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Varför bildas politiska partier? : En studie av Sjukvårdspartiet i Värmland

AbstractWhy do Political Parties emerge? ? A Study of "Sjukvårdspartiet i Värmland"Political Science, Johan UtterThe political parties have important roles to play in contemporary society. They act as bearers of power and presents the voters with finished packages of ideas on how society should grow, develop and change. Political parties are essential to the survival and wellbeing of representative democracy. Many theories have been developed over the years concerning matters related to political parties, but one area of research remains largely unexplored, namely the topic on why political parties do emerge in the first place.

Ska åkerier leasa eller köpa? : Optimal kapitalstruktur för företag med stora investeringar

This study deals with the road freight sector's capital structure and how leases, loans and equity affect the ratios. The study is based on a ten-year period between 2000-2010 in Sweden. Investments in finance is a complex and interesting subject to study, there are many factors that can affect how the company best choose their investments when they have many great business investment the decisions plays a greater role. The aim is to find an optimal capital structure from a financial investment point of view. The purpose will be answered by the following research question: Are there significant differences between leases, loans and equity financed fleet of factors, profitability, tax, turnover, age, and cyclicality. The study will also examine how debt is related to profit margin, DuPont and the tax, all through a regression analysis. Then were plausible economic theories for the study.

Mellan Bröst och Rumpor : En Kvalitativ Studie av The Playboy Interview

Playboy is a magazine that, for more than a half century, has been mostly known to the wider audience for its stylized pictures of naked women. What a lot of people do not know is that the magazine, with its editor in chief Hugh Hefner in the lead, has been frontrunners in human rights. Playboy has been fighting protecting the right of freedom of speech, fighting for equal rights for all people during the civil rights movement and supported the feminist movement by funding precedent cases on abortion rights. According to a series of text analyses by Beggan & Allison (2000, 2002b) Playboy?s editorial direction contradicted conventional definitions of masculinity. Also, the magazine portrayed its Playmates with complex identities that, in many cases, contained a number of traditionally masculine abilities.In this thesis we have done a critical discourse analysis of the Playboy interview and how the gender of its subject is portrayed by the magazine.

Att infiltrera, dissekera och korrigera betvingade sinnen : En argumentationsstudie av skriftliga publikationer från Jehovas vittnen

The purpose of this Master?s Degree is to identify and understand different techniques of argumentation in written texts originating from the religious movement Jehovah's Witnesses. The purpose is also to contribute with a theoretical and methodological framework for other scholars. The focal point of the thesis is sexuality and how the authors of the texts try to convince the members to follow the movements' doctrines in this regard. I use a modified version of the well-established grounded theory method.

Att behålla eller frige sin träl : En studie om frigivning av trälar i medeltida diplom mellan åren 1250-1335

Around the 1950s an explosive population growth started in the Third World. Parallel with the population growth a global network grew up advocating population control and limited population growth. Sweden had a unique place in that network through a pioneering role promoting the issue in the UN organization. During the 20th century Sweden was a pioneer country in terms of initiatives for population control. Ceylon family planing pilot project was something new in a time when other donors considered family planning be too controversial area for bilateral aid projects.

Företag & morötter på sociala medier. En studie om hur sociala medier kan användas i ett belöningssystem och idéns väg genom verksamheten

The subject of motivation and feedback is something that the literature regarding management treats as significant. Therefore we have investigated how managers work with feedback in motivational and development purposes within union companies in Gothenburg. According to the existing theory it is important that feedback is given correctly and with relevant content, and thus affect both the recipient's own development and the growth of the business. Earlier authors also discuss the complexity of feedback that it is important to consider all of the surrounding aspects, and that it is important to be aware that there is no single approach that can be directly applied on all types of organizations.To investigate how the managers within the union companies motivate their employers without access to monetary incentive, we conducted a qualitative study with in-depth interviews with four respondents. The respondents were decision makers at their respective union company with the roles as CEO or deputy CEO.


This report is part of a Bachelor?s degree corresponding to 15 creditsat the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. The work hasbeen carried out by Max Wikander, author of the report, supervisedby Lanie Gutierrez-Farewik and Erik Dijkstra.Gait analysis includes measurement, characterization and assessmentof human movement and is used to assess kinematic or otherabnormalities during gait. Center of rotation and the axis of rotationof a joint are fundamental parameters in motion analysis. However,the ability to create individualized analysis is limited by the lack ofaccuracy when these parameters are calculated.

Utrymning av folkmassor - simulering och verklighet

The report contains a comparison between computer based modeling of evacuation and evacuation experiments with large crowds. Crowd movement, behavior and management is examined, as well as the evacuation time. The conclusions in this report are based on observations made during the evacuation of a football ground (Swedish)..

Stadens vardagsrum - ett kreativ och inspirerande rum

Arbetet ifrågasätter hur torg ser ut och används idag. Detvisar på och diskuterar hur torg skulle kunna se ut ochanvändas i framtiden. Torget representerar ett exempel påen plats och ett rum i staden, vilket också fungerar somavgränsning för arbetet. För att nå fram till målet av arbetet genomfördes en litteraturstudie, samtal med bland annat gestaltare av och i det off entliga rummet, samt analyser av exempelplatser. Litteraturstudien fokuserade på ?torget i staden?och ?människan i stadsrummet?.

Drivkrafter bakom den totala faktorproduktivitetens utveckling på regional nivå : En fallstudie på de svenska FA-regionerna under perioden 1990 ? 2005

Production requires the input of capital and labour. Hence, economic growth can be assumed to follow from increased levels of these two factors. Policies aimed at increasing production may consequently successfully be focused on facilitating the accumulation of capital and labour. However, even when an economy has managed to reach the same quantities of input factors as a more prosperous neighbour, the level of the production might still differ. The explanation of this lies in what economists refers to as expression embracing the characteristics of the input factors and the conditions in which they operate.In this thesis a calculation of total factor productivity is carried out, using existing data on the Swedish FA-regions between 1990 and 2005 and the method the economist Robert Solow in the 1950?s.

?Wie waren die Tempi??: Ett försök till ett ?historiskt informerat? framförande av Ludwig van Beethovens op. 57, första satsen, i avseende på hans vilja rörande tempoaspekter

An attempt were made to record the 1st movement of Beethoven?s Op. 57, with the objective of performing it as close to Beethoven?s will as possible, in the tradition of the ?historically informed performance? movement.The result of evaluating source material rendered a list of the most relevant material for this study, and hopefully that might prove useful for other studies with similar objective concering HIP and composer-intention based ?autenticity?.However, Beethoven?s will was only vaguely captured in the limited source material accounted for in this study, rendering it moderate-to-small reliability. It?s probably possible to achieve a higher degree of goal achievement, given more time and through the utilization of music psychology to further extrapolate the detailed parameters of Beethoven?s presumed extramusical will.The recording made was not to my satisfaction and has strengthened my view that the interpreter should take council from the collected knowledge of scholarly sources but must ultimately remain free in whether and how to utilize that knowledge.Lastly, I?ve measured the bpm in the resulting recording with a error margin of ±0,02 s.

Individuell tillväxt och substratval hos en lokalt differentierad population av Asellus aquaticus

Local differentiation may occur during a short period of time and is part of the formation of new species. The isopod Asellus aquaticus is an example of a species in which local adaptation has occurred during a short period of time. An establishment of stonewort (Chara spp.) vegetation in Lake Tåkern (in the 2000) resulted in two different Asellus ecotypes; a lighter pigmented, smaller one that lives among stoneworts grazing periphytic algae, and a darker, larger ecotype that feeds on decaying leaves in reed (Phragmites australis vegetation. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there are differences in growth between ecotypes, depending on whether the food was periphytic algae or leaves, and to study the choice of substrates between the two food types. For the study, animals from both habitats were brought in from Lake Tåkern to the laboratory.

Uppfödning av okastrerade hangrisar - ett alternativ till obedövad kirurgisk kastrering av smågris

Pigs kept for meatproduction are often surgically castrated to prevent aggression and boartainted meat. Castration without analgesia and anesthesia is painful and causes a lot of stress to the pig. There are alternatives such as to surgically castrate the male pigs with analgesia and/or with anesthesia, immunocastrate or keep them as intact males. In Sweden the most common practice is to surgically castrate the pigs before they are seven days old. The impact on the pig is that the incision causes pain and stress, which may lead to changes in behaviour, reduced appetite, reduced growth and a higher risk of infections.

Strategier mot urban sprawl i svenska städer : En fallstudie av åtta svenska kommuners arbete

Urban sprawl är ett problem i hela världen. Ekonomi, hälsa, miljö och jordbruksmark är några saker som stadsutbredningen har effekter på (Habibi, 2011). I USA började problemen med urban sprawl efter andra världskriget när möjligheter till billiga bolån skapades. Detta gjorde att fler människor hade möjlighet att flytta till enfamiljshus i förorterna och användandet av bil som transportmedel ökade (Duany, 2010). Stadsutbredningen i Sverige startade efter andra världskriget då bilismen ökade även här.

Arbetslöshet i Trollhättan 1880-1910 : en studie om de arbetslösas, arbetarnas, arbetsgivarnas och kommunens åtgärder angående arbetslöshet

This is an essay about unemployment in Trollhättan during the period 1880-1910. In my essay I write about what was made to help the ones who were unemployed. I ask the questions: What did the society, the workers and last but not least the unemployed themselves do?My conclusion is that some things were done. For example were The Labor Unions in their growth and economical support from them and the county could help some people.

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