

2065 Uppsatser om Church Growth Movement - Sida 57 av 138

Grb10 and developmental programming: evaluation of a maternal diet restriction model during gestation

This study was conducted at the University of Bath, UK, from September to December 2014 as part of an ongoing research project aimed at elucidating how the Grb10 gene might act as a mediator of long-term health effects (such as predisposition to obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease and hypertension) caused by environmental factors during development. This phenomenon is known as developmental programming. The purpose of this thesis was not primarily to answer any of the broader questions posed by this research project at large since this would require much more data than is reasonable to acquire over the course of a few months, but rather to evaluate the methods used in this project and reveal whether they are working the way they are presumed to. In the research project, which employs mice with the Grb10 gene knocked out as well as wild-type control mice, a dietary restriction model is utilized during gestation, which is supposed to generate offspring with lower birth weight and subsequent detrimental health effects in adulthood. This is supposed to be achieved by restricting the protein content of the pregnant mothers? diet to 9 % (as opposed to the control diet of 20 %) throughout gestation.

Från bortskämda monopolbarn till en kamp för överlevnad : En fallstudie om de traditionella flygbolagens omstruktureringar efter lågprisbolagens framväxt

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the traditional airlines' strategies are affected by the low-cost carriers emergence and their business model and in wich ways they can achieve profitability. Furthermore we also want to examine the factors that affect the airlines' efficiency and competitiveness.The results of this study shows that the growth of the low-cost carriers have affected the network airlines' strategies as they, among other things, had to also lower their fares. This has forced them to revise their cost and efficiency in their entire operation. The result has also shown that the network companies can not come down to the same level of low costs as the low-cost carriers, and must therefore examine their ability to increase revenues instead. .

Närsaltsdosering till luftad damm : en åtgärd för ökad TOC-reduktion hos Skoghalls Bruk luftade damm

In the process of making carton boards into Skoghall Mill, are great quantities of water being contaminated. This water has to be treated before it is possible to release into the recipient, Kattfjorden. One of the contaminations that is important to extract from the wastewater, is organic carbon (measured as TOC-total organic carbon) because microbiological breakdown can lead to the bottom becomig free of oxygen.The wastewater treatment at Skoghall Mill is done through an external wastewater treatment that is located at the factory. The biological treatment (aerated lagoon) is a 140 000 m3 water pool with surface aerator, which is give oxygen to the water. In the lagoon live microorganisms who performs the biggest part of the TOC-reduction.One problem with the lagoon is that the treatment of TOC is considerably worse during wintertime than during summertime.

Vattendraget på Kåbo golfbana : en kartläggning som ett steg i golfklubbens miljöarbete

This degree project studied surface waters on Kåbo Golf Course in Uppsala, Sweden, with the aim of determining the status of the water and how it is affected by the activities of the golf club, and to obtain suggestions of measures to create better conditions for the water environment on and around the golf course. The project forms part of the environmental protection work of Kåbo Golf Club, which is working towards achieving environmental certification from the Swedish Golf Association (SGF). The study is based on literature studies and quantitative and qualitative field studies of water on the golf course, with the focus on environmental factors identified as being important for the golf industry and on strategic environmental goals developed by SGF. The number of open water bodies in the Swedish landscape has substantially declined during the past 200 years, so it is important to save those that remain. This study showed that the surface water at Kåbo Golf Course is an important element in the surroundings since the area contains few wetlands, which can be a habitat for large numbers of species. The stream and ponds on Kåbo Golf Course also have the important function of serving as water hazards in the game and adding difficulty and variety to the course. Since Kåbo Golf Club wants its surface waters to look aesthetically appealing, extensive algal growth and drying up of ponds during parts of the year are regarded as problems.

Den moderna världens feminism ? en kunskapsöversikt om västcentristisk feminism och globaliseringen av nyliberalism

AbstractThis literal review intended to assess and shed light upon if west-centric feminism justifiesthe neoliberal globalization that reproduces the reproduction of inequality in the world.The result indicated that sex is not sufficient to categorize a universal group of women andthat other aspects of social structures such as class, caste, ethnicity, race, religion and ageshould be included in transnational feminism, and that this discourse needs to becharacterized by contextual understanding of culture and power. Neoliberalism has createdspace for personal freedom and choice, but all do not possess the same conditions to utilisetools to attain positive progress in regard to these choices. Furthermore, this study hasrevealed that feminism is subordinate to the globalization of neoliberalism and that thepost-feminist trend could be perceived as being discrepant with a progressive transnationalfeminist movement..

Inverkan av SPC på induktion av protein AF och produktionsresultat hos slaktkyckling

This study was a degree in Master of Science in agriculture with specialization in animal science for the Department of animal nutrition and management at SLU. The subject was created by AS-Faktor, a small company for science and development within the company Lantmännen AB. It was a test of the effect of SPC (Special Processed Cereals) on induction of the endogenous protein AF (an antisecretory factor) in plasma and intestinal lumen in broilers. Previous results have shown positive effects on different intestinal diseases in pigs, horses, dogs as well as in humans. Beside the induction we also studied the effects on results in a conventional slaughter chicken production, including the ability of SPC to compete with or be affected by the coccidiostat, Salinomax.When diarrhoea occurs, it's because there is an imbalance between the secretion and the absorption and it can be caused by for example toxins.

Det Sublima

Projektet behandlar det sublima i relation till arkitektur; både som händelse, diskurs och institution. Genom ett event som dynamisk förskjuter arkitekturens parametrar och sätter dessa i kontinuerlig förändring i relation subjekt-tid och objekt-rum. Ett gränsöverskridande erfarande av arkitektur..

Rytmik för Skådespelare - Vad kan en rytmikpedagog tillföra i en högre teaterutbildning?

Skådespelaryrket kräver mycket av en människa både intellektuellt, färdighetsmässigt och fysiskt. Det förväntas också ofta av en skådespelare att vara musikalisk. Musikalitet kan yttra sig på olika sätt. I skådespelarsammanhang vill jag påstå att musikalitet kan finnas i allt från texthantering till hur man rör sin kropp. Jag är rytmikpedagog, men har också arbetat som skådespelare.

Användning av accelerometrar för detektering av rörelse i Husqvarna ABs gräsklippare Automower

In order to detect movements and vibrations on different appliance, especially robots and self-going devices are used different sensors. One of the most used movement sensors are accelerometers. They are three different types of accelerometers one-axes, two-axes and three-axes. They can be analogue or digital. Husqvarna AB uses an accelerometer to detect movements of their self-going lawnmower Automower.

Det omedvetna Sverige 2008 : en retorisk analys av Bang och QX

The purpose of this essay is to examine how Elin Wägner depicts the middle-aged woman who lives in the country in Sweden, in the 1920?s. The question at issue is: What problems and what subjects for rejoicing does she raise? My aim is to try to understand the women?s situation, as well as how Elin Wägner describes the situation in her four novels from the 1920?s: Den namnlösa (1922), Silverforsen (1924), Natten till söndag (1926) och Svalorna flyga högt (1929). At the same time I intend to compare the woman of the 1920?s to the situation of women today.I am writing from a feministic literary theory called ?omläsning? according to the description of Gunilla Domellöf.

Den förvärldsligade kyrkan och Kristi kyrkas helighet : En studie i Erik Petréns kyrkosyn utifrån hans kyrkokritik

Denna rapport är en del av en longitudinell studie av psykolingvistisk ålder och språklig medvetenhet hos elever i årskurs 1 på två olika skolor i Vallentuna kommun. I studien har material från de tre senaste projektåren bearbetats. Syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka huruvida fonologisk träning enligt den s.k. Bornholmsmodellen under elevernas tid i 6-årsklass återspeglar sig i ökad språklig medvetenhet och högre psykolingvistisk ålder i årskurs 1. Vidare undersöktes om den fonologiska träningen kan ha påverkat barnens arbetsminne.


Direct marketing is an area within marketing that is growing rapidly. Many companies has realised the benefits of using direct marketing, such as receiving direct response from customers and gaining a better customer relation. The growth within direct marketing means that traditional mass marketing today face harder competition than ever. This thesis examines and look in to three well recognised Swedish companies use of direct marketing. Our main purpose is to establish how companies spend their marketing budget between direct marketing and traditional marketing activities.

De sjukaste överlever : en osteologisk undersökning av nio gravlagda individer från karmeliterklostret i Ny Varberg

Osteological analysis was carried out on skeletons from nine graves from a medieval cemetery in Ny Varberg, Varberg, Halland. The graves originate from a monastery and a church, dating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth century. The main aim with this thesis has been to study health through the presence of pathologies and skeletal changes. Further aim was to compare the results from the present study with theresults from Torsten Sandbergs analysis of the same material from 1964. This comparison later showed coincidence.

Samspel i ensemble : En musikpedagogisk studie om gymnasieungdomars interagerande i ensembleundervisning

The purpose of the study is to observe how the participants of the study interacted musically through verbal, non-verbal and musically resonant expressions. Verbal communication was expressed in discussion of the music's tempo and to clarify for ensemble participants from where they we?re going to play and sing. Non-verbal communication could be used to gesticulate an instrument or a melody. For example, the movement of a hand could symbolize notes on a musical stave to indicate the notes placements.

Rörelsemönstrets betydelse : Att öka attraktiviteten i en galleria med Space syntax

The functional connection between the building and the streetscape affects the city and its attractiveness. Stores located in shopping malls with their entrances facing internal walkways, creates segregation between the mall and the streetscape. This segregation implies that the shopping mall loses some of its attractiveness, which may result in a so-called Greyfield mall. The expression Greyfield mall is used for shopping malls that have lost its visitors. Competition from new modern malls and a lack of investments are examples of factors that influence the development of Greyfiled malls.

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