2086 Uppsatser om Civil-military Co-operation - Sida 4 av 140
?Vi försvinner som en droppe i havet?: En uppsats om svenska civilsamhällesorganisationers upplevelser av sina påverkansmöjligheter i EU
This Bachelor Thesis looks at the cooperation between the Swedish civil society and theEuropean Union (EU), and it aims at evaluating Swedish civil society organizations' influencewithin the EU's development work on policy level. It focuses primarily on eight civil societyorganizations, and it is based on empirical material collected in Stockholm and Gothenburg,Sweden. The material has been analyzed using three theoretical frameworks. The firstdetermines whether the structure of the EU allows bottom-up influence, the second looks atthe communication between the EU and civil society organizations, and the third assesseswhether the civil society has the ability to influence the political agenda within the EU?sdevelopment work.Conclusions of the thesis include determining the complex structure of the EU as a mainobstacle to influencing the EU's development work.
"Om motorn är trasig spelar det ingen roll hur mycket bensin man fyller på" En studie av biståndets effekter på det civila samhället i Tanzania
Tanzania is today one of the greatest aid recipients in the world, but still - after over 45 years of huge amounts of aid - one of the poorest and least developed countries. How can that be? Civil society is said to benefit the democratization process, but has not succeed in Tanzania. Has the extensive aid had any impact? Our purpose is to investigate this set of problems.We are using theories concerning civil society and aid in general, and the theoretical framework developed by Hadenius and Uggla ?Making Civil Society Work, Promoting Democratic Development: What Can States and Donors Do??, in particular.
Homo Politicus vs Homo Civicus : hur utformar olika politiska system beslut om militärt våld och vilka militära effekter får det för den militära operationen?
Beslutsfattning om militära våldsmedel varierar med en nations civil-militära mönster. Genom att teoretiskt använda maktbegreppet för att beskriva vilka normativa styrprinciper som formar den civil-militära relationen kan den också beskrivas. Teorin appliceras på Falklandskonflikten och Ubåtsincidenterna i Sverige under tidigt 80-tal. Effekterna som undersöks är tid och uppfattning om det strategiska målet som operationen syftar till. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur olika typer av relationer mellan civila makthavare och den militära organisationen påverkar utformningen av beslut om militärt våld.
Civilsamhället i Singapore : en demokratiseringskraft att räkna med?
Essay in political science, D-level by Lisa Kringsberg, spring semester 2008.Tutor: Michele Micheletti.?Civil Society in Singapore? can it make democratization possible?The third wave of democratization and the end of the cold war has together increased the interest of the civil society as an impact on democratization. Singapore is a country which is higly-developt in both the socie-economic and economic field. Dispate this Singapore has not yet achieved to become a democratic state. The purpose of this essay is to study how the civil society can affect democracy in a country.
Utmaningar på GMU i förhållande till vuxenutbildning : ur ett officersperspektiv
Den 1 juli 2010 avskaffades värnplikten i förmån för ett yrkesförsvar, varpå premisserna för utbildningen av soldater förändrades. Idag har män och kvinnor från 18 år möjlighet att genomföra s.k. Grundläggande Militär Utbildning (GMU) under tre månader på frivillig basis. De nya premisserna kan m.h.t. frivilligheten ställas i paritet med civil vuxenutbildning, där båda upplever exempelvis avhopp till följd av motivationsbrist.Syftet med studien är delvis att identifiera officerarnas upplevda utmaningar på GMU avseende rekryternas tidigare erfarenheter, motivation samt lärarrollen.
Störningsregimer vid Skövde övnings- och skjutfält : Stridsfordons påverkan på olika naturtyper i militära övningsområden
A lot of habitats have declined or disappeared as the old cultural landscape changed to the modern agricultural landscape of today. Places such as power line corridors, racing tracks, gravel pits and military training sites have become refuges for many species associated with the old cultural landscape. These sites have been exposed to ecological disturbances that create the same type of habitats that were found in the old cultural landscape.The military training sites in Sweden has an impressive diversity of species. Disturbances from the military exercises have created habitats that are important for a wide range of species.The purpose of this thesis is to study some of the ecological disturbances occurring in the military training sites of the Swedish Armed Forces and examine how they affect different types of habitats. The thesis explains through litterateur and field studies the reason to the rich biodiversity often found at military training sites.
Civil-militär samverkan vid CBRN-händelser inom Sveriges gränser i fredstid
Totalförsvarstes forskningsinstitut, FOI, och Riksrevisionen har i flera rapporter beskrivit Försvarsmaktens roll i det svenska krishanteringssystemet som otydlig. Uppsatsen syfte är att undersöka vilka dokument som styr Försvarsmakten då CBRN-händelser inträffar i det svenska samhället samt hur dessa dokument påverkar den civil-militära samverkan. Dokumenten har analyserats utifrån en teori om organisationers gränser och anknutits till en verklig CBRN-händelse (branden i Halmstads hamn hösten 2012). Genom analysen har slutsats dragits att teorin om organisationers gränser kan användas för analys av civil-militär samverkan vid krishantering i allmänhet. Specifika händelser som inkluderar CBRN bör ses som del av en helhet och inte som ett enskilt fall.
Unity of Effort på taktisk nivå i komplexa fredsoperationer
Modellen Harmony of Efforts bygger på erfarenheter från FN-operationer mellan 1960 och 1990 talen och erbjuder ett alternativt sätt att tänka runt civil-militärt samarbete.Syftet med den här studien är dels att undersöka på vilket sätt erfarenheter från counterinsurgency operationerna i Afghanistan ter sig i ljuset av modellen Harmony of Efforts modell, och därefter hur modellen med hjälp av nämnda erfarenheter skulle kunna vidareutvecklas.Fyra olika Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) jämförs i en kvalitativ fallstudie där undersökningsmaterialet utgörs av andra vetenskapliga texter kompletterat med några intervjuer med personal från fältet.Resultatet pekar på stora skillnader i tillämpningen av PRT-konceptet, att en tydlig arbetsfördelning bidrar till framgångsrikt samarbete samt att småskaligt arbete på gräsrotsnivå är att föredra framför storskaliga projekt. Studien visar dessutom att modellen Harmony of Efforts i stora drag håller mycket väl för att analysera civil-militärt samarbete inom ramen för en counterinsurgency operation..
Uppförandet av Kustartilleriet som vapengren 1902 : En fråga om professionalisering, modernisering eller både och?
The Swedish coastal defence took on a whole new meaning after the introduction of the coastal artillery in 1902. The establishment of the coastal artillery meant that the Swedish military had access to a whole new military branch, in addition to the Army and the Navy. Under the direction of one general, two regiments were established. One in Vaxholm and the second in the naval city of Karlskrona. The aim of this essay is to investigate how the Costal Artillery were established, by analyzing the parliamentary of the year 1901.
Civila samhället, organisatorisk autonomi och politisk utveckling i Ryssland
Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union a lot of hope has been put on civil society to help develop Russia into a more democratic society. This study explores the constructive elements in the relationship between civil society and the state in Russia, and how this enables the work toward political development. By using Julie Fishers theory about political development and organisational autonomy I discuss the varying and often complex ways in which civil society and the state interacts. These are often not mentioned in the liberal tradition, which believes that civil society's most important democratic function is to act as a watchdog for the state.There is very limited political space for NGO's in authoritative Russia. The existing oppositional NGO's are important for the political development, but they are few and their impacts on society are limited.
Svensk arbetarrörelse och det finska inbördeskriget 1918
The political and civil unrest during the last years of the First World War had a profound impact on the political life in many European countries. Academic research on the Swedish Social Democratic Party and the development of the parliamentary system during these years, often focus on the civil unrest and the mobilization of the labour movement during the spring of 1917, and the impact on Swedish politics of the Russian and German revolutions.This study is an examination of the relation between the Swedish labour movement and the Finnish Civil War of 1918. The general aim of the study is to examine how different levels and organisations of the labour movement acted in regards to the situation in Finland, and how these different levels and organisations interacted with one another. A second aim of this examination is to better understand during what kind of processes of the Swedish labour movement?s history that the Finnish Civil War occurred, and how it affected them.The conclusion of the study is that the there was a disparity between the leadership of the Social Democratic Party (SAP), which at the time was part of the Swedish government together with the liberal party, and the grassroots of the labour movement, organized in trade unions, and in the local organizations of the SAP and the Social Democratic Left Party (SSV).
Varierande Vägar till Frihet - Hur staten och civilsamhället interagerar för demokrati i Vitryssland, Moldavien och Ukraina
The three post-communist states - Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine ? have gone different ways in terms of freedom and democracy since the breakdown of the Soviet Union 1991. During these years, the state and the civil society have been fundamental actors in the struggle against, and even for, authoritarianism.A strong state with great capacity in Belarus has undermined the chances for the civil society to fulfil its task as a watchdog of the state and link between the citizens and the government.Failed authoritarianism in Moldova has led to a situation where both the state and the civil society are weak. The major problem is lack of organization and cohesion; both the state and the civil society have often been divided by ethnical differences and are therefore not strong enough to promote democracy.In Ukraine, the dominance of a strong state ended in 2004 when the Orange Revolution took place, sometimes called a ?peak of democracy? where popular mobilization and protests succeeded in it's opposition against the state.
Delat ansvar för ett enat Sri Lanka: asymmetriska relationers påverkan på fredsprocessen
Since 1983 the people of Sri Lanka has endured an ongoing Civil war, however the intencity has varied over the years. The aim of this theses is to examine what influence the asymmetric relationship between the Sri Lankan goverment and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has on the process of negotiating a solution to the civil war. I am also examining whether the asymmetical relationship has changed over time and if these changes have had any effect on the process.To analyze the asymmetries I divide them into material and non-material. I measure the material asymmetries in economic and military resourses, and to measure the non-material I use indicators such as commitment, alternative, controll and legitimacy.The results show that the asymmetrical relations between the parties in Sri Lanka have changed since the 1990s. Factors like 9/11 and the recurrent suicide bombings by the LTTE has had a great influence on the singalese-tamil relationsship.
Försvaret i skolan : En studie om total- och civilförsvarundervisning i skolan under 70-talets kallakrigsår.
The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the preparation of total and civil defense education in schools in the 1970s to gain insight into how the school looked and pondered the complicated world that existed outside the school's doors. By using the concepts of welfare state, welfare and civil defense culture, I have studied relevant materials to get answers to questions treating the total and civil education in schools after Lgr69, the way the state sees the subject and if it is possible to detect a civil defense culture in schools and if so, how it will be expressed. The results show that the state emphasized education as incredibly important because knowledge of how to act in a crisis or war could be extremely crucial for the individuals and their survival. The education was so important that it got a role as a main factor in Lgr69. But even if the education was important the teachers had huge problems with the schedule and many teachers couldn´t educate all facts because they didn´t have enough time.
Operation Rolling Thunder
This paper provides an explanation of the concepts John A. Warden III describes regarding the use of air power and if this theory can be found, within the confines of an unconventional war. The U.S. ability to air power is overwhelming, however the right kind of warfare can force this great power to abandon their military and political objectives by exhausting its resources over time as it becomes increasingly costly, both economically, politically and morally, to wage war. The research deals with operation Rolling Thunder and John A.