

3888 Uppsatser om Classification society - Sida 57 av 260

Ett företag att förändra världen : En normanalys om ansvarstagande för miljö och samhälle i läroböcker i Internationell Ekonomi för gymnasieskolan 1994-2008

Abstract - A business to change the world- An analysis of norms Textbooks for International Economics, in Upper-secondary Schools, Sweden 1994-2008 In this paper textbooks, for International Economics in Upper Secondary Schools in Sweden1994-2008, are analyzed with regard to norms related to taking moral responsibility for environment and society. A method for making discourse analysis, previously illustrated by Östman (2008), is used to deconstruct the knowledge content regarding norms about taking responsibility in relation to different social roles. The first question is: what different norms about taking responsibility can be found, in relation to different social roles? Different social roles that can be found in the studied material are: business-people, consumers, politicians/civil servants and citizens. Norms of taking responsibility in relation to the environment and society are studied in this paper in relation to these different roles. The second question is whether a discursive change in the material can be found. One case of discursive change can be found which is related to the role of a business.

Identitetsprocesser bland kurder i Sverige : En jämförande intervjustudie mellan första och andra generationens nysvenska kurder

The purpose of this paper is to study the processes of identity and feelings of connectedness among first and second generation of Kurds in the Swedish society.In previous research I assumed that this sense of belonging to a nation includes identity and language. As regards the theory part, I have chosen to use a number of studies to elucidate this issue. The theories used in the study focuses primarily on the understanding of identity. Identity in this context can include linguistic, religious, cultural acts, even nationality or that claiming membership to a particular group.I have implemented twenty-four depth interviews with first and second generation of Kurds in the ages 21?58.

Med datorn som följeslagare : Perspektiv på datorers inverkan för lärare i ett En-till-En-projekt

In today?s society we depend on technology to perform the simplest tasks. Whether we are engaging in conversation with a friend or are navigating in traffic, we are likely to be found with some technological device in our hands. This dependence has grown over a period of time, and many of us have failed to reflect on the impact technology has had on our lives. The emergence of so-called One-to-One projects, where teachers and students gain access to a personal laptop, does however provide an excellent opportunity to do so.

Metodikmodell för styrning vid inköp

The work with this report has been focused on developing a methodology model for control at purchase. The methodology model covers parts classification, dispatching systems, batch shaping and more. The aim with the methodology model is that it will be used as an aid for a cost effective material planning to increase the value for customer.The work covers also a description of the present situation and the purchase process at Company X. Six parts have been applied, two from each class (A, B and C), in the methodology/model. The parts that have been applied are included in the flow between Company X and their supplier Company Y.Data have been collected trough literature studies, interviews and the company?s business system.

Litteraturstudie : Prevalens, tänkbara orsaker och konsekvenser till ätstörningar

The present work has been implemented as a literature study aimed to investigate the prevalence, possibly causes and consequences of an eating disorder. In today's modern society individuals are living with a constant reminder from the media about how a person should look and act to blend into the social norms and expectations of the modern society. This literature review has been analysed on the basis of concepts such as identity, gender identity and gender. In addition previous research has been analysed in terms of themes, history, possible causes/risk factors, media, body image and control, depression, shame and guilt as well as culture. The above themes were analysed on the basis of behaviouristic theory and role theory.

Framtidens resurs eller dagens problem? En studie om institutionens syn på ungdomar och dess effekter.

AbstractIn this thesis we analyze how institutions describe the dichotomy between ?problem? and ?resource? when dealing with young adults. We also analyze the consequences of this dichotomy as it involves the younger generation's participation and group identity in today's society. Dichotomies and New Institutionalism Theory is the base for this case study completed in Malmö, Sweden. We have done eight qualitative interviews with politicians and employees in Malmö municipality and a quantitative content analysis of reference documents from both the Malmö and Swedish governments.

Bibliotekskatalogers användarvänlighet : en usabilitystudie av Umeå Universitetsbiblioteks katalog Album

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the usability of the Umeå University library catalogue Album. The aim is to evaluate the catalogue in order to establish if there are any problems that could be solved by modifying the catalogue. The following questions are answered: How should a good catalogue be designed? Which problems are common when using a library catalogue? Is Album user friendly? Are there any problems that occur when using Album and how can the catalogue be changed to avoid the problems? To answer these questions I have performed a usability test in which five persons, all students, got to carry out twenty tasks in the catalogue and talk about what they were doing and thinking while doing the test. This method is a usability method called Think Aloud.

De traditionella könsrollernas betydelse i missbruksvården : Åtta missbrukares upplevelser och erfarenheter

AbstractTitle: The signification of the traditional gender roles in misuse treatment ? the experiences of eight addictsAuthor: Andersson Malin, Gunnarsson AnnelieSupervisor: Lindberg OddThe purpose with this essay is to study if the staff in two LVM treatment facilities do strengthen the traditional gender roles in their daily work and interactions with the clients. The aim was also to study if the staff reconstruct traditional gender roles and if this can be seen as an advantage or disadvantage in the treatment. Finally the aim was to investigate if the staff encouraged the clients to break loose from the traditional gender roles. A qualitative approach using face to face interviews was used.

"Jag tror att våra ord är ingenting" : Om hur ungdomar som deltagit i upplopp beskriver sina livsvillkor, bakgrunden till upplopp samt använder hiphop som symboliskt motstånd

The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how young men who have participated in a riot describe their life-situations regarding to their relations to the police, their neighbourhood, employment, the background to the riots and how they use hip-hop as a resistance to subordination. The study is conducted through three semi-structured qualitative group interviews and to some extent field studies. The theoretical points of departure are Slavoj Zizeks theory of violence, which is divided into subjective, symbolic and systemic violence, and subcultural theory. The results of the study show that the young men in their daily life are exposed to by both systemic and symbolic violence, feel secure within their neighbourhood and find themselves harassed by the police. A major finding is that the riot primarily can be understood as an act to get society conscious of their situations, while they found themselves marginalised, lacking employment and youth club.

Ungdomar, alkohol och normer

This master essay is about teenagers, alcohol and the preventing measures taken by the Swedish government. Consequences of the rising consumption of alcohol among adolescents and how to prevent dangerous alcohol consumption in the future is one of the most prioritized issues in the Swedish society today. Today there is no prevention that clearly shows any effect on teenager?s alcohol consumption and the education about the dangerous effect of alcohol is clearly not the same in schools around Sweden. To gain knowledge about how teenagers view their own consumption of alcohol we have used the Grounded Theory.

Överlevt trafficking i Nepal: vad händer sedan? : En studie om det rehabiliterande sociala arbetet

Human trafficking is one of the biggest social problems in Nepal with over 12.000 Nepali women and children being trafficked over the border to India every year. Despite the scale and the severe consequences of trafficking in the Nepalese society, very little is known about efforts to rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the rehabilitation methods and interventions in Nepal. It is based on the results from five interviews with three different nongovernmental organizations in Nepal. The result from this study shows that counseling is the main intervention for rehabilitation of the mental health of victims of trafficking.

Corporate Social Responsibility : -Kan det bidra till demokratisering?

There is a growing awareness that multinational companies have opportunities to influence political conditions. Ethical activities made by multinational companies and ?Corporate Social Responsibility? (CSR) can therefore function as a positive input in society. The primary purpose of this master thesis is to investigate CSR´s contribution to strengthen human rights, and thereby to democratization. The research questions are listed below:1.

E-tjänstutveckling ur ett medborgarperspektiv : Att skapa beslutsunderlag baserat på medborgarärendens lämplighet för olika kommunikationskanaler

Citizens? interaction with governments is an area with unique implications for channel management. Governments need to take the citizens perspective into further consideration in order to be successful in delivering high-quality e-services. This paper aims to determine if a categorization of citizen-initiated contacts from a citizen-centric perspective can be a valuable basis for decisions regarding e-service development. The study consisted of three steps.

EKG-analys och presentation

Tolkningen av EKG är en viktig metod vid diagnostisering av onormala hjärttillstånd och kan användas i förebyggande syfte att upptäcka tidigare okända hjärtproblem. Att enkelt kunna mäta sitt EKG och få det analyserat och presenterat på ett pedagogiskt sätt utan att behöva rådfråga en läkare är något det finns ett konsumentbehov av.Denna rapport beskriver hur en EKG-signal behandlas med olika algoritmer och metoder i syfte att detektera hjärtslag och dess olika parametrar. Denna information används till att klassificera varje hjärtslag för sig och därmed avgöra om användaren har en normal eller onormal hjärtfunktion. För att nå dit har en mjukvaruprototyp utvecklats där algoritmerna implementerats. En enkätundersökning gjordes i syfte att undersöka hur utdata från mjukvaruprototypen skulle presenteras för en vanlig användare utan medicinsk utbildning.Sju filer med EKG-signaler från MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database användes för testning av mjukvaruprototypen.

Livslångt lärande och folkbibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate and analyse how the concept of lifelong learning is expressed in political documents concerning public libraries and education and how it can be related to earlier concepts of education within the discourse of public libraries. Focus is the official approach to the concept of lifelong learning and public library. The documents examined contain the political aims for education and culture policy on a national and local level. The theories used in the study concern the background and meaning of the concept of lifelong learning, they describe public libraries and their earlier perspectives of education and they also give a picture of practices of governing within the framework of public libraries. The purpose is to see how the speech in the documents is reflected in discourses of society and public library.

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