

4666 Uppsatser om Children with defective vision - Sida 17 av 312

Fritidshemmens förebyggande arbete mot diskriminering, trakassering och kränkande behandlingar : En jämförelse mellan två fritidshem

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

"Frukostklubben": en studie av en gruppverksamhet för barn med skilda föräldrar i Vellinge kommun

We chose to study the groups for divorced children in Vellinge municipal because there was no evaluation made of these kinds of groups with the involved methods.Vellinge municipal has had groups for children to divorced parents since 2000. During this period of time the total numbers of children in these groups have expanded. As of now, there are two groups.Our goal with this study was to see which way the CAP, Children Are People, manual has been implemented in the every-day work in the group. Several studies have been made about CAP but not in the context of groups for divorced children. We have also examined results in other municipals that have implemented groups for divorced children into their social services.We have interviewed ten children and four social workers.

Det stör inte ? det sticker lite i ögonen bara : En fallstudie om ensamkommande barns boende och grannskapskontakters betydelse för integration

In recent times the number of children and youth, that have been forced to flee to Sweden due to various circumstances, has increased. The majority of said children and youth seek refuge along with their parents. In recent years, however, the count of this mentioned group, coming separately from their parents, has gradually increased. Children in such situations are called unaccompanied children. A knowledge gap in previous research, regarding the commitment of unaccompanied children, might be filled by neighborhood attentiveness to residential care homes i.e.

Barns uppfattningar om fritidshemmet som en lärandemiljö

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

Barn och stress : En studie om fritidspedagogers erfarenheter kring stressade barn på fritidshem

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

Att leva i en aktiv värld : svenska och danska barns umgänge med pedagoger i en virtuell värld

In my study I have participated at the Fifth Dimension / Active Worlds site in Villa Gymnastiken in Ronneby, where I have worked both as an assistant to the project leader and as a researcher, but also as a participant together with the children. The children are working in a virtual world called Femtedim, created in a internet-based program named Active Worlds Education Universe. The Femtedim-world are bridging together two physical worlds in Ronneby and Copenhagen. My main focus is on an intervention that occurred in the 12th of March when the research-team in Copenhagen, which runs the project in Denmark, decided to create a new challenge for the children since some of them started to get bored. They added gravitation to the Femtedim-world, which lead to a few different reactions among the children.

Genus i barnböcker

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare how womanliness and manliness reveal themselves in different children?s books, mainly focusing on the concept of gender, in both text and images aspects. The questions I have chosen to interrogate are the following:How is the male and female role represented in children's books from a gender perspective, in both images and texts? What gender is generally the main character in children's books? What clothes are the characters wearing in children's books? What kind of occupations do the characters practice in children's books? What kind of qualities or attributes do the characters possess in children's books?When it comes to the selection of the method, I have chosen the use a qualitative method, where I use both a text and image analysis. The essay is based on Hirdman's and Hardning's gender theories and alsow on Nikolajeva's theorie about male and female.

Mjölk, gluten och ADHD : En litteraturundersökning om mjölk och glutens påverkan hos barn med ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming a more common diagnosis of younger children. In recent years the perception that some ingredients in our food may have a negative effect regarding the symptoms in children with ADHD has grown stronger. Children with ADHD often suffer from irritated bowel syndromes which affect their ability to digest food. This may result in malnutrition as well as a release of substances that are harmful.The purpose of this report is to compile and illustrate the knowledge of how special food, particular milk protein and gluten, may affect the symptoms of children with ADHD. Also, the report aims to evaluate if there should be changes made in Kindergarten to increase the well-being of these children.

Hur främjar förskollärare barns motorik i förskolan och hur viktig anser de att den är?

AbstractThis work is about children?s motor activity. You can often hear in media about sedentary children, and that one of the factors which contributed to this is computers and things like that. The main goal with this work is to find out how preschool teachers take care of children?s joy of movement and how they work to promote children?s progress of motor activity.

Att rimma och ramsa i förskolan : Förskollärares erfarenheter kring arbete med barns språkutveckling

The aim of this paper was to contribute to knowledge about how preschool-teachers work with the development of children?s spoken language in preschool.The study was conducted through interviews with four preschool-teachers working at the same preschool with one to five year old children. Through the interviews I came to learn about the preschool teachers experience concerning their work with development of children?s spoken language.The results show that the preschool teachers used pedagogical tools like songs, movements, rimes, jungles and stories in their work to develop the children?s spoken language. They said that conflicts and exclusion among children in a group could be a result of differences in language skills.

Portfolio som arbetsverktyg i förskola och skola - barns beskrivningar av sin portfolio

The study sheds light on pupils individual plans of development and portfolios from the perspective of children. It has an ethnographic standpoint. It was carried out on children and pupils in pre-school, pre-school class and third grade. By further investigating how children and pupils use their individual development plans and portfolios, in which settings and to whom they communicate them, this study is able to grasp the discourse that is created around the instrument itself. This study is also interested in and aims to find the theoretical frame, in essence, which envelops both the construction of childhood and children?s own activities within the limitations and opportunities that this structure offers.

Flyktingbarn med Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom : Hjälp de behöver och får

The aim of this research paper was to examine the help required by refugee children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition to this, we also examined the help the refugee children are currently receiving. We have examined this from the perspective of the theory of the ecology of human development. The method we used was qualitative and we conducted eleven profound interviews with professionals working with the target group in question. The essential questions were; which needs, according to the professionals, do refugee children with PTSD have, what characterises the professional's work to help the children and what possibilities and obstacles there are in giving the children optimal help.The results strongly conclude that it is important for the children's development to have at least one supportive adult in their surrounding, a positive experience at school and during leisure activities.

En vetenskaplig essä om utomhuspedagogikens möjligheter och svårigheter för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter

This scientific essay is based on four self-perceived situations that all takes place in an outdoor environment. The children are aged seven to nine years. At least one of the children in the groups has some type of concentration difficulties. I have combined my practical experience with literature and previous research regarding outdoor education and children with concentration difficulties. Based on this I have tried to interpret and reflect on the opportunities and problems with outdoor education for children with concentration difficulties, especially so called situational concentration difficulties.

Smålands Entreprenörs Akademi, SEA : En studie i vision, fantasi och kreativitet

The aim of the study was to show whether or not there exists, and if so, to understand, a common creativity, vision and imagination of the members of Småland?s Entrepreneurial Academy?s organisation.The method used for this research is the fictive narrative collage , which consists of the collection of fictive stories. The author has also made her own additions to the method. A composer composes songs to the narratives, two artists illustrate the narratives. The research is carried out on the total population within Småland?s Entrepreneurial Academy which consists of 10 permanent members of the organisation.The theory focuses on different areas, such as creativity, vision and imagination as well as on the entrepreneur and the organisation.

Kvalitet i fritidshem : En studie om pedagogers tankar kring kvalitet på en skolas fritidshem

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

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