1493 Uppsatser om Chronic low back pain - Sida 6 av 100
Djuromvårdnad vid fång
Laminitis is a common but devastating condition, and affected horses are often euthanized or influenced a very long time. Many horses never return to their original capacity. Laminitis is often associated with severe pain and a long time of convalescence. Symthoms includes lameness, hoof hyperthermia, strenghthened digital pulse and pain. The horse often tries to move the body weight away from the forelegs which are often more severly affected than the hindlimbs.
Opioder som smärtlindring till häst
Opioids are considered the "golden standard" in pain management for both humans and small animals, but is used less often in equine medicine - probably for fear of side effects. Are there any studies that suggest that side effects are a major problem, or is it lack of experience which is the greatest obstacle to use? As early as 1937 it was shown that morphine and morphine derivatives provide analgesia in horses. For species other than horses used opioids often both pre-, intra-and postoperatively. They relieve pain effectively and are often included in the anesthesia protocol.
Både kronisk smärta och musik har existerat från begynnelsen och de utövar stort inflytande på människan multidimensionellt. Musiken har genom tiderna använts för att påverka stämning och humör. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka om musik har lindrande effekt på kronisk smärta. Metoden var en litteraturstudie där tolv vetenskapliga artiklar låg till grund för resultatet. Teoretisk referensram var Rosmarie Parses omvårdnadsteori, som beskriver människans symbios med miljön.
Nasal smärtbehandling av barn med akuta smärttillstånd inom akutsjukvård och prehospitalt
The aim of thie literature review was to study the advantages and disadventages of the intranasal medication, treating children with acute pain in prehsopital settings and in emergency care. Searches were performed in databases PubMed and Cinahl. The intranasal method of administrating drugs could be a acceptable compliment to todays's traditional metods. Unnecessary pain is avoided as there is no need for skin penetration. Further studies are necessary in order to integrate this metod both in prehospital settings and in emeregncy care..
Utvärdering av arkitektur för underhåll av ett Back Office-system
Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka om en viss arkitektur kan användas för att underlätta utvecklingen av ett Back Office-system till ett befintligt och komplext verksamhetssystem.För att gränsa av arbetet och hitta de delar som var intressanta att fokusera på genomfördes intervjuer med tre olika personer som hade olika syn på ett Back Office-system genom sin yrkesroll. Intervjuerna resulterade i ett antal önskemål för vad man ville uppnå med ett Back Office-system.Arbetet resulterade i en arkitektur som kan användas för att underlätta utvecklingen av ett Back Office-system till det befintliga verksamhetssystemet samt till verksamhetssystemet självt. Arkitekturen har utvärderats genom att man först ställde en mängd krav på den och sedan studerade hur den klarade av en mängd nya krav som delvis var relaterade till de gamla kraven.Alla tester som gjorts visar på att arkitekturen är väl designad och lätt att underhålla samt att den kommer underlätta den fortsatta utvecklingen av verksamhetssystemet och dess Back Office-system..
Kommunikation av smärtuttryck hos älde personer med demenssjukdom
AbstractBackground: Among elderly people with dementia pain is a common problem. In older persons, particularly those suffering from dementia and cognitive impairment pain is often underdiagnosed and undertreated causing unnecessary pain, suffering and affect quality of life negatively. Dementia complicates the identification of pain when the natural ability to communicate decreases when a person is suffering from dementia. It is important that health professionals working with older persons with dementia are aware of the person?s pain expression.Aim: To clarify how older persons with dementia communicate pain expression.Method: To study this area a literature review was used.
Plantar fasciit ? evidens för stötvågsbehandling för smärtlindring och förbättrad funktion, en systematisk litteraturstudie?
AimThe aim of the present study was to study possible evidence for shock wave therapy on pain and function in patients with plantar fasciitis.Questions1. Does shock wave therapy reduce pain in patients with plantar fasciitis?2. Does shock wave therapy improve function in patients with plantar fasciitis?MethodA systematic review of the literature was performed in the databases PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane and Cinahl.
Utveckling och psychometrisk testning av "Pain Impact Inventory" - en jämförelse mellan två olika ansatser
The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically evaluate an instrument for measuring the impact from chronic pain on daily life. Traditionally psychometric evaluation is done with parametric methods even if the items are ordinal data. In this study the instrument to be developed is solely based on ordinal data, and the psychometrically evaluation is done with both traditional methods (i.e. parametric statistics) as well as with non-parametric methods. These two different ways of psychometrically evaluation are then compared with each other.
"Då känner man mer att man hör till samma grupp på något sätt" : Ungdomar med diabetes - studie av en stödgruppsverksamhet
This study aims to examine how adolescents with diabetes describe and value their experience of participating in a support group and how they describe the issues of being a teenager with diabetes. This is a qualitative study and we have interviewed three young women who have been participating in a support group. The results of the interviews were analyzed through a phenomenological method and then compared to earlier research and interpreted through symbolic interactionism and Erikson's development-theory, which were our theories of choice. Our findings support earlier research when stating that support groups are important and necessary for adolescents with chronic illnesses. Our interviewees stated that they think that one of the most important benefits of support groups is to meet other people in their situation; same age and same chronic illness..
Patienters upplevelser av att leva med cancerrelaterad smärta : En litteraturstudie
Background: Cancer-related pain is a major problem worldwide. Studies indicate that patients do not get an adequate pain relief. This creates a large suffering and results in major problems for the patient and their families. In order to minimize this kind of suffering caregivers need to understand how cancer-related pain is experienced by these patients, what it does to them and how it impacts their daily life. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe patients´ experience of living with cancer-related pain.
Kvinnor med Mastalgi, en patientgrupp med stor oro. Vad visade mammografin? En retrospektiv studie
Introduction: Breast pain, mastalgia, is a common problem for many women. The pain can cause so much concern that the woman seeks help in health care. The cause of concern is often that that the pain may be due to breast cancer. Women with mastalgia are referred for mammography to investigate the cause of the pain. Experience says that the mammography is mostly normal.Aim: The aim of the study was to get an overall picture of the results of the mammograms performed on Mammography SU / Sahlgrenska in 2011.
Patienters smärtupplevelser i samband med scaling under tandhygienistbehandling - en enkätstudie
The aim of this study was to investigate patients? experiences of pain during dental hygienist treatment and scaling. The study is based on a questionnaire and includes 129 patients, from four dental clinics in Skåne, Sweden. The questionnaire consisted of ten questions with a Visual Analogue Scale as a main question. Questions about age, gender and dental anxiety were also included.
Utveckling av en prototyp till ett ärendehanteringssystem
Under examensarbetet utfördes en undersökning och testning mot en nyutvecklad backend server för ett ärendehanteringssystem hos företaget Navigate Consulting. Syftet med testen är att utvärdera funktionaliteten som är nödvändigt för att skapa systemet, hitta eventuella flaskhalsar som kan uppstå vid utvecklingen samt utvärdera hur kommunikationen mot back-end servern fungerade i praktik.Kravet av testningen mot ärendehanteringssystemet var att det skulle vara i form av en prototyp som grafiskt kunde demonstrera hur funktionaliteten kunde implementeras samt att det var ett webbaserat gränssnitt som kunde köras på en Tomcat 7.0 server. Det beslutades att det grafiska gränssnittet och kommunikationen mot back-end servern skulle ske med Java EE.Kommunikationen mot back-end gjordes via JSON-RPC som är ett lättviktigt RPC som kommunicerar via http. Utvecklat speciellt för JavaScript kunde det dock anpassas för att användas med Java på servern.Examensarbetet genomfördes med nära kontakt med utvecklaren av back-end systemet. Regelbundna möten möjliggjorde att all funktionalitet som behövdes från prototypen fanns samt eventuella uppgraderingar på back-end servern kunde utföras..
Att leva med trycksår - en litteraturstudie om hur patienter med trycksår upplever det dagliga livet
Background: Pressure ulcer is a complication that arises often due to a lowered general condition. Pressure ulcer arise because of long term compressive load application. That?s why it?s of utmost importance as a nurse to work in preventive ways, as the pressure ulcer lead to physical, psychological and social consequences for the patient. Purpose: The purpose was to describe the patients experiences of living with pressure ulcer.
De sjukaste överlever : en osteologisk undersökning av nio gravlagda individer från karmeliterklostret i Ny Varberg
Osteological analysis was carried out on skeletons from nine graves from a medieval cemetery in Ny Varberg, Varberg, Halland. The graves originate from a monastery and a church, dating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth century. The main aim with this thesis has been to study health through the presence of pathologies and skeletal changes. Further aim was to compare the results from the present study with theresults from Torsten Sandbergs analysis of the same material from 1964. This comparison later showed coincidence.