

4666 Uppsatser om Children with defective vision - Sida 23 av 312

Fyra barns erfarenheter via interaktion - ett nedslag i tiden

The purpose of my study is to examine how children through interaction are recognized and understood by other children and teachers at the preschool for one hour in the afternoon. This study gives voice to what young children in preschool do after snack. The overall purpose of this study is to find out what young children's experiences will be in preschool through interaction. The purpose of my research is to gain knowledge about how the time and opportunity for interaction exists between children 1;7-2;5 years, and educators as well as other children, and how this interaction appears during afternoon activities in the preschool.My research questions are:1) What experiences do children get in terms of their development of identity for one hour in the afternoon? 2) How does the interaction that the youngest children are involved in during the afternoon appear? And how long time does every occasion last? The study is based on the interactionist perspective and systems theory.

Framsta?llningen av barn i den nya sexualbrottslagen : en inneha?llsanalys baserad pa? fo?rarbeten

The last major change occurred in 2005 when the new sexual offenses law came into force with an increased focus on children. The purpose of this study is that through a content analysis to identify and understand the construction of children in the new legislation on sexual offenses on the basis of preliminary work. Based on the purpose we came up with two questions: How are children constructed in the preparatory works to the new sexual offenses law? Are they attributed to child characteristics and responsibilities in the new legislation on sexual offenses and if so, how? In order to achieve the purpose of the study we have chosen the preparatory works to the new legislation on sexual offenses from 2005 until today. The study's empirical work has been further narrowed to the children, which means that a distinction is made in the new legislation on sexual offenses to 6 chapter 4-6 §§.

Från Balkan till Sverige : Ungdomars indentitet och historia

The purpose of this essay is to shed some light upon the children who grew up in Sweden after their parents fled the war in former Yugoslavia. Did the parents spread their own opinions about the other ethnicities which they fought against in the war to the children, even though they live in a new country? And if so, was it an act of patriotism for the country they once lived in and who was to blame for the war? Did the children who grew up in Sweden share the same attitudes as their parents? To find out about this we used interviews with four people, all with heritage from former Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Croatia. What we found out was that the thoughts from the parents partially were passed down to their children, even though the children thought that they had formed their own opinions. In this case the thoughts didn?t relate to any kind of patriotism or who to blame for the war, they rather believed that they shouldn?t blame the other ethnic groups for the war.

Vad lockar barn till aktivitet och rörelse på förskolegården?

The purpose of this study was to investigate what attracts children to activity and movement on the playground in a central and municipal preschool in a town located in middle of Sweden. The method was to use a qualitative group interview with five children, two girls and three boys, at the age of five. The interview consisted of a general question about what kids think is fun to do on the playground and was complemented with follow-up questions depending on what the children said. A qualitative interview with a preschool teacher and observations were carried out in the hope that they would confirm what children claimed about play and movement. This study showed a gender difference when girls like to swing together while the boys are making the swinging for a contest.

Ikoner för barn : Om användandet av ikoner som skyltning på Stadsbibliotekets barnavdelning

The City Library has a problem getting children interested in reading. Futhermore, there are no clear signs to aid children to navigate themselves to books targeted to their age group. To solve this problem, this thesis aims to design signs that is both illustrative and informative.Of the images that were tested during the research, I would assume that children in such a wide age range requires the simplest level of abstraction from testing the three testing icons, since the second level of abstraction was not interesting enough for the kids. The third, nearphotorealistic level was most liked by the children who were in the city library more often and looked for books themselves..

Mobbning i skolan : En studie om omfattningen av mobbning riktad mot funktionshindrade och orsaken till detta

Bullying in schools is a big social problem in today?s society and it affects the children exposed in a very negative way. The aim of my paper is to find out if there is a group of students who gets bullied by other students more often than others. I want to study if children with functional disabilities get more bullied than children without functional disabilities and,if this is the case ? why is it so?My questions are:Are children with functional disabilities particularly exposed to bullying?How is bullying prevented?In order to get my results I have made three qualitative interviews and analyzed two debate articles concerning bullying of the disabled.

Förskolebarn i naturen : Undersökning om barns behov av utevistelse

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to examine how preschool children experience nature and how the educationalists at the preschool can make nature more exciting and support the children?s personal growth. I have also studied what the educationalists of the preschool do and what they can do to make nature more interesting and playful for the children. Observations and interviews have been conducted at a preschool in a small town. The preschool is situated close to nature, that is, close to a small forested area.

Fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial för förskolebarn : Vilka ord kan ingå?

The present project is a first step towards a new Swedish assessment tool to examine phonological ability in preschool-aged children. The work consisted of developing a word list with words that was considered to reveal a child?s phonological ability and to try out the word list on pre-school children. The reason was to make sure that the words existed in the vocabulary of the children in the chosen ages. A word list consisting of 109 words, which convey relevant phonological information, was created.

Barn och preoperativa förberedelser : Hur upplever barn olika förberedelser inför en elektiv operation?

AbstractBackground: An elective surgery can be something new that is frightening and unpleasant. The children and their individual needs are not always considered when surgery is prepared. Children?s needs differ and depend on their sense of coherence. Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate how children experience preparations before elective surgery.

Samtalsmatta som kommunikationsstödjande redskap för gruppsamtal i förskolan

The aim of the study was to examine the impact of the use ofTalking Mats in group conversations with preschool children. Two preschoolteachers and eight preschool children, aged 4-5, took part in one of twoconversational groups with one teacher and four children in each group. Thegroups were video-taped during four group conversations on two topics, withand without the use of Talking Mats. The amount of time for each child inthe conversation was calculated, the child?s communicative contributionswere coded and thereafter the extent to which their views were noticed wasanalyzed.

Mattias flygare och hans kamrater : Diagnos eller inte? En vetenskaplig essä om Adhd och dess likheter med symtomen kring stress

The purpose of this essay is to raise and discuss children?s problems with concentration in two areas, stress and Adhd, where the symptoms are similar to each other. During recent years I have experienced how "difficult" children increasingly have been diagnosed and "stamped" with various combinations of letters. Because of my own children?s diagnoses, this has raised my interest in studying children´s modes of expression and behavior, and I have come to question whether many children who receive a diagnosis of Adhd really are afflicted by it.

Informationsutbytesavtal med USA : Är FATCA förenligt med svensk rätt och EU-rätt?

AbstractMany of the refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

Möjlighet till ett värdigt liv : Ett föräldraperspektiv på barns delaktighet och livskvalitet genom personlig assistans

The purpose of this study was to illustrate a parental perspective of children´s participation and quality of live through personal assistance. Important aspects of parents' experiences were highlighted based on how they experienced participation and quality of life for their children. We chose to use a qualitative approach in the form of four individual interviews with parents from different municipalities in central Sweden. The study was conducted with a narrative approach in which we used a holistic perspective. Parents' experiences were highlighted over time to create a complete picture.

Barn som vistas på kvinnohus : En fördjupning av Oasenmodellen som arbetsmetod

At the Women?s House in Örebro, a children?s project has started where the work method ?Oasen? [Oasis] model has been developed by two children?s educationists. The aim of this study is, with the ?Oasen? model as a starting point, to deepen the knowledge of (1) how to meet children?s central needs while staying at a Women?s House and (2) what the ?Oasen? model may contribute to the children. The theoretical framework consists of a cognitive approach to the progress of children experiencing domestic violence and a presentation of conceptions concerning children?s needs.

Barnbokens kön Genusaspekter i litteratur och hos aktörer på marknaden

This Master's thesis examines some aspects of children's books for 9-12 year olds, and the children's books market, from a gender perspective. The main objective is to make a gender analysis of attitudes among children and other agents in the book market towards children's books of different qualities. Children's reflections on gender roles in the books and the importance of gender aspects for publishers in the field, are investigated. A combination of methods are used, including literary analyses, surveys of publication lists of the BTJ group Bibliotekstjänst interviews with children and questionnaires sent to children as well as to Swedish publishers of children's books. The analysis of children's books clearly shows that images of gender roles vary in different kinds of books which supports theories of gendered literature.

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