

283 Uppsatser om Christian ecumenism - Sida 3 av 19

?En strid om ord? En diskursanalytisk undersökning av riksdagsdebatten om kristendomens ställning i Lgr62

This essay examines the 1962 Swedish parliamentary debate preluding the proposition to introduce a uniform compulsory education for all Swedish children. The proposition aimed at ending the previously heterogeneous educational system and replace it with a more equal and democratic system.A widespread debate ensued, regarding the status of Christian religious education (kristendomskunskap) and its new emphasis on scientific objectivity. This essay will examine the relative position of Christianity within the new uniform school system, as it was articulated by the members of the Swedish parliament. This analysis will be achieved through the use of a discourse analytical study of the parliamentary records, the recorded motions and bills. From these records a substantial disparity in the parliamential members articulation of the concept of Christianity can be ascertained, even within the discourse of an educational regime.

Den skapande gränsen - En analys av sömnmotivet i Daniil Charms prosatexter

The aim of this master thesis is to study the reliefs of a Romanesque tombstone from 1130 AD, with the intention to form a plausible understanding of their meaning. During the course of the investigation, my main focus will be on collecting materials of an iconographical and historiographical nature, as they appear in previous studies. I will also use performative analysis when examining the tombstone. Consequently this thesis can be seen as a survey of history and place; early Christian iconology as well as the experience of the viewer. As a result, the 900-year-old tombstone will not only be seen as a memorial in this text, but also as a performance of one man?s faith and as representing the core message of the early Christian church.The tombstone is a rarity in Swedish art history and well worth a closer examination.

Att Gestalta det inre : En Kieregaardiansk analys av Vampyr och Ordet av Carl Theodor Dreyer

The essay aims to show n interpretation of Vampyr and Ordet; seen from a viewpoint Kierkegaards christian existentialism can enhance the understanding of mentioned movies. Central notions from Ks philosophy are explained and then the author points to examples of how this corresponds with the essence of the two movies.The argumentation is based on Ks thoughts on faith and human existence. Other theories concerning Dreyers movies, and to some extent his background, is also discussed.Finally the author concludes that he was right in his hypothesis: that it is possible to show an influence from Kierkegaards christian, existentialistic thoughts in the two movies.Moreover the author thinks that the chosen perspective works as a complement to other written material on the movies and that other writers on the subject have some problems summing up the contents of the movies from their different perspectives.The final conclusion is thus that an interpretation of the movies from a Kierkegaardian viewpoint increases the understanding of the same movies..

Att gestalta det inre : en Kierkegaardiansk analys av Vampyr och Ordet av Carl Theodor Dreyer.

The essay aims to show n interpretation of Vampyr and Ordet; seen from a viewpoint Kierkegaards christian existentialism can enhance the understanding of mentioned movies. Central notions from Ks philosophy are explained and then the author points to examples of how this corresponds with the essence of the two movies.The argumentation is based on Ks thoughts on faith and human existence. Other theories concerning Dreyers movies, and to some extent his background, is also discussed.Finally the author concludes that he was right in his hypothesis: that it is possible to show an influence from Kierkegaards christian, existentialistic thoughts in the two movies.Moreover the author thinks that the chosen perspective works as a complement to other written material on the movies and that other writers on the subject have some problems summing up the contents of the movies from their different perspectives.The final conclusion is thus that an interpretation of the movies from a Kierkegaardian viewpoint increases the understanding of the same movies.


The aim of this master thesis is to study the reliefs of a Romanesque tombstone from 1130 AD, with the intention to form a plausible understanding of their meaning. During the course of the investigation, my main focus will be on collecting materials of an iconographical and historiographical nature, as they appear in previous studies. I will also use performative analysis when examining the tombstone. Consequently this thesis can be seen as a survey of history and place; early Christian iconology as well as the experience of the viewer. As a result, the 900-year-old tombstone will not only be seen as a memorial in this text, but also as a performance of one man?s faith and as representing the core message of the early Christian church.The tombstone is a rarity in Swedish art history and well worth a closer examination.

Hur tron finner ankarfäste. Pastorers informationssökande i sin andliga tjänst

This Master?s thesis concerns the information behaviour of pastors in nonconformist churches (especially new evangelical and Baptist church communions) in Sweden in their spiritual service to the local parish. The thesis also looks into how the information flow functions in the pastors? context and why the information need appears as it does. The theory used in this study is contextual analysis based on Buckland?s, Weber?s and Patrick Wilson?s theories on authority and power structures.

Moder Jord i kyrkorummet? : En undersökning av kopplingarna mellan det kristna och det fornnordiska i Vester Egede kyrkans dopfunt som objekt och vad angår motivval, tolkning och dopritual.

A church in rural Vester Egede from the earliest Christian period in Denmark e.g. the early 1100, a baptismal font is found showing a woman breastfeeding two animals. She is said to be a typical early roman Luxuria, in mild appearance. However, what makes her unique is that she appears standing on the top of her head, her womb serving as font. The main question is how come that a baptismal font like this is to be found in a church, leading to the sub question, if this font really has a Christian origin or could it be rooted in Norse, pre-Christian tradition, alternatively is the font an expression of a syncretism between the two colliding cultures.

Eskilstunakistornas bruk och återbruk : Tidigkristna gravmonument i Östergötland under medeltiden

This paper studies the fragmentation and reuse of early christian monuments ("eskilstunakistor") in churches in Östergötland during the medieval period. This is found to have been done in two stages. The first stage shows a collectivization of society. Within religion the change from ancestoral cult towards the saints' cult is important as the fragments are reused like relics. During the second stage the collectivization has been fulfilled, and the reuse is instead part of the christian churches' strategy for incorporating old powerful symbols from the landscape into their own church building..

Alla ska bli konnässörer : Individualisering, gemenskap och svettiga hästar i Levande livet 1983-1984

A part of the Swedish TV-show Levande livet that aired between 1983 and 1984 was devoted to wine. This was the first time a wine tasting was being broadcasted in Sweden. Terms as ?sweaty horse? and ?moulded pile of leaves? ? that the wine connoisseurs Carl Jan Granqvist and Knut-Christian Gröntoft used to describe the wines ? became objects of both appreciation and ridicule. Their way of talking about wine reminds of Robert Parker?s wine language, which grew of importance from the 1970s and onwards.                      The purpose of this thesis is to try to write a history of taste.

Ideologiska likheter eller olikheter? : En analys av de borgerliga partiernas möjligheter för sammanslagningar

Title: Similarities or differences within the centre-right? A study of the potential for party fusions within in the Swedish centre-rightAuthor: Charlie WeimersAim: The thesis seeks to find the potential for party fusions within the Swedish centre-right by analyzing the ideological similarities and differences between the parties.Method/Material: In the thesis, four dimensions of the parties? ideologies are analyzed: view of man, theory for societal structures, fiscal theory and moral values. The results of the study of the ideologies are then compared. The investigation is done with the party manifestos as starting point and with the analysis of ideas as theoretical tool.Main Results: The comparative analysis, based on the parties? ideological views, shows specific party constellations are more probable than others.

"Inte andra klassens kristen" : En fallstudie om Queermässan i Stockholm

Within this essay a study is made of an LGBTQ-orientated Christian service in Stockholm called Queer Service. The following questions seek to be answered: What reasons does an individual set for his/hers participation in Queer Service? Which aspects of a queer service highlight the participants as important to them?As a method to answer these questions, the author has observed a number of queer church services in autumn of 2012. Moreover communication within the group of the assembly on the social media page Facebook has been followed and five individuals from the Queer Service congregation have been interviewed. As a background to the study, the European religious climate seen from Grace Davies eyes is depicted.  The reader also learns of how the Swedish church has handled questions about homosexuality and bisexuality and what liberation theology is.

De medeltida målningarna i Arbrå kyrka : en typologisk tolkning

The aim of this essay is to investigate the murals in the church of Arbrå, what they portrait and how they can be linked to medieval typology as described in Biblia Pauperum (BP), the Poor Man?s Bible. The aim is also to find out what the purpose was to paint medieval churches and what the function of the paintings was. Arbrå Church was painted around 1520-1530, and almost all of the motifs from the Old Testament can be directly traced back to BP as can one motif from the New Testament. Together these paintings represent most of the important events which make out the foundation of the Christian Cult.

Runstenar i kyrkomiljö, en länk mellan hednisk tradition och kristen tro? : En studie av senvikingatida runstenar anknutna till kyrkor i Jönköpings län.

The connection between rune stones and churches is a known phenomenon. Unfortunately, very little is known about the previous function of the church sites, and consequently very little is known about what the connection between rune stones and churches means. The purpose of this study is to examine the rune stones connected to churches in the administrative province of Jönköping, in an effort to ascertain their purpose, symbolism and function. The aim is to find out if the rune stones connected to churches were primarily or secondarily placed on the site where the church was later built, and why some rune stones were built into the churches. Further, the inscriptions and iconography of rune stones have been analysed, and also their relation to their immediate surroundings.

A.C.E.-pedagogiken med sikte på religionsundervisningen

Jag har genomfört en studieresa till A.C.E.-Tabor, Danmark, där jag studerat en annorlunda pedagogik, A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education), som bygger på individualiserad undervisning med eleven i centrum och där eleven själv sätter sina studiemål.Det som särskilt väckt mitt intresse är att man utgår från bibeln i undervisningen och försöker lära eleverna efterfölja Jesu karaktärsdrag, som avspeglas i undervisningsmaterialet och lärarnas förhållningssätt. Jag har försökt finna idéer och tankar inom pedagogiken som skulle kunna berika vår religionsundervisning. För att få en bild av hur religionsundervisningen bedrivs i dagens svenska skolor, har jag använt mig av en enkät, som låg- och mellanstadielärare fått besvara.Av enkäten framgår det att så gott som alla lärare använder sig av bibeln i undervisningen, främst som uppslagsbok för egen förberedelse och för att visa omfång och uppläggning. Etik och moral anses viktigt, men många skulle gärna ha mer kunskap i ?ämnet?..

Nådastolen : att förmedla andlighet : ett skissuppdrag för Kalmar nya Pingstkyrka

Is it possible to convey spirituality through art and material culture? Is it possible to renew art within the traditional church so that it appeals and is understandable for the modern man? These are the fundamental questions of my master´s work, which has it´s starting point in a public commission for an artistic contribution to the new Pentecostal church in Kalmar. The work also addresses the question whether there is a need for symbolism, art and sacred objects also within the Pentecostal movement, a traditionally strong image hosting environment. If so, how is it possible to bring this in to the church without completely breaking with the tradition and ideology of the movement? I want to communicate the Christian message in a renewed way, and in this particular project also highlight the importance of using images also within the Pentecostal movement.

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