

3888 Uppsatser om Classification society - Sida 29 av 260

Hegemoniska och icke-hegemoniska maskuliniteter - En kritisk diskursanalys av politiska texters och unga m?ns perspektiv p? v?ld i utsatta omr?den

There is a lack of consensus within politics on how to deal with the so-called youth problem that exists in vulnerable areas. The politicians' positions are communicated in speech and writing and influence the majority society's attitude to children in vulnerable areas. Children are at the same time a vulnerable group in society. They are dependent on adults and need their guidance and support throughout their upbringing. In vulnerable areas live children whose health is affected by social and economic vulnerability and discrimination from the outside world. By looking into how hegemonic masculinity as norms are formulated in Swedish political documents, in relation to experiences of stigmatization and violence among children from vulnerable areas, this study wishes to examine if children?s right to a life without violence is being respected in vulnerable areas.

Kvinnligt och manligt i Veckorevyn : - En kritisk diskursanalys

The purpose of this paper is to explore how masculinity and femininity are constructed in the magazine Veckorevyn, through a critical discourse analysis of 18 articles from six issues in 2011. This is done by using a variety of theories and previous research results, which is gender theory, the theory of late-modern society and media theory. The analysis shows that Veckorevyn depicts virility and feminine differently. Furthermore, pointing the results from the analysis that a change of manhood and womanhood takes place in the social practice. The selection of articles from the magazine also shows that Veckorevyn seems to promote gender equality. .

Socialt kapital på två sidor Öresund - en studie utifrån konstruktionen av ett Socialt Kapital Index

The main objective of this paper has been to construct a way to measure the level of social capital in a society. Based on a theory which describes the ideal society have I herein tried to find out to what extent the Swedish and Danish communities correspond to this model. The theoretical foundation consist of several different levels of analysis, and I have indeed found there to be consideral differences between the two nations on these different levels. The paper however conclude that these differences even out to add up to a Social Capital Index that is remarkably similar. A result which is to be interpreted as one nation being about as close to the ideal situation from a social capital point-of-view as the other..

Utformning och utprovning av ett fonologiskt baserat stavningstest

The literature on spelling and spelling development suggests there is a strong relationship between spelling and phonology (Bruck & Treiman, 1990; Caravolas, Hulme & Snowling, 2001; Craig, 2006; Gindri, Keske-Soares & Mota, 2007). Spelling, however, is considerably less researched than reading (Caravolas, Humle & Snowling, 2001). Spelling difficulties are known to be more persistent in people with reading and writing disabilities, even when their reading has become acceptable (Høien & Lundberg, 1999) but more research is needed in this area. Assessment and detailed knowledge of the difficulties is of great importance in order to provide the appropriate help for children with reading and writing disabilities (Frisk, 2010; Magnusson, Nauclér, & Reuterskiöld, 2008). The purpose of the present study was to develop and try out a phonologically based spelling test for children, with focus on medial phonemes.

Svininfluensan : en kritisk diskursanalys av medias rapportering

Media has the power to influences society. Some call them the third power of a state. Through amongst others, the agenda setting theory and the framing theory, this report seeks to understand how media describes the swine influenza and how it uses its power to influence people to vaccinate. As this report will show, there is no doubt that media has had an impact on the Swedish population of which 60 per cent followed through with the vaccination. Media used an information discourse and attempted to present its articles in an impartial manner and used governmental authorities and experts to support its arguments.

Dolt under ytan : intrycksstyrning som ett redskap för att dölja ett sjukdomstillstånd

Fitting in is something that many strive for in today?s society. In order to do this, more or less all of us use impression management. The illness Anorexia contradicts the norms of society since eating is a fundamental need, and to refrain from this is therefore a major discrepancy. It is the impression management among anorectics we have chosen to put our emphasis on in this survey in which about ten people have been interviewed with a qualitative method.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn i media : - en diskursanalys

This research intends to study the media's representation of unaccompanied refugee children on the basis that the media has a power in the construction of society. The focus is on whether children's vulnerability and needs are presented in the media and whether the children?s voices are heard. It is also of interest to study the agents that speak in the media concerning unaccompanied refugee children. The study is based on a theory that social reality is a construction of interaction between individuals and groups. Furthermore the study also incorporate the idea that the media, through its control of language, has power to create discourses which may affect the way different groups in society are looked upon.

Hundens betydelse i dagens samhälle :

The dog has played an important and significant role for mankind throughout history. It's no coincidence that they are known as "Man's best friend". Traditional tasks that the dog has performed include hunting, herding and guarding. In modern times its role has adapted to perform complex tasks in a great number of new areas which many people are not aware of or thinking about. My aim with this report is to attempt to chart as many different ways of using dogs as possible, in order to make society conscious of the great benefits the dog can offer society. .

Hållbarhetsredovisning till nytta för finansiella intressenter? : en fallstudie

Companies today are facing more and different kinds of demands from the society and their stakeholders. It is no longer enough to just deliver the products, and not just the quality of the products that matter. The consumers are getting more conscious about the many ways in which companies affect the society and the environment in which we live. The financial sector, that among others includes stakeholders such as insurance companies, banks and fund companies are starting to realise the importance of the non- financial issues that companies are encountering. Analysing the companies sustainability when it comes to social and environmental issues, has become an increasingly important factor when for example choosing companies to invest in.

DEN TILLHÖRIGHETSSKAPANDE MÖTESPLATSEN - Folkbiblioteket som mötesplats i svensk biblioteksdebatt

This Master's thesis concerns the public library as a public meeting place. Our aim has been to find out why and how the library as a social meeting place has been discussed within the Swedish library community and if there has been a constant core in the discussions from the mid 70's and up to the present day. In order to do this we apply a place and space-perspective. The result of the study is that the core of the said discussions concerning the library as a meeting place is to create belongingness. This is the reason why the library community has an interest in the public library's function as a meeting place with the idea that people, by using the public library in that aspect, may experience a feeling of belonging to the society.

Nykter motoffentlighet och alternativ litterär institution en litteratursociologisk undersökning av Godtemplarordens förlag.

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine what political, social and ideological reasons that were the base for the establishment of the Swedish temperance movement. Which judgements within this movement that resulted in the decision to establish publishing firms, how these publishing businesses were organised and what function they had in the literary circuit. The questions are: What principal political, social, economical and ideological reasons were the bases for the establishment of the Swedish temperance movement? How has their need for publishing firms arisen? Which were the publishing firms and who were the publishers? What ideas, purposes, experiences, values and judgements led to the establishment of publishing firms? In the first part of the theory I have used the historical materialism of Karl Marx; in the second part the theory of middle class publicity by Jürgen Habermas; and in the third part I have made a presentation of the literary circuit and how it works according to Marx and Habermas. The method used is an analysis of ideas and ideologies in literature and documents.

Att hantera kunskapsuppdraget med eller utan goda förutsättningar? : Hur åtta lärare ser på bedömning i särskolan

Media has the power to influences society. Some call them the third power of a state. Through amongst others, the agenda setting theory and the framing theory, this report seeks to understand how media describes the swine influenza and how it uses its power to influence people to vaccinate. As this report will show, there is no doubt that media has had an impact on the Swedish population of which 60 per cent followed through with the vaccination. Media used an information discourse and attempted to present its articles in an impartial manner and used governmental authorities and experts to support its arguments.

Isaac Newton och den matematiska naturfilosofin

In several scientific and technical educations today we meet mathematical studies in differential- and integral calculus. The classic mechanics is a foundation for the physics and it has made it possible for today's technical developments that we in our everyday life meet and make use of. The intention for this essay is to give a picture of the person behind this discoveries that changed the science and the world. Besides the purpose to bring the reader on a journey through Isaac Newton's life the main intention is to give an understanding of the way he discovered the binomial theorem, the differential- and integral calculus, the numerical methods Newton-Raphson's and Newton's interpolation-polynomial, Newtons identities and his classification of third-degree curves and elliptic curves. A derivation of Kepler's first law is also included..

Om barnböcker som material i undervisning om främlingsfientlighet : Kan berättelserna skapa eller förebygga främlingsfientlighet?

AbstractToday?s society is multicultural which can lead to racism and prejudices. Racism is created by prejudices and values. These values and prejudices are passed on to the children through media parents and/or society. The children then make these values to their own.

Om museers praktik och samhällsfunktion : en fallstudie av District Six Museum i Kapstaden

This thesis is largely about museums and their role and development in and for society. With a field/case study of the District Six Museum in Cape Town, we try to encapsulate a modern function for museums within a context of 1) the current worldwide discussion on museums and their future, and 2) the development of a new democratic nation in South Africa, and museums possible role in that process. Through analysis of interviews made with concerned people within and outside the District Six museum weintend to get a picture of the views on this particular museum and its role and function, for its community and society at large, plus for other museums, as a possible role model. We find that this museum might be close to a type of museum that has been asked for by museologists and others in recent times..

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