

2065 Uppsatser om Church Growth Movement - Sida 50 av 138

Etableringsfriheten för bolag i den europeiska gemenskapen

This thesis analyses the scope of the treaty articles 43 and 48 concerning the freedom of establishment of companies. The interpretations of these articles made by the Commission and the European Court of Justice are analysed to see whether they are consistent. The analysis encompasses the provisions and directives in the field of EC Company Law as well as the essential case law from the ECJ regarding these issues. The conclusion that must be drawn from this thesis is that the Court of Justice adds the momentum in these issues whilst the Commission is held up by political considerations..

Härnösand och E4:an - vägen som lokaliseringsfaktor

Cities have always been founded on nodes of different roads.The city Harnosand was founded where the road along the coast of north Sweden meets the sea and the calm bay of Nattviken behind the island of Harnon. Harnosand has a big historic heritage as one of the first cities in the north part of Sweden, centre of the church and education city. The incrising centralisation of Sweden and the globalication of the world have made north of Sweden to the backside of Sweden.The coun- tryside and the smaller cities don ?t live anymore. In Harnosand is big moving out and many empty spaces. In the middle of Harnosand next to Nattviken, is one of these empty spaces. This empty space next to the road of E4, that leads out in the world and Europa.

Knista kyrkog?rd: ett rekonstruktionsf?rslag f?r den v?stra kyrkog?rden

This study focuses on a reconstruction proposal of a small part of a rural churchyard that has lost a big part of its history, in form of its conformation and plant material. The chosen part of the cemetery was established in 1938, and this proposal is an interpretation of the architect?s original plan, the workers wishes and my own observations and experiences of the place. In this proposal I have tried to balance the plants composition to create an environment that can benefit the biological diversity, that fits the locations habitat and today?s maintenance.

The Sound of Skepticism Analyzing Climate Change Denial in Swedish Podcasts and YouTube Channels

This study explores Sweden's climate change denial by analyzing the spoken-word discourse of its countermovement, focusing on digital media content from Swedish parliament member Elsa Widding with an aim to provide empirical insights into the discourse of Sweden's Climate Change Countermovement (CCCM). Questions guiding this study are: What are the most prevalent topics and themes related to climate change denial and skepticism? How do they align with established categories of climate change denial, shaping the overall narrative? What mobilizing ideas and meanings are present, how are they shaped, and how do they contribute to the movement's goals? The material consists of Elsa Widding's complete audio-based "movement texts'' from 2019-2023, including YouTube content, podcasts, and appearances on Riks, totaling over 2000 minutes of audio transcribed into text via AI technology. Methodologically, this study adopts a mixed-method approach which blends computational pattern detection, topic modeling, clustering, and spatial relationship mapping techniques, along with qualitative content and framing analysis. Theoretically, the study employs a perspective which uses epistemic and response skepticism to examine climate change denial, viewing it through the lens of countermovements and social movement framing. The study's main contribution lies in the enablement of comprehensive analysis of a large audio-based dataset, achieved by leveraging recent AI advancements for reliable audio-to-text conversion combined with topic modeling.

Vilken nutritionsbehandling har bäst effekt på tillväxten hos barn födda för tidigt och/eller med låg födelsevikt?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionTitle: ?What nutrition therapy has the best outcome on growth in preterm children and/or children born with low birth weight??Author: Josefine Nyström and Rebecca HammarSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 11, 2013Background: There is a number of reasons why a child is born preterm and with a low birth weight, for instance if the mother is underweight, smoking or exposed for malaria. The negative consequences of being born preterm or with a low birth weigth are many, both on long and short term. According to the WHO preterm birth is the most common direct cause of infant mortality. By providing the right measures in time when it comes to nutrition the mortality can be reduced considerably.Objective: To examine and summarise the scientific ground when it comes to the best nutrition therapy for preterm children and children born with a low birth weight.Search strategy: A systematic literature search was done in the databases Pubmed, Cohrane and Scopus.

Näthat : I gråzonen mellan straffrättsligt ansvar och yttrandefriheten

The following thesis concerns the conceptualization of openness within the open access movement. Open accesscan be understood as a phenomenon or a movement that aims at changing the current system of scholarly communication.Consequentially, the movements goals arose in relation to the escalating serials crisis in scholarly communicationand the increasing power of commercial publishers. The purpose of the thesis is to study three centralopen access declarations with the aim of uncovering the different conceptualizations of openness found withinthese texts. Leaning on the theoretical position known as actor-network theory, the declarations role within a surroundingnetwork is explored by focusing on how openness as a concept has been produced and reproduced bycentral actors. Two overarching questions frames the study: How is openness conceptualized within the declarations?And how can openness, as a concept, be understood as an effect generated by a larger network?The first part of the study focuses on the first question.

Om New Economy Firms strukturella utveckling längs med livscykeln och dess implikationer på organisationernas entreprenörskap - En fallstudie av tre svenska New Economy Firms

New Economy Firms (NEFs) are considered being important drivers of economic development and growth in Sweden. Also, entrepreneurship is a widely discussed topic that is considered being essential for firms that are making business in a fast moving landscape. Usually, the growth of companies is put in context of the life cycle. The life cycle further implies that as a company moves from the startup-stage along the curve, the organizational structure increases. Further, increased structure is claimed to impede the entrepreneurial culture within the firm.

Separatism vs. Demokrati. Den nya maskuliniteten eller jourrörelsens backlash? En studie kring kvinnojourer och deras (il)legitimitet i dagens samhälle.

Sammanfattning:Efter den omtalade dokumentären "Könskriget" rördes det om i jourrörelsen. Bidrag hotades och jourernas legitimitet ifrågasatten. Utifrån den feministiska backlash som tycks ha sköljt in över det svenska samhällets feministiska organisationer var mitt syfte att undersöka hur de aktiva inom föreningarna SKR och ROKS uppfattar det samhälleliga motståndet samt att utreda hur de ser på separatism, manligt samarbete och maligt ansvar. Som empiririskt underlag ligger kvalitativa intervjuer och ett frågeformulär och som teoretiskt bas har jag lagt Maud Eduards och Robert Connell. Uppsatsen har även som syfte att bredda förståelsen för jourrörelsens situation.

Kina- och Rysslandsfonder : En jämförande studie i nedgång och uppgång av den svenska börsen

Purpose: Aims of this paper is to evaluate a comparative study between China and Russia funds in respect of the risks and returns. We also want to examine what has affected the funds in their respective domestic stock market.                                                            Method: The study is based on qualitative methodology to complement the quantitative survey by first gathering of secondary data from Morningstar, and fund manager´s stories on fund and banking companies' websites.  Primary data is conducted by the interview with fund manager. The sample consists of all land funds for China and Russia has found more than 10 years on the stock market.Results and Conclusion: The survey shows that China funds will generate better in decline than Russia Funds in both return and risk-adjusted Sharpe ratio. Because the China funds had better risk diversification and its holdings spread across different industry area while Russia funds is more directed towards oil and gas industry.

Varför förstår inte mamma? : En kvalitativ studie om barn till föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning

The aim with this study is to through a research summary review experiences of growth and theparents caring ability among children who has grown up with parents having intellectual disabilites,and by empirical data illustrate how these persons today describe their childhood, their parentscaring ability and other cicumstances that have affected the growth. The results from the researchsummary are then to be compared with the results from the empirical data in purpose to reviewsimilarities and discrepancies.The study has a qualitative approach and it is based on foundings from earlier research andinterviews with four women whos mothers have intellectual disabilities.In the existing research of this issue there is a clear dichotomy between whether the researchershave focused on either the children or the parents. In both perspectives there are differentconceptions about whether a person with intellectual disabilities have the capacity to care for andraise a child, as there is about how the parents intellectual disaparment affects the child.The womens stories of the childhood are obviously unique, but they also have many experiencesin common, both among themselves as with what has been found in research. Children of parentswith intellectual disabilities have been classified as a risk group, wich has been shown by reversedroles for child and parent, lack of attachment to the parents and by insufficient care. Despite thedifficulties that the women have faced, they describe many parts of their lives in positive termstoday.There seems to be other influences in addition to the parents intellectual capacity that affect theesechildrens outcomes.

Olika vägar att nå målen : En studie om fem rektorers arbete med ADHD-problematik

This study examines how yoga is presented in a Swedish journal called Sökaren. Sweden is often presented as one of the most secular states in the world, and for that reason it is interesting to examine the Swedish way of religiosity by looking, in this case, at the depiction of yoga. I compare two periods of time, the first one from 1964 to 1974 and the latter from 1998 to 2008. I will thereby be able to examine tendencies and changes in the presentation of yoga. For a further understanding of the context around the elected periods this study introduces religiosity in Swedish society, such as Christianity and the New Age movement.

2440x1220 : såga, sätt samman

I have been inspired by the Do It Yourself movement. DIY builds on the creativity of the individual, one?s capacity for initiative and one?s desire to realise one?s ideas. I have been inspired by sheets of pattern paper used in the manufacture of clothing, and my line of furniture is based on two-dimensional patterns of furniture. The sections of the pieces of furniture are printed on and relate to a standard sheet of plywood.

PRESTIGE, KARRIÄR OCH OPEN ACCESS Forskares syn på publicering i vetenskapliga tidskrifter

Dissatisfaction with the current market for scientific publishing, dominated by a few large publishers able to obtain high subscription fees, gave birth to the Open Access movement. One problem for the Open Access movement, which aims at making research results freely available, is that scientists are reluctant to publish in journals that are free on the Internet, so called Open Access journals. This master's thesis aims at showing how scientists reason about their own publishing in scientific journals. It is investigated which factors are important when scientist decide on which journals to send their articles. The aim is to increase the understanding of scientists' views on Open Access.Six interviews were conducted with scientists in Biomedicine at Lund University.

En studie av en industrirobots beteende vid borrning

In the assembly process of airframe structures there are many drilled holes and on some parts the holes are mainly drilled manually with pneumatic handheld drilling machines. During conventional drilling in metal, burrs appear. To remove these burrs the parts of the structure must be separated and deburred before they can be put together for fastening. This is a time consuming measure and therefore expensive. To facilitate this process and lower production costs some parts of the process needs to be automated.A part of this thesis was a project in co-operation with Saab, Novator, Specma Automation and the University of Linköping.

Klassiska populationsmodeller kontra stokastiska : En simuleringsstudie ur matematiskt och datalogiskt perspektiv

I detta tvärvetenskapliga arbete studeras från den matematiska sidan tre klassiska populationsmodeller: Malthus tillväxtmodell, Verhulsts logistiska modell och Lotka-Volterras jägarebytesmodell. De klassiska modellerna jämförs med stokastiska. De stokastiska modeller som studeras är födelsedödsprocesser och deras diffusionsapproximation. Jämförelse görs med medelvärdesbildade simuleringar.Det krävs många simuleringar för att kunna genomföra jämförelserna. Dessa simuleringar måste utföras i datormiljö och det är här den datalogiska aspekten av arbetet kommer in.

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