

3882 Uppsatser om Classification society - Sida 1 av 259

Klassifikationssystem i mångkulturella samhällen

This master thesis deals with classifications schemes in multicultural societies. The aim is to investigate how well the Swedish classification scheme SAB has been adapted to the multicultural society of today. I have done a comparative analysis between the SAB and the UDC to see if an international classification scheme would have better possibilities to represent a multicultural society. I have asked some institutions that have a large collection of documents dealing with minority cultures how they experienced the SAB. I have also read literature about classification theories and compared universal enumerative, facetted and special classification schemes to see if the possibilities to classify documents on, or related to minorities differed from each other.

Kvinnan:mannen::alternativet:normen ett feministiskt perspektiv på klassifikation

Using a feministic perspective and a critical approach, my purpose is to discuss bibliographic classification, a central aspect of Library and Information Science. More specifically, my aim is to demonstrate the norms and the dominating thoughts regarding the organization and representation of knowledge, subjects, and social categories in classification systems. I review previous research involving critical approaches to classification. These show that classification systems are a reflection of the context in which they are created, with the result that universal assumptions can be questioned. Some studies also present problems inherent in hierarchical structures.

Att klassificera populärmusik: en studie med förankring i SAB-systemet

The aim of this paper is to examine how The Swedish Library Classification System, also known as the ?SAB-system?, has classified popular music. The investigation is limited to the classification category of ?Yx Jazz, Rock and Popular Music? within the SAB-system. The development of this category is studied.

Kinesisk klassifikation: daoistiska, konfucianska och maoistiska influenser i fem kinesiska klassifikationssystem

The aim of this thesis is to mediate to the reader an image of Chinese classification systems and in what way the methods of classification have progressed during time. The tradition of classification in China is very old and dates back more than two thousand years, but it wasnt until the downfall of the dynastic era in the beginning of the 20th century, that Chinese libraries and methods of classification were modernized. This thesis also identifies the development of Chinese librarianship which is of old age since Chinese literature stretches three thousand years back. The main question is in what way the values of three different philosophies are reflected in five classification systems compiled between 1953-1975. The three philosophies are Daoism, Confucianism and Maoism/Mao Zedong Thought.

Homosexualitet i tre klassifikationssystem under tre decennier: Ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv på SAB, UDK och DDC.

The aim of this masters thesis is to, from a queertheoretical point of view, examine the possibilities to classify the subject homosexuality in three different classification systems. The three systems that have been analysed is the Swedish classification system SAB, the Universal Decimal Classification UDC and Dewey Decimal Classification DDC. The analysed editions are updates from the beginning of the 1970´s until today. The emphasis has been on how well the systems correspond to the changing society. We found several differences between the three systems, but also some resemblances.

Klassifikationssystem för en medicinhistorisk samling en jämförande studie av SAB och NLM

This thesis deals with classification of the subject field history of medicine. The two classification systems SAB and NLM are compared in order to find out which one is the most adequate to organize a small collection of history of medicine. SAB and NLM are the two most commonly used classification systems in medical libraries in Sweden today. NLM classification system specializes in medicine and SAB is a universal classification system. Our purpose with this study is to find out the pros and cons of each system, whether the systems treat the subject history of medicine in a satisfactory way and what kind of classification system that is better for this assignment, a specific one or a general one.

Kungliga bibliotekets klassifikationssystem över den svenska samlingen år 1887

We have carried out a study of a classification system for the Swedish collection at The Royal Library in Stockholm from 1887. It was printed in 50 copies. The constructor, Bernhard Lundstedt, and his colleagues used it as guidance in lack of a catalogue. We regard it a local classification system. Little research has been done on old classification systems, but Francis Miksa points out the importance of examining them.

Anarkistisk klassifikation: förhållandet mellan epistemologi och bibliografisk klassifikation analyserat utifrån Paul Feyerabends anarkistiska teori

The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate how Paul Feyerabend?s anarchistic theory of knowledge can help our understanding of bibliographical classification and to analyse how epistemological assumptions are manifested in bibliographic classification. Paul Feyerabend?s anarchistic theory of knowledge and science is the theoretical approach of this thesis. The first part of the thesis consists of an introduction to bibliographical classification and epistemology.

SAB och Dewey vid Uppsala universitetsbibliotek : En attitydundersökning bland bibliotekarier på 6 biblioteksenheter

The Library of Uppsala University has decided to change their classification system from the Swedish SAB system to the American Dewey Decimal Classification. One of the main reasons for this decison was that Kungliga biblioteket also has made an exchange between these systems. Due to that, the national bibliography of Sweden classifies Swedish documents according to Dewey Decimal Classification and the SAB system is no longer maintained. A transition to Dewey Decimal Classification will enable Swedish librarians to import foreign catalouge posts and classification codes and will provide them with a common standard between their libraries and other libraries due to the use of the same international classification system. It is disputed whether the Dewey Decimal Classification is equally suitable for all subjects.

Katalogisering och klassificering av sagor och folklore ? en historisk översikt

This essay is dealing with the difficulties of cataloging and classifying anonymi and other kinds of literature without the components which have set the norm for bibliographic cataloging, i.e. a defined author, a standardized title etc. A typical example of this kind of literature is folklore and folktales, which are dealt with thoroughly here. The character of and the society's historical view upon the folk literature, as literature considered, are being described, as is the evolution of rules for cataloging in general. The folk literature is mostly systematized after a different pattern from other literature, since bibliographical facts are often missing.

Ryssland, Kina och deras nationella klassifikationssystem : En komparativ analys av BBK och CLC med DDC

In this two years masters thesis in Library and Information Studies, the Russian Library-Bibliographical Classification (LBC/BBK) and the Chinese Library Classification (CLC) are analyzed with regard to their historical and ideological backgrounds and their respective evolutions. The structure of these classifications is compared with the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), as well as three chosen subjects (History, Politics and Religion). A qualitative comparative textual method is used.The study shows that these classification schemes, created at different times, different parts of the world, and different political systems, have different biases but give priority to the European before other foreign views. Otherwise, they often use a proximity principle. The CLC and the LBC were originally based on Marxist materialist principles but built in totally different ways.

Man måste ställa upp : Hylluppställning på svenska högskole- och specialbibliotek som klassificerar i DDC

The aim of this master's thesis is to examine how shelving is organized among Swedish libraries that have switched from the Swedish classification system SAB to using the DDC, and what problems arise in this process. The method used is interviewing librarians at Swedish university and special libraries.The Swedish national library announced their swap to the DDC in 2008, and several libraries followed suit. The reported advantages with a switch were mainly that using an international classification system meant that Swedish libraries would no longer have to undertake a time consuming classification work, since most of the foreign literature already is Dewey classified. Disadvantages were that the DDC is not adapted to Swedish circumstances. Research on open shelving show that obtaining a browsable book collection requires a broad shelf classification.

Klassifikationens roll på www: en studie av webbmiljöns påverkan på klassifikationens principer och funktioner

Principles that guide how a classification system should be structured have existed for more than a century. Traditional classification principles can be of great value for the design of classification schemes directories on the web. However, there are differences between the library context in which these principles originated, and the web. This thesis aims at investigating how changes in the context of classification affect the application of traditional principles of classification on the web. Another purpose is to see what implications this has for the design of classification schemes on the web.

Bilden av kvinnan i Library of Congress Classification En genusstudie av Library of Congress Classifications första och senaste upplaga

I have done a comparative gender study of Library of Congress Classification from 1900 and 2001. I have also used a hermeneutic method and ideological critics to find out what picture of women the both systems shows. In my comparative study of the both systems I have found low update of classes which relates to women in the new classification system. Men seem to be a norm in the system, because men are not defined in classes related to both men and women. But many classes related to women are named Women as and Women in The study also shows that women are more related to subjects about family and marriage than men are.

Att erbjuda sanningens ögonblick : En undersökning av bokförlaget Novellix kommunikation och koncept

The Library of Uppsala University has decided to change their classification system from the Swedish SAB system to the American Dewey Decimal Classification. One of the main reasons for this decison was that Kungliga biblioteket also has made an exchange between these systems. Due to that, the national bibliography of Sweden classifies Swedish documents according to Dewey Decimal Classification and the SAB system is no longer maintained. A transition to Dewey Decimal Classification will enable Swedish librarians to import foreign catalouge posts and classification codes and will provide them with a common standard between their libraries and other libraries due to the use of the same international classification system. It is disputed whether the Dewey Decimal Classification is equally suitable for all subjects.

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