

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 24 av 95

Superstores Marknadsföringsstrategier

Background: The increasing number of actors on the market has led to a more intense competition among superstores. With this, marketing has gotten an even more essential meaning. The marketing activities superstores perform are adapted to the context in which the store is located. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to, from different theoretical dimensions, compare superstores? application of marketing strategies in Tokyo with the marketing strategies used by superstores in Stockholm.

"Gå, Franciskus, och bygg upp min kyrka" : Om tiggarkonventens betydelse för skapandet av staden belyst genom urbaniseringen i södra Halland

This essay deals with the relationship between the mendicant movement and the urbanization during the thirteenth century. The aim has been to explore the significance of the Dominicansand the Franciscans for the creation of an urban landscape. This was made through the study of the urbanization process in southern Halland focusing on the town of Halmstad where the friars were established. The importance of the mendicants was also studied through their absence in the towns of Laholm and Falkenberg. To achieve this investigation in a contextual perspective material from different areas was used such as archaeology, history and history of science and ideas.

EU och pengarna : en undersökning om hur den översiktliga planeringen i två svenska strategiska regioner påverkas av Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden

The European Union is a 60 year long collaboration between the European countries. It was born from the intention to ease trade and thereby reassure peace. Within the 60 years EU has functioned it has developed and expanded further. In 1952 it evolved around the trade of coal and steel between six countries, today it includes 27 nations and oversees a large number of topics such as foreign affairs, a common currency and regional politics. EU has grown at several times, the latest expansion was the largest where 12 new countries became members. The unions of countries that only 60 years ago were at different sides of a world war can be considered an accomplishment.

En postindustriell stads dynamik : Kalmars samarbeten och konkurrenser i strävan efter expansion genom handel

The thesis strives to reveal the dynamics between a central and a peripheral shopping area in Kalmar, Sweden. The establishment of larger shopping centers has become a hallmark of postindustrial cities. Cities globally are at risk of creating an urban economic rift between the central and peripheral shopping areas. By establishing major shopping venues around the traditional central business districts, cities hope to create a larger customer hinterland and thereby also increased economic growth. The aim of this thesis is answered by two research questions regarding collaboration and competition between two shopping areas; the central Kvarnholmen and peripheral Hansa City Mall.

"Vi har våldet i blodet" - En kritisk diskursanalys av Landskrona Posten 2006

On the 11th of march 2006, the journal Landskrona Posten began an article series with the ambition to review the juvenile gangs in the city of Landskrona. The articles received heavy response from the readers. About six months later Landskrona was the centre of attention in the Swedish media. 22,3 percent of the city's population had voted for the nationalist party ?Sverigedemokraterna? in the municipal election.

Synen på hemlöshet : En diskursanalys av hemlöshetsarbetet i Norrköpings kommun

The aim of this paper is to see how the local authorities in Norrköping create a way to look at homelessness. This aim is examined with the help of the central questions: How does the municipality describe homelessness as a phenomenon? What causes to homelessness can be seen in the texts? How do they describe homeless people? And What kind of actions are used or proposed? The analysis has been done with the tools and thoughts of the critical discourse analysis and made on text documents written by politics and employees of the city of Norrköping. The theories which have been used are those of postmodernism, welfare, homelessness, civil society and relative poverty. The analysis shows that the way the municipality of Norrköping looks at homelessness correspond with the way homelessness is presented in current Swedish research.

Från rådhus till stadshus En fallstudie på ombyggnadsprocessen Göteborgs rådhus

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:5.

IKEAs etablering i Haparanda : Planerade och förväntade effekter för regionen Haparanda-Torneå

The aim with my research is to illuminate the meaning of IKEAs settle in Haparanda, for the region Haparanda-Tornio, its economic growth and its inhabitants. The research has been carried out only through qualitative methods. Some interviews with a range of people from varying companies have been conducted.Haparanda is a smaller Swedish city situated in the north, on the border to Finland and to a city called Tornio. These two cities, Haparanda and Tornio, has realised they are stronger in pairs, so they initiated cooperation across the border. Haparanda-Tornio is not a region of historically welfare and well-being.

Urbana odlingsrörelser återbrukarträdgårdsstadens visioner

Uppsatsen är både ett teoretiskt arbete om stadsodling och en gestaltning av en köksträdgård.Under vintern 2010 åtog sig sju studenter uppdraget att skapa en experimentell köksträdgårdsom en fördjupning och vidareutveckling av 2009 års utformning av köksträdgården vidingången till Wanås skulpturpark. Mitt examensarbete består i att utifrån en jämförande studiemellan teorierna om trädgårdsstäder kring förra sekelskiftet och den nu pågåendediskussionen om hur staden ska odlas utarbeta ett gestaltningsförslag för en del avköksträdgården.Examensarbetet grundar sig i en litteraturstudie över trädgårdsstaden där jag tar avstamp iEbenezer Howards visioner om trädgårdsstäder som en lösning på de problem som uppkomtill följd av förra sekelskiftets snabba urbanisering. När trädgårdsstadsidéerna konkretiseradesi Sverige mellan 1905 och 1930 blev det i form av förstäder och egnahemsträdgårdar. Mycketav de ideologiska utgångspunkterna om självförsörjande småstäder och kollektivt ägd markgick förlorade. Jag har jämfört trädgårdsstadens ursprungliga ideal med de tankar och visionersom finns i dagens stadsodlingsrörelser.

Vegetation och ljudmiljö

Landscape architecture is a visual profession, but other senses also affect our interpretation of a place. Sounds can give us a lot of information about an environment, and they are often perceived as positive. Despite this, research about outdoor sounds most often focus on the reduction of unwanted sounds ? noise ? but the absence of noise does not result in a good soundscape. To accomplish this, sounds we appreciate are needed.

"En mycket boksynt man" Karl-Gunnar Walls liv som stadsbibliotekarie och litteraturvän

The purpose of this master thesis is to describe the professional and literary life of Karl-Gunnar Wall, city librarian of Katrineholm between 1944 and 1975. Questions at issue are the reasons for Walls literary interests, Walls choice of occupation, crucial personal meetings, the context in which Wall acts, Walls fundamental principles as a librarian and as a critic, and the features comprising Walls life history. The method used is a merely qualitative one called "life history". It is founded on in-depth interviews with the persons involved and emanates from the individuals own story about his life. I have carried out three taped interviews; one with Wall himself, and two with his colleagues.

Lokalhistoria : Intervjuundersökning med lärare i Kalmar och Vetlanda

This essay is about local history in history teaching in two cities; Kalmar and Vetlanda. The purpose was to see how teachers in Kalmar and Vetlanda define local history and what kind of local history they teach their students. I have also examined what benefits of didactics the teachers see in teaching local history. In order to find out I interviewed four history teachers at three schools in Kalmar and two history teachers at one school in Vetlanda. Some of the interviews were carried out over the telephone and the rest at the teachers´s schools.

Samordnad varudistribution : Jämförelse mellan två logistikmodeller med nuläget i Sundsvalls Stenstad

As the cities are becoming more crowded, the urban distribution has become a major logistical challenge. Some commonproblems in the inner cities arelimited accessibility and idling. Many of Sweden's municipalities are above the limit values for PM10limit set by the EU.Sundsvall is one of these municipalities and has the vision to create a sustainable city and region. Sundsvall LogistikparkAB is part of an EU project, SMARTSET, which is collaborationbetween several cities in Europe. SMARTSETSundsvall is about to develop a market-based sustainable model for city logistics.

Hemmet, kvinnan och moralen : I Malmö stads barnavårdsutredningar 1930-1936

This study, a narrative analysis of it, deals with the term, home, its importance and the use of it by Child welfare investigators in the city of Malmö between the years 1930-1936. Commonly used and acknowledged, home stood for security and order while the term, street, had just the opposite meaning. Living in the countryside symbolized health and sensibility, while city life was considered to be cramped, dirty and immoral. The responsibility of achieving the liberals and conservatives ideal of a sunny, clean and orderly home was given to the woman of the house, as was the task of keeping the home morally correct, and providing the necessary atmosphere for proper upbringing of the children. Consequently, the basis of theory, using Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in regards to the conflicts between the upper and lower classes, and even theories of Jane Lewis of woman´s connection to home and family, have been the grounds for the study.

Integrated Green Spaces in Urban Areas : a case study of inner Brisbane

The review of Integrated green spaces in urban areas ? A case study of inner Brisbane highlight the significance of addressing characteristics, qualities and landscape values in our outdoor environment. The importance of green spaces to the wellbeing of people in the city and the ecological, social and cultural values they carry are widely recognised in the field of urban and regional planning. At the same time population growth, climate change and urban development put planners and scientists in a challenging position where new solutions must be put on the agenda in order to accomplish sustainability. Open space strategies, collaboration between stakeholders, public participation, learn from earlier failings and a ?value-led? approach facilitate the managing of open space. Brisbane is located in the fastest growing metropolitan region in Australia. The city´s open space landscapes offer cultural, geographical, recreational, social and scenic amenity assets, which make a major contribution to the regions identity they a wide world known for.

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