

3947 Uppsatser om Children of dysfunctional parents - Sida 8 av 264

Vilka faktorer har inverkan på motivationen, utifrån fastighetsmäklareperspektivet? : Ändras de här faktorerna under mäklarkarriären?

The aim of the study was to understand how the family home secretary reasons and thinks and how they express themselves in their actions towards the family home?s biological children. The method used is qualitative semi-structured interviews, involving six family home secretaries from four different municipalities. The results were analyzed with the help of two theories ? the theory of grassroots bureaucracy and the sociology of childhood theory.

Första mötet med förskolan : en kvalitativ studie om olika inskolningformer på fyra förskolor

This is a qualitative study with four interviews, in four different preschools, in the same municipality. By making it so, it becomes a case study to describe a phenomenon in a municipality which also is the definition for this investigation. The purpose of my study is to examine what it means, in a municipality, to have different types of introduction at preschool. Where I ask the question why preschools choose to have a specific method of introduction and what are the basics and ideas behind the choice of the method? What significance do these different methods have to attachment theory? What do teachers think about the advantages and disadvantages with their choice of method?The versions of introductions are many and may vary; the duration of the introduction may vary from 1-3 days up to 3 weeks.

Föräldrars upplevelse att bo i familjerum på neonatalavdelning

Introduction: Today caring for newborn, sick babies or premature infants is in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). There is an opportunity in NICUs for advanced critical care and skilled nursing care of the child, conducted by health professionals in an active partnership with parents. To encourage parental participation in the care of their children parents are offered accommodation in a family room in the NICU. Objective: The aim is to describe parents' experience to stay in a family room in the NICU when their child is cared for there. Method: This is a research plan for a qualitative study with an inductive, descriptive approach.

Man har henne bara till låns : Adoptivföräldrars förhållningssätt till föräldraskapet och sina barns biologiska ursprung

The aim of this study was to examine how adoptive parents related to parenting and how they related to their children?s biological origin. Issues that were used were how adoptive parents described their own parenting, how they described their own thoughts about their children eventually wanting to search their biological origin and how adoptive parents described the child´s country of birth attitudes towards adoptees wishes to search their biological origin. The method used was qualitative research interviews. The theory that was used for analyzing the collected data was attachment theory.

Föräldrars sätt att kommunicera med sina barn före och efter KomIGång-kommunikationskurs

The purpose of the study was to examine if parents' way ofcommunicating with their children changed after participation in ComAlongcommunicationcourse, and if changes remained over time. The studyinvolved 39 parents of 25 children with communicative disabilities. 33 of theparents had participated in ComAlong, the other six had not participated, buthad a partner who had participated in the course. Video recorded parentchildinteraction was analyzed and coded with the instrumentKOMMUNIKATIV. Results showed that parents used a significantly moreresponsive communication style and used significantly more augmentativeand alternative communication after ComAlong.

Några förskollärares syn på föräldrakontakten i förskolan

Preschool is a place where children, parents and teachers meet. Preschool is for children but also for the parents, they should feel confident about the place where they leave their children. We who made this study have a common interest to examine how teachers´ attitudes to parental contact in preschool works. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers relate to parental contact.What do the educators think of their professionalism in the profession? Do educators believe that parental contact is important? And how do they work to obtain a good parent contact?The study has three questioners holder: How does teachers relate to parental contact in preschool?What do the educators think of their professionalism in the profession? And how visible educators child development and learning in daily contact with parents?We chose to do qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers at two different preschools in Sweden, to seek answers to our questions.

Utvärdering utav effekten av obturatbehandling vid restspalt/fistel hos barn med total läpp-, käk- och gomspalt

On children born with a complete cleft lip and palate (CLP) the repair of the alveolar ridge doesn´t take place before the children are about ten years old. This results in that they have a residual cleft in the alveolar ridge during their early childhood. This residual cleft, and the oronasal fistulas that may appear after the repair of the hard palate, can result in a negative influence on the speech of the children. Thereby it may be necessary with cover for examplewith a palatal plate or an obturator. At the Department of Orthodontics, at Linköping University Hospital, Sweden, some of the children with CLP undergo treatment with sustained palatal fistula obturation in order to cover fistulas or residual clefts.

Möjlighet att tillgodose barns behov vid långvarigt uppbärande av försörjningsstöd : En kvantitativ studie genomförd i Enköpings kommun under hösten 2012

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether parents that obtain long-term maintenance support in Enköping, consider the support as adequate when trying to meet their children's basic needs. The thesis also intends to investigate whether parents experience that their children, because they receive income support, have been socially excluded or stigmatized in their daily lives because of the family?s maintenance support. Further, the thesis aims to examine if there are any discrepancies in the above mentioned issue in relation to how long the parents have received maintenance support. Theoretical starting points used in this thesis mainly consist of the child perspective, social exclusion and the stigmatization theory.

Familjehemmens biologiska barn : Berättelser om att växa upp med fostersyskon

Children, who grow up in families, where their parents have decided to take care of a foster child on a commission of the social welfare services, are not often given the possibility to tell about their experience of having foster siblings, in research and other studies. The aim of this study was to give biological children, in these families, a chance to tell their narratives of growing up with foster siblings, creating opportunities for families, who might have plans to take care of foster children in the future. They can get a picture of how it could be for the family´s own children. The biological children got the opportunity to tell their narrative stories including the relationships in their families and how they were looking forward into their own future and family life. The used theory takes part in systemic thinking, looking at the family as an organization and how identities are created in relationships and in communication.

Barn och religion : En studie om barns tankar om sin egen religion och andras religion

The objective of the essay has been the studying of the importance of religion for children. To answer and satisfy my objective, I have some questions: How do children talk about their own and others? religions? In what way do children associate themselves to religion? Which meaning does religion have for children?s identities? Which thoughts rise about religiontuition in the school?To answer the problem formulation, I have done a qualitative interview study with five children of different religious and cultural backgrounds in a Swedish communal school. The results showed that children?s thoughts about religion are mostly inherited from the parents.

Mamma, pappa, barn och personlig assistent : en undersökning om fyra föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med personlig assistans till sina barn

The purpose with this study was to investigate how parents experience their situation in life, having personal assistance at home to support their small children with disabilities. Different areas were investigated. What made them apply for personal assistance? How does the support affect the family and their parenthood? What would it mean if their children would not have personal assistance? The study was made using a qualitative method and the material was gathered through interviews. A combination of symbolic interactionism and system theory were used as theoretical perspectives.

LUFT : barnperspektiv på utvecklingsarbetet BUSS

In 2002 the Norrköping municipality decided to establish a number of supportive teams and one teaching group with the purpose of developing alternative supporting efforts for children with social problems. This development work came to be called BUSS. BUSS today consists of four local teams, team Ett, team Norra, team Torpet and the Mathson School.The teams? focus, beyond the commission from Norrköping municipality, is to reduce the number of children being placed outside their own homes, get them to function in school, develop their self-confidence and social competence. Also their task is to support parents and take up a functional spare time for the children.

Hur mår dagens skolbarn? : En studie av skolbarns hälsa inom Umeå kommun.

The purpose of this survey was to map out the health pf some of the 11 and 12 years old children in the city of Umeå, as well as to find out what factors intend to influense the children´s health. A questionnaire was distributed in four 6th grade classes whitin the municipality of Umeå. Two of the schools were located in the city while two were located in near villages. This selection was decided in order to map out diffrences in health related to the children´s home environment. 80 pupils took part of this study.

Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom

How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients? needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle.

Styvföräldraskapet : ? Ett föräldraskap bland flera

The purpose of this study is to perform a description of how parents experience their life in a stepfamily and to examine how the parents experience the involvement from their new partner in the children?s upbringing. The issues are: (i) which expectations do the parent has on their new partner in the role as stepparent to the child, (ii) how active does the parent experience their new partners? step parenting concerning the stepchild and (iii) how does the parent expect the new family to take shape? A qualitative study has been done through interviews. The participants were sex biological parents, of which four were fathers and two mothers.

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