

283 Uppsatser om Christian ecumenism - Sida 6 av 19

Hegel och Guds död

In this study, I will discuss Hegel?s words on the death of God as they are stated in his Phenomenology of Spirit and Faith and Knowledge. I will present a reading of what I consider to be the two different usages of these words, and relate their meanings to each other. Focus lies on what Hegel refers to as the ?unhappy consciousness? and its experience of a disenchantment of the world, and on Christianity as the answer to this position.

Upplevelser av att leva med ett självskadebeteende : En litteraturgenomgång

In 1809 the citizens of Sweden where given the freedom to practice their Christian faith through the Swedish constitution of 1809, 16 §. This proclaimed that there should be religious freedom in Sweden, albeit restricted to Evangelical-Lutheran faith. Although after the law regarding dissenters was passed in 1860 by choosing another church than the Evangelical-Lutheran church you lost some civic rights, for example you could not become a public official. The freedom to choose religious affiliation was given through the Law of Religious Freedom in 1951. The purpose of this study is to evaluate in what way the concept of religious freedom has developed in Swedish law between 1809 and 1951.In the background I treat two historical events and one era, with focus upon religious freedom, which have in my opinion influenced the view of religious freedom in Sweden during the chosen period of 1809?1951.

Twelvestep - Down inside

Title: Music video: Twelvestep ? DownInside Made by: Benjamin Bondesson Christian Edgren Tutor: Silvio Ocasic Course admin: Peter Ekdahl Purpose: To create a music video that we can stand, that challenges us in the creative process. And to help a struggling band with another medium to spread their music. Goal:We intend to create a great product that is demanding and educational to us. Especially when it comes to cooperation and editing/post production. Keywords:Music video, digital video, film.

En studie om de svenska riksdagspartiernas ställningstagande i EMU-frågan inför folkomröstningen år 2003

Based on widespread public debate prior to Swedish EMU-referendum 2003, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the standpoint of the Swedish parliamentary parties in the EMU-issue, from perspektive of the following questions;1) What is the official standpoint of the parliamentary parties in the EMU-issue?2) What claimed effects of a Swedish EMU-membership or non-membership have the parties presented?3) What rifts can be found within the parties, in relation to their official standpoint in the EMU-issue?The Sweidish parliamentary parties´ standpoint in the EMU-issue will be analyze from the point of view of a number of current theories. These theories are basically democrazy theories that all have transnationalization and Europeanization as a common ground.The conclusions are, among others, that the parliamentary parties` standpoints in the EMU-issue are based on ideological values about whether or not a Swedish EMU-membership is good for Sweden. The Liberal Party, the Christian Democrats, the Moderate Party and the Social Party have a positive view on EMU and a deeper European integration, and basically value the economic efficency of the EMU higher than democratic decision making and a national currency and monetary policy. As for the EMU-critical parties such as the Centre Party, the Green Party and the Left Party, their view in the EMU-issue can be regarded as more nationalistic, since they say no to an exapanded financial cooperation.

Barn i och kring kyrkobyggnaden fram till och med 1600-talet

The purpose of this essay was to find out if it is possible to:? Detect different groups of gender among children in grave materiel and church art and if that was the case, in what way?? What different groups of children can be seen in these two categories?? What does the material say about children's position in society? The time span is from early Christian time to 17-th century and the geographical region is Sweden and Denmark. I got my information from published literature and different pages on the Internet. The conclusions were that gender among children can be detected in both types of material but different groups were not ?visible? to the same degree.

C. G. Jung och Allhelgonakyrkan : intervjuer med två präster om deras relation till Jung

My intention with writing this essay is to find out how and in what way the priests in the Allhelgona Church in Stockholm use or are influenced by the ideas of C. G. Jung. This could be in their theology, their sermons or in their private counselling with members of the church.I have gathered a few interviews for this essay with the priests Olle Carlsson and Mary Philipsson which I have then analyzed and drawn conclusions from.Finally I make an assessment of the information and also see what problems may arise out of incorporating Jungian themes into a Christian atmosphere..

"Ändå vill vi tala om en kris" : Problematiken kring konfirmationens utveckling och förändrade betydelse 1942-2000

Uppsatsen behandlar konfirmationen inom Svenska kyrkan och dess förändrade teologiska betydelse. Materialet sträcker sig från handboken 1942 till det senaste nytrycket av "Riktlinjer för Svenska kyrkans konfirmandarbete" år 2000 och utgörs av i första hand kyrkans offentliga dokument. Fokus ligger på konfirmationsgudstjänsten och därtill hörande ritual..

En inklusiv etik på goda grunder? -Vår livsstil och djurens liv, en filosofisk och teologisk diskussion

The relationship human has to animals are complex and I discuss this from a theological and philosophical perspective in this essay. I ask on what grounds, with what arguments and how one could live with an inclusive ethic. I discuss the philosopher Peter Singer and the theologian Andrew Linzey to see their agreements and differences. Linzey has a mystic influence built into the theological perspective. Swedish activists and authors Pelle Strindlund and Annika Spalde call their way of life the ?Way of love? and show an animal-inclusive ethic built on a Christian mystic ground..

Religionsfriheten i Sverige 1809 ? 1951 : Från samvetsfri kristen tro till fritt val av religiös tillhörighet i svensk lagstiftning

In 1809 the citizens of Sweden where given the freedom to practice their Christian faith through the Swedish constitution of 1809, 16 §. This proclaimed that there should be religious freedom in Sweden, albeit restricted to Evangelical-Lutheran faith. Although after the law regarding dissenters was passed in 1860 by choosing another church than the Evangelical-Lutheran church you lost some civic rights, for example you could not become a public official. The freedom to choose religious affiliation was given through the Law of Religious Freedom in 1951. The purpose of this study is to evaluate in what way the concept of religious freedom has developed in Swedish law between 1809 and 1951.In the background I treat two historical events and one era, with focus upon religious freedom, which have in my opinion influenced the view of religious freedom in Sweden during the chosen period of 1809?1951.

Framtidens begravningsplatser : en historisk tillbakablick, dagssituationen och visioner för framtidens gestaltningsuttryck

The purpose of this article is partly to find out how the burial grounds are used today and the needs of its visitors, but also to develop the character and expression of future burial grounds. My suggestions focus on burial grounds without religious attributes; something that, according to the burial law (Begravningslagen, 1990:1144), the manager of the burial ground is ordered to obey. In my design I aim to fulfill any requests regarding the place of burial that have been raised during my study. I have chosen the history of burial grounds as my starting point and will subsequently discuss their significance in today's society. I describe what distinguishes the burial ground throughout history from medieval times and onwards. Tradition and religion are closely linked regarding burial rituals.

USA:s syn på Turkiet, från 1997 fram till våren 2007

The aim of this essay is to analyze the political interests of the United States Government in Turkey, from 1997 to spring 2007, using a qualitative method. I will also analyze any strategic changes during this period, by using theories of realism, particularly Structure Realism and Rational Choice. Using the Rational Actor Model (RAM), I will analyze how nation states such as the United States act in the political arena in Turkey. How can the US Government legitimize the support to Turkey and at the same time criticize there democratic deficit and their view on human rights. Turkey has been an American Military Ally, via NATO since 1952 and its demographic situation has changed since the Cold War.

Kvinnan och havet : Ett genusperspektiv på den vikingatida kvinnan längs med svenska vatten.

I uppsatsen redogörs för hur processen kring offentlig skulptur kan gå till, med Borås kommun och Charlotte Gyllenhammars skulptur Ute (2004) som exempel. Uppsatsen innehåller en redogörande del om organisationen kring inköp av offentlig skulptur samt en undersökande del vad gäller det specifikt valda fallet.Den analytiska delen utgår från Göran Sonesson och Anders Marners semiotiska teorier och skulpturen analyseras utifrån begreppen uttryck och innehåll med fokus på hur skulpturen uppfattas och tas emot av publiken, referentialitetsbegrepet. Analysen innefattar även perspektiv på platsen och vad den har för betydelse för hur verket uppfattas, utifrån Christian Norberg-Schulz teorier..

Förnyelse och enhet. Motsatspar eller partners? : En frågeställning belyst av den ekumeniska utvecklingen i Uddevalla 1975-2000

1900-talets sista fyra decennier innebar stora förändringar för kyrkorna i såväl globalt som lokalt perspektiv. Två rörelser inom kristenheten spelade stor roll för utvecklingen: den ekumeniska rörelsen och den karismatiska rörelsen. Mötet mellan de etablerade kyrkorna och framför allt den karismatiska förnyelserörelsen var inte enkelt. Tonläget mellan dem var tidvis högt. Under 1980- och 90-talen skadades relationer mellan både människor och organisationer vid sådana möten.

Den manliga sångarens röstteknik och röstvård inom afroamerikansk musik

Abstract                    Christian Iwung: Den manliga sångarens röstteknik och röstvård inom afroamerikansk musik. Uppsala universitet, musikvetenskap. C-uppsats 1997. 60 p.Denna uppsats i musikvetenskap behandlar den manliga vokalistens röstteknik och röstvård inom afroamerikansk musik. Uppsatsens syfte är dels att sammanställa befintlig litteratur inom området, dels att försöka se ett samband mellan omedveten röstteknik och röstslitage.

Heraldik i Svenska kyrkan : timbrering av det tredelade ämbetets vapen

Uppsatsen behandlar frågan om hur ämbetsbärare inom Svenska kyrkan använder timbreringar i deras heraldiska vapen. Detta bruk jämförs sedan med bruket Church of England samt Romersk katolska kyrkan, vilka har en reglerad heraldik, i motsats till Sverige, och Svenska kyrkan.I uppsatsen lämnas även förslag till timbreringar för Svenska kyrkan..

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