

2086 Uppsatser om Civil-military Co-operation - Sida 10 av 140

Staten och samhällskontraktets säkerhetsgarantier : de fredsbevarande missionernas komplementära samhällsfunktion

Not enough attention has been paid to the correlation between the failure of peacekeeping operations and the actual source of civil wars. This text is an attempt to fill that gap. Hence the question: under which conditions is it possible for peacekeeping operations to replace the responsibility of the state concerning the security aspects of the social contract? The outset of the text, using the theories of Robert Nozick, is a theoretical approach towards the founding of states, described as the merging of entities. The theory serves a purpose since it, in combination with identity, illustrates in what manner the glue of society occurs and the rallying around other kind of loyalties like clans and ethnicities.

Examining Accuracy : Drönare och drönarangrepp: retorik, praktik och historia

The military conflicts of the early 21st century have seen the introduction and rise of a new military technology: the armed drone. With the United States acting as the driving force behind this technological advancement, the U.S Air Force and intelligence agency CIA have madedrones their weapon of choice for pursuing suspected terrorists and insurgents in various remotelocations. American military leaders and policy makers assert that the armed drone?s high levelof accuracy make it the best available weapons platform for this task. However, new researchshows that the use of drones may result in more civilian casualties than previously thought, andmay in fact be more fallible than conventional aircraft in this respect.

På vilka sätt kan stakeholders påverka EU? : En jämförelse av stakeholders påverkan på EU:s GMO policy och på ramdirektivet för vatten

How stakeholders can influence EU in global environmental politics and what consequences and risks this brings are heavily debated. Some scholars argue that civil society are being disenfranchised from the global political arena while others seem to find them having influence in areas where they normally shouldn´t have any influence. In this this paper I will compare the Europan Union policy on GMOs with the process in producing the Water Framework Directive using an analytical framework to study the level of stakeholder influence. Following the framework I will use two types of data namely NGO participation and Goal attainment. The data once summarized will be analyzed by using the methods of process-tracing and counterfactual analysis.My conclusions regarding both cases are that stakeholders, most notably, were able to influence policymaking in EU by using the internal revisions and by networking in smaller partnerships.

Erfarenhetsrapportering vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB : Utvärdering av erfarenhetsåterföringsprocessen samt utveckling av ett systemstöd

Organisations constantly live under the potential threat of events and accidents that seriously could harm the organisation. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, the company that this master thesis focus on, is in no aspect excepted from this threat. Through an early identification of near misses and the taking of corrective action in use, Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB has managed to reduce the likelihood and the consequence of events and accidents. The purpose of this master thesis is to evalutate Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB?s operation experience process on the basis of IAEA?s and WANO?s requirements within the field of operation experience and to develop a usable system applicably within the field of operation experience.The thesis is divided into two parallel tracks, where one is the evaluation of the operation experience process and the other the design of a usable system, applicably within the field of operation experience.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan minska patienters oro inför operation : En litteraturstudie

Oro är en av faktorerna att ta hänsyn till när människor ska genomgå en operation. Oro kan orsaka stort lidande och även ha betydelse för resultatet med operationen. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som kunde minska oro hos patienter som ska genomgå kirurgi. I studien ingick 15 stycken artiklar som belyste omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska patientens oro. Analysen gjordes med en manifest innehållsanalys.

Tillbudsrapportering : Skillnaden mellan två arbetschefsgrupper

In autumn 2010, the Division of Civil Engineering at the Swedish building contractorPEAB made a campaign to increase the number of reported incidents. Informationwas sent to the branch manager who was responsible to enlighten the employees onthe establishment. The goal of PEAB Division of Civil Engineering is to have at least 10reported incidents per accident that generate more than 8 hours absence. Therefore,it is important that the employees understand how the report system for incidentsworks. The number of reported incidents differs between regions.

Militär identitet : En kvalitativ studie om att vara anställd soldat i Försvarsmakten

My study was conducted to provide a deeper understanding of the identity of employee soldiers in the armed forces and their experience of their role in the military context. To describe and identify the soldier's identity formation, values and norms working in group processes are taken into account. As the individual identifies her or himself whit the group, the various phenomena as hostility to other military groups arise. The individuals weld together with other group members to form strong normative relationships within the group. Through a qualitative research approach eight soldiers in a regiment in western Sweden were interviewed, four of them were group executives or deputy group leaders and others were ordinary soldiers.

Om stenar kunde spela. Framst?llningen av musiker och ljudlandskap p? Trajanuskolonnen

This thesis aims to explore the representations of musicians and soundscapes on the column of Trajan in Rome. While many different parts of the column have been explored thoroughly, the musicians are not such a part. As such, this thesis aims to explore this gap in research as well as explore how the soundscapes have been represented on the column. By sorting and grouping scenes with musicians into different groups, this thesis has been able to find patterns of representation such as musicians being represented in religious scenes more often than in military scenes and the fact that there seem to be some compositional overlap between the different groups in how the musicians are represented. Grounding the thesis in a theoretical approach that uses the presumed audience and their experiences as a guide for how to represent different scenes, it is argued that part of the reason for musicians being more present in religious scenes than in military ones is because the roman audience were more aware of the actual religious soundscapes.

NBF- Förmågan att se på andra sidan kullen eller ?Kejsarens nya kläder"

So- called ?Network Based Defense? (NBD) was introduced in Sweden in connection with the transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces in 1999. NBD is based on the U.S. variant Network Centric Warfare (NCW), which in turn is derived from research on the concept of Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). In Sweden the concept was introduced and included not only the Armed Forces but was intended to also support the Swedish civilian agencies in order to create networks and hence share the available information and thus more effective crisis management and to provide more "bang for the buck." In developing the concept of NBD the Swedish Armed Forces used both economic and human resources, in the form of research, new technologies, new organization and new methods.Between year 2004 and 2006 the Armed Forces once again entered the process of reorganization.

Hur kan barns oro inför anestesi och operation förebyggas? En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Att sövas är en av de mest stressfyllda erfarenheter ett barn kan få i samband medsjukhusvistelse. Perioperativ oro är relaterad till postoperativ smärta och negativa postoperativabeteendeförändringar.Syfte: Att belysa hur barns oro inför anestesi och operation kan förebyggas med andra metoder änfarmakologiska.Metod: En litteraturstudie där resultatet är baserat på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan2000- 2010.Resultat: Distraktion i form av clowner och dataspel har visat sig minska barnets oro inför anestesioch operation. Familjefokuserad förberedelse i både skriftlig och muntlig form och terapeutisk lekminskar också barns oro. En tyst och lugn miljö bidrar till en lugnare insomning och även alternativmedicin i form av akupressur ger samma resultat.Slutsats: Med ganska enkla metoder kan barns oro inför anestesi och operation förebyggas. Alla destuderade metoderna har visat sig minska barns oro i jämförelse med det standardiseradeomhändertagandet..

Ingen Lag - Straff? Straffansvar och befogenheter för svensk militär personal i internationella insatser ur ett rättstillämparperspektiv.

INGEN LAG ? STRAFF? ABSTRACTThe thesis deals with a gap in the Swedish legislation concerning the criminal responsibility under which military personnel act in international peace operations. According to international treaties called Status of Forces Agreements, military personnel operating abroad within the territory of other states are exempted from the criminal law of the host states. In return, their home states apply its national criminal law upon the personnel instead. Thus, Swedish criminal law is applied in relation to actions taken by Swedish military forces in international operations.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan minska patienters oro inför operation - En litteraturstudie

Oro är en av faktorerna att ta hänsyn till när människor ska genomgå en operation. Oro kan orsaka stort lidande och även ha betydelse för resultatet med operationen. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som kunde minska oro hos patienter som ska genomgå kirurgi. I studien ingick 15 stycken artiklar som belyste omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska patientens oro. Analysen gjordes med en manifest innehållsanalys.

Från militär till civil : Omställningen för tolv yrkesofficerare efter nedläggningen av Dalregementet

Svalstedt, Tobias (2008): Från militär till civil. Omställningen för tolv yrkesofficerare efter nedläggningen av Dalregementet [From officer to civilian. The adaptation for twelve officers after the discontinuation of Dalregementet]D-uppsats 10 poäng, fördjupningskurs i kulturgeografiHandledare: Gunnel ForsbergSpråk: SvenskaKORTFATTAD SAMMANFATTNINGUndersökningen handlar om yrkesofficerare som lämnat Försvarsmakten i samband med nedläggningen av Dalregementet i Falun. Syftet är att ta reda på hur officerarna lyckats anpassa sig till en civil arbetsmarknad och vilken betydelse synen på officersyrket som manligt ideal haft för omställningen, vilken betydelse militär grad och ålder haft samt vilken betydelse den nya inriktningen som Försvarsmakten tog på 80-talet, NBO, haft. Metoden som använts är kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer med sammanlagt tolv officerare.

Målstyrning via policydokument Garanti för rationalitet och effektivitet eller symbolpolitik för meningsskapande?

The aim of this thesis is to develop two idealtypes of politics to help serve as instruments in understanding and analysing the view on politics held by top civil servants in the municipality of Lund Sweden. The two ideal types developed here are symbolic sense making politics and rational instrumental politics. These two ideal types were applied to material from a qualitative survey to help bring out clear results and to help with the interpretation of the material The results of the study showed that the two idealtypes could not help to clearly categorize the civil servants views on management by objectives. But while categorizing the top civil servants views the important features of policy documents the ideal types were helpful. By using the ideal types I came to the conclusion that the view on policy documents was mainly characterized by sense making politics.

ABM: En studie om samarbete mellan arkiv, bibliotek och museer

The subject of this master thesis is co-operation between archives, libraries and museums. The purpose is twofold: 1 To map out activities within the area to get an overall picture. The mapping is done by studies of documents and consists of international outlooks and an overview of national and regional projects and reports; 2 To investigate how leaders of the respective institutions within the various regions of Sweden apprehend co-operation between the three sectors. The empirical study is accomplished by inquiries and is mainly qualitative. An intermediate purpose of this essay is to try using grounded theory to treat and analyse the gathered material.

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