative, museology and rural science act as our theoretical fields. Peter Aronsson, Anna Eskilsson and Maria Bjo?rkroth act as our main theoretical framework. Our research presents two central discourses in the portrayal of the local farmer.

Människans suveränitet över andra arter : En studie om två miljöorganisationers resonemang angående förlusten av biologisk mångfald

The purpose of this study is to exam how two environmental organizations reason about the loss of biodiversity. The research questions are; what is the view in these organizations regarding biodiversity? What are the underlying environmental discourses behind their reasoning, and how do they reason about the risks associated with the loss of biodiversity? As a first part of this thesis a thorough review of existing literature and online resources about the actions of environmental organizations was conducted. Two organizations were interviewed, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Naturskyddsforeningen. The questions for the study were analyzed in light of Dryzek´s (1997) reasoning about environmental discourses and using the concept of risk by Beck (1998).

Benchmarking som metod ? ett aktionsforskningsprojekt vid Valdemarsviks bibliotek.

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to do a benchmarking study of the marketing activities at the public library of Valdemarsvik. The purpose is also to describe and get a deeper understanding of benchmarking as a method for improving library activity. Four major problem areas are addressed: How can one use benchmarking as a tool to achieve change? How can one learn with benchmarking? What similarities and differences are there between benchmarking and other similar methods for competence development? Is benchmarking better than other similar methods for competence development? The empirical approach was qualitative and the method chosen was action research.

Det moderna biblioteket inätverkssamhället : En studie över kulturpolitikers och bibliotekariers åsikter om bibliotekens användande av sociala medier

?The modern library in the network society?A study of cultural politicians and librarians opinions about libraries' use of social mediaSocial media is becoming more and more interacted in our daily lives and Carlsson (2013) argues that today's libraries have undergone major challenges in the digital information technology's entry in the library arena. The new technology has led to sum up in one question: how a library should relate to the digital information technology, the issue has applied in particular the social communications media, such as Facebook, Twitter and more. The purpose of this paper is to examine the culture of politicians and librarians 'perceptions of public libraries' use of social media linked to the libraries and their democracy promotion efforts. This is analyzed from Castells theories about the network society and the digital divide.In summary, the study concluded that the majority of the culture politicians and librarians believe that social media is a part of the future of the library.

Värdet av skapande i förskolan : En studie om pedagogers förhållande till skapande verksamhet i Stockholm och i Tornedalen

The purpose of this study was to investigate how preschool pedagogues in Stockholm and in Tornedalen speak about and relate to creative activities. By qualitative interviews in two geographically distant areas, one minority culture and one majority culture, I have collected information from six pedagogues, three in each area. Values in, and the significance of culture in creative activities have been the main focus. From this study I conclude that all pedagogues agreed upon the creative activity having an extensive role in the preschool work. The role of the individual pedagogue within the creative activity is multiple and dependent on where, when and how the activity is carried out.

Avtalsgodkännande på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie kring varför den enskilda individen ignorerar det elektroniska avtalet

Around the year 2007, several news segments appeared in the Swedish media with focus on the social website Facebook. At the time, an increasing number of people in Sweden started to join the social platform and accepted the terms of contract to get access of the website, without further consideration of what they were agreeing to. This resulted in some private individuals felt violated when it turned out that major points of the contract entail that user?s private information, photos, videos and other publications that was shared on the website, were considered property of Facebook cooperation. Even though this incident made users more aware of what they should, and should not publish on the website, the episode did not result in users closing there accounts on Facebook.

Svart mot vitt, Att leva med Borderline Personlighetsstörning : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie

Background:Borderline personality disorder is a complex mental disorder that has become increasingly common in those individuals who seek care today. These individuals are often perceived as being different by society and the health care system, because of the prejudice and lack of knowledge that exists around mental illness and borderline personality disorder. Aim: Highlighting adults experiences of living with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Method: Literature study with qualitative approach. Seven articles were chosen to be read, reviewed and analyzed.

Identiteten ?invandrare? i svensk morgonpress hösten 2007 : - en diskursteoretisk studie

The aim of this study is to go into depth and analyze the identity ?immigrant? (invandrare) and how it is constituted in Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Sydsvenska Dagbladet. An investigation (SOU 2006:21) by Swedish authorities concludes that immigrants are portrayed in an unfavorable way in Swedish media, whilst Gunnar Sandelin in a debate article in Sweden?s biggest morning newspaper (Dagens Nyheter) meant that Swedish media lies about immigrants, creating an image of them that is too favorable that is not in touch with reality. This gives this thesis momentum to further investigate the identity immigrants are given in Swedish media.The theory and method used in this thesis is Laclau?s and Mouffe?s discourse theory.

Penningtvättslagen : Revisorns inställning och tillämpning

Linnéuniversitetet Kalmar Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper  Arbetets art:                   D-uppsats, 15 hp                                                                           Lärarprogrammet                                      Samhällsutveckling med ett internationellt perspektiv Titel:                              Hur sker implementering av förebyggande arbete gällande hiv och aids?  Författare:                      Nina Svenman Handledare:                   Gunnar Hansson ABSTRACT This study analyzes the prevention of HIV and AIDS around the region of Pretoria in South Africa. The study's starting point is the cultural, economic, social and health which is relevant when different levels of society affirms. The aim has been the basis of the representation levels of society discern what is valued and given priority as well as the measures and the strategies used in implementation. The empirical data underlying the study is qualitative studies with respondents from a university, a hospital, a school, the Swedish Embassy and an organization in order to create an image of different levels in society means to implement preventive measures on HIV and AIDS to their citizens. The result demonstrates that there are clear shortcomings in its implementation guidance on prevention measures for HIV and AIDS as lack of resources is based.

Alkoholpåverkan - att påverka eller påverkas. En studie om att påverka politiska beslutsprocesser.

Making decisions have always been part of human life. Political decisions consist of many participants with both formal and informal ways to highlight problems and reach the political agenda. Processes difficult for an individual to distinguish and understand surround political decision-making. The purpose of this study is to investigate the decision process for a specific political issue, Swedish wine producers' desire to be able to sell their own wine at their vineyard; gårdsförsäljning. This is currently prohibited in the Swedish model due to an alcohol monopoly.

Övergången från SAB till Dewey i forskningsbibliotekssverige: En organisationsförändring ur de anställdas perspektiv

In November 2008 the National Library of Sweden decidedto switch classification system from SAB to Dewey decimalclassification. SAB had then been the main classificationsystem in the whole of the Swedish library field for 87 years.Included into the decision was not just the nationalbibliography but also the research libraries of Sweden. Thisdecision was in alignment with a West European tendency tochange in favor of the internationally well-spreadclassification system Dewey in order to co-operate more inthe cataloguing process. The purpose of this study takenplace in the autumn and winter of 2013 is to examine howlibrarians involved in the transition feel about what differentways the implementation has affected the research libraryorganizations. We also aim to study the librarians? view onthe involvement of the research libraries into the decision ofthe changeover.

Psykisk ohälsa - eller ändå inte? : om hur ungdomars psykiska ohälsa har förändrats i en tid av välfärdsnedskärningar och kulturell modernisering

In recent times statistical findings suggesting a deteriorating mental health among teenagers, have been published. Not only did I find the lack of an all-inclusive analysis problematic, but also the fact that the studies themselves where often insufficient. Thus my purpose has been to chart these statistical studies, and then scrutinize the results.My method has been inspired by critical theory, where an interpretive starting point, self-reflection, and the idea that man and society interacts as a whole, is of great importance. Aside from the above mentioned studies, I have also employed secondary empirical data from TV, newspapers and the Internet. My own experience as a social worker has also been an important resource for this paper.

Produktion och perception av ordaccenter hos femåriga östgötska barn med typisk språkutveckling

The Swedish language contains contrasts of tonal word accents, realized by change in the F0 contour. Contrasts of word accents require at least two syllables with stress on the first syllable of the word or a stressed syllable followed by a non-stressed.The purpose of the present study was to examine how five-year-old children living in Östergötland with typical language development produce and discriminate tonal word accents. In addition, it was investigated how these abilities affect each other and comparisons were made to a similar study on children living in Skåne.For elicitation of tonal word accents a set of pictures with contrastive tonal word accents was used. The children were recorded and their answers were evaluated by visual classification of their F0-curves. In a perceptual analysis of the children?s productions, 11 linguistically naive listeners evaluated 44 randomized words from the recordings.

Betyg och bedömning i idrott och hälsa : En studie om lärares upplevelser av de nya kunskapskraven

Denna studie handlar om att undersöka hur lärare i idrott och hälsa på gymnasiet arbetar med och tolkar kunskapskraven i idrott och hälsa samt se utifrån kunskapskraven vilka betygsmoment lärarna anser viktiga och hur betygsättningen ska ske. Studien har också undersökt hur lärare uppfattar stödet från skolan och Skolverket i sitt arbete med att tolka kunskapskraven. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativ metod. Empirin består av intervjuer med sex lärare i idrott och hälsa från tre olika skolor i tre län i södra Sverige. Resultatet från intervjuerna visade sig att lärarnas arbete har varit svårt då de bland annat inte fått mycket stöd från skolan och Skolverkets material har inte varit till stor hjälp med tolkningen av kunskapskraven och begreppen. De har arbetat kollegialt där de gemensamt har diskuterat kunskapskraven och vilka betygsmoment de vill bedöma eleverna i.

Talet och tystnaden : en studie av samhällsstrukturer och begär i Sarah Kanes "Phaedra's Love"

This essay is an introduction to the intentions and purposes of the british play writer Sarah Kane (1971-1999). Her own voice is presented both via quotations linked to her work and by an explanation of her connections to the surrealist poet and actor Antonin Artaud. The main focus is on Kane?s second play, Phaedra?s Love, first performed in 1996. The play is analyzed in co-relation to La volonté de savoir, the first volume in Michel Foucault?s trilogy Histoire de la sexualité.

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