

3888 Uppsatser om Classification society - Sida 35 av 260

De som fredsprocessen glömde- cementeringen av barnsoldatsproblematiken

In this study our aim is to display a series of possible mechanisms which operateswithin the regions and societies were child soldiers were frequently andextensively used in combat tasks. Our study is based on the assumption thattoday's peace-building strategies are inadequate to describe certain problemsfaced by many post-conflict countries, especially in Africa. We argue that largeformations of child soldiers will, if not properly and immediately addressed, causeserve and structural problems in society, gravely hampering growth andinstitutional capacity. The Issues of Post Traumatic Stress and societal insecuritybrought on by the use of child soldiers poses a serious threat to society as a whole.In this study we use Uganda as an illustrative case to describe the mechanisms atwork..

Den önskvärda demokratin? - Om demokratins tillstånd och försvar

This thesis deals with non-wanted political parties e.g. right wing populism. How should a democracy handle these opinions? So far these parties have been neglected and not even considered as real parties. By excluding them from the debate and the political arena, media and more established parties have seen them merely as a threat than as democratic parties.

"Jag var helt uppslukad" : svenska manliga bodybuilders livsstil och förhållningssätt till kost

 Prostitution has been intensely debated in Sweden for nearly four decades. Two major investigations have so far been initiated by the government and numerous propositions have been put forward in the Swedish parliament resulting in the sexköpslag from 1999 that criminalizes purchase of sexual services. The law aims at punishing the buyer and protecting the women in prostitution, thus making it possible for women to be helped by various social interventions rather than punished. Swedish society has undergone major changes in these decades. Globalization, the internet and the membership in the EU have changed the Swedish society and influenced the discourse on prostitution.This paper has a twofold aim, on the one hand investigating if and how these changes have had an impact on the prostitution discourse in texts produced by the government and analyze how female and male sexuality in connection to prostitution is constructed.

Israel, en etnisk demokrati-En studie om Israels demokratiunderskott.

The state of Israel is known as the only democracy in the Middle East. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is aspects in the Israelis society that can be questioned in terms of liberal democracy.Areas of concerns in the study are the Israeli official policy's concerning inclusion and exclusion of their citizens in areas of property owning, personal status and the duty of military service.The results show that the Israeli society distinguishes their citizens in these areas by their ethnic origin, in favour for the Jewish population. The law prohibits changes in the states Jewish character. One clear example how this is presented is that a Jew is prohibited to marry a non-Jew. The results show also that this official policy by the Israeli state violates important principles of liberal democracy.

Den stora parameterjakten : Riktlinjer för skapande av en artikelklassificering ur ett logistiskt perspektiv

Effektiv logistik är ofta nyckeln bakom framgångsrika företag. Då logistik är ett väldigt komplext problemområde har det blivit nödvändigt att utveckla intelligenta system som hjälpmedel vid beslutsfattande. Klassificeringssystem av artiklar är ett sådant system, vilket ska underlätta att flytta fokus från den enskilda artikeln till artiklar som kräver extra mycket uppmärksamhet.En stor del forskning har utförts inom klassificeringsområdet de senaste åren. Denna har dock varit av ren matematisk karaktär där olika lösningar presenterats vilka i grund och botten behandlat skapande av en artikelrangordning utifrån en samling parametrar. Hur parametrarna väljs och vilka implikationer valet av matematisk modell får är ännu obehandlat ur ett logistiskt perspektiv.

Varför tror vi att vissa företagär mer hållbara än andra? : - En studie om hur företags motiv och kommunikation kringhållbarhet är relaterat till konsumenters uppfattning

The number of elderly in Sweden is increasing due to improved living conditions and better medical care. It is important that society adapts to the increase and begins to work preventively to reduce the costs of the increase. An important aspect is the elderly accommodation, the cost of health care in specific accommodation is almost twice as high as those for ordinary housing. Therefore, it is important that we availability adapt dwelling to allow older people to live in ordinary housing for as long as they wish, instead of moving to assisted living before they need it. If we can fulfil the elder?s needs with home care instead, society can save a lot of money.In this report, three different forms of housing has undergone accessibility increases and been inventoried and analysed.

"Ett hem utan en gamling, är som ett hus utan pelare": en kvalitativ studie om hur sent-i-livet-invandrare integreras i det svenska samhället

More recently, the number of elderly immigrants has increased. This means that Sweden is faced with new challenges. The purpose of this study was to illustrate how the elder immigrants general situation in Helsingborg looks like, as well as how social workers work to integrate this target group. Furthermore, I wished to have an answer on whether social workers feel that there is a continuing need to be concentrated on the integration of elder immigrants. To get answers to my questions, I have interviewed five social workers in Helsingborg who are working on issues that concern elder and integration.


The aim of the thesis is to explore how the human subject is depicted in contemporary posthumancinema and how these films effect our comprehension of human subjectivity. The object of analysis isJames Cameron?s Avatar (2009) and the method of analysis is cybernetic and intermedial. The conclusionis that Avatar is a film that depicts a posthuman network society where existence and subjectivity in a greatvariety of forms is possible. The film presents posthuman subjects in symbiosis with avatars, terminals,extensions and prothesis.

Samhällets kropp

The foundation for this thesis lies in whether or not, and how, the body representation in printed commercials, specific products directed to the body (shampoo, body lotion etc.), has changed during the last fifty years. Four years have been chosen because of the changes in society that we believe might have had an impact. The commercials that have been picked out are the ones that best represent the general view of the body. We have found that the changes when it comes to body presentation has followed the social development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to say how much the society has had an affect on the body ideal in advertising. Representations of the male body is something that has escalated since the early 70?s, fifteen years earlier few commercials was made with male models, and the few there were, never showed more than the face.

Läslust hos elever med svenska som andraspråk. En fenomenografisk studie

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how pupils with Swedish as a second language and school librarians perceive the concept of pleasure of reading and the feeling of being a part of society. Our research is based on qualitative interviews with eight students in grades 6-9 and from two different schools. We have also interviewed two school librarians in these two libraries. As a method of analysis, we used phenomenography because it is the informants' perceptions of the phenomenon of pleasure of reading that we investigate.

1968 som klyscha

This thesis aims to explore and investigate the use of the cliché ?68 in a contemporary Swedish debate. The sixties and especially 1968 is a historically significant year,and it is marked by political murders, protesting students and political energy. InSweden one of the most notable happenings was the occupation of the student union?s headquarters in Stockholm.

Den tredje omvandlingen : Demokratiteoretiska perspektiv på globaliseringens politiska skalförändringar

This thesis is an attempt to shed light on how the authors of the Swedish Government Official Report, SoU 1999:83, speak about how the globalization affects democracy. The method used is critical discourse analysis and ideological analysis, with the main emphasis on the former. The results of the analysis are then interpreted with central parts of Jürgen Habermas? The theory of communicative action. One of the main conclusions is that an absolute majority of the authors, talk about how the globalization affects democracy in terms of the economic market and the European union.

Nätaktivism ? Slackers eller individer med möjlighet att påverka sin omgivning?

The aim of this thesis was to look to the organization of people through social media and the Internet. Our study was conducted with a current event in focus. We began our study by examine the protests that had arisen as a result of that the American proposed law called "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA)was presented. With our main focus on SOPA we began to investigate those discussions and debates that during a limited period of time were conducted on a large social news site, Reddit.com, which is a form of social media. We focused on the way that people expressed themselves over social mediawhen it comes to political issues and also whether or not Internet activism can have an effect in the society.

Blåsorkestern i förändring

Sweden has a long and extensive wind band tradition. Today the interest for the traditional instruments is decreasing among children and teenagers. What can this be due to? Which conditions are needed for a functional wind band in the future? The purpose of this essay is to find answers to these questions and at the same time shed light on good examples, where the wind band activity works. To be able to answer the questions have I made four interviews with persons who have a big knowledge and interest about the subject.

Informationsklassificering : ett styrdokument för klassificering av informationssystem

Hantering av information blir allt viktigare i dagens informationssamhälle då information är en av de värdefullaste tillgångarna för verksamheter. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att skapa ett styrdokument för IT-administratörer som hjälper dem vid klassificering av informationssystem. Styrdokumentet har som uppgift att kontrollera att informationssystem lever upp till verksamheternas krav som finns på konfidentialitet, integritet, tillgänglighet och spårbarhet. Styrdokumentets vetenskapliga värde har verifierats genom att utvalda IT-administratörer undersökt och utvärderat styrdokumentet. Resultatet visar att styrdokumentet kan användas som ett hjälpmedel.

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